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Here, now. (America isn't the nicest country in the world, but its inflated economy, though now admittedly falling, sure gives the middle class a nice standard of living.)


Or possibly Sweden, now, or France, now.


To be honest, I have no interest in living in the past. I love history, but I'm not enthusiastic about giving my loyalty to the British king, or having an average life-span of 50 years, or having to eat sheet food because refrigeration didn't exist, or dieing from diseases because anti-biotics aren't around, etc.

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201 years ago, India/Europe. I'd kill my great (insert more greats here) grandfather from both sides of the family, and then I would cease to exist. OWAIT. But then I wouldn't exist. OWAIT. But then my grandfathers would. OWAIT. But then I woud. OWAIT. But then I would kill them. Et cetera.

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Here, early 2008.


201 years ago' date=' India/Europe. I'd kill my great (insert more greats here) grandfather from both sides of the family, and then I would cease to exist. OWAIT. But then I wouldn't exist. OWAIT. But then my grandfathers would. OWAIT. But then I woud. OWAIT. But then I would kill them. Et cetera.



You make my day.

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