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My Stomach is leaking through my Groin Muscles!


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I thought we had a discussion about this? That needle injecting to your groin thing?


Anyways' date=' I only got some painkillers when I went to the dentist, she had to pull a few baby teeth out for some reason.



Yeah, that was about Hernias. This is about all Operations and medical experiences.

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My dog has a hernia of the stomach. He might never need an op though.


I've never had any operations, I think I may have nearly had a minor one when I was born. Only other thing I've had done is 3 teeth out with one having a 1 inch (maybe longer) root.

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My dog has a hernia of the stomach. He might never need an op though.


I've never had any operations' date=' I think I may have nearly had a minor one when I was born. Only other thing I've had done is 3 teeth out with one having a 1 inch (maybe longer) root.



With "Ouch!" and blood and stuff? Ó.Ò!

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I broke my wrist (both bones, the ulna sort of bulging out, and the radius was twisted around itself) playing football back in 6th grade.


The doctor was somehow able to set it without cutting me open; closed reduction surgery. I still needed anesthesia though, because it would still hurt tremendously.


Anywho, before I went into surgery, the anesthesiologist came into my room and asked me if I knew who he was. I responded "Yes, you're the guy that gets sued if I don't wake up". He just laughed nervously (my father was there, and he actually is a lawyer XD).



Oh, and I hated that stupid little bottle I was supposed to use as a toilet at my bed, so I would just stand up, drag the big IV tower thing to the bathroom with my good arm, close the door so just the tubes could get through, go about my business, and drag it back to my bed.

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Exactly what I said it was nearly 90 degrees wrong from the surrounding teeth's line, when I went through a stage of biting my tongue (bad habit) it was in great position, dunno why it grew that way, I've still got a small gap from where it was taken out several years ago

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Apparently my dick is but a stub so they'll have to add a part of a mouse's =[


I've been scheduled twice but both of the times I had female surgeons and they ended up laughing so hard they knocked the microscope off the table and broke it.


Cyber Altair, I'm real happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but I fixed it for you.

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Apparently my dick is but a stub so they'll have to add a part of a mouse's =[


I've been scheduled twice but both of the times I had female surgeons and they ended up laughing so hard they knocked the microscope off the table and broke it.


Cyber Altair' date= I'm real happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but I fixed it for you.



A victory beyond all counts.


I've never been operated on. IMO there is no such thing as a dick that is too long so I've never really needed an operation =/

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