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Just wrong.


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I just remembered something last Valentines Day.


There was a televised event (for what reason I don't know).

The event was focused on young/teen couples (since of course it was Valentines) and then the stage was occupied by 2 lovers. The man knelt down and proposed to his girl with a ring in his hand; and she said yes. Happily ever after.


Or is it?

And then it hit me.

That was just unfair.

I understand it was romantic. Propose to a girl on Valentines Day on Live TV. Not bad. The thing that's been bothering me was the girl's situation.


The pressure was just too high and the condition was too critical. What if she didn't want to be married? What if she said no?

I visualize the possibility of her rejecting the guy.

- Girl says no

- Boy pleads

- Girl says no

- Boy cries

- Girl leaves stage

- Boy leaves stage

- Mood changes

- Event fail

- Valentines Day ruined

- (worst case scenario - Boy ends his life the next day and newspapers with it as front page will sell like pancakes)


The results would be devastating.


The girl just didn't have the chance to give her honest answer.

If she did wanted it, good. If not, that's just messed up.

(At least in my opinion.)





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Once, the man proposed in the break of a Basketball game. He came onto the field, got a microphone and officially proposed. The girl refused and ran outside, crying. Everybody lol'd at it, but the man blushed and hid and stuff. I'm pretty sure he never became happy ever again.

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Once' date=' the man proposed in the break of a Basketball game. He came onto the field, got a microphone and officially proposed. The girl refused and ran outside, crying. Everybody lol'd at it, but the man blushed and hid and stuff. I'm pretty sure he never became happy ever again.



I've seen that...i just sat there thinking "HA!!!"

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Once' date=' the man proposed in the break of a Basketball game. He came onto the field, got a microphone and officially proposed. The girl refused and ran outside, crying. Everybody lol'd at it, but the man blushed and hid and stuff. I'm pretty sure he never became happy ever again.



I've seen that...i just sat there thinking "HA!!!"


Really, thinking about it, the man actually deserved it.

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Your not going to propose to some one on TV if you think their is a chance their going to say no.


Also getting engaged =/= married. If memory serves I was told that a good number of people that get engaged don't even get married so unless you get married in a few weeks after getting engaged (which is never the case since most people take at least a year to finally say "I do") you have a lot of time to have second thoughts.

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i think its better not to ask on tv because if the person your asking answers no 1. people will laugh 2. they can watch it millions of times on the internet or on rerunds 3. ya it may be romantic but do your really want all those people to see you it should be with only you two in a romantic place but thats just my opinion

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