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The Best Yugioh Cards 2009

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2009 has passed and I think that it'll be good to make a list of the top 10 yugioh card released this year.



Don't just randomly give your list. Make a few suggestions and explain them.


The cards must be released in the TCG in 2009.


Only posts card that made big impact on the game.


Obviously DSF is 1st.


My suggestions:

Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind - Became a staple and along with Dark Strike Fighter and Black Whirlwind, made Blackwings one of the best decks in the yugioh history.


Black Whirlwind - See above.


X - Saber Airbellum - Created the Rescue Cat deck. More than 'nuff said.


Gladiator Beast Samnite - The reason why GBs were still a good deck, last format.


I am too lazy to post more :D

The list:

10: Tragoedia

9: Deep Sea Diva

8: Dark End Dragon

7: Arcanite Magician

6: X - Saber Airbellum

5: Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor

4: Summoner Monk

3: Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

2: Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

1: Dark Strike Fighter




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Here's my first draft:


1. DSF (single-handily was responsible for the abominable DSF OTK meta).

2. Brionac (He is now a staple, and will never stop being a staple until the day he is banned).

3. Black Whirlwind (responsible for the BW deck that has had a presence at every single jump since it's release).

4. Vayu (Defines modern blackwings).

5. Airbellum (Created rescue-cat OTK that was probably the most horrifyingly awful meta deck since Chaos).

6. Gale (Since it came out, it's been a common card not just in BWs but in other decks as well).

7. Hidden Armory (Makes equips playable again).

8. Samnite (Reasons stated).

9. Tragoedia (French Twilight anyone?)

10. Can't really think of anything right now... maybe REDMD? He came out in 2009, right?

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Arcanite Magician destroy 2 cards i mean come on everyone likes this + awesome in rescue synch.

Blackwing Armor Master besides BRD and the banned DSF this is a very good lv 7.

Dark End Dragon not a shonen jump prize card for nothing.

Deep Sea Diva, best tuner this year in my book, even better than gale.

BRIONAC could even be better than DSF.

Beast King Barbaros major impact on skill drain.

Tragoedia, just look at gorz.


Not in that order but that's the 10 best we got this year.

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* Crimson Crisis

* Raging Battle

* Ancient Prophecy

* Stardust Overdrive

* Hidden Arsenal


JUMP PROMOS RELEASED IN 09 - Gandora the Dragon of Destruction, Dandylion, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, Chimeratech Fortress Dragon, Beast King Barbaros, Tragoedia, Genesis Dragon, Orichalcos Shunoros, Darkness Neosphere, Obelisk the Tormentor


STRUCTURE DECK CARDS IN 09 - Endymion, the Master Magician, Disenchanter, Defender, the Magical Knight, Summoner Monk, Magical Citadel of Endymion, Spell Power Grasp, Phoenix Gearfried, Evocator Chevalier, Featherizer, Gemini Soldier, Supervise, Hidden Armory, X-Saber Anu Piranha, Road Synchron, Powered Tuner, X-Saber Airbellum, X-Saber Galahad, Pride of the Weak, Gottoms' Emergency Call, Road Warrior


DUELIST PACK CARDS IN 09 - Fortress Warrior, Tuningware, Armory Arm, Give and Take, Limiter Overload


OTHER PROMOS - Winged Kuriboh LV9, Regretful Rebirth, Worm Bait, Warm Worm, Infernity Guardian, Infernity Archfiend, Infernity Dwarf, Skull Flame, Burning Skull Head, Supersonic Skull Flame, Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode



* Gold Series 2009

* Retro Pack 2

* Duelist Pack - Yugi


This should help a bit

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1: Judgment Dragon

2: Dark Armed Dragon

3: Dark Strike Fighter

4: Brionac' date=' Dragon of the Ice Barrier

5: Blackwing Armor Master

6: Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

7: Tragoedia

8: Plaguespreader Zombie

9: Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

10: Solemn Judgment



The cards must be released in the TCG in 2009.

Don't just randomly give your list. Make a few suggestions and explain them.


I am going to make a list based on the few ideas that you gave and put it in the OP.

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I wich year was Mezuki released?


If not this year:

1: DSF (Obviously)

2: Brionac (Started a revolution)

3: Gale (Fu**in best BW evar)

4: BWW (Duh)

5: Was Plaguespread Zombie released this year? (Started era of Synchro Spam)

6: Vayu (Totally different way of Synchro Summoning)

7: Tragoedia (Hell, yeah)

8: Was Ryko released this year? (Best flip effect in game)

9: Airbellem (Uh huh)

10: Was Goyo Guardian released this year? (/obvious)

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You should alse give mention of cards like KYCOO who become a really Important cards this format even when he was there like from LONG AGO


I want to make the list for 2009 cards only.



I wich year was Mezuki released?


If not this year:

1: DSF (Obviously)

2: Brionac (Started a revolution)

3: Gale (Fu**in best BW evar)

4: BWW (Duh)

5: Was Plaguespread Zombie released this year? (Started era of Synchro Spam)

6: Vayu (Totally different way of Synchro Summoning)

7: Tragoedia (Hell' date=' yeah)

8: Was Ryko released this year? (Best flip effect in game)

9: Airbellem (Uh huh)

10: Was Goyo Guardian released this year? (/obvious)



Stop failing.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

1. Dark Strike Fighter; if 1 card can totally define a format, then how can it not be one of the best cards of the year? Now, if this was "Best Designed Yugioh Cards 2009", then this thing would be right at the bottom of the list.


2. Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind; This card, along with Black Whirlwind, defined the first wave of Blackwing decks, and found itself splashed into almost any deck that could afford to fit in another Tuner. A classic that will be used for years to come, assuming that lolKonami doesn't ban it for some strange reason.


3. Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor; The card that defined the second part of the Blackwing legacy. The ability to Synchro from the Grave is a powerful one indeed, especially since it's not a cost to remove Vayu, making it for all intents and purposes immune to Royal Oppression.


4. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier; This one should be obvious. A staple in Extra Decks, it allowed Zombies another shot at the limelight, no matter how hard Konami tried to bring them down. It's almost like Zombies became the anti-Lightsworn of this year, at least in this facet. All in all, a great card.


5. X-Saber Airbellum; What can be said about this card that hasn't already been said? It's the best generic target for Rescue Cat by far, it created an entire deck pretty much on its back, and it's a fair hand control card in a pinch? What's not to love?

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Missing Stardust' date=' Cold wave, JD and pals...







4 BW Gale

5 Stardust

6 Brionac

7 Chaos sorc

8 Malicious(@3)

9 Hmm... Cold wave (@3)

10 Dewloren (I went there b****es.)


Black Rose is missing, but at 1 she's not as destructive.




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my list...

1)Junk Barrage-Its effect is good to turn a duel around

2)Turbo Booster-really useful

3)Armory Arm-I think it should've bin a union monster....1st LV4 Synchro

4)Quilbolt Hedgehog-an awsome way to get armory arm(with the right tuner and monster)

5)Remote Revenge-nice card


umm thats all I really have for the 2009 year

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1- Because they both win games the turn they're summoned.

2- Requires setup but see above.

3- Classified as the top 3 tuners, grave revive, tons of ways to get it back

4- See above. Dodges bottomless and halves ATK. MMHMM.

5- Damn there invincible. Yea-huh.

6- Zombie whore.

7- Has his own deck, splashable.

8- Come ONNNNN.

9- Set up that JD summon. Too bad it affects you too.

10- Let's get all our broken cards and use them again everybody! Pretty restricted though.



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