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here's what i want:

a real deck.


now for those of you who dont understand that, there's a level of competitiveness that isn't meta and isn't bullshit. that's what i mean by real.


i dont want some meta gb-blackwing-ls-zombie bullshit (inb4"gbs arent meta": shut up baka. they're brainless and obnoxious to play with and against).


i also dont want some billy deck. and you all know what a billy deck is. its a gimmick, plain and simple. somewhere between dragoon and dark magician. its fun for 30 seconds, but it isnt a real deck as per my definition.


i dont want some otk or lockdown bullshit. theres no skill in chimeratech or simorgh-fragrance, and there's also no fun to be found. decks arent real, yo.


last, i dont want a mill deck. like, i have one... its fun, but i want a real deck, you know? where i care about lifepoints, and use monsters!


that being said, i want to make it competitive. somewhere on the level of plants and six samurai, you see? fun decks.


heres what i like and what i've made builds for, so my question to ycm is which way should i go? or are there other ideas out there?


Skull Servants are fun!

Coelacanth is cool now that DSF is banned!

Daedalus is cool too!



i'm leaning towards water; fairies are expensive and skull servants are related to zombies. what does ycm think?

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Skull Servants will get boring really soon, as their strategy is only based around giving power to the king and protecting it.


Fish monster are also pretty much 1 thing, Coelacanth Synchro Summoning and they either run out fast or you don't draw into your "key" card.


Fairy monster..... no. Try to make non-DARK/LIGHT Decks for a change.


Daedalus looks good to me. Although I assume you are looking for something more original.

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original, semi-competitive, not mainstream in any way. also, i was running coelacanth before it was cool. before swamp eel existed.

same goes for fairies. nothing meta about them. except kristya sworn, which honestly sounds like my kind of deck, if it wasnt popular. i still like the parshath build. looks fun.


i'll try building daed irl then. see if i can enjoy it.


also, i've got a friend who runs apprentice-junk-etc. i find it to be eh, but to be honest i hate synchros so much that i probably wont be able to stand it. the whole concept is broken up the ass. funking unlimited all-purpose toolbox for any deck just by duct taping a plaguespreader to it.

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Ancient Gears, they rely heavily on their monsters and their effects, plus you don't have to fear declaring an attack like you do with other monsters. They are standard, lack an OTK that doesn't require field wiping or High Risk/Reward since Roar of Threats is around, and fair quite well against meta decks, they just lack an extra umph to be meta, but they do function nicely, and can have multiple ways of going about it, Gadgets, Geartown beatown, Ultimate Antient Gear Golem, and even *Chimeretechs* all can be rotated in and out of AG builds, and Limiter Removal is a fun way to stop a battle phase.

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I'm here coercing you to play daedalus



Starting Now

Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!Play it!!!





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honestly, i dont like the destiny engine. i feel its a rather faggy way for any deck with 10-15 empty slots to draw itself out in two turns.


plasma+dogma+mali+diamonddude+doomlord+dasher (numbers and choices modified to fit your specific deck) + allure+tradein+ddraw


if you shove that basic frame into any deck, it immediately becomes 16 times better. that's funking retarded. seriously.


geminis and frogs are fun....

relinquished sounds fun too with all the new ritual support...

no anti meta, please. so tired of it.

disaster dragon? elaborate.


and heroes are fun.. a limited toolbox when you compare it to the average synchro deck, but that's not bad when you combine them... if you can... so few spaces >.<


absolute zero and chaos stun are too popular, imo.

and skill drain is anti meta >.> decks that fall apart when someone plays prohibition on one card irritate me. (yes i realize the irony with morphing jar. but at least my opponent cant heavy storm a jar). there's too much general and st destruction in this meta to enjoy playing a deck that loses the second a lyla hits the field. although with skill drain i'd have to wait with a thumb up my ass while he sides in twisters and dust tornados onto his already present heavy, trunade and mst. >.>


what is rare fish burn...



and i would run ancient gear, but i had a really annoying baka friend run it. it pissed me off then and ruined the deck type for me.

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