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TCG- I need your Help about Deck Tiers

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Guest JoshIcy

Alright... I kinda understand how the TCG works. And that often Decktypes come in Tiers. But the 2 most used (obviously) are Metagame and Tier2.


What I'd like to ask of you is a good list of all Tier 2 decks. (As I believe that CardMaking rates should be based around there for reasons I shall not explain here). And would like to help my section out the better, by understanding each of these Decks and what keeps them from being Meta etc.

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The biggest reason decks are only tier 2 is because they can't keep up with the Tier one decks. Tier one decks can often swarm really fast and have great control, and while tier 2 also has this it isn't as good as 1.


However the fact that we get a new ban list every half year plus 2 more pack in the time period often changes the tier list. The same goes for when something broken or really good support come out in the new packs.


Also you kind of picked a bad time to get a tier list since it is going to be changing in a month thanks to the new ban list so what ever we do say will be out dated in a short time.

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Guest JoshIcy

I'll follow in the month, but for now it will have to suffice.


There's an important question to ask here. That is simply "how low are your standards for the bottom of Tier 2?"


Basically able to get a 6th turn win, while still performing on its own? Not too sure.

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Well at first I think it depends on how much you have around and what is going to too.


Talking on the card making aspect, the judgement on how the cards made can fit a Real Meta Scenario shall be judged the way you are wanting many things should be seeing. For Example.


Say you wanna make a set of cards that in a deck will make a deck Tier 2. Well Tier 2 Decks often tends to accmoplish various factor like having a consistent win condition, or a decent flow it its playability, stilll can't win as fast as Tier 1 deck or doesn't have enough disrruptive tools at hand to confront those decks...

In general Tier 1 Decks tend to play recklessly and focused than other decks...they go for a overhelming play style that doesn't end up being clongy or mistaken.


Another thing I would have in mind is How the cards interact with the current card pool how their combinations and play can make up for normal decfiences among their stategies, the much of support a win conditon have doesn't mean it will be better unless that support is good enough to clash against all the other posible negative factor that goes against our way to the victory. The speed that can be given to the fullfillment of the win condition and the resourses we have to avoid those particular match ups and standar gamestyle make tier 1 decks more difficult to beat because they amount of resources is better in quality and quantity and the can easily get the upper hand while shortening the game of the opponent. Pretty much the point where tier 2 fail is that they can have and mantain this kind of focus on its game but they have a limit where they can't push anymore wherter due to shortness in their resourses or lack of the quality of certain Spots that leaves them vulnerable in some way....


I think that is more likely the difference....

Sorry if something is written bad..since I'm not an english speaker I dont tend to write this much or in this way...

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Guest PikaPerson01

Meh, in my opinion it goes:


Tier 1: Blackwings, Lightsworn, Zombies

Tier 2: Random 40 card piles of cards that have no comprehensible theme that somehow win.

Tier 3 and lower: Everything else.

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Ojunkamas and Crystal Beasts are also Tier 2. Not able to push as hard as the Tier 1 decks' date=' but maintain massive control and swarming capabilities.


EDIT: Although I have beaten several Tier 1 decks with them.



lolno. Fail.



On topic: Dimensional Eatos should be Tier 1



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Ojunkamas and Crystal Beasts are also Tier 2. Not able to push as hard as the Tier 1 decks' date=' but maintain massive control and swarming capabilities.


EDIT: Although I have beaten several Tier 1 decks with them.



lolno. Fail.



On topic: Dimensional Eatos will be Tier 1 when Starlight Road comes out



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There's an important question to ask here. That is simply "how low are your standards for the bottom of Tier 2?"


Generally Tier two decks have either Control OR Swarm Power, not both.



Gladiator Beasts

Fortune Ladies

Fish (Coleacanth)


Demise/Ritual Deck


Dimensional Fissure/Macro Decks

Six Samurai

Hopeless Dragon


Rescue Cat (maybe?)

Little City



Vayu Turbo (I'm pretty sure this is now Tier 2, as it is def. Not as competative as normal BW's)


Crystal Beasts

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Ojunkamas and Crystal Beasts are also Tier 2. Not able to push as hard as the Tier 1 decks' date=' but maintain massive control and swarming capabilities.


EDIT: Although I have beaten several Tier 1 decks with them.



lolno. Fail.



On topic: Dimensional Eatos.


Of course they're Tier 2. The description for Tier 2 was Having swarm, control, not being able to push as hard as Tier 1 decks, and have a consistant win ratio.


There's an important question to ask here. That is simply "how low are your standards for the bottom of Tier 2?"


Generally Tier two decks have either Control OR Swarm Power' date=' not both.



Gladiator Beasts

Fortune Ladies

Fish (Coleacanth)


Demise/Ritual Deck


Dimensional Fissure/Macro Decks

Six Samurai

Hopeless Dragon


Rescue Cat (maybe?)

Little City



Vayu Turbo (I'm pretty sure this is now Tier 2, as it is def. Not as competative as normal BW's)


Crystal Beasts



They do have both. Just to a lesser extent than Tier 1.

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Tier 1.

Gets multiple tops in almost every tourney. (BW, Zombie and LS)


Tier 2.

Have about 3+ tops in a format. (Anti-Meta, BEWD.dek, GB, Chaos, Absolute Zero ... etc)



Tier 3.

Bad decks that don't have more than 1 top for the whole format, but are playable. (X-Sabers, Hopeless (excluding the BEWD version), Morphtronics, etc)


Tier bad.

Everything else.

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