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Naruto: Legend of the Kyubi Shards (chapter 116 added!)


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@DMG - I'm not trying to rip off Sand Burial XD


@Fusion - Well, it's obvious she was there cause the likes to stalk Daisuke be around Daisuke. She also liked to watch him whenever he was with kaori.


Thought that would be obvious .-.


Unless you mean why Kaori came out of the senbon. In which case that's explained later on, once they all get their...I mean...yeah...um...it's explained later on.

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Yes they are <3



Also, yeah, but I promise this is the last one XD


And then comes....dun dun dun...what we've all been waitin for >:3



BTW, out of curiosity, how's everyone fav character list so far?




1. Daisuke

2. Takako

3. Kaori

4. Fuuta

5. Shisuke (I love this dude~)

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My fav character list looks like this:


1) Mikuo (I like his attitude. Well, it's based on mine, so that's a given)

2) Daisuke (Well, he's got some awesome powers and he's got two [well, now it's only one, but...] girls chasing after him)

3) Ami (surely you saw this one coming. Hey, I wonder how powerful she'd become if she absorbed some of Mikuo's Dark Chakra?)

4) Fuuta

5) Kaori

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@DMG - I have a feeling El will rage for lack of Takako in your top 5 xD


Altho you're also probably the only one with Ami in their top 5.


Hmmm, I wonder ;D


@Fusion - Nice top 5 :3


I like Zeru as well, altho I need to give him some more screentime D:


BTW, funny how I expected Jin to be in everyone's top 5 XDD


What about favorite pairings?


Mine are:


1. DaisukexKaori

2. ShisukexLyn

3. TakakoxKaori (I'm as guilty as anyone >.> )

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Oh yeah, there IS TakakoxKira .-.




@Fusion - Well, we never know if they'll end up together, hmm? ;3


Takako's not out of the race yet.


Now come on, I break cliches a LOT.



I have some pretty effed up pairings in mind.


One of them being ShisukexKaori (not sayin it will happen, but it WILL get development)



Oh, and yeah, it's Keiko. :3 (admittedly, also the name of Aqua's sis... .-. which I shamelessly used in this)

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Most definitely would be harder, but it's not like DaisukexKaori is clear ;3


Altho I also plan to develop a LOT more character bonds.


To the point you'll think FuutaxKaori is possible.


Next chapter should be soon, since I have a clear idea of what I wanna do :3



BTW, yeah, Keiko is actually the name of Aqua's sister as well xD

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@Fusion - Ah, but it's not that simple. He still needs to get what he went there to get in the first place~


But yeah, I'll say one of his sisters plays an important role (very) later on.


And, more like, a noble family. You'll see next chapter.


@DMG - O.o


I doubt it....probably.






BTW, adding Aki's bio now.

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