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.:Supernatural Hunters:. [PG-16][Part 2!][Not Accepting][Started]


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Shancus opened the guitar case he kept with him, to reveal a white sword, actually it was more of a rapier. He grabbed the sword and held it in a defensive position. "Beleaze why must we wait, with our weapons?" Shancus asked crawling closer to Beleaze. This is boring, heh, I'm starting to like that word, Shancus thought as he looked outside the entrance. "And who is 'them'?" he inquired as he moved close back to the side entrance.

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Jecht looked at Joey a little differently. He had never had a drudge. He had seen them before and knew they could not disobey a direct order. Wonder what it would feel like. He thought imagineing the thought of having slaves doing whatever he wished. Jecht tried to push the thought from his mind and focused on Valarie. His mind extended to anything that felt farmiliar, it felt strange. Most of the people in New York were dead so Jecht felt almost lonely.

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OOC:sorry had to do it other wise we could have kept going and you know it lol

IC:joey looked at artimus and for a quick second he felt rage towords him but the emotion was quickly surpressed. joey could feel his masters mind feeling out for others who were alive and he felt guilty for killing all thouse people.

"Master i'm sorry i killed thousands including supernatural creature. I know its bad now but we will get revenge for them when we finish off sammuel." he said as he looked towords jason. "come on dude lets get out of here we need to find valire." he said. his voice was still deep and confident. the true joey had been unlocked and all though he for the most part was the same person he was no longer timid he had come out of his shell for the frist time and he was loving it.

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Baleaze looked at Shancus like he was crazy and Eliseal just stood there silent. "What are ya stupid..." Baleaze said and then raised his sword and draped it over his right shoulder. "Yer a hunter to, you should already know who the rest of the members are. You obviously don't know me and my preferences that I like to carry my blades out in the open wherever I go...." Baleaze said and then turned his head to look at Eliseal and then back at Shancus. Eliseal just looked down at the floor with the same depressed expression and shook her head.

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"I am not stupid, I am inquistive, there is a difference", Shancus said with the blank look on his face that he carried most of the time,"I have been isolated from the world for the past 13 years, if you did not know already." Then Shancus said, "Why must we wait here? Why can we not just go to the meeting room like this," he walked over to the meeting room and went inside, then walked out and said, "See, why can we not do that?"



OOC: My internet isn't working well so if I double post the same message, you'll get what I mean

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"I am not stupid, I am inquistive, there is a difference", Shancus said with the blank look on his face that he carried most of the time,"I have been isolated from the world for the past 13 years, if you did not know already." Then Shancus said, "Why must we wait here? Why can we not just go to the meeting room like this," he walked over to the meeting room and went inside, then walked out and said, "See, why can we not do that?"

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ooc: Sorry, busy with a party.

Jaosn nodded. "Yes, sorry I was a bit out of it." Jason looked to his right at the destroyed New York. The only thing he could remember from his not werewolf life was his family. His sister stood out the most, was Valarie. Yes, very coincidental that there was another Valarie they were going after, but she was a vampire and knowing that he was not one bit of vampire in him, it was practically impossible for them to be related. But right now, they were suppose to be focused on saving the other Valarie. "Right. Lets go."

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"Do that if you'd like, there's no one stopping you." Baleaze said coldly to Shancus and then turned to the computer screen again, which had a file open already. "In here, in there, either way there aren't any other members here so I don't see the point of waiting in any specific spot..." Baleaze said and then scrolled down on the file to see more information. "We don't have much information on you boy." Baleaze said, and it could be seen that Baleaze was looking at Shancus' file.

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"Don't call me master." Jecht said to Joey, but his eyes were distant, as he looked for Valarie's mind. "The humans are productive. The area will heal and the humans will reproduce extremely fast." He stated coldly. "Our main focus should be on finding Valarie." He said looking over every mind he came in contact with, in search for Valarie very destinctive mind. His anger was at its high point, Valarie being captured, he was determined to find her.

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"sorry but i cant help the master thing everytime i speak to you im forced to say it master jecht." joey said as he walked over to the sphere holding his orbs. "we could always use these if i could get them back into me but the only man or should i say vampire who knew how to do that is dead thanks to max." joey said as he thought back to the day his master a vampire named Pitherious died at maxs hands. joey was powerless that day due to max tricking him into losing control and going beserk and because of him his master died.

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Shancus turned on his laptop and sent a few minor distraction viruses to his file on the Hunter Database Beleaze I know what you are reading, and I am going to put a stop to it. Then he viewed his own file and check if the viruses hit; which they did. I am afraid if he has learned my origins, Shancus thought. He walked out to Beleaze and Eliseal and asked Beleaze with a smirk on his face, "What did you learn about me today?"

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Baleaze merely smirked and then showed him the virus alert that said attack thwarted. "I assume you had something to do with this." Baleaze said and then turned to the screen. "Don't know what the big deal is with you, it only shows your name, age, and a description of your appearance." Baleaze pulled down the monitor so that Shancus could see for himself just how little information they actually had on him. "Like I said, we barely have any information on you. Your a mystery just like Eliseal." Elseal, who was looking out of the base's windows, didn't seem to hear Baleaze's comment. "If you wanna fill in those gaps, be my guest, and if not, well that's fine to." Baleaze really didn't know why Shancus was so tense about everything, but it is what it is.


ooc: Apparently the hunters have AVG >.>

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"Beleaze I will reveal only one thing that fills quite a few gaps; I have no parents," Shancus said while walking towards the meeting room, "I will let you elaborate on that, but in the mean time the meeting will start in about," he checked his watch, "five minutes." Shancus smiled at them and walked into the room. He'll never figure out my place of creation in which all the answers lay in wait, Shancus smirked at the thought.

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"Useless creature," Sammaelsaid stepping out of his secret facility, one which not even the most high priority Hunter would know about, and ran his hands through his hair; the flakes of dried blood falling off as he did. He glanced back at the dark void of an opening, the sound of gasping and heavy breathing from his "guest" within echoing out, and he shook his head, "It has been over a two week and yet she still persists on not saying a word."


His eyes grew slim as a sudden smile and laugh came to his face. He liked a challenge from a supernatural b*tch such as herself, but with her supposed immortality he could continue this for years without getting bored. But he hadn't the time. The Vampire Council would be starting soon and her friends would be obviously looking for her; or whatever he was willing to leave behind as a rememberance. "I suppose it is time for a bit of fresh air. She can survive," Sammael touched his chin as he remembered all of the vampires he had starved to death over the years, "Eight days without any nurioshment." And with that he sealed the entrance to his torture room and locked it with a special seal, a personal seal, and started walking into the dimming light. Who knows . . . he might even kill a creature of the night or two too get himself back in the spirit of torturing her again . . .


OOC: Sorry I have not been around lately ^^;

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Eight had been looking for a long time. Supposedly, Sammuel had some facility so secret and so secrure ten had said that even he, almost the leader of the monster hunters, did not know exactly where it was located. So eight had hoped he wasn't chasing a wild goose, ut he could never be sure. Eight was running, and while running, ran smack dap into a person coming out of a strange building he hadn't realized was even there. Suddenly, something clicked in his mind, as he stepped back from the person he had run into. "Excuse me.". Eight said formally. "Forgive me, sir, but...are you lord sammuel?"

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Sammael scowled as the man addressed him with the title lord; something that only another Hunter would ever be crazy enough to do and not thihnk they'd get slaughtered. Looking over the man he would see the romanized number eight etched into his right shoulder, recognizing him as a member of the week of creation, and turned around, "If I am?"


His secret location most likely revieled Sammael wanted to have the person at least get out what he needed to say before he took matters into his own hands. Hunter or supernatural creature his facility was his, not to be seen and never to be found. Period.

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OoC: Eight's not one of the days of the week. Eight is his rank as a ten man.


IC: Eight almost took this as a yes, but then hesitated. "Forgive me, Lord Sammuel, but I am here on the behalf of the Ten Men. I'm eight, of course.". He held up his briefcase to show the eight emblazoned on it, white on black, no frills. "Our leader asks a favor of you, hoping to write you a sort of blank-check in return. You have a vampire prisoner here, is that not correct?". Eight, being slightly nervous, straightened his tie and shuffled his feet.

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"What does the pristieges leader of the holy Hunters require of me?" Sammael asked not turning around, having avoided answering the question if he had a female vampire captive. How had they learned of that unless they were spying on him? Sure Sammael wasn't even one to trust himself, he knew that. But he didn't like others spying on him at all. That enough marked Eight, who was the only closest person near to him, for death.

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Eight paused,nhoping he could play his cards right at this point, otherwise he had a date with an execution block...or worse, some kind of torture chamber. "My lord, this is simply a request. Our leader wishes that, once you have extracted what you need from her, that you will give us the girl, or at least let us threaten the others with her death. You see, a few monsters have recently been running amok, and Ten had decided that now is the time to bring them down."

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Sammael could tell, from Eights speech pattern, that he was trying to presuade the conversation in a manner that would get him whatever information he was after; most likely the confirmation that he had the vampire they were looking for. But he had made a vital mistake. Sammael know knew that ten was planning on using the girl to get to the others and that he was after the other monsters as well- like any good Hunter would be. Turning around to finally face Eight again Sammael slammed his fist into his stomach, cracking rips and breaking through the skin, and finally stopped as he squeezed onto his kidney as a bout of insane laughter left his lips, "So Ten is finally deciding to get off his lazy ass and do something? Color me impressed. But I am not the type to ever let something I have acquired go to someone like him. So . . ."


Crushing Eights kidney thus dooming him to death a slow death, either by the loss of his kidney or the massive ammount of blood he was lossing, Sammael licked the fresh blood off of his his finger tips and began laughing, "If you ever do get to him let him know I have no plans to let him tell me what the f*ck to do."


Stepping away from the soon-to-be corpse Sammael put on a hat. He cared not for any repricusions that the Hunters would, if they ever grew the balls, to heap on him. He was unlike any of the others and even the leader himself knew it. And at least he knew his secret get-a-way place was once more secret, that was what he viewed as important as he walked away.


OOC: Yes . . . yes I just had Sammael kill a fellow Hunter just to keep some hide out a secret. And also, before anyone asks, he DID enjoy the taste of the blood XD

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Eigt collapsed in pain, but had the prescense of mind through the pain slam his briefcase violently against the ground, triggering a special alarm system. Ten appeared by his side. "GOD DAM...GOD DARN IT!". Ten bellowed. "Ssmmuel, you are going to pay for this!". He yelled, grabbing eight and teleporting into a hospital, the ten men's special one. The doctors, now used to Ten's bouncing, rushed to work, and managed to barely save the dieing ten man. either way, Eight was out of commission for the time being, and would a take a long time to make a full recovery. Ten promised to the ten man that he would take revenge, and would, soon enough.


OoC: AH! That was... Demented...

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Shancus powered up his laptop and opened Eliseal's and Beleaze's files. When he was finished with Eliseal's file he said, "She is as large a mystery as I am," I wonder if she comes from the US Experimental Containment Science Facility (Also designated as Area 51) in the Nevada Desert too, I shall elaborate on that, he thought. Next he viewed Beleaze's file, it said he lived in a town surrounded by woodland that was pillaged by supernatural creatures, it also states he was the only survivor. shancus then turned off his computer and waited five minutes for the meeting to start.

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Jason nodded, figuring it was the best thing to do. "Okay then, so your saying we have no other way to get those things in you?" Jason looked up into the sky. It was fine, but the realm below it was not. It was all because of those orbs that caused this mess, now they needed them to save someone. Great. "You think the guy who knew how to get those orbs back into you maybe left a noteboook of how to do it?" Jason looked down at Joey. "I mean, it would make sense to do that. Keeping track of something that really important to pass it down to someone?"

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Baleaze and Eliseal walked into the meeting room and sat in their designated chairs. "No one else is here except for a few low-be members." Baleaze said and then looked over at Shancus. "This meeting will probably go over our plan to keep moderation on the creatures of this world, even though we go wherever they are I guess that's not good enough anymore." Baleaze said and then waited for a higher member of the hunters to begin the meeting.

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Jason nodded, figuring it was the best thing to do. "Okay then, so your saying we have no other way to get those things in you?" Jason looked up into the sky. It was fine, but the realm below it was not. It was all because of those orbs that caused this mess, now they needed them to save someone. Great. "You think the guy who knew how to get those orbs back into you maybe left a noteboook of how to do it?" Jason looked down at Joey. "I mean, it would make sense to do that. Keeping track of something that really important to pass it down to someone?"

"No everything that could have possibly held the information is gone. when my master was attacked the hunter responsible burned everything to the ground after killing him." joey said as he clenched his fists that the thought of what max had done. at least now max was dead and revenge was served. Joey picked up the sphere that held his orbs and looked at them and sighed. "It hurts alot knowing that all this power, all this knowlegde of myself is locked away at arms reach. I've tried everything to reconnect these orbs to my body but nothing works." joey said as he looked at them. as he did one orb was glowing peterclarly bright. it was the orb of the earth destinguesed by its down to earth brown glow. as joey looked at it the orb moved out of its prision making joey jump back in surprise as it floated there above the sphere that he had droped. Sudnly memories of his past started to return for everyone to see.



joey stood there looking at a man who was clearly a vampire with deep blue eyes brown hair and a calm look on his face.

"Your a vampire." joey said as he fell back triping and falling on his butt. as he did the vampire laughed and stood.

"Welcome chosen of the elements it seems you have finaly found me and now that you have we can start your training but first." the vampire said as he was sudnly next to joey his fangs in joeys neck. joey went stiff as his mind was over powered and he became the vampire servent. "there now if i ever have to i can stop you from losing control." he said as he back away from joey. "Now my name is Esrosh and i will teach you everything about yourself and when the time is right we will restore your power to what it's truely supposed to be." he said as he motioned to the sphere that held all of joeys orbs in it.



*Real time agian*

As the flashback ended the orb of earth slowly melded into joeys chest and as it did joey could feel all of his furry he felt towords the world melt away. When the orb was in him fully joey stood and shook his head.

"What just happened to me?" he said as he tryed to find that fimilar furry he felt towords the world the emotion making him want to kill all human. But no matter what he did it was gone he could no longer feel that emotion. Then he relised something he could hear a voice. it was strong and sturdy as it spoke to him.

"Chosen by the elements you have now relised part of who you are and soon you will become what you truely are to the world. i am terra the earth itself and form now on i will always be at your side and command." the earth said as it spoe out to joey and joey alone.

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