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Face Down Attack Position?

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Before you say this card is crap... take a look at it closely... this card seems to be the only card that can only make a monster in face-down Attack Position... do you think the face-down Attack Position idea was scrapped? But honestly... what can the monster do when its in face-down Attack?


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Even I laughed when I first saw this card' date=' I even used it back in the day. People were like "Wtf?".


Do you take damage?

Can you attack?

Do FLIP effect's activate?


We don't know.



When this monster gets attacked it works just as if it were face up atk vs. face up atk.


No you cant attack with it.


If it had a flip effect and was attacked its effect WILL activate.

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Discard 2 cards from your hand. Select 1 face-up monster and flip it face-down' date=' but do not change its battle position. What a bad card why would you discard two cards to flip one face down, well perhaps it could be helpful in certain situations?



if the card had a flip effect or if you wanted two cards in the graveyard. thats when it would be usefull

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i pity you guys... can't see beyond your bindes...


the trick is: a face down card has effect?? attack a face down attack position card' date=' it can get a flip effect, but it WILL take damage...



but thats POINTLESS.


you could use Book of Moon...and not have to DISCARD 2 CARDS, and book is Quick Play

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i pity you guys... can't see beyond your bindes...


the trick is: a face down card has effect?? attack a face down attack position card' date=' it can get a flip effect, but it WILL take damage...



but thats POINTLESS.


you could use Book of Moon...and not have to DISCARD 2 CARDS, and book is Quick Play


maybe, but book of moon is limited... also a defense monster can't take battle damage, except piercing damage...


i'm not saying that this card is useful, i'm only remarking that it can have an use and some people here don't see it... it's stated that the only worthless card on the game is the unexperienced spy...

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Think of it like this, it basically only works in a deck out deck. Lets say your opponent has 12 cards left in their deck. You already had a Morphin jar fliped face up. Now u have 5 cards in your hand. You Already used your Manualy possition switch changing morphing jar from def to atk mode. However you have darkness aproaches. so u use it. now your hand is down to two. However your M.J. is already in attack mode, that means you can flip summon it again. WOOT! Now u get 5 more cards,whats this? another darkness aproaches? do it again. WOOT! Oh thank heavens your last darkness aproaches! So what do you do? You do it again! Than you end your turn and your opponentlooses. Just think outside the box a little. Its actualy a okay card.

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