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God's secret weapon [Black Horn of Heaven]

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Can sometimes be better than warning, being costless for what warning does mostly anyway, and isn't dead at < 2000 LP. Warning is usually used on something big like a synchro or an inherent special summon like DAD, Faultroll or JD, which this card does it better. Will this ever see more play?

Inb4 lrn2ygo
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[quote name='Canadian' timestamp='1300025723' post='5070855']
Warning infinitly disputes any merit this card has of being played.

Also, what slayer said. Warning can always blow up the monster whereas this might not.

Always? I have 1950 LP, proceed to top deck Warning. Opponent then synchro's next turn and attacks for game.
Same scenario, top deck Black Horn. Opponent synchro's and get negated and I'm still in the duel.

Black horn is still good, I would say its even better than bottomless to be honest.
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[quote name='Superdoopertrooper' timestamp='1300026621' post='5070893']
Always? I have 1950 LP, proceed to top deck Warning. Opponent then synchro's next turn and attacks for game.
Same scenario, top deck Black Horn. Opponent synchro's and get negated and I'm still in the duel.

Black horn is still good, I would say its even better than bottomless to be honest.

New Ruling makes Bottomless Even better than this...
As opponent cannot call priority anymore
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[quote name='-Dae-' timestamp='1300027299' post='5070915']
New Ruling makes Bottomless Even better than this...
As opponent cannot call priority anymore
Not at all. Black Horn can stop formula synchron dead in its tracks and other things with less than 1500ATK. Negating will still always be better than destroying.
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[quote name='Superdoopertrooper' timestamp='1300021410' post='5070709']
being costles
Warning, Solemn, and Tools are all costless.
LP don't really matter now-a-days, because if you establish card advantage over the Opponent in the early game, its pretty much gg
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[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1300024938' post='5070827']
You should remember that this doesn't stop cards from being Summoned by means of card effects other than their own, or something like a Synchro Summon.
This stops Synchro Summons. Try again.

[quote name='Superdoopertrooper' timestamp='1300026621' post='5070893']
Always? I have 1950 LP, proceed to top deck Warning. Opponent then synchro's next turn and attacks for game.
Same scenario, top deck Black Horn. Opponent synchro's and get negated and I'm still in the duel.

Black horn is still good, I would say its even better than bottomless to be honest.
Goes against Light Beat/Blackwings/Gravekeepers/Gladiator Beasts/Monarchs. Card is now useless.
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[quote name='Tsukasa Hiiragi' timestamp='1300053289' post='5071974']
This does not stop the summoned monsters effects, Black Rose can still nuke, Stardust can still negate this, Judgement Dragon still nukes, Formula still draws.

Warning stops all of these effects.
Not true. This negates their summon. As far as they're concerned, they never hit the field. Also, this is a Counter Trap, Spell Speed 3, so Stardust can't stop it anyway.
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[quote name='Kikoutei Penguin Infinity' timestamp='1300053680' post='5071981']
Not true. This negates their summon. As far as they're concerned, they never hit the field. Also, this is a Counter Trap, Spell Speed 3, so Stardust can't stop it anyway.
Derp. Missed that.

Still, warning stops normal summons and certain spells/traps.
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[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1300055129' post='5072029']
Warning covers all bases but has a cost of 2000 LP. This is costless, but doesn't stop nearly as much as Warning does.

Warning is therefore more flexible, but more costly.

But LP don't matter much nowadays, so Warning is practically costless.

But today I played against X-Sabers with Debriswarrior and only won cuz he Judgement'd and Warned me, making his lp 2000 in one turn.
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[quote name='Dr. Cakey' timestamp='1300041399' post='5071521']
Goes against Light Beat/Blackwings/Gravekeepers/Gladiator Beasts/Monarchs. Card is now useless.
Some of those are bad examples. It's good against black wings: bora and gale are both inherent special summons and can be negated by black horn. They also Synchro alot which can obviously be stopped too. Glads contact for herk and gyzarus, which becomes a big loss of field presence after flipping this. Bottomless is actually often worse against glads than this, because they'll just chain lance or book or something. The only good version of monarchs atm is formula monarchs, and black horn stops the draw engine and synchro engine beautifully. I'm not saying this is better than warning overall, it could be amazing to run alongside it and I'll say its even better than bottomless which most people think is a staple. This card in a sense, allows you to play more warnings in your deck in alot of cases.
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