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New stuff from DT - Exceed Startup

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Why did they make an Eviritua Exceed..? That just makes no sense to me. They're supposed to be based on Rituals, not Exceeds. If that's the only one, I guess it's okay. But if they add even more, I'll be really annoyed.

Also, you can't copy from the site because they have that option removed so people can't steal their info as easily.
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[quote name='.Kowalski' timestamp='1300282348' post='5076766']
I can't copy-paste from Shriek for some reason, so I Print-Screened. Anyways, discuss
You could go View -> Page Source -> Then scroll down to where the effects and junk are location and copy+paste from there.

....Anyway, why the hell do Ritual and Fusion based archetypes need Exceed monsters? O,o
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[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1300291320' post='5076889']
They need Exceed monsters so they have an excuse to make more Exceed monsters, and so you can learn about Exceeds no matter who your opponent is, I guess.
But they wont get support from the rest of the Archetype :o

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[quote name='.Kowalski' timestamp='1300291414' post='5076892']
But they're generic :D

And the Ritua Exceed can be actually played there. Beast makes it easily
Ignis looks badass:

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Emilia and Mellowgeist looks cool and all but Rituas need stuff to speed them up and these looks...slow

It is also wierd how Ice Barriers and Ritua both WATER archetypes got a Spirit monster while Mist Valley didn't get none...

IMO best Ritua Card from this DT is OBVIOUSLY Gustkrake


Inverz Exceed is Level 4...


And they are already confirming Next DT
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[quote name='-Dae-' timestamp='1300311959' post='5077461']
Inverz Exceed is Level 4...
Watch them steal my idea for Inverz Haxoruz
[quote name='-Dae-' timestamp='1300311959' post='5077461']
And they are already confirming Next DT
...no s**t?
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