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I cannot believe this won't stop!

Kōsuke Ueki

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As you all know, there are a lot of irresponsible users who demand to be banned. It's stupid! Why do they do that? That goes for the many multi-accounters, too. Who the hell do they think they are! It's pointless and they do it because it's fun? Bulls**t! There has to be a reason behind all of these users and multiaccounters who demand to be banned, including multiaccounters who don't request to be banned, but rather constantly break the rules up until the point they are banned because of their irresponsible actions.

Discuss your opinions. Moderators are welcome to put their own opinions on this as well. It would help me put a better grasp on this reason.
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I just post lock those users and laugh.

@Kowalski: Thats because we aren't supposed to ban on request even if the request is for the person PMing/messaging us. Thus their only way to be banned is to do something bad and force our hand.
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[quote name='.Kowalski' timestamp='1300388580' post='5079123']
Why shouldn't you do that? I don't get it, they want to ban themselves, so...

Like what, giving a piece of candy to a 7yr old so they shut up? You aren't little kids, learn some damn self control and press the red [color="#FF0000"]X[/color].
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[quote name='.Kowalski' timestamp='1300388933' post='5079139']
Apparently, some people can't

Then we punish them after their misdeeds cause them to become a laughing stock among the community.
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[quote name='The Swift Assaulter' timestamp='1300384536' post='5079018']
As you all know, there are a lot of irresponsible users who demand to be banned.
... There are?

Or do you mean like... the non-literal form of "asking to be banned"?

"Why did you punch him?"
"He was askin' for it!"
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[quote name='Icyblue' timestamp='1300389064' post='5079142']
Then we punish them after their misdeeds cause them to become a laughing stock among the community.

I can't help but laugh at how deluded you are. YCM is a bloody dictatorship with as much care for freedom of thought as North Korea in it's heyday. You really have little understanding of the mindset of us actual members of the community. You know, the ones without powers. When someone is punished they don't become laughing stocks among the community. Look at our dear friend M. Enloe. He didn't lose face for three years. I find your idea that banning is a form of humiliation rather a horrible one.
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[quote name='Mikhail Tal' timestamp='1300402969' post='5079675']
I can't help but laugh at how deluded you are. YCM is a bloody dictatorship with as much care for freedom of thought as North Korea in it's heyday. You really have little understanding of the mindset of us actual members of the community. You know, the ones without powers. When someone is punished they don't become laughing stocks among the community. Look at our dear friend M. Enloe. He didn't lose face for three years. I find your idea that banning is a form of humiliation rather a horrible one.

Then so be it, but my response is to immediately Post Ban Permanently. This is for 2 reasons.
1) So a person can freely use the cardmaker's save feature and PM those they wish to contact. (I should really disable Status feeds for them at this rate though). This I consider a basic right of the site above all else

2) If it helps at all, it can deter them from the site in general. And when they finally get some self control to PM a moderator and have it revoked.

I merely do what I was informed of when these situations first came to be. I think it was FP or YCMaker who said that we can not ban unless there is a legitimate reason. Asking is not considered one.

You claim YCM is a dictatorship akin to that, yet here I am struggling to give even complainers basic rights to the site that they all should have access to.
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This isn't that much of a dictator-ship, really. I mean, if it was, we would be banned if we said anything bad about any of the mods, I mean, look at Crabby, people insult him all the time, and I don't remember any peoples hes banned instead of just laughed at. If I remember, he didn't even ban Pichu. Wasn't that Frunk?
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[quote name='Dismal Euphony' timestamp='1300405325' post='5079759']
And, breaking rules is fun. People get a thrill out of it. That's why they do it.
Damn right.

That and I just think the way morons on here overreact to everything is just hilarious.
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[quote name='Larxene' timestamp='1300405966' post='5079776']
That and I just think the way morons on here overreact to everything is just hilarious.
That is how I get a lot of lulz here. Not a good thing.

Random new member: I made a new card! *posts crappy card*
Other members: Your card isn't that good. Make it better.
New member: Your mom!
Other members: What did you say!?!?!?!?

Has happened twice while I've been on here. And one of those times the guy actually did retaliate with "your mom".
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[quote name='Mikhail Tal' timestamp='1300402969' post='5079675']
I can't help but laugh at how deluded you are. YCM is a bloody dictatorship with as much care for freedom of thought as North Korea in it's heyday. You really have little understanding of the mindset of us actual members of the community. You know, the ones without powers. When someone is punished they don't become laughing stocks among the community. Look at our dear friend M. Enloe. He didn't lose face for three years. I find your idea that banning is a form of humiliation rather a horrible one.
Yet, it's funny how you think everyone feels the same way as you. Want to know a secret?

We don't.
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