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Enemy Controller

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[quote name='Enemy Controller']Select and activate 1 of these effects:
●Change the Battle Position of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls.
●Tribute 1 monster. Select 1 face-up monster your opponent controls. Take control of it until the End Phase.[/quote][/center]
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[s]Nitro Warrior pro card?[/s]
Overall a good card. The first effect is the closest we have to Book of Moon replacement that doesn't give too many +'s to the opponent. The second effect is just awesome. AND....

(someone had to)
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[quote name='Battlestorm' timestamp='1300756740' post='5088554']
OT: card is good and staple in some decks
[strike]Not to say your wrong or anything (or at the least, say your wrong in a harsh way), but I wouldn't consider this a staple in any kind of Deck. Book of Moon would easily get used over it, but in cases where you need to fill some space or say, Book of Moon gets Limited, then this comes as a decent filler. Once again though, I wouldn't say it's a staple at all, but just the go-to filler for Decks out there. Then again, even if it is considered that there are better choices.[/strike]
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