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How To Stop A Thief In Yugioh


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A good online friend Madking66 had his collection stolen at a regional last week and this is an effort to pass along information I have picked up from 10 years of experience in the U.S. Air Force (safety training in foreign countries) and nearly that long in Yugioh TCG.


[spoiler=[b]Do's and Don'ts[/b]]
- Don't take large amounts of cards with you anywhere at anytime - stick to a small trade binder

- never let someone turn their back on you or start talking to someone else while trading

- be very careful of distractions - looking away from your items even while you are playing makes you and your collection vulnerable. lean forward and PAY ATTENTION - you can watch your opponent just as closely as you'd like during a duel.

- don't rely on others to watch your belongings - ever - take them with you even to the restroom

- don't use a backpack - they are unreliable and all of them look the same - I use a long WOW TCG box

- don't put your belongings on the floor while playing

-- At YCS Charlotte several backpacks were stolen while the strap was around the owner's leg - put them in your lap - if you can't play because you have too much then you took too much to the event.

- trust yourself - this is paramount - if you don't feel you should trust someone THEN DON'T!!!!

- watch their eyes - even fleeting glances at your belongings will provide a tell tale sign that they are interested in stealing them

- be careful of personal space - The most common trick for any thief to use is to move into your personal space in a crowd and act as if they are there browsing a vendor or just near you for another reason - they may even talk to you -

a thief can only grab as far as their arms can reach - so they have to move in close - this should set off alarms in your head to put a firm grip on your belongings[/spoiler]

[spoiler=[b]Common Thieving Techniques:[/b]]
-The Snake Bite: I personally saw a thief snatch a goyo right off the other person's extra deck WHILE THEY WERE PLAYING and the other person was deducting the LP. I won't go into what action was taken but the player got their goyo back immediately.

The theft happened almost faster than the human eye can see - yes they are literally THAT FAST - human weapon recently measured the speed of a martial artist vs. a rattlesnake strike - the martial artist was faster

-The Smooth Criminal - most of the time someone can move your personal items and they project a demeanor of 'this is mine anyways' while they do it - tbh you may be looking right at them and not suspect anything even though IT'S YOUR STUFF. Other people watching would never suspect the smooth play because of the manner in which they do it.

- Lightning Strike: This is when someone will just take off running in a crowd or down a hallway running up behind or even in front of someone and they grab the item and let the force of their momentum carry them past the person. They already have a perfect escape route planned and they can run damn fast. They disappear like batman and it's done. This is a desperate measure for very valuable collections.

If you hear someone running from behind you. Secure your bag tightly. If you see them approaching you at a fast pace - do the same.

- Mugging: This has actually happened many times as well. Especially for overweight people. If you are in a vulnerable position - by yourself in a hallway walking to an event - in a restroom and you have your items in your hand - someone may actually punch you in the gut and grab your belongings while you are in pain.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=[b]What to do:[/b]]
-The #1 way to stop any thief is to NEVER NEVER NEVER go anywhere without a trusted friend and ally. They will rarely attack or target 2 people at once.

- Use Peripheral Vision - you need to train yourself to be aware of the edges of your vision


- Put your hand on your items - this let's them know you are suspicious of them and wards off the snake bite

- quickly turn your back to them - and use your weight to your advantage by pushing backward - this is your only defense against a mugging - don't let your giant tummy be a target

- NEVER TRUST A YUGIOH DUELIST - ever. If you ran a trading card company you'd want your customers to be just as rabidly aggressive towards getting the cards as our culture is. It's just good for the bottom line. No one steals Justin Bieber collectible cards for a reason.

Don't put your friends in a position to where they have to watch your belongings. It's temptation to them and it puts your friendship at risk. Just always take your stuff with you and you are protecting them as well as your friendship. [/spoiler]
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[quote name='burnpsy' timestamp='1300976112' post='5093362']
This is why I only carry my deck on me.

This. And when I used to play IRL, I had my grandfather make me a Deckbox Belt to hold all my cards; instead of lugging it around where I can't feel them etc.
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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1300980822' post='5093460']
Guys, you literally [i]CANNOT[/i] stop a thief in Yugioh:
*is shot*

What's that card's Name?

Also throw trading cards to wherever you see about to pic-up your stuff in their hand they'll will never will want to tough your stuff again...(If you don't believe me ask Kaiba...XD)...lol

No but all in seriousness...carry a low number of stuff so you can always have an eye on it.
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Someone was held at gunpoint for cards at the last Regional I went to.
And two regionals ago a group of black guys jumped this white dude for his cards.
And the regional before that someone's binder got snatched and the thieves ran away.


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[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1300991461' post='5093706']
At my locals I had lost my Treeborn Frog before, and then next week I got it back. So I was pretty safe.

Sounds kind of awkward to play with a backpack in your lap when it's the real deal duels.
[s]Well, it's a good way to hide the boners you get from looking at Dark Magician Girl[/s] Better safe than sorry I suppose.
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[quote name='Kikoutei Penguin Infinity' timestamp='1300999042' post='5094027']
I think I'm fine at locals, where I know everyone, and I like to bring all of my cards because who knows what the noobs will trade for...but, then, after Regionals my Gale has mysteriously dissapeared...>_>
Guess what I got from a noobish looking kid at Regionals? [color="#FFFFFF"]Pot of Greed D:<[/color]
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My face when I opened up the second spoiler tag to get new stealing techniques only to realize that I already use all of them.


Also, seriously, just keep an eye on your stuff.

[quote name='Thor el Señor de los Aesir' timestamp='1300992188' post='5093734']And two regionals ago a group of black guys jumped this white dude for his cards.
[/quote]Did you really need to mention the races of those involved in the conflict?
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[quote name='Zkaiser' timestamp='1301007217' post='5094371']
Did you really need to mention the races of those involved in the conflict?
Nobody forced you to pay attention to the described races. Someone pays too much attention to differences, you should fix that o.o

Anyways, I've had cards stolen before when I had the store owner look after them. He set them down to get something without telling me and they ended up being stolen. I got (most of) them back, but I lost a few good cards :(

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1300980822' post='5093460']
Guys, you literally [i]CANNOT[/i] stop a thief in Yugioh:
*is shot*

Magic Jammer.

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