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Here is the Piri Reis Map

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DMG has it @3
[quote]Add 1 monster with 0 ATK from your Deck to your hand. If you Summon it this turn, halve your Life Points.[/quote][/center]
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[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1301006511' post='5094339']
How exactly did artifacts turn into YGO cards, anyways? Or is it that the artifacts were cards all along?
Its a magic the gathering thing.

I think the best target for this would be effect vailer. You don't summon it, so your lifepoints don't go down.
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[quote name='-Dae-' timestamp='1301006732' post='5094358']
I love that he run Crystal Skull and episode was run by the time Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal SKull
They did that on purpose.
In fact, Konami has quite a few cards that are movie related.
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[quote name='Expelsword' timestamp='1301016384' post='5094842']
I agree, that is why I made it; shocked that no one else did.[/quote]
Honestly, it was only a matter of time.

[quote name='Expelsword' timestamp='1301016384' post='5094842']OT: Anime Machine Emperors?
[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Meklord_Emperor_Granel_%E2%88%9E]GRANNEL HAS 0 ATK, HURR HURR HURR[/url]
The best part about it, is that Grannel will usually be summoned during the Opponent's turn.
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