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Empty Jar

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[font="Century Gothic"]This thread all about Empty Jar. Is it possible that it can become a competative deck?

We saw what happened at the YCS. Paul Cooper's Empty Jar deck made 4th place.

[spoiler=His Empty Jar Deck]Monsters: 11
1 Morphing Jar
1 Sangan
3 A/D Changer
3 Deep Diver
3 Swift Scarecrow

Spells: 29
3 Book of Eclipse
3 Book fo Taiyou
1 Book of Moon
3 Pot of Duality
3 Dark World Dealings
3 Upstart Goblin
3 Magical Mallet
1 Card Destruction
3 A Feather of the Phoenix
2 Magical Stone Excavation
1 Giant Trunade
3 Gold Sarcophagus

Extra Deck: None

Side Deck: 15
3 Lava Golem
3 Royal Decree
3 Prohibition
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Twister
3 Volcanic Queen

IMO, I think morphing jar is a really overpowered card, but only in this OTK/FTK deck. I doubt that it'd get hit anymore unless Empty Jar starts topping. Plus, the deck can be stopped really easily.

What do you think about Empty Jar? Have you played it? Have you played against it? Is it consistant enough to start becomming a real threat? Would you side against it?

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[spoiler=This is what Paul had to say about the event]This if for those of you who thought this deck was not tier 0, was dead after book was at 1, and who told me not to run it: Even though the deck list will be online soon, you can build it, play with it, but you will never be able to do what I did with it.

The whole deck concept came to me before YCS Atlanta back in November 2010, and I was going to run it then but it was not properly tested. I spent up until YCS Dallas testing Empty Jar, looking for ways to make it extremely consistent. To do this I had to gain complete knowledge of tier decks’ main and side card usage, have perfect side cards, know my deck inside and out so I won’t go to time, play test on a daily basis, know my and my opponents outs when in a tough situation. For example when faced against double shien, I needed to know what could I do to get around it and if I did, I needed to know how they would capitalize on me. I played Empty Jar at YCS Dallas in February 2011, siding into Light Gemini Beat. I started YCS Dallas going 6-0. After that 6th round win I knew the deck wasn’t going to win the whole thing because at that time the side deck was not tested fully against tier 0 decks. I ended up losing round 7 and round 8 but won my round 9 which advanced me to day 2. On day 2 I lost my round 10 and won my round 11, going 8-3 and placing 41st out of over 1,100 people at YCS Dallas. I was sort of glad that I did not top then because I did not want the deck list to get out yet. The reason for this was because the side deck sucked and I would not have made it far in the top 32. YCS Dallas gave me the proper testing, side decking ideas, knowledge, skills, and experience to perfect my Empty Jar deck and side deck. I spent time between YCS Dallas and YCS Charlotte going through the same process I went through between YCS Atlanta and YCS Dallas in order to make Empty Jar the best it could be.

A bunch of friends and I decided to road trip it the 16 hours from Kansas City, Missouri to Charlotte, North Carolina this March. I packed up all my stuff on Thursday and we left around 9pm that night. Our plan was to drive through the night and get to Charlotte before registration at 3pm on Friday. We arrived and checked into our hotel at 2pm, which was 10 minutes away from the convention center. We put some finishing touches on our decks and books to prepare us for that afternoon. We got to the convention center by 3pm in hopes of getting the cards we needed, trade rip some people and buy some collections. Once the convention center closed at 7pm we went to Wal-Mart to get food and snacks because our hotel room had a full kitchen. That Friday night we play tested, talked about ideas, and finished up what we were going to run for YCS Charlotte the next day. I passed out at 2am with my deck list scattered in front of me. We woke up at 8am, got all showered, ate breakfast and packed up to leave. We arrived at the convention center at 9am and I picked up 4 last cards to hollow out the deck (3 ulti Dark World Dealings and 1 ultra Magical Stone Excavation). I filled out my deck list there, sleeved my deck with purple ultra pros and got ready for the player meeting at 10am. They made their usual announcements, collected our deck lists and posted round 1 pairings.

Just so everyone knows – there are portions of each game that were left unmentioned because they were irrelevant to the game or match. For example, almost every game I played duality to get certain cards or magical malletted my hand back in, but I didn’t feel the need to explain every specific step of every game. Also I do not remember how I got my jar every time; it was either through Deep Diver, gold sarc, Sangan or by simply drawing it. I used Deep Diver a lot in this tournament report, however I’m sure some of those times I actually used Sangan instead.


ROUND ONE: Empty Jar vs. Blackwings
Record = 0-0
Die roll = lost 0-1

Game One: He set 3 back row and ended his turn. I went and gold sarced for Giant Trunade and set Deep Diver. He drew and passed. I drew and passed. He drew and summoned blackwings shura and my initial response was oh **** it’s blackwings. He attacked my Deep Diver, I put Morphing Jar on top and he searched out vayu and attacked. I drew and retrieved my Giant Trunade from gold sarc and proceeded to OTK by trunading and flip flopping my jar up and down. When he discarded his hand he did not have the icarus like I had expected.

Game Two: He went first, summoned shura and set 3 back row again. I drew and gold sarced for trunade again and set Sangan. He drew, attacked Sangan and searched out vayu. I got Morphing Jar with Sangan and drew for my turn. I ended my turn with a clear field. He drew, special summoned gale, synchroed for armor master then normal summoned bora synchroed for Magical Android and attacked with both. I drew, retrieved trunade and proceeded to OTK by trunading and flip flopping my jar up and down again. He once again did not have any outs which made my trunade useless in a way.

ROUND TWO: Empty Jar vs. Fables
Record = 1-0
Die Roll = won 1-1

I’m not going to say anything about this round because I got a feature match which you can read by clicking this link http://www.konami.com/yugioh/blog/?p=5221

ROUND THREE: Empty Jar vs. Sabers
Record = 2-0
Die Roll = lost 1-2

Game One: He set 3 back row and set one monster. I drew, set Deep Diver and ended my turn. He drew, normal summoned boggart, special summoned pashul, flip summoned emmersblade, special summoned faultroll, synchro summoned pashul & boggart together to make hyunlei, brought back pashul with faultroll’s effect and synchro summoned for stardust. He attacked with emmersblade, killing my Deep Diver and helping me put the jar on top of my deck. He attacked with the rest of his monsters and ended his turn. I drew and proceeded to OTK.

Game Two: He summoned thunder king, played Prohibition on my Morphing Jar and set Solemn Judgment. I drew, set Deep Diver, gold sarced for trunade and ended my turn. He drew, normal summoned boggart and attacked my Deep Diver which allowed me to put jar on top, and I took 1900 life points. I drew, activated Giant Trunade, he solemned, I activated Magical Stone Excavation to retrieve trunade, activated trunade, and basically proceeded to OTK.

ROUND FOUR: Empty Jar vs. Dragunities
Record = 3-0
Die Roll = lost 1-3

Game One: He synchro summoned for stardust and set one back row. I drew and set Sangan. He drew, synchro summoned for scrap dragon, blew up my monster and I searched for Morphing Jar, and he attacked me for 5300. I drew, set a/d changer and set 4 back row. He drew, used scrap dragon to blow up my a/d changer, and attacked into my swift scarecrow. I drew and proceeded to OTK.

Game Two: He summoned dux, and equipped it with the card that when it’s equipped to a monster and sent to the graveyard it blows up a card on the field. I drew, gold sarced for Morphing Jar and ended my turn. He synchro summoned for stardust and attacked for 4300. I drew and passed. He drew and tried to attack for game but I swift scarecrowed. I drew and proceeded to OTK.

ROUND FIVE: Empty Jar vs. Sabers
Record = 4-0
Die Roll = lost 1-4

Game One: He gold sarced for Giant Trunade, set a monster and set some back row. I drew, gold sarced for Morphing Jar and ended my turn. He drew, set another monster and ended his turn. I drew and ended my turn. He drew, retrieved trunade, flipped up dark soul and emmersblade, normal summoned boggart to special summon fulhemknight, syncho summoned dark soul and fulhemknight for brionac, and attacked. I drew, retrieved my jar and proceeded to OTK.

Game Two: He drew and smirked because I guess he drew a good hand. He set one monster and one back row. I drew and ended my turn. He drew, flipped up dark soul, normal summoned pashul, synchro summoned Naturia Beast and attacked. I drew and my mistake was that I did not assume that he had everything which I should have because of his smirk. I set Sangan instead of ramming into his beast because I know that everyone that I play against takes out their defensive traps. I found out later that his back row wasn’t a defensive trap, it was reinforced truth. He drew, crossed out my jar and attacked for 2200. I drew, tribute off his natruia beast for Volcanic Queen and ended my turn. On my end phase he activated reinforced truth for pashul. He drew, synchro summoned for scrap dragon and attacked. I drew, set Sangan and set the rest of my hand in my back row. He used scrap dragon’s effect to blow up my Sangan, he summoned some other monsters and attacked into my swift scarecrow. I got Morphing Jar from Sangan, drew for my turn and proceeded to OTK. Another huge mistake that I learned from throughout this YCS was to never underestimate an opponent. While I was going through my combo, I discarded all my prohibitions to my graveyard because I thought that he did not know what he was doing. When he had 16 cards left in his deck and I flipped my Morphing Jar, he effect veiler my jar and I lost because on his turn he trunaded for game.

Game Three: We started the match with 3 minutes left in the round. I gold sarced for Morphing Jar and ended my turn. He drew summoned boggart and attacked. I drew and ended my turn. He drew, summoned emmersblade and attacked with both. I drew and time was called. I retrieved my jar and proceeded to OTK. Believe it or not while halfway through the combo, my deck ran out of juice and I was unable to continue flipping my jar up and down so I had to end my turn. He drew and summoned a bunch of monsters and attacked for game.

ROUND SIX: Empty Jar vs. Gladiator Beast
Record = 4-1
Die Roll = lost 1-5

Game One: He summoned laquari and set 4 back row. I drew and ended my turn. He drew and attacked. I drew, activated Magical Mallet to put my hand back in and ended my turn. He drew, summoned prisma, pitched for laquari and attacked with both monsters. He tagged out laquari for darius and summoned heraklinoes. I drew and scooped.

Game Two: I FTKed by drawing the jar and everything I needed.

Game Three: He drew all monsters, summoned laquari and attacked. The mistake I made this round was that I sided out all my deep divers. That was foolish on my part because it limited the resources I had to retrieve my jar. I had 2 prohibitions in my hand which were supposed to be deep divers so I literally raged quit and scooped that match because I knew my chances of drawing jar were slim to none. I continued the match anyway but he was able to beat me down before I could get to any of my jar resources.

ROUND SEVEN: Empty Jar vs. Plant Synchro
Record = 4-2
Die Roll = lost 1-6

Game One: He set a monster and a back row. I drew, gold sarced for jar and ended my turn. He drew, flipped ryko not destroying anything and milled three, he spammed a few monsters and attacked. I drew and ended my turn. He attacked with a bunch of monsters and I swift scarecrowed. I drew, retrieved my jar and proceeded to OTK.

Game Two: He set a monster and a back row. I set Sangan and ended my turn. He drew, flipped ryko, killed my Sangan, I got Morphing Jar, he spammed a few monsters and attacked. I drew and proceeded to OTK after activating Prohibition on effect veiler. After I flipped my jar the first time he revealed double effect veiler.

ROUND EIGHT: Empty Jar vs. no show
Record = 5-2
Die roll = n/a 1-6

My opponent did not show up for this round so I won by default.

ROUND NINE: Empty Jar vs. Plant Synchro
Record = 6-2
Die Roll = won 2-6

Game One: I opened up with jar and everything else I needed to FTK.

Game Two: He set some back rows and a monster. I drew, gold sarced for jar and ended my turn. He drew, set another monster and ended his turn. I drew and ended my turn. He drew, spammed some monsters and attacked into my swift scarecrow. I drew, retrieved my Morphing Jar and proceeded to OTK.

END OF DAY ONE – I finished in 54th place going 7-2 for day one. My friends and I left the convention center and went back to our hotel to eat, organize our stuff and debrief about the day.


I woke up at 8am, showered and prepared for the day. I arrived at the convention center right as round 10 started and got deck checked.

ROUND TEN: Empty Jar vs. Flameveil
Record = 7-2
Die Roll = n/a 2-6

Game One: My opponent received a game loss because of a mess up with his deck list.

Game Two: He went first and set a monster and 3 back row. I drew, set Sangan and set my whole hand. He end phase royal decreed me. He drew, flipped up spy to get descendent and used its effect to pop my Sangan which allowed me to get Morphing Jar. He summoned a monster and synchro summoned for stardust and attacked. I drew and proceeded to OTK.

ROUND ELEVEN: Empty Jar vs. Sabers
Record = 8-2
Die Roll = won 3-6

Game One: I went first and set Deep Diver. He drew, set a monster and 3 back row. I drew and passed. He drew, summoned emmersblade, synchro summoned for brionac, bounced my monster, activated gottoms ecall, synchroed for hyunlei and attacked. I drew, activated Giant Trunade, summoned Deep Diver, rammed into his brionac and put jar on top. He drew, tried to attack for game but I swift scarecrowed. I drew and proceeded to OTK.

Game Two: He summoned thunderking and set some back row. I drew and set Deep Diver. He drew, summoned fulhelmknight and attacked my face down Deep Diver, I put jar on top. I drew and proceeded to OTK.


I finished 24th after round 11. When they called top 32 out, stopped on 24, called my name and paused then gave me a special shout out for making top 32 with Empty Jar.

TOP 32: Empty Jar vs. Six Samurai
Record = 9-2
Die Roll = lost 3-7

Game One: He smoke signaled and synchro summoned for shien and set the remainder of his hand. I drew, set Deep Diver and ended my turn. He drew, attacked my Deep Diver and I put jar on top. I drew, book of eclipsed his monster to force him to negate it, then feather of the phoenix it back to the top of the deck. I upstarted to get the book and proceeded to OTK.

Game Two: He smoke signaled and synchro summoned for shien and set the remainder of his hand. I opened up with Morphing Jar and set Deep Diver. He drew, used double sword edge technique to bring out another shien, special summoned grand master and attacked with it. He attacked with the two shiens and put Lava Golem on top. I drew, tributed off his 2 shiens for Lava Golem and passed my turn. He drew and attacked into my swift scarecrows. I drew and proceeded to OTK.

TOP 16: Empty Jar vs. GraveKeepers
Record = 10-2
Die Roll = won 4-7

Game One: I opened up with the jar and everything I needed and proceeded to FTK.

Game Two: He dualitied for Solemn Judgment, activated Necrovalley, set a monster, set 3 backrow and activated Royal Tribute. He hit a a/d changer and a Deep Diver from my hand. I drew, dualitied for Sangan and summoned it. He drew and set a monster. I drew, activated gold sarc for Giant Trunade and passed. He drew and set a backrow. I drew and set Deep Diver. He drew and set another monster. I guess his strategy was to wait until he had plenty of resources to stop me when I was going through the combo. I drew, retrieved my trunade, and set a/d changer. He drew and set another backrow. I drew, gold sarced for Twister and ended my turn. He realized he would not have enough outs to stop a Twister and a trunade so he drew for his turn and started to make things happen. He flipped all his monsters face up, one being a spy to get descendant, he normal summoned another descendant and popped all three of my monsters leaving him with double descendant face up. I got jar from sangans effect and he attacked me for 4k. I drew and ended my turn. He drew, tried to atk for game but I swift scarecrowed. I drew activated trunade, he Solemn Judgment, then I twistered the valley. I activated feather of the phoenix to put trunade back on top of my deck. I upstarted and trunaded then proceeded to OTK.

TOP 8: Empty Jar vs. Six Samurai – Nizar Sarhan (YCS Dallas Winner)
Record = 11-2
Die Roll = lost 4-8

Game One: He activated Six Samurai United, summoned 2 monsters and drew 2 from united. He activated another Six Samurai United and synchro summoned for shien and set some back row. I drew, activated duality, he negated it and I activated gold sarc for Morphing Jar. He drew and attacked. I drew and passed. He drew and attacked. I drew, retrieved my jar, book of eclipsed his monster, he negated, I feather of phoenix to put it back on top, and proceeded to OTK.

Game Two: He synchro summoned for shien and ended with some back row set. I drew and set Deep Diver. He drew, attacked my Sangan and I put jar on top. I drew and proceeded to OTK.

I overheard Nizar Sarhan talking his strategy with his friends saying that he was only ever going to have one monster on the field because he knew I played Lava Golem. I knew this match was going to be an auto win because one shien is no problem to beat.

TOP 4: Empty Jar vs. Six Samurai – Sean Covert (YCS Charlotte Winner)
Record = 12-2
Die Roll = lost 4-9

Game One: He synchro summoned for shien and set some back row. I opened up with jar and everything I needed to FTK. I used Magical Mallet to force him to use his negation then proceeded to OTK.

Apparently I was not destined to win this YCS with Empty Jar for many reasons. One being that I did not remember what my own card did (Volcanic Queen). Secondly my friend overheard Sean talking with his friends saying that he was going to overextend if he had the chance. After I 2-0 Nizar I went to the restroom. On my way back my friend tried to stop me to tell me to not side in Volcanic Queen, as I had done against Nizar, because of what he heard Sean saying. I did not stop to hear what he was going to tell me because I thought he was just going to congratulate me on my success so far in the tournament.

Game Two: He synchro summoned for shien and set some back row. I opened up with the jar and everything I needed to FTK but I had to wait one turn because I had a/d changer and no way to discard him from my hand so I set him. He drew and used double edge sword technique to synchro summon for another shien. He special summoned grand master and kizan and attacked my a/d cahnger. He attacked with the rest for 7100. I drew, not remembering my own card effect and siding in Volcanic Queen over Lava Golem which put me in my first tough situation of the entire YCS. I tribute off one shien, did some plays and ended my turn because I could not set my jar that turn but I had the swift scarecrow to save me from the next turns attack. He drew, read my Volcanic Queen and launched off a monster for game. I was like, “WTF REALLY PAUL!!! You made it this far just to lose like that. Was the jar really that good to where it can beat the person that’s playing the deck?” lol.

Game Three: I opened up with jar and everything I needed to FTK but for some reason I had a strong feeling that I should have waited. As I was going through the combo I ran out of juice to flip my jar face up. I ended my turn knowing I had lost that match. He crossed out my jar, I raged quitted and scooped up my cards not even caring to see how the rest of the game would have turned out because the match should not have gone to game 3.

TOP 3/4 PLAYOFFS: Empty Jar vs. Sabers – Billy Brake
Record = 12-3
Die Roll = won 5-9

Game One: I opened up with everything I needed to FTK. During the combo he tried to effect veiler me once but I chained Book of Eclipse to his effect veiler to turn my Morphing Jar face down.

Game Two: He summoned thunderking and set 2 back row. I drew, set Deep Diver and ended my turn. He drew, normal summoned boggart, special summoned fulhelmknight and synchro summoned boggart and fulhelmknight to bring out X-Saber Urbellum. He monster reborned fulhelknight and used it to attack my Deep Diver. He read Deep Diver and realized he made a terrible mistake because Deep Diver allows me to search my deck at the end of the battle phase, not right as it dies like he thought. He attacked with boggart, thunderking and X-Saber Urbellum taking a feather of phoenix out of my hand and putting on top of my deck. Deep Diver activated, allowing me to put Morphing Jar on top and shuffling the feather of the phoenix back into my deck. I drew and proceeded to OTK. Once I drew a Prohibition off Morphing Jar’s effect, I activated it, calling effect veiler to seal any outs he may have.

• Almost changed this meta if I had won
• Picked up 3 ulti Dark World Dealings for cheap
• My hotel room had a kitchen
• Drove a 2011 ultima rental car
• Pick up a set of closed forest for the low low
• 2-0 almost all my opponents
• Having friends and family supporting me
• Having the best girlfriend in the world that kept me calm throughout the event
• Having her type this report for me
• Shout out to Tyler Tabman for encouraging me not to drop after I went 4-2
• Winning $10 off Tyler Tabman when I won a bet because I went farther in the tournament than he did
• Having people value my opinions, ideas and advice
• Proved that Empty Jar is tier 0

• Being deck checked 4 times
• Having my friend’s stuff stolen
• Not listening to the friend who would have given me valuable advice
• Having to travel 16 hours each way
• Actually driving half the time
• Not winning the whole thing
• Got a game warning for playing slowly
• Opening up with jar all 3 games in top 4 and still lost
• Only opening up with jar for the FTK a couple times
• Losing $10 because I bet a friend he would not win a side event and he did
• Siding incorrectly against round 6 against GBs and in top 4 for the loss
• People trolling me on the internet for my success[/spoiler]
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[quote name='Loki el Señor de los Aesir' timestamp='1301176106' post='5098599']
His Idea of tier 0 is wrong too.

/sarcasm tags should never be needed unless you are an idiot.

[quote name='Manjoume Thunder' timestamp='1301210170' post='5099948']
apparently he tried to persuade multiple people into thinking that he can use ad as a book of moon. Those who fell for it got punished.

Also, lol at the cocky bastard.
1 bye
1 free win
uses ad like a bom
goes x-2

and acts like he is the new messiah

He had the right to act like the new messiah, he came fourth with Empty Jar. Jesus couldn't do that.
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[quote name='Manjoume Thunder' timestamp='1301210170' post='5099948']
apparently he tried to persuade multiple people into thinking that he can use ad as a book of moon. Those who fell for it got punished.

Also, lol at the [b]cocky bastard[/b].
1 bye
1 free win
uses ad like a bom
goes x-2

and acts like he is the new messiah

We Britfags are the best :D
Also, anything can top.


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A/D's effect:
[quote]You can remove from play this card in your Graveyard to select 1 monster on the field. Change its battle position.[/quote]
The [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Card_Rulings:A/D_Changer]oh-so "reliable" wiki[/url] doesn't mention anything.

So apparently with this thread's logic, A/D can change a monster to facedown attack position.
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you cannot change a monster to face down def position

we have another term for that in Yugioh.. it's called 'setting' - you cannot set a monster with A/D Changer - you can only change it's battle position. That means either face up def or attack - those are your [u][b]ONLY[/b][/u] options with that card.
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