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YCM Member Brawl 3 (Round 5 is over)

Fusion X. Denver

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[quote name='Kazooie' timestamp='1307160332' post='5252940']
Silly dwarf didn't help you catch on, did it? D:

He's not throwing a tantrem though. He's saying something reasonable about the way people are changing their votes so quickly, just because someone nominates them/wanted to be in.

If the person was truly your "friend" wouldn't you find out if they wanted to be in before you give your nominations? Or vise-versa? He did that, voted for his friend. And then his friend got in.

Someone voted for his friend, got nominated by someone, and then that person changed their vote from his friend to the person that nominated them. Then, they got in again, and then they were just removed again. Now they need another vote to be in, a vote he can't give because he's already given. The other people keeping changing it. It's silly to change a vote to the person who nominated you. It makes you look like a suck-up, which you practically are if you do that.

I don't have a problem with changing it because you actually FORGOT someone, but changing it because someone nominates you / not bothering to find out if they wanted in or not bugs me too.

If he was throwing a tantrum because it was a strain on the "Hosts", then I would totally understand. Hell, I would start throwing a tantrum too. If he had said what you just said (people getting two nominations, then losing a nomination) right off the bat, then I wouldn't have a said a word. But...he did neither. Yeah, he is starting to hit on the latter now, but not at the start. No, his reason for is tantrum was that it was annoying and even said it had nothing to do with the hassle the "Hosts" had to deal with. That makes him look selfish, which in turn irritates the living hell out of me. Thus why I am continuing to respond to his posts.

You must realize, you, Ravenous, Barack Obama, nor anyone else can stop people from going "Oh! I wanna nominate this person instead!" All that can be done is change the rules of this thread. But even then, some people will change their nominations. But why should it bother you? Oh no! You're friend isn't part of some silly contest on the internet that's nothing more than a popularity contest! ...it's not that big of a deal, damn. Get over it. If you have such a big problem over it, make some other contest or something, and reserve spots for your friends. A lot better than people crying over spilled milk. <_<

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[quote name='Dwarven King' timestamp='1307161130' post='5252972']
If he was throwing a tantrum because it was a strain on the "Hosts", then I would totally understand. Hell, I would start throwing a tantrum too. If he had said what you just said (people getting two nominations, then losing a nomination) right off the bat, then I wouldn't have a said a word. But...he did neither. Yeah, he is starting to hit on the latter now, but not at the start. No, his reason for is tantrum was that it was annoying and even said it had nothing to do with the hassle the "Hosts" had to deal with. That makes him look selfish, which in turn irritates the living hell out of me. Thus why I am continuing to respond to his posts.

You must realize, you, Ravenous, Barack Obama, nor anyone else can stop people from going "Oh! I wanna nominate this person instead!" All that can be done is change the rules of this thread. But even then, some people will change their nominations. But why should it bother you? Oh no! You're friend isn't part of some silly contest on the internet that's nothing more than a popularity contest! ...it's not that big of a deal, damn. Get over it. If you have such a big problem over it, make some other contest or something, and reserve spots for your friends. A lot better than people crying over spilled milk. <_<
I'm doing the latter. Two of my friends had 2 votes. 1 now has 1, and 1 now has 0.

Question- If you feel that way, why are you in it? I've already won this contest, not that I think I was a better member than Clair who I beat, but this isn't about me. This is about how people feels they must serve one another, because they got a vote. Somehow, they became more deserving because they voted for that person, though they voted for others, initially.

Now, stop dodging- Who IS GreyCat?

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[quote name='Ravenous Black' timestamp='1307160758' post='5252957']
I read your whole post. I assessed the only parts that were on topic at all.

You nominated someone, and they nominated you. This whole thread is "Now I'll nom you, so you nom me, so they nom you, and you nom them."

Sorry, see Kazooie there? That's be my girlfriend. *Pats on back* Nice try.

For the last time- I DO NOT CARE ABOUT [b]YOUR[/b] NOMINATION. I told you from the start I didn't. Now who's not reading posts?

Oh, and a final note- Who IS Grey Cat? I've never heard of them, and no one seems to know who they are.

Lol, what? Are you mentally confusing yourself? Here, let me copy and paste a line out of your previous post.

"It completely concerns me. You took my best friend's vote because of a circle jerk."

That was in a post, by you, directed towards me. That tells me you DO care about my nomination. And, I previously had GreyCat nominated. That lead me to believe GreyCat was your friend. Apparently that's not true. So...you should probably rethink where you're going with this and make your posts...a little more understandable. I don't want you to bust a blood vessel in your head. -_-

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[quote name='Dwarven King' timestamp='1307160165' post='5252929']
Name me five people who would take the time to message ALL of their friends and and decide who was getting a nomination, and who was nominating them so they could all be in it.

[font="Tahoma"][b]I did not say ALL of their friends. I said if you're doing favors for people then you should have asked them to do the favor so you can do them a favor before you posted your nominations in this thread, so that people don't get upset or angered when their votes have been changed because someone changed their nomination to someone else because they did them a favor.[/b][/font]

And we aren't all doing favors for people.[/quote]
[font="Tahoma"][b]Oh? Weren't you the one who posted this "because [i]everyone is[/i] being nice to each other and [i]doing favors[/i]"?[/b][/font]
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[quote name='Dwarven King' timestamp='1307161427' post='5252989']
Lol, what? Are you mentally confusing yourself? Here, let me copy and paste a line out of your previous post.

"It completely concerns me. You took my best friend's vote because of a circle jerk."

That was in a post, by you, directed towards me. That tells me you DO care about my nomination. And, I previously had GreyCat nominated. That lead me to believe GreyCat was your friend. Apparently that's not true. So...you should probably rethink where you're going with this and make your posts...a little more understandable. I don't want you to bust a blood vessel in your head. -_-
You DID take his vote. Alex gave you the vote given to my Aneki.

I could care less about yout nomination. YOU misconstrued, not I.

I'm not even angry, unless you do something to one certain person. If you do that, I guarantee, I'll go apeshit on you.

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[quote name='Ravenous Black' timestamp='1307161384' post='5252986']
I'm doing the latter. Two of my friends had 2 votes. 1 now has 1, and 1 now has 0.

Question- If you feel that way, why are you in it? I've already won this contest, not that I think I was a better member than Clair who I beat, but this isn't about me. This is about how people feels they must serve one another, because they got a vote. Somehow, they became more deserving because they voted for that person, though they voted for others, initially.

Now, stop dodging- Who IS GreyCat?

Oh, great time to mention that. After you first came off like a selfish arse who was just getting annoyed. <_<

Why am I in it? Because two people nominated me. Same reason you're in it...unless you did some convincing to get those nominations. But I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't.

And my response to the GreyCat issue is in my previous post.

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1307161095' post='5252970']
Sorry bud, but Byakuya already made it in by the time you posted. Feel free to nominate anyone else however.

We're not writing matches for Round 1, too long and cumbersome.
We're only doing that for Round 2 and beyond, maybe Round 3 depending.

Let's not make this a big deal, guys. This going back and forth accomplishes absolutely nothing.
That said, thank you everyone for the nominations, we're up to 49 competitors.
Now, I believe it's my turn to place some nominations.

Bahamut ZERO http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/258150-bahamut-zero/
Führer King Bradley http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/172204-fuhrer-king-bradley/
Ä‚tman http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/64939-atman/

I apologize for the amount of spam in your thread. Ravenous came off as a selfish arse who was simply getting annoyed. Frankly, I've been doing my best not to start arguments on this forum. But I couldn't help myself this time. -_-

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[quote name='Thomas King' timestamp='1307161521' post='5252996']
[font="Tahoma"][b]Oh? Weren't you the one who posted this "because [i]everyone is[/i] being nice to each other and [i]doing favors[/i]"?[/b][/font]

So, what you're saying is that by simply going, "Hey, he looks like he wants to be in this really badly, but I doubt he will get a second nomination. You know what, I'm going to be nice to him and change a nomination." is considered doing a favor?

You heard him guys! We can't be nice to people! Everyone put on your hater masks and get out the flamethrowers! We gotta be mean!
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[quote name='Mr. Striker' timestamp='1307162112' post='5253029']
Fusion, I'll be more than happy to show them both the door if the need arises. I need practice with my light attacks anyway.

...Quit being an idiot Striker.

For the love of GOD, quit being an idiot.
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[quote name='Ravenous Black' timestamp='1307161857' post='5253015']
Like I said, I've won this thing. I don't care about it. I'm in it because YOU got a vote that bumped Aneki out.

Wait. How does a loss of a nomination for one person, and a gain of a nomination for me affect you? Is this your way of saying "Vengeance will be mine!!!"? <_<

[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1307161870' post='5253016']
Don't worry Black, I'm sure Cherry and whoever else you were worried about will make it in, they're well-liked.
But srsly, quit arguing guize

I no longer have a need to message him over this, or to continue it here. Ravenous is losing his steam and making blunders in his post. Plus he has made me repeat myself three times for no apparent reason, which is annoying as hell. In other words, it's pointless to argue with the twat. So I'm going to take my leave from this...conversation. If it's even right to call this by that word.

Now if you will excuse me, I have more important things to attend to than sit here and watch people cry over something small and insignificant.

On a more on-topic note. This is the first time I have ever seen this "Brawl". Congrats on the excellent idea Fusion. ^_^

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@Dwarven King: If you really had anything better to do you wouldn't have made your last post. j/s
If you find what's going on ridiculous you shouldn't continue on in it at all. Just a friendly bit of advice. ;D

iCherry: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/188867-icherry/
Battle Fenrir (Otherwise known as Rarity or just Fenrir): http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/64339-battle-fenrir/
Thomas King: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/82805-thomas-king/
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[quote name='Dwarven King' timestamp='1307161890' post='5253018']
So, what you're saying is that by simply going, "Hey, he looks like he wants to be in this really badly, but I doubt he will get a second nomination. You know what, I'm going to be nice to him and change a nomination." is considered doing a favor?

You heard him guys! We can't be nice to people! Everyone put on your hater masks and get out the flamethrowers! We gotta be mean!
[font="Tahoma"][b]What I've been trying to say is that you're doing favors for another person by changing your vote but you are not doing any favors to the person who you had previously voted for because they get bumped down because you've changed your vote.

And what you just said in your last sentence makes me sound like an a-hole just because you're not listening to me properly. That last sentence was completely uncalled for and is exactly not what I am trying to say at all.

As J-Max said, all votes should be final if it was this argument would never had happened. :|

Fusion, I know you said to end it and I will I just had to clear myself up and with that I apologize for getting myself involved in this.[/b][/font]

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[quote name='Führer King Bradley' timestamp='1307162960' post='5253069']
It's funny cause Fuse kinda needs that now

but thats a WHOLE 'nuther thing

Yeah, I was hoping I wouldn't have to follow through on that, but I do.

Fusion, I'm praying for you friend. D:
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Fusion, I hate to have to say this and I mean no bad harm to you but [b][size="6"]"GROW SOME f***ing BALLS!"[/size][/b] Seriously, you;re letting people change Votes left and right. Once a Member has placed a Vote then it should STAY that way! Once a member is in, THEY ARE IN! Don't allow members to change their minds just because they feel like it. I dread to think how the main contest is going to go now. It's not your fault Fusion and I love you as a YCM Member but please enforce your rights as organizer of this Brawl.
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[quote name='Mr. Striker' timestamp='1307163147' post='5253078']
I knew Fusion already had it handled. I just wanted to give my two sense since it is a habit. Besides, do you think I would even challenge Black?

No, that's not what I said.

I said to quit being an idiot.

This encompasses, but is not limited to:

1. You attempting to be a big bad guy.
2. You trying to sound smart when you're just being silly.
3. Using a sword you like to pretend is godmod +1.
4. Challenging Black/Ice/Nexev/Dane/Anyone really.
5. And "giving your two 'sense'" about something when in reality it just falls back to the first point.

It really goes much farther, but we would be here all day if I tried go list even half of them.
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J-Max, it's in the rules and I can handle it, not a big deal.
Issue's over anyway, as Andx has just nominated the people Black was concerned about back into the tourney.
We're at 51 competitors, I think we'll have our full roster of contestants by tomorrow.
Depending on when that happens, Round 1 could start either tomorrow or Sunday.
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[quote name='Kazooie' timestamp='1307163396' post='5253083']
No, that's not what I said.

I said to quit being an idiot.

This encompasses, but is not limited to:

1. You attempting to be a big bad guy.
2. You trying to sound smart when you're just being silly.
3. Using a sword you like to pretend is godmod +1.
4. Challenging Black/Ice/Nexev/Dane/Anyone really.
5. And "giving your two 'sense'" about something when in reality it just falls back to the first point.

It really goes much farther, but we would be here all day if I tried go list even half of them.

1. I acknowledge this.
2. Same as 1.
3. I didn't say anything about SoJ.
4. Past post is in the past.
5. Same as 1.

I don't have time to listen to the whole list.
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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1307163426' post='5253085']
J-Max, it's in the rules and I can handle it, not a big deal.
Issue's over anyway, as Andx has just nominated the people Black was concerned about back into the tourney.
We're at 51 competitors, I think we'll have our full roster of contestants by tomorrow.
Depending on when that happens, Round 1 could start either tomorrow or Sunday.
He nominated them because I was pissed.

Rule still needs to change. Someone else had friends bumped out.
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