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2012 US Presidential Election


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[quote name='Dark' timestamp='1317166849' post='5544572']
...that's an issue? Aren't you libertarian, or are you one of those weird economic-libertarians, again, which are just right-wing economic nut-heads?
Gotta intercede here, he's saying he doesn't want to vote for Martin because apparently all Martin cares about is the gay marriage thing, and nothing else whatsoever (or so Tony says). You just took that out of context.

Tony probably explained it better.

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[i]You just took that out of context.[/i]

I realize this is a political debate and I'm not very well-versed at arguing linguistics, but I have to say that his statement was more ambiguous rather than taken out-of-context.

[i]Andy Martin's only issue is Gay Marriage which he wants legalized nationwide[/i]

That could be easily read as:

The only issue with Andy Martin is [his stance on] Gay Marriage, which he wants legalized nationwide.

Whereas it was intended to be read as:

Andy Martin only cares about the issue of Gay Marriage, which he wants legalized nationwide.

When you say "only issue", it was almost clear that you were implying "issue" to mean "problem" rather than "stance [is on]". Even now when I know the true intention of that sentence, it still sounds ambiguous. Not really sure how this one can be pinned on me.

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[quote name='Anthony Hatsune' timestamp='1317166613' post='5544565']
And then when the economy stumbles because of his constant spending and the United States goes into another depression will you be happy then?[/quote]
okay, nevermind the last post before yours, what i mean to say is, as long as whoever is in charge after the election pullst the troops out of the middle east, i'll be happy. i live in canada, not america, im dealing with stephen harper.

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[quote name='Tentacruel' timestamp='1317156028' post='5544150']
Ugh, I don't feel like arguing about this. Stop dragging religion into this, to accuse someone of being an idiot because of religious beliefs is, well, moronic and arrogant, at least when you're talking about something unrelated like politics. [b]Haha. Really? Politics and religion are "unrelated"? You can accuse someone of being an idiot because they belong to a religious belief. Have you ever heard of Fred Phelps?[/b] Barack freaking Obama is, believe it or not, a member of a "Religion." He is clearly not a moron. Now, you may be thinking, he doesn't let it effect his thinking, but that's retarded. If someone has a particular religious belief, their overall way of thinking is obviously going to be different than if they were not religious. [b]Of course it is. Intelligent religious people don't let their beliefs affect their thinking too much. Ignorant, stupid religious people's beliefs are driven by their religions. That's why you can categorize "religious idiots" - they are the religious who let their political theories be clouded by their faith.[/b]

I personally believe the government has no business telling other people what is right and what is wrong, as they are obviously subjective and the law would change drastically based on the people office if the government were to be given that authority. That being said, I think murder should be illegal. [b]By that logic, murder shouldn't be illegal because some of the public think it is okay. "The government has no business telling other people what is right or wrong". Right and wrong are completely subjective - psychopaths think that murder is fine. By your logic of right and wrong being subjective, nothing can be made illegal under the basis that it will infringe the "freedom" of a sector of the populace. Despite you thinking this, you think that murder should be illegal. Well, did you know that "right and wrong are subjective"? What about the poor psychopaths? They think murder is fine. They enjoy it. By removing that from them, you are infringing their "liberty"![/b] I think murder is wrong. I think murder is wrong because of my religious beliefs. I therefore am a moron because of this. Obviously, that logic is stupid. [b]If you have ever bothered to read the Bible cover-to-cover then you'll find that murder appears to be a-okay. What about the women and children of Sodom and Jericho? The innocents who were massacred? There are countless examples of disgusting crimes in the Bible, crimes that happen to go against the Ten Commandments.[/b]

I don't think abortion should be illegal (in some cases) because it's wrong, I think it should be illegal because I do not consider a fetal human organism, for legal purposes, part of its host, especially in late terms. Although I understand that there would be some disagreement on this, and I do not call people idiots for thinking otherwise. [b]You should call other people idiots for thinking some things. One describes people who disagree with abortion as "idiots" because it is proven that a foetus is not a living organism for much of the time it is the womb. They ignore that and go on about "unborn life" or "potential". They choose to be ignorant when faced with the facts. That is idiocy. This idiocy is driven by blind faith. Ergo, they are idiots because of their religious beliefs.[/b]

I support domestic partnerships for everyone, because I believe in loving everyone, and that a peaceful solution is best, because of my RELIGION. [b]As a religious American that is supportive of gay marriage, you are in the minority.[/b]

Clearly, I am an ignorant biased, far-right nut-job. Dark, I respect your views, and your intelligence, but please learn to be more open minded. [b]Open-mindedness is not blind acceptance. Open-mindedness is allowing people to express their opinions. My opinion is that you, like the vast majority of bloodthirsty middle-Americans, have many idiotic traits. Attack that opinion if you wish, but at least allow one to express it. Ron Paul happens to be a big fan of the Constitution, something which permits freedom of speech. As a Pauldophile, you should be familiar with that, no?[/b]

[quote name='Anthony Hatsune' timestamp='1317166613' post='5544565']
And then when the economy stumbles because of his constant spending and the United States goes into another depression will you be happy then?


Now here is a person you should call an idiot.

This is a pretty modest spending plan. It's not much at all, in fact. It's almost a Republican-esque budget.

Now, look at the Tax Receipt. Obama wants more money to spend - more money to pump into the economy. The more you spend, the better it is for the economy. Thanks to a Republican-majority congress, Obama can't tax the super-rich for the money the country needs. Therefore he is stuck in a cycle of economic hardship, thanks to a bad political situation that is beyond his control.

That's why.

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[quote name='Dт. Михаи́л Ботви́нник PчD' timestamp='1317230852' post='5545834']


Now here is a person you should call an idiot.

This is a pretty modest spending plan. It's not much at all, in fact. It's almost a Republican-esque budget.

Now, look at the Tax Receipt. Obama wants more money to spend - more money to pump into the economy. The more you spend, the better it is for the economy. Thanks to a Republican-majority congress, Obama can't tax the super-rich for the money the country needs. Therefore he is stuck in a cycle of economic hardship, thanks to a bad political situation that is beyond his control.

That's why.
You win, I have been defeated on the economic side... I still support someone else for other reasons though but other than that you have me pretty much beat...

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[quote name='Anthony Hatsune' timestamp='1317162566' post='5544407']
Kent Mesplay is... Well Kent Mesplay...
Welp, somebody doesn't know their Kent Mesplay that well.
[spoilers]its all of you god dammit[/spoiler]

And Alfred, Obama did have a chance to tax the rich and push for more left agendas, but as the case usually is in first world politics, major parties end up being jokes.

I don't care much for the next election. Obama is probably going to win, since people are finally seeing how silly the Republican candidates look, and he's decent. I just want there to finally be some instant run-off voting and proportional representation.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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[quote name='waterwhip' timestamp='1319256911' post='5592914']
Obama seems to be nailing the coffin thats going in the grave that Bush dug.

Its beautiful, to people working togeather to destroy the country.
Obama has done more for this country than Bush ever did. Have you seen the way the economy has gone since he became president? Whether the people want to admit or not it has gotten better. Gas prices are rarely talked about anymore rather than Wall Street and his Foreign Policy is flawless.

[font=times new roman, times, serif]~Evangeline A.K. McDowell[/font]

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[quote name='The Dark Evangel' timestamp='1320805592' post='5627596']
Obama has done more for this country than Bush ever did. Have you seen the way the economy has gone since he became president? Whether the people want to admit or not it has gotten better. Gas prices are rarely talked about anymore rather than Wall Street and his Foreign Policy is flawless.

[font=times new roman, times, serif]~Evangeline A.K. McDowell[/font]
I wouldn't say "flawless" by any means, but he seems to me to be far and away better than any of the alternatives.

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First and foremost, I'd like to say I want that scumbag Herman Cain the hell out of the government. I looked at his 9-9-9 Plan and I saw that only those with high tax brackets would benefit since their taxes would get cuts while the lower income people with low tax brackets get tax bumps so they'd have to pay more. On top of that, I lost all respect for him when he said it was not the government's problem that people did not have jobs, it was actually our problem for not holding them down and when he suggested electrifying the border wall. Mostly the latter since I am an illegal. So far I only support Obama since he never got chances to do anything during his term because the legislature would not give him chances to have his bills passed. Main issues I'm concerned with are illegal immigration policies and economic policies. I don't want to have waited to become legal for ten f*cking years only to come into this sorry excuse for an economy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just hope somebody tells Obama he's won this time so he can stop campaigning

EDIT: And I lol hard at the people who think that political parties of the PRESIDENT make a difference in policies.

They're both bought out by the same people and the congress is going to come up with the same stuff they will either way. The president is only a war leader. Political preference has nothing to do with it, and quite frankly, the president hasn't had a power since Nixon.

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[quote name='Tentacruel' timestamp='1322493358' post='5672130']
Ron Paul is the only Republican I'd vote for at this point. Maybe Hermain Cain.


But I'll probably be forced to vote for Obama if he ends up running against one of cookie cutter Repubs.

It would be hilarious if Bachman got elected though. HILARIOUS.
Ron Paul wants the Middle East to practically blow itself up and will drive Europes economy into the ground... Herman Cain is a crazy nutjob who think shis 9/9/9 will help the economy when in fact he is just giving the rich another break... Obama is honestly the only sensible presidential choice imo

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Ron Paul probably has the best foreign policy in regards to the Middle East of the large candidates, actually. Imperialist aggression is what largely drives fundamentalist dissent. I would prefer genuinely helpful, non-military involvement, but nothing is better than what we have now. And he has nothing to do with Europe - their financial problems are of their own creation. I'd probably never vote for him though, too many awful and regressive ideas. Obama isn't all that great, but he's the best of the main, viable options(we need priority voting and proportional representation for more voting systems).

I'll vote for Jill Stein, for the sake of decency.

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[quote name='Izaya Orihara' timestamp='1322498507' post='5672232']
Ron Paul wants the Middle East to practically blow itself up and will drive Europes economy into the ground... Herman Cain is a crazy nutjob who think shis 9/9/9 will help the economy when in fact he is just giving the rich another break... Obama is honestly the only sensible presidential choice imo
[/quote]WOAH. What happened to you Izaya? I like you now :D

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