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Yu-Gi-Oh! Invasion of the Clear Brigade; Co-Hosted by Rainbow Dash [OOC / Started / Not Accepting]


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He doesn't seem to be a very good RPer. His character concept acts like a split personality, but executed extremely badly, and he doesn't seem to make any efforts to be coherent, nor get the hint that his character is so ridiculous and annoying that others are actively avoiding him and no one seems to understand him.

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You were aware that a number of us were confused or annoyed by your RPing/character and rather than acknowledge it and seek advice or work harder to improve based on the criticisms, you chose to ignore them and continued doing your own thing for as long as Trimage was willing to put up with it?

Not really the best way to go about it. The persistence of the annoying and confusing aspects and lack of comment in the OOC thread gave me the idea that you were simply unaware that we had complaints.

It's not so much that "everyone isn't nice", so much as you and your character STAND OUT. In a bad way.

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Hmm, what to do now that I've won... and probably taken in a good note nonetheless.

Didn't know altering the opponent's Life Points could still be frowned upon even when both guys [i]knew[/i] the alteree couldn't do anything about it :/

Suppose that's another thing I better solemnly swear I'll never do in the future

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[quote name='Admiral_Stalfos19' timestamp='1322258916' post='5665329']
Hmm, what to do now that I've won... and probably taken in a good note nonetheless.

Didn't know altering the opponent's Life Points could be frowned upon before, even with both guys [i]know[/i] the alteree can't do anything about it :/

Oh, it's ungodly annoying. It's a minor form of power-playing (very minor) because you're taking control of an aspect that your character has no direct control over, without letting the other RPer have a say in it. Even if they can't do anything about it, you're denying them the chance to handle it in their own way.

For example, I'd have prefered to orchestrate how the attack hit and affected Black Mist, and how Celes reacted to the process, including her LP dropping to 0. By you doing most of the stuff that should be handled by me, ESPECIALLY the "LP -> 0" part, it's like pushing fast forward on a movie for a minute or two and then telling me to continue watching. Totally ruins the story aspect and flow.

As you may have noticed, my post started from where the attack was declared, but the flow's already ruined by the fact that people read Celes lost before Celes' RPer states Celes lost.

Destroying monsters and the like when no response seems almost definite is usually all right, though. Like when I had Black Mist kill Coelacanth early on and Black Mist kill a Rabca. You had no response and stopping to "verify" just bogs things down and you might struggle for material, and my turn wouldn't be over.

LP is an entirely different matter, and there is pretty much no circumstance where you should have your post state LP changes of your opponent as fact outside of dialogue.

That's just my view on it, though.

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Toon, if nobody else has Utopia right now, I'm going to say you can have it - however, Numbers aren't just found on the ground (at least I don't think); for the most part they materialize out of nowhere :P
Also, your character's actions are just hard to understand - I know he has a split personality due to his spirit creature things, but there are some unrealistic things that you probably shouldn't go for (such as being able to turn a duel disk into a healing machine or something like that).

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[quote name='Toon Chaos' timestamp='1322258492' post='5665306']
I did ignore them but I tried to get better. :,( I'm going to continue to do that sad face.
Doing that sad face does not change anything.
Your roleplaying skills are subpar and your characters are irritating at best.
Not to mention you choose to disregard whatever anyone else is saying and do your own thing, when that is not how you roleplay.
Roleplay is all about cooperation, compromising, and meeting people halfway.
We want you to simply do better, more specifically following the rules and making coherent sense.
If that is too much to ask, you are more than welcome to leave.

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Well, Trimage did outline quite a few things that cropped up. The biggest things I took issue with were the seemingly random progression of events with nonsensical explanations and a character concept that seems like a split personality. I didn't even realize what Toron was supposed to be until I looked at the app.

When you RP, try to have fun, but let things flow more without racing to do a dozen different things at once. If you make something unusual happen, try to have a basic idea of where that idea is going to go, but also make sure it's not a ridiculously off-plot/genre idea.

The whole "randomly injured" thing has yet to have any relevence, and it hopped all over the place with randomly getting a new Number, then whatever Trimage was saying about the hospital.

@Stalfos: Didn't an earlier post of yours reference Kira's grandparent or something? That could be something to expand upon if you need something to do until Itsu escapes the Tag Team Duel That Was a Bad Ideaâ„¢

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[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1322262441' post='5665473']
@Stalfos: Didn't an earlier post of yours reference Kira's grandparent or something? That could be something to expand upon if you need something to do until Itsu escapes the Tag Team Duel That Was a Bad Ideaâ„¢
That was a terrible idea.

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[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1322262441' post='5665473']
Tag Team Duel That Was a Bad Ideaâ„¢
Charlotte... >_>
Until Dem posts, Charlotte can't post, which means I won't be able to post o_O

But on another note, thank you for that detailed analysis, evilfusion.

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[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1322262707' post='5665488']
You'd think by now every Yugioh RPer would have learned the following things:

- Tournament RPs never work out. NEVER.
- Duels with more than 2 people take forever.
I'm sure people are online more than they seem to be o_O
And yes, having a tag duel or something along those lines usually mean that the RP is nearing its end -_-

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