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[Discussion Thread] YCM Legends Series - January 2012 [Top 4 has been posted!]

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f*** off it was funny


also, jesse, olly, and i lost on the bubble


i actually predicted jesse but still


so top 8 is





james nagro



2 other people idgaf


Idk...did I top at all? =0

Apparently my tiebreakers were nice, so I've been told...

And I went 4 - 2. Idk. I actually don't care to much.

Dragunity didn't actually suck...

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Idc about not topping, had some good duels and in the end I got really close, if the 2 cards I drew during my last 2 turns had been in a different order I would've topped. Better luck next YCML.

I did learn how crappy that deck build was though, and after every duel I was happy that I stopped running it irl.

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I got lucksacked in two of my losses, but it doesn't matter because I want Koko to win it now. And I got my deck's worst matchup in that final round. But overall I'd say this was at least a good laugh.


Shame that the video coverage sucked and the amount of extensions were pretty ridiculous, but that means that next YCML should run that much smoother.


Also, I do enjoy the variety in the decks, some good, some not so good, but it's a heck of a lot nicer than only playing against Inzektors, Rabbit and Plants.

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[spoiler=Who likes feature matches?]


Game One

Olly, the most skillful Rock-Paper-Scissors player on all of YCM, outplays Koko and earns the right to go first. On paper, it would seem that Gladiator Beasts vs Inzektors would be die roll as all hell, the winner being decided by whoever can set up first. He plays Pot of Duality and reveals Mystical Space Typhoon, Maxx “C”, and Tour Guide From the Underworld. MST goes to his hand and Olly sets two.

Koko summons Gladiator Beast Murmillo, attacks, and tags into a Retiari to banish Pot of Duality. Koko sets two backrows, of which Fiendish Chain gets MST’d (this is a really really terrible play on Olly’s part. Setting the MST turn one is absolutely horrid because the only chainable Traps to fear in an unknown matchup are Dustshoot and opposing MSTs. In addition, in a GB matchup, Koko could be inclined to turn 1 Heavy because he’ll wind up setting loads of backrows throughout the rest of the game. MST is a pivotal card in today’s metagame, but should be saved for going off and stuff).

Olly plays another Duality to reveal Book of Moon, Tour Guide From the Underworld, and Heavy Storm. Heavy Storm being an amazing card in a Gladiator Beast matchup, he adds it to his hand. Inzektor Centipede attacks Retiari. In the Main Phase 2, Centipede equips Inzektor Hornet, but Koko chains Book of Moon.

Koko tries to Summon Thunder King Rai-Oh, but God and his b****es say no! Solemn Warning gets rid of the monster. Olly Flips Centipede and equips Hornet, swinging for 2100 damage. Koko sets a lone monster, hoping to defend himself.

Olly uses Hornet to destroy the set Darius and Centipede adds Dragonfly to Olly’s hand. Olly uses Centipede to equip Hornet again and attack for another 2100 damage. Koko goes Laquari backed up by two Spells or Traps.

Olly uses Hornet to put in work, but Koko uses Gladiator Beast War Chariot. Centipede tries to equip Hornet again, but Koko has a second War Chariot. MST would’ve been nice about now, right Olly? Olly gets out another Centipede and finally destroys the Laquari with Hornet before attacking for 1600.

Koko’s Equeste attacks into Centipede, destroying both the giant bug thing and the gladiator thing. A single set card ends his turn.

Olly plays Heavy Storm and Koko loses because Olly Summons Dragonfly and has game.

After some highly objectionable plays (Retiari on a Duality, setting MST turn 1, illegally Chariot’ing a Hornet) a winner is found for game one. Could my prediction about RPS deciding this match be correct? Only time will tell.

Game Two

Koko opts to go first and does so with a Thunder King Rai-Oh and two set cards. Olly randomly and blindly plays Mytical Space Typhoon to destroy a set Starlight Road. He proceeds to set one Spell or Trap then Summon Inzektor Centipede. It falls into a Bottomless Trap Hole, never to be seen again. Another backrow ends his turn. Koko Summons a Laquari, declaring the end of his Main Phase. In response, Olly uses Effect Veiler. Laquari attacks, followed by Rai-Oh. The Laquari is safe, but Rai-Oh hits a Dimensional Prison. Koko finishes up with a set card.

Olly flips a set Pot of Duality. Out of Maxx “C”, Tour Guide From the Underworld, and Trap Dustshoot, Olly picks Tour Guide. Koko Summons Darius and attacks with his two Gladiators. Darius becomes a 2100 ATK Laquari and the other Laquari becomes a Retiari that removes Olly’s Veiler.

Olly finally uses an MST properly, destroying Solemn Judgment before making a big play with Tour Guide to grab Sangan and get Number 17: Leviathan Dragon, then pumps it to 2500. Leviathan attacks, but hits Book of Moon. One backrow ends Olly’s turn.

Koko sets one card before attacking the 0 DEF Dragon with Retiari. Retiari becomes Bestiari, which destroys Olly’s set Call of the Haunted. Olly chains it, targeting Sangan, but Koko chains D.D. Crow and Olly scoops up his cards

It would appear that my prediction is still correct, with the player that set up first winning again. Koko’s Gladiator Beasts get rid of all of Olly’s outs and force him to lose.

Game Three

Olly Summons Tour Guide to get Sangan and then sets a backrow, a risky play if Koko has one of his three maindecked Thunder King Rai-Ohs in his opening hand. Koko Summons Laquari, sets four backrows, and gets his Fiendish Chain hit by Olly’s blind MST.

Olly Summons Tour Guide to get his final Tour Guide from the deck and makes Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction with the Tour Guide that can’t Synchro and the one that he Normal Summoned. It attacks into Koko’s Compulsory Evacuation Device. Olly switches his Tour Guide to Defense Position.

Koko attacks the Tour Guide and gets Bestiari to destroy Torrential Tribute. Olly Summons Dark Armed Dragon and removes a Tour Guide only to be hit by Fiendish Chain. Olly finishes with one backrow.

Koko plays Smashing Ground, destroying DAD and attacks Sangan with Bestiari. Olly responds with Dimensional Prison, but Koko protects Bestiari with Forbidden Lance. Gladiator Beast War Chariot negates Sangan’s effect, then Bestiari becomes an Equeste, which adds War Chariot back to Koko’s hand. He sets the Chariot and passes.

Olly’s Inzektor Centipede crashes into Equeste, a clear sign that Olly is having problems. Koko sets one more card to his backrow.

Olly plays Duality and adds a Heavy Storm instead of Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness and Effect Veiler. Heavy destroys MST and War Chariot. Olly’s second Centipede attacks for 1600 damage. Koko simply passes.

Olly plays another Duality and adds Foolish Burial to his hand, returning Bottomless Trap Hole and Effect Veiler to the deck. Foolish digs for Inzektor Hornet and dumps it in the Graveyard. Olly uses Centipede activates, but Koko chains D.D. Crow. Olly instead equips a Centipede and attacks for another 1600. Koko sets a monster, but Olly attacks over it. The Murmillo is put in the Graveyard.

Koko plays Gladiator Proving Ground and adds Laquari to his hand. He Summons it, gets it Veiler’d, then destroys the Centipede in battle. Olly sets a backrow.

Koko uses his MST to destroy Olly’s MST. Koko Summons Retiari, then attacks with both his monsters and turns the Retiari into an Equeste to add War Chariot back to his hand. He sets the Chariot. Olly’s Centipede crashes with Equeste.

Koko Summons Darius, attacks with both monsters, and tags out. Laquari becomes Darius and Darius becomes Laquari. Darius Summons Equeste from the Grave. Equeste and Darius become an Essedarii.

Olly sets a single Spell or Trap before passing. Koko attacks with both his monsters, but the Laquari is hit by Book of Moon, not only preventing the tag out, but also putting it back to 1800 ATK. Koko finishes with a backrow.

Olly sets a monster and a backrow. Koko flips his Laquari, only to get hit by Bottomless Trap Hole. Essedarii runs over the set Dragonfly. Olly sets a monster, desperate to defend. Koko Summons Laquari, and attacks over the set Effect Veiler to win the game!




paragraphs, y u no indent?

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[spoiler=feature] Game One

Olly, the most skillful Rock-Paper-Scissors player on all of YCM, outplays Koko and earns the right to go first. On paper, it would seem that Gladiator Beasts vs Inzektors would be die roll as all hell, the winner being decided by whoever can set up first. He plays Pot of Duality and reveals Mystical Space Typhoon, Maxx “C”, and Tour Guide From the Underworld. MST goes to his hand and Olly sets two.


Koko summons Gladiator Beast Murmillo, attacks, and tags into a Retiari to banish Pot of Duality. Koko sets two backrows, of which Fiendish Chain gets MST’d (this is a really really terrible play on Olly’s part. Setting the MST turn one is absolutely horrid because the only chainable Traps to fear in an unknown matchup are Dustshoot and opposing MSTs. In addition, in a GB matchup, Koko could be inclined to turn 1 Heavy because he’ll wind up setting loads of backrows throughout the rest of the game. MST is a pivotal card in today’s metagame, but should be saved for going off and stuff).


Olly plays another Duality to reveal Book of Moon, Tour Guide From the Underworld, and Heavy Storm. Heavy Storm being an amazing card in a Gladiator Beast matchup, he adds it to his hand. Inzektor Centipede attacks Retiari. In the Main Phase 2, Centipede equips Inzektor Hornet, but Koko chains Book of Moon.


Koko tries to Summon Thunder King Rai-Oh, but God and his b****es say no! Solemn Warning gets rid of the monster. Olly Flips Centipede and equips Hornet, swinging for 2100 damage. Koko sets a lone monster, hoping to defend himself.


Olly uses Hornet to destroy the set Darius and Centipede adds Dragonfly to Olly’s hand. Olly uses Centipede to equip Hornet again and attack for another 2100 damage. Koko goes Laquari backed up by two Spells or Traps.

Olly uses Hornet to put in work, but Koko uses Gladiator Beast War Chariot. Centipede tries to equip Hornet again, but Koko has a second War Chariot. MST would’ve been nice about now, right Olly? Olly gets out another Centipede and finally destroys the Laquari with Hornet before attacking for 1600.


Koko’s Equeste attacks into Centipede, destroying both the giant bug thing and the gladiator thing. A single set card ends his turn.


Olly plays Heavy Storm and Koko loses because Olly Summons Dragonfly and has game.

After some highly objectionable plays (Retiari on a Duality, setting MST turn 1, illegally Chariot’ing a Hornet) a winner is found for game one. Could my prediction about RPS deciding this match be correct? Only time will tell.


Game Two


Koko opts to go first and does so with a Thunder King Rai-Oh and two set cards. Olly randomly and blindly plays Mytical Space Typhoon to destroy a set Starlight Road. He proceeds to set one Spell or Trap then Summon Inzektor Centipede. It falls into a Bottomless Trap Hole, never to be seen again. Another backrow ends his turn. Koko Summons a Laquari, declaring the end of his Main Phase. In response, Olly uses Effect Veiler. Laquari attacks, followed by Rai-Oh. The Laquari is safe, but Rai-Oh hits a Dimensional Prison. Koko finishes up with a set card.


Olly flips a set Pot of Duality. Out of Maxx “C”, Tour Guide From the Underworld, and Trap Dustshoot, Olly picks Tour Guide. Koko Summons Darius and attacks with his two Gladiators. Darius becomes a 2100 ATK Laquari and the other Laquari becomes a Retiari that removes Olly’s Veiler.


Olly finally uses an MST properly, destroying Solemn Judgment before making a big play with Tour Guide to grab Sangan and get Number 17: Leviathan Dragon, then pumps it to 2500. Leviathan attacks, but hits Book of Moon. One backrow ends Olly’s turn.


Koko sets one card before attacking the 0 DEF Dragon with Retiari. Retiari becomes Bestiari, which destroys Olly’s set Call of the Haunted. Olly chains it, targeting Sangan, but Koko chains D.D. Crow and Olly scoops up his cards

It would appear that my prediction is still correct, with the player that set up first winning again. Koko’s Gladiator Beasts get rid of all of Olly’s outs and force him to lose.


Game Three


Olly Summons Tour Guide to get Sangan and then sets a backrow, a risky play if Koko has one of his three maindecked Thunder King Rai-Ohs in his opening hand. Koko Summons Laquari, sets four backrows, and gets his Fiendish Chain hit by Olly’s blind MST.


Olly Summons Tour Guide to get his final Tour Guide from the deck and makes Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction with the Tour Guide that can’t Synchro and the one that he Normal Summoned. It attacks into Koko’s Compulsory Evacuation Device. Olly switches his Tour Guide to Defense Position.


Koko attacks the Tour Guide and gets Bestiari to destroy Torrential Tribute. Olly Summons Dark Armed Dragon and removes a Tour Guide only to be hit by Fiendish Chain. Olly finishes with one backrow.


Koko plays Smashing Ground, destroying DAD and attacks Sangan with Bestiari. Olly responds with Dimensional Prison, but Koko protects Bestiari with Forbidden Lance. Gladiator Beast War Chariot negates Sangan’s effect, then Bestiari becomes an Equeste, which adds War Chariot back to Koko’s hand. He sets the Chariot and passes.

Olly’s Inzektor Centipede crashes into Equeste, a clear sign that Olly is having problems. Koko sets one more card to his backrow.


Olly plays Duality and adds a Heavy Storm instead of Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness and Effect Veiler. Heavy destroys MST and War Chariot. Olly’s second Centipede attacks for 1600 damage. Koko simply passes.


Olly plays another Duality and adds Foolish Burial to his hand, returning Bottomless Trap Hole and Effect Veiler to the deck. Foolish digs for Inzektor Hornet and dumps it in the Graveyard. Olly uses Centipede activates, but Koko chains D.D. Crow. Olly instead equips a Centipede and attacks for another 1600. Koko sets a monster, but Olly attacks over it. The Murmillo is put in the Graveyard.


Koko plays Gladiator Proving Ground and adds Laquari to his hand. He Summons it, gets it Veiler’d, then destroys the Centipede in battle. Olly sets a backrow.


Koko uses his MST to destroy Olly’s MST. Koko Summons Retiari, then attacks with both his monsters and turns the Retiari into an Equeste to add War Chariot back to his hand. He sets the Chariot. Olly’s Centipede crashes with Equeste.


Koko Summons Darius, attacks with both monsters, and tags out. Laquari becomes Darius and Darius becomes Laquari. Darius Summons Equeste from the Grave. Equeste and Darius become an Essedarii.


Olly sets a single Spell or Trap before passing. Koko attacks with both his monsters, but the Laquari is hit by Book of Moon, not only preventing the tag out, but also putting it back to 1800 ATK. Koko finishes with a backrow.


Olly sets a monster and a backrow. Koko flips his Laquari, only to get hit by Bottomless Trap Hole. Essedarii runs over the set Dragonfly. Olly sets a monster, desperate to defend. Koko Summons Laquari, and attacks over the set Effect Veiler to win the game!



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[spoiler=Who likes feature matches?]


Game One

Olly, the most skillful Rock-Paper-Scissors player on all of YCM, outplays Koko and earns the right to go first. On paper, it would seem that Gladiator Beasts vs Inzektors would be die roll as all hell, the winner being decided by whoever can set up first. He plays Pot of Duality and reveals Mystical Space Typhoon, Maxx “C”, and Tour Guide From the Underworld. MST goes to his hand and Olly sets two.

Koko summons Gladiator Beast Murmillo, attacks, and tags into a Retiari to banish Pot of Duality. Koko sets two backrows, of which Fiendish Chain gets MST’d (this is a really really terrible play on Olly’s part. Setting the MST turn one is absolutely horrid because the only chainable Traps to fear in an unknown matchup are Dustshoot and opposing MSTs. In addition, in a GB matchup, Koko could be inclined to turn 1 Heavy because he’ll wind up setting loads of backrows throughout the rest of the game. MST is a pivotal card in today’s metagame, but should be saved for going off and stuff).

Olly plays another Duality to reveal Book of Moon, Tour Guide From the Underworld, and Heavy Storm. Heavy Storm being an amazing card in a Gladiator Beast matchup, he adds it to his hand. Inzektor Centipede attacks Retiari. In the Main Phase 2, Centipede equips Inzektor Hornet, but Koko chains Book of Moon.

Koko tries to Summon Thunder King Rai-Oh, but God and his b****es say no! Solemn Warning gets rid of the monster. Olly Flips Centipede and equips Hornet, swinging for 2100 damage. Koko sets a lone monster, hoping to defend himself.

Olly uses Hornet to destroy the set Darius and Centipede adds Dragonfly to Olly’s hand. Olly uses Centipede to equip Hornet again and attack for another 2100 damage. Koko goes Laquari backed up by two Spells or Traps.

Olly uses Hornet to put in work, but Koko uses Gladiator Beast War Chariot. Centipede tries to equip Hornet again, but Koko has a second War Chariot. MST would’ve been nice about now, right Olly? Olly gets out another Centipede and finally destroys the Laquari with Hornet before attacking for 1600.

Koko’s Equeste attacks into Centipede, destroying both the giant bug thing and the gladiator thing. A single set card ends his turn.

Olly plays Heavy Storm and Koko loses because Olly Summons Dragonfly and has game.

After some highly objectionable plays (Retiari on a Duality, setting MST turn 1, illegally Chariot’ing a Hornet) a winner is found for game one. Could my prediction about RPS deciding this match be correct? Only time will tell.

Game Two

Koko opts to go first and does so with a Thunder King Rai-Oh and two set cards. Olly randomly and blindly plays Mytical Space Typhoon to destroy a set Starlight Road. He proceeds to set one Spell or Trap then Summon Inzektor Centipede. It falls into a Bottomless Trap Hole, never to be seen again. Another backrow ends his turn. Koko Summons a Laquari, declaring the end of his Main Phase. In response, Olly uses Effect Veiler. Laquari attacks, followed by Rai-Oh. The Laquari is safe, but Rai-Oh hits a Dimensional Prison. Koko finishes up with a set card.

Olly flips a set Pot of Duality. Out of Maxx “C”, Tour Guide From the Underworld, and Trap Dustshoot, Olly picks Tour Guide. Koko Summons Darius and attacks with his two Gladiators. Darius becomes a 2100 ATK Laquari and the other Laquari becomes a Retiari that removes Olly’s Veiler.

Olly finally uses an MST properly, destroying Solemn Judgment before making a big play with Tour Guide to grab Sangan and get Number 17: Leviathan Dragon, then pumps it to 2500. Leviathan attacks, but hits Book of Moon. One backrow ends Olly’s turn.

Koko sets one card before attacking the 0 DEF Dragon with Retiari. Retiari becomes Bestiari, which destroys Olly’s set Call of the Haunted. Olly chains it, targeting Sangan, but Koko chains D.D. Crow and Olly scoops up his cards

It would appear that my prediction is still correct, with the player that set up first winning again. Koko’s Gladiator Beasts get rid of all of Olly’s outs and force him to lose.

Game Three

Olly Summons Tour Guide to get Sangan and then sets a backrow, a risky play if Koko has one of his three maindecked Thunder King Rai-Ohs in his opening hand. Koko Summons Laquari, sets four backrows, and gets his Fiendish Chain hit by Olly’s blind MST.

Olly Summons Tour Guide to get his final Tour Guide from the deck and makes Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction with the Tour Guide that can’t Synchro and the one that he Normal Summoned. It attacks into Koko’s Compulsory Evacuation Device. Olly switches his Tour Guide to Defense Position.

Koko attacks the Tour Guide and gets Bestiari to destroy Torrential Tribute. Olly Summons Dark Armed Dragon and removes a Tour Guide only to be hit by Fiendish Chain. Olly finishes with one backrow.

Koko plays Smashing Ground, destroying DAD and attacks Sangan with Bestiari. Olly responds with Dimensional Prison, but Koko protects Bestiari with Forbidden Lance. Gladiator Beast War Chariot negates Sangan’s effect, then Bestiari becomes an Equeste, which adds War Chariot back to Koko’s hand. He sets the Chariot and passes.

Olly’s Inzektor Centipede crashes into Equeste, a clear sign that Olly is having problems. Koko sets one more card to his backrow.

Olly plays Duality and adds a Heavy Storm instead of Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness and Effect Veiler. Heavy destroys MST and War Chariot. Olly’s second Centipede attacks for 1600 damage. Koko simply passes.

Olly plays another Duality and adds Foolish Burial to his hand, returning Bottomless Trap Hole and Effect Veiler to the deck. Foolish digs for Inzektor Hornet and dumps it in the Graveyard. Olly uses Centipede activates, but Koko chains D.D. Crow. Olly instead equips a Centipede and attacks for another 1600. Koko sets a monster, but Olly attacks over it. The Murmillo is put in the Graveyard.

Koko plays Gladiator Proving Ground and adds Laquari to his hand. He Summons it, gets it Veiler’d, then destroys the Centipede in battle. Olly sets a backrow.

Koko uses his MST to destroy Olly’s MST. Koko Summons Retiari, then attacks with both his monsters and turns the Retiari into an Equeste to add War Chariot back to his hand. He sets the Chariot. Olly’s Centipede crashes with Equeste.

Koko Summons Darius, attacks with both monsters, and tags out. Laquari becomes Darius and Darius becomes Laquari. Darius Summons Equeste from the Grave. Equeste and Darius become an Essedarii.

Olly sets a single Spell or Trap before passing. Koko attacks with both his monsters, but the Laquari is hit by Book of Moon, not only preventing the tag out, but also putting it back to 1800 ATK. Koko finishes with a backrow.

Olly sets a monster and a backrow. Koko flips his Laquari, only to get hit by Bottomless Trap Hole. Essedarii runs over the set Dragonfly. Olly sets a monster, desperate to defend. Koko Summons Laquari, and attacks over the set Effect Veiler to win the game!




paragraphs, y u no indent?

Holy wall of text Batman!

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