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Devil's Dance [S/Not Accepting/PG-16/Season 1]

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[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1350411273' post='6045831']
What, is Desmond not allowed to be Badass? Just wait until he starts fast drawing. Gun out in a blink. (Some people have massive machines, some shoot coins. Desmond just picks up his gun really fast)

I won't deny that it was cool he was able to not only shoot and disarm Rockefeller quickly; I mean shooting anyone in the foot would distract them. However the problem I am beginning to have it the small amount of meta-gaming you're doing Guy (B L)

. . . [b]acting like a stereotypical drunk. Had Desmond not just seen that assassination,[/b] he might've even over-looked this man. [b]His gait, his face, his eyes. This was one expert liar. Very convincing. He was a killer under there somewhere; a cold killer.[/b] But it just wasn't seen. In all his many years, Desmond had seen few like this. He even grinned sincerely as Russel stumbled out of the alley.
But [b]Russel was much better at plays[/b], as was evident when [b]he easily managed to fool Rockefeller[/b]. [b]A quick blow by Rockefeller's pistol sealed the guise, and Russel's innocent drunk act was in full swing[/b]. Jericho was an obvious target. [b]The woman had exited the bar not moments ago, making impossible for her to be the killer[/b]. But you'd be surprised how gullible people are when murder's afoot. Within moments of Russel's drunken wave, the crates were being fired upon. And wood being a bad barricade, the crates started to break apart quickly.

All of the bold. ALL of it, your character could not possibly know. For starters I specifically stated "Russel would have the same eyes if not for the alcohol running throughout his body, so instead whenever anyone would look him in the eye they’d just see a drunkard." So there is no way Desmond could tell that Russel was a killer. All your character should and would see is a common [i]drunk[/i]. In fact you go from inferring you saw the assassination, which in your previous post you had been speaking with Tyler then pointed out the dead body- if you point out the body after it is shot then there is no way you could have seen it done, not to mention from the position you had been in during the shooting you'd have never even seen a thing.

Then of course Desmond just knows Jericho had just arrived on scene. So of course Desmond knows she can't be the killer.
[*]Desmond, is standing beside Russel and speaking with him. So he shouldn't have noticed Jericho since he is speaking, much less know she just got there.
[*]Russel, is standing beside Desmond trying to pick out a scapegoat. He has his short conversation with Rockefeller where he is hit and, while on the ground, spots Jericho with her custom rifle. Instant scapegoat! He doesn't know that she just got there, he just needed a scapegoat long enough to get everyone out of the town hall.
I might be out of line here, but when one person is trying to or involuntarily acting like his character is the "biggest thing in the story" or "knows everything but just doesn't say it" it can get very annoying. Believe me I've done it on accident before myself, that's how I know you're meta-gaming . . .

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He saw Russel go past him, into Russel's alleyway, then saw a glint of light emerge from the Alleyway and strike the sniper dead. He can add two and two.
That's then how he knows that Russel is different from his appearance. He even admits that he would've been fooled had he not just seen him kill a guy from that distance silently.

I dont want to be a main character; I hate being a main character, as it ends up putting too much responsibilty on a character. I like to play old, powerful and wise characters though; possibly teacher-esque ones. Sorry if you saw it as meta-gaming; I was planning on it mainly being from Desmond adding the assassination with the drunk.

I'll admit fault on the Jericho bit. I guess there really is little chance he would've seen her. Do you want me to edit that? Because it's only a small part really.

("His gait, his face, his eyes" is referring to him being a very convincing drunk, not that he sees through it. As I said, he wouldn't have seen through it had he not noticed an assassination)

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[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1350488667' post='6046652']
He saw Russel go past him, into Russel's alleyway then saw a glint of light emerge from the Alleyway and strike the sniper dead. He can add two and two.

That's then how he knows that Russel is different from his appearance. He even admits that he would've been fooled had he not just seen him kill a guy from that distance silently.
[b]If you point out the body after it is shot then there is no way you could have seen it done, not to mention from the position you had been in during the shooting you'd have never even seen a thing. Also the excuse you gave was no good. You are in a completely different alley. How can your character, who can only see out into the streets, see Russel walking away and then into another alley- much less see the glint of light supposedly cast by the coin?[/b]
I dont want to be a main character; I hate being a main character, as it ends up putting too much responsibilty on a character.[b] I like to play old, powerful and wise characters though[/b]; possibly teacher-esque ones. Sorry if you saw it as meta-gaming; I was planning on it mainly being from Desmond adding the assassination with the drunk.

I'll admit fault on the Jericho bit. I guess there really is little chance he would've seen her. Do you want me to edit that? Because it's only a small part really.

("His gait, his face, his eyes" is referring to him being a very convincing drunk, not that he sees through it. As I said, he wouldn't have seen through it had he not noticed an assassination)

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