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Ice Prison Dark Lord, Cocytus "Reverse"

You sinners of the Ice Prison, Lock... This is the name of the renewed Jail



[ACT](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Put three cards from the top of your deck into your drop zone & Choose one of your «Granblue» rear-guards, and lock it] Choose one «Granblue» from your drop zone, call it to (RC), and that unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of turn.
(Locked cards are turned face down, and cannot do anything. Turn them face up at the end of its owner's turn)
[CONT](VC):If you have a card named "Ice Prison Necromancer, Cocytus" in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+2000.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a sameclan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)




It is "Cocytus", enbued with the power of "Link Joker", the incarnation of "Void". It has fallen further to the bottom of darkness. Responded reluctantly to the rally of "Nightmist", Cocytus successfully repelled the surprise attack from the invaders. It was interested in the mysterious power with a different nature when compared to darkness, and made futile attempts to analyze the remains of  the invaders. Accidentally, the residue of "Void" residing inside the dead bodies was attracted by the extraordinarily negative emotion of the Necromancer, and they eventually combined within the soul and subconsciousness of Cocytus. 

The King of Hades' Sea arises with an unrotting body and a fallen soul. Driven by undying abomination, he has found the power of Nothingness, which can devour even darkness itself. To imprison an unforgivable sinner named "The  World" in a hollow prison in where nothing exists---Tonight, the lord of the ice prison lurks out from the gravely cold gate, accompanied by indefinite grudge and insanity.



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Woah... I love that lore, and how he got corrupted, I mean examining dead bodies and getting possessed is cool. 


Plus foreshadowing of The World. Which will probably wind-up being relivant.


I'm hoping that means Leo will be tomorrow.


"The World" implies that he just wants to cover the entire world in oceans as to drag everyone into the Ice Prison.

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The form of “Cocytus” after having fallen into the depths of even deeper darkness, due to taking the power of the avatars of Void, “Link Joker” as his own. Cocytus, who reluctantly answered Nightmist’s call, succeeded in repelling the invaders when they attempted a surprise attack. Intrigued by the mysterious power that differed fundamentally from the darkness, he tried to analyze the remains of his attackers. His analysis gave him little in the way of useful information, but a slight residue of “Void” that had been left in their bodies were attracted to the incredibly strong negative emotions within the Necromancer, and fused with his soul unconsciously. He became King of the Dark Seas whose unrotting body and undying soul fell into deeper darkness. Driven by an undying hatred that not even death can kill, he now possesses the overwhelming power of nothingness that consumes even darkness. Criminals whose names the world has not forgiven, he invites to a prison of nothingness that doesn’t exist… … tonight, the master shall open the the gates of his cold dark prison of ice, unleashing endless hatred and madness.


A different translation of the lore I've seen around.

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School Punisher, Leo-Pald "Reverse"

学園の処罰者 レオパルド ″Я″

"Yes, that 'was' the ultimate truth. But from here on, this is the truth!"



[ACT](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Choose one of your «Great Nature» rear-guards and lock it] Choose up to two of your «Great Nature» rear-guards, those units get [Power]+4000 and "[AUTO](RC):At the end of your turn, retire this unit." and "[AUTO]:During your end phase, when this unit is put into the drop zone from (RC), call this card to an open (RC)." until end of turn.
(Locked cards are turned face down, and cannot do anything. Turn them face up at the end of its owner's turn)
[CONT](VC):If you have a card named "School Hunter, Leo-pald" in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+2000.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)


「虚無(ヴォイド)」の化身“リンクジョーカー”の力により、「レオパルド」の姿。 学内で最も早く「星輝兵」と接触するも、彼らが単独で侵攻してきた事も相まって二度の撃退に成功。 しかし、皮肉にもその実績が彼らに目を付けられる原因となってしまった。 邪智深い「道化」に狙われた「レオパルド」は、言葉巧みに真理について語る彼に翻弄されながら刃を交えるも、力及ばず反転させられてしまう。 傀儡となった彼は探し得なかった真理に辿りついたと歓喜し、新たな真理と相反する思想を持つ者への処罰を始める。 傲慢なる暴君の背に光るは、歪められた心を体現する禍の刃。 正義に燃え、秩序を愛した狩人は、学園に仇なす不遜な処罰者へと堕ち、牙の如き黒輪は主の身を束縛するかのように寄り添い揺らめく。 偽りの真理を語る度、高潔を極めた魂は虚無と言う名の泥で汚されていく。

"Leo-pald" after being twisted by the power of "Link Joker", the avatars of "Void". He was the one who first dealt with the "Star-Vaders" on Campus, and managed to repel them twice. However, the irony is, this is what ended up making him their target. Leo-pald was targeted by the "Clown" who specialized in intense perversion and tainting. As the two of them clashed, the Clown told him various truths, that ended up Reversing Leo-pald without the use of force. When he became a puppet who achieved a truth he hadn't been looking for, he was elated, and began to punish everyone whose thoughts and ideas contradicted with his new truth. His wicked blades are the personification of his warped heart, shining with the airs of a haughty tyrant. The hunter who loved order, whose heart burned with justice, has been twisted into a haughty punisher who crushes any in the school who dare defy him. The black rings, tight around their master's body, shimmer like his fangs. Whenever he talks about his false "truth", his soul, that sought noble truth, is stained and dirtied by the filth that can only be called "Nothingness".

Poor Leo.

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ヘキサゴナル・メイガス Hexagonal Magus
"Good luck will surely come... ... Behold, Fortune Stream!"


[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):When a «Oracle Think Tank» rides this unit, look at three cards from the top of your deck, search for one card from among them, put it into your hand, put the rest on the top of your deck in any order, choose your vanguard, and that unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.
[CONT](VC):During your turn, if the number of cards in your hand is four or greater, this unit gets [Power]+2000.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)

“オ ラクルシンクタンク”に所属する「六角」を司る占術士にして、メイガスの長。 稀代の占術士長だったが、その力を悪用しようとする輩が後を絶たなかった為、百余年前より「アマテラス」の計らいで存在を秘匿されており、CEO及び付き 人である「五角」の一族以外はその存在を口にする事すら許されていない。 そういった経緯から、「機械人形」説、「不老不死」説などが流布され、生きた伝説と化していたが、実はその背景で数回代替わりをしている。 彼女の眼に映ったのは“ジェネシス”で予見されていたものと同じ、終末を迎える悲しきクレイの姿。 しかし、同時に彼女は見つけた。 虚無に呑まれた世界の片隅に残された小さな光――「希望」を。 各地を巡る「アマテラス」の計らいで“ジェネシス”CEOと会談の機会を得た彼女は、この僅かな希望の正体を探るべく、占術士の長として再び表立った行動 を開始する。
An oracle with mastery over Hexagons who belongs to Oracle Think Tank and serves as the chief Magus. Although she is the head diviner, because there is no end to the people who would try and abuse her powers, her existence has been hidden by "Amaterasu" for over a hundred years, and it's forbidden to speak of her existence, except for the CEO and the Pentagonal family. Because of this, there are rumors she might just be a mechanical doll or she drank the elixir of life, and has become a living legend, but the truth is, her family has replaced the position several times. She has forseen the same thing as "Genesis", Cray brought to its end through sorrow. At the same time, she saw "Hope", tiny points of light left in the corners of the planet that had been swallowed up in nothingness. With help from Amaterasu, who has been busy travelling across the globe, she finally met up with the CEO of "Genesis", and together the two of them explored the identity of this spark of hope, leading her to finally act as the public head of the diviners and fortune-tellers.
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星輝兵 カオスブレイカー・ドラゴン Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Dragon
"Let me warn you. You will beg to Lock yourself."

[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Soul Blast (1)-card with "Star-vader" in its card name] During your opponent's end phase, when one of your opponent's locked cards is unlocked, you may pay the cost. If you do, retire that unit, and draw a card.
[ACT](VC):[Counter Blast (1)-card with "Star-vader" in its card name & Choose a card with "Star-vader" in its card name from your hand, and discard it] Choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, and lock it. This ability cannot be used for the rest of that turn.
(Locked cards are turned face down, and cannot do anything. Turn them face up at the end of its owner's turn)
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a sameclan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)


侵略者“リンクジョーカー”の先兵「星輝兵」にして、主にズー、メガラニカ侵略の指揮を取る指揮官。 他者を絶望させ堕とす事を至上の喜びとする歪な精神の持ち主であり、受け持ちでは無い他国の戦士もその手にかけている。 敵味方問わず甘言を弄して欺く為、他の指揮官からは「道化」と呼ばれ嫌悪されているが、如何な作戦においても必ず大きな成果を上げる為、本隊からの評価が非常に高い。 心は何者の干渉も受け無ければ絶望にも希望にも属さない。 なればこそ、ただ絶望を与えるよりも一欠片の希望を見せてから堕とした方がより効果的なのだ。 彼は唄う様に紡ぐ、「希望は存在する、だがお前に救いが訪れる事はない」と。 希望を与え、絶望に堕とし、希望を見せ、其れを砕く。 強い意志を宿す者達の目から光が消えるその瞬間、混沌の道化は口角を吊り上げ心からの笑みを浮かべる。

The commander of the "Star-vaders" who leads the invasion of Link Joker's vanguards through Zoo and Magallanica. He is a twisted soul who takes supreme joy from seeing others despair and seeing them get corrupted, so much so that he's applied his handiwork to warriors from nations not under his purview. Due to his habits of using honeyed words to deceive others, even if they're his friends or allies, the other commanders, who despise him, have come to call him "The Clown". However, because if his ability to achieve huge results no matter his strategy or circumstances, the main fleet has very high regards for him. Those who have been touched by him have empty hearts and souls, containing neither hope nor despair. If they do fall, it is usually more effective for them to crash from the heights of hope, than to merely fall to despair. He's fond of singing this words: "Hope may exist, but it won't come to save you in the end.". Being given hope, then falling to despair, and then being shown their hopes were true, causes them to completely fall apart. At that moment, the light disappears from the eyes of those strong souls, while the edges of the chaotic clown's mouth twist into a smile.

「虚無(ヴォイド)」の化身にして惑星クレイを脅かす侵略者、“リンクジョーカー”の先兵。 原生生物を調査して強者のデータを収集、可能なら素体そのものを支配下に置く事を主目的とし、その過程で収集に値しないと判断された対象を消去しているとみられる。 クレイには存在しない数多の技術を保有し、「呪縛(ロック)」と呼ばれる未知の力を自在に操る。
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救急の守護天使[エマージェンシー・セレスティアル] ダネル / 介護の守護天使[ナーシング・セレスティアル] ナレル Emergency Celestial, Denel / Nursing Celestial, Nelel
Denel: "Emergency, emergency! Let me through~"
Nelel: "Yeess, everything's just fine~. Let yourself get comfortable, okay~?"


蒼き翼を持つ特殊医療部隊「瑠璃色の守護天使(ラピスラズリ・セレスティアル)」の一員。 副隊長「レミエル」の采配で2人で行動する事を義務付けられている。 正義感が強く腕も立つが、逆境に弱く慌て者の「ダネル」、常に焦らず行動し患者からの評判も良いが、とにかくマイペース過ぎる「ナレル」。 正反対の2人が組めば欠点を補う事ができるのでは無いか、「レミエル」はそう考えたのである。 実際、配属以降問題行動続きだった「ダネル」、自発的な動きが少なく評価の低かった「ナレル」は、コンビ結成後にめざましい成長を見せ、「落ちこぼれからエリートへスピード出世した新人」としてあっという間に部隊内の有名人となった。 自分達を伸ばし成功へ導いてくれた、厳しくも優しい副隊長。 彼女が虚無に堕ちたと聞いた時、2人は他の誰よりも早く現場へ辿りついた。 無に蝕まれ、黒く染まったその姿を見て、2人が何を思ったのかは定かでは無い。 分かっている事は一つ、2人は何一つあきらめていないという事。 歪んだ魂をあるべき姿に戻すべく、蒼き翼の双天使は黒輪に立ち向かう。

A member of the Special Medical Team "Lapis Lazuli Celestial" whose members are marked by their blue wings. These two are obliged to act under the orders of vice-captain Ramiel. Denel is a ditzy lady who despite having a strong sense of justice, tends to deal poorly with adverse circumstances. Meanwhile, Nelel is extremely popular with all of her patients, but acts slowly and patiently and is known for doing things at her own pace. Ramiel believed that by having two people who are polar opposites work together, they could cover each other's faults. The truth of the matter is that "Denel" was known for her difficult behaviour, while "Nelel" volunteered rarely and had a low evaluation score. But after the two of them came together, they showed remarkable growth, becoming celebrities in the Corps, known as the "The Rookies Who Rocketed From Zero to Heroes". The two of them continue to grow, guided by the vice-captain herself. And when they heard she was corrupted by nothingness, they were the two who rushed to her side faster than all the others. Confronted by the vice-captain's form that had been dyed black and twisted by nothingness, the two of them didn't know what to think. But the two of them did know one thing, not to give up. In order to restore Ramiel's twisted soul back to the way it was before, these two angels with blue wings confront the Black Ring.

強い献身の志と、それを全うできるだけの能力を持つ者だけが所属を許される“エンジェルフェザー”の特殊医療部隊。 適性審査を通過し、且つ配属を希望する者は、天使長の洗礼を受けることで古き翼を捨て、新たなる翼「瑠璃の翼(ラピスラズリ・ウィング)」を賜る事になる。 その異常なまでの使命感に畏怖と敬意を込めて、「命を救う命知らず達(レックレス・セイバーズ)」と呼ばれる事もある。
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CEO Amaterasu(Minivan Art(BT013 Secret Card))

(Unit Profile??)(Minivan's lore)

The goddess of the sun and the CEO
of the biggest enterprise "Oracle Think Tank" in
Cray. After the "Liberation War", she entrusted the
management of the Oracle Think Tank Corporation
to her successor, and left to travel around the
world with "Secretary Angel " as the goddess that brings salvation to those who are terrorized and
have suffered because of the war. It is said that
nobody knows where she lives now...
Here comes the news. A citizen of United Sanctuary has discovered Amaterasu accidentally. With her
approval, that citizen takes a photo and sends the
photograph to the writer of Units' Lores! This
it...that is true! Her secretary seems to be in
trouble, but we do not know whether it is an
accident or a result of the photographer's position. After all, we hope them to continue their hard work.

(True Profile)

The goddess of the sun and the CEO
of the biggest enterprise "Oracle Think Tank" in
Cray. After the "Liberation War", she entrusted the
management of the Oracle Think Tank Corporation
to her successor, and left to travel around the
world with "Secretary Angel " as the goddess that brings salvation to those who are terrorized and
have suffered because of the war. To prevent her
subordinates from depending on her
unconsiously, she concealed her residence and
did not commune with the public. However, her
resolution was hampered by arrival of a new catastrophe. To respond to the raid of "Link Joker", the extraterrestrial invaders, she arranged the
meeting between "Hexagonal Magus" , the Grandmaster of Magus who is of top importance in the coorperation, and the CEO of "Genesis". She can do little otherwise because she cannot rush
back to her motherland swiftly. When fighting the
attacking invaders, she thinks over what she
should do, and what can only be done by her.

Sorry, I'm not with the ability to post this properly right now. Will fix this with card image, effect and flavor text later.

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Does this help:



Business tri-p♥


[CONT](VC):During your turn, if the number of cards in your hand is four or greater, this unit gets [Power] +4000.
[AUTO](VC):At the beginning of your main phase, Soul Charge (1), look at the top card of your deck, and put that card on the top or the bottom of your deck.
[AUTO](VC/RC):[Soul Blast (8) & Counter Blast (5)] When this unit's attack hits, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw up to five cards.


Though a little part of me thought that posting the effect would be kinda redundant since it's Amaterasu. Although the flavour text does seem kinda obscured by the word SAMPLE.

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最凶獣神 エシックス・バスター“Я”

Deadliest Beast Deity, Ethics Buster "Reverse"
"Until this ends... Let's do it again and again!"


[ACT](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (2) & Choose two cards with "Beast Deity in its card name from your hand, and discard them & Choose two of your «Nova Grappler» rear-guards, and lock them] This unit gets "[AUTO](VC):At the end of the battle that this unit attacked a vanguard, [Stand] this unit. This ability cannot be used for the rest of that turn." until end of turn.
[CONT](VC):If you have a card named "Beast Deity, Ethics Buster" in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+2000.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)



The form of "Ethics Buster" after he had been twisted by the power of the Avatar of "Void", Link Joker. Appearing before the Beast who desired to keep fighting until he won, was the clown with the eerie smile who was neither a God nor a Demon, merely "Nothing". The Clown suddenly offered "I'll give you power", as his hand lit up in a black flame, but the Beast replied: " 'Power' is being able to continue winning, something I don't need from you." as he put up his fists, refusing the offer. However, the clown's smile grew as he heard those words, and shoved a chunk of "Void" into the depths of the Beast's core. The "Void" inside him amplified his lust and desire for more and more power that laid in the depths of his mind, and as he tried to resist it, it merely swallowed him up and "Reversed" him. Instead of being an honest fighter who sought to keep winning in order to be known as the "Strongest", he was reduced to a mere Berserker obsessed with showing off his power that kept on flowing from him. His echoing howls and roars are mix of unbearable agony and maddening ecstasy. Now, this black wicked deity will dye the Ring a glorious shade of blood red.


Goddamn Chaos Breaker. Goddammit.

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I must say about this unit: Holy fuck is that thing crazy.


Run Jack and some other Grade 2 (With a booster behind it) Cross-break ride this, swing with Jack and the Grade 2 alone (Kills a booster, or use the 12k attacker). Swing with this, give any trigger boosts to the Vanguard. Stand this. Swing with Jack and the Grade 2 again. Attack again with this, give the trigger boosts to RG's, and stand the RG. And swing again.


Damn... I love. Far more than I love the other Crossride in fairness.

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It seems to be designed for that crossbreakride turn only. Not to mention the deck doesn't really support a restanding vanguard, and they definitely dislike being locked. Having to swing with this unboosted is really lame, and your RG's attack fizzling against crossrides is worse. Also, it's funny that both of Ethics crossrides are a rehash of older Kamui aces, both of them getting a crossride in EB08.

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Extreme is still better than that lol. It's only good on the break ride turn.

@Playing Jack: No, I don't want to ruin my consistency by running non BDs and poor CB management. Just going to wait for more Beast Deities to come out.

It still burns tonnes of hand the turn you use it. Yes, it's only good on the break ride turn, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, it just makes it an admitted one trick pony.


Besides, even though it's worse I still love it more.


And I only say run Jack: Because 1) 11k RG. 2) I admit you can happily run something else in it's place instead like the 12k attacker, it just happened to be the example I had in my head.

Extreme is still better than that lol. It's only good on the break ride turn.

@Playing Jack: No, I don't want to ruin my consistency by running non BDs and poor CB management. Just going to wait for more Beast Deities to come out.

It still burns tonnes of hand the turn you use it. Yes, it's only good on the break ride turn, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, it just makes it an admitted one trick pony.


Besides, even though it's worse I still love it more.


And I only say run Jack: Because 1) 11k RG. 2) I admit you can happily run something else in it's place instead like the 12k attacker, it just happened to be the example I had in my head.

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