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Legend Moon [OOC/PG-13/Started/Always Accepting] *sequel*


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It's perfectly okay~ but we kinda already have something like that. *points to Lyon and Kate; characters of Simdoggy*

Really? It's a big mansion. With training facilities. And lots of rooms. Lots and lots of rooms. Why a werewolf would choose tents and sleeping bags over comfy beds and airconditioners, I have no idea.

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Well, Azami did train to be a medic for the military.


Edit: Oh, Sapph. Just to correct you, Alnasa von Mira is the father of Elnaer, Niasa, and Alsa, and his father is Espilce von Mira~ (no idea where that name came from, but apparently I used it in page 5 of Legend Blood)

Editted, thank you Merciful~.

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Well, I don't really mind if someone else wants to make a hemomancer anyway, especially since its only Kate and not Lyon who actually knows how to. But by the way, I just had a look back at the apps you've put on the main page, and Kate isn't up there anywhere that I can find. Also, I'm not gonna be able to post in the IC until Tuesday anyway when it's put up.

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I'm confused now @.@


Anyway, we should be starting in a little while! Woohoo!


Oh, by the way, due to the unexpected massive influx of roleplayers and characters, at the beginning of each of your IC posts, specify a location for each of your characters. This way, we won't be accidentally stumbling upon each other, and it also gives people an opportunity to catch up faster and see which groups are where. But if you're unsure, and want to leave it open so you can interact with other people, then you don't have to.


I wanna keep this as coherent as possible while still letting everybody enjoy themselves. ^_^ So for our first posts, try to keep it as simple as you can, alright, guys? I know our LB veterans here are probably fresh from Walls of Text VS Elnherjar, especially you Beginning, but try to tone it down so others can understand and catch up~ we clear? Great.


Edit: @Simdoggy: That's odd. Must've accidentally cut her out while cleaning up the codes, I'll put her right back in. - and I'm sorry to hear that. Depending on the others, Alsa's trip might be delayed until Tuesday, giving you an opportunity. If not, you can always track them down via the same technique you used to track Niasa.


Edit 2: [url=http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/299476-legend-moon-icpg-13startedalways-accepting-sequel/]AAANNNNDDDDDDDDD IT'S UP![/url] I'm putting it up now so it can have a slow start and everybody can enjoy their first post, while I go to bed. Goodnight everybody.

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It's alright, guys. Take your time. No hurry, right~?



How good are the defenses to the tower? and is there any way in other then the front gate? not sure if Raphael should try to infiltrate or pretend to be one of the possible mercs.


Well, if he can scale high walls and quietly break in through the second door, it shouldn't be too difficult. The tower does have more...offensive defenses, but right now they're turned off to allow the resistance members in.

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