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People Who Annoy You About Music


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What are the kind of people who get on your nerves music related. For me, I have a couple. One of them is those people who get after someone for not liking a "classic/lgendary band" and they get after the person saying that this person doesn't have respect for that band, you don't have to listen to a band in order to give respect for what they've done for the world of music. Honestly I don't like AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Guns 'n' Roses, Kiss, Pantera, Metallica etc. but that just means that their music doesn't interest me, I respect how much of an influence they are to the world of music, but I just don't find them appealing to listen to. Anyways if I ever wanted to listen to older bands/artists that are labeled as legendary influences, I'd much rather go for Pink Floyd, Bob Marley, Led Zepplin, Rush, Johnny Cash, or Jimi Hendrix.

Another thing that annoys me is when people label music as "hipster garbage", "hipster faggot metal" etc. Saying that something is hipster is just stupid as hell and just plain pointless.

And finally just like everyone else, musical elitists and metal purists annoy the hell out of me.


So what do you guys think?

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People who don't differentiate between 'good music' and 'music they like'. People really should understand the difference; it's an important one. There's plenty of genres that I don't enjoy, but I'm sure have good artists within them.

I think outside of that, there's not much that's really music-specific. I could say purists, elitists etc. but those come across in general personality anyway.

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Aside from the people who basically push down your throats that you HAVE to consider something good because it's "a legendary classic from one of the most legendary and influential genres in history", I guess there are elitists in every genre. This ranges from the typical Metal elitist to classical/Jazz-lover-and-better-than-thou or many Asian music fans ("K-Poop/J-Poop is so special and different from Western music because it's cute while 'murica is naughty). Or really anyone who claims to be a special snowflake with superior taste. These people exist in every genre/fandom, but the point is just letting them believe it since it makes them so happy.


But I guess the irritating kind of people are the ones who can't accept opinions in general. Just because something sounds like crap to you doesn't mean that no one else is allowed to listen to it.

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  • Anyone that follows the crowd--who doesn't have their OWN opinion on music.
  • Anyone that refuses to keep and open mind towards new music.
  • Anyone that judges an artist by how many fans he/she/they have. A lot of fans =\= good. A few fans =\= bad.
  • Any kind of elitist/purist. I'll admit, I get a little over-zealous when it comes to metal, but lets be honest... My taste in metal is so much better than everyone else's. :P Nah, I joke, I joke.
  • People that assume EVERYONE should listen to and appreciate the "classics." Get over it. Some people, like me, find Led Zeppelin boring as hell.
  • I just hate everyone.

I think that almost sums it up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i hate people who conform to a specific type of music...like metalheads. or rivitheads...are people who just listen to 1 specific type of music...i was taught by my uncle to appreciate  all forms of music...i listen to on a regular basis...Metal, Techno, Classical, J-pop, Old school rock, and stuff from the 40s like Julie london....i love all forms of music.

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  • 2 weeks later...

- People who bash on genres in general

- People who think they listen to, like, the best music just because they listen to country

- People who believe in any stereotype about rock/metal, but just listen to mainstream and don't give any decent genre a shot

- People who think that the person making the music represents the music. I mean seriously, nothing represents the music except for the music

* Although I quite enjoy metal, I'm not exactly sure if I'm a "metalhead" or not. That's for other people to decide. I don't like it when people think metalheads are all elitist jerks, probably most aren't.

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People who don't like Led Zeppelin.



That was a joke ladies and gentlemen, but...


*People who act as if their own tastes are law.

*"X genre isn't music because I don't like it"

*People who stereotype listeners of certain genres.



That's abut it.

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Aside from the people who basically push down your throats that you HAVE to consider something good because it's "a legendary classic from one of the most legendary and influential genres in history", I guess there are elitists in every genre.


I think you can consider an artist good without liking them. I mean, you can consider them good at what they do but not enjoy what they produce. For example, most people can classify Led Zeppeln as good and talented, but rather listen to an artist they enjoy more.

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  • Anyone that follows the crowd--who doesn't have their OWN opinion on music.
  • Anyone that refuses to keep and open mind towards new music.
  • Anyone that judges an artist by how many fans he/she/they have. A lot of fans =\= good. A few fans =\= bad.


Anyone who thinks this, because there's a high chance that they can't differentiate between someone who likes popular music because it's in their own opinion and people who follow the crowd.

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Anyone who thinks this, because there's a high chance that they can't differentiate between someone who likes popular music because it's in their own opinion and people who follow the crowd.


It's hard to differentiate when it's a stranger, but I have friends that literally feed off of their friends' music tastes. Every time we talk about music as a group, they just listen and regurgitate everything everyone else is saying. That's who I was referring to, not people who like popular music on their own accord. Don't assume I'm lumping together mainstream listeners as followers.

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People who claim that the only good music is the one produced in the last month or so. Just… my god.

People who claim that the only good music is the stuff that hasn't been produced in the last decade or so. Just... my god.


...Not attacking you or anything, just leaving it out there.

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I usually dislike when people dismiss the taste of others on a completely empty basis. This happens especially with video game music. It has happened in reality where I'm enjoying music and remarking on it or people insult music I like because some of it comes from a video game. That's a completely empty basis for sure.

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- Weeaboos who claim J-Pop is the best thing to hit the face of the Earth, but only listen to Caramelldansen or Leven Polka, or some other song like that

- K-Pop purists who will have a freakin' coniption if you have a bad opinion on any K-Pop song

- People who think everything on the radio now-a-days is crap just because its on the radio

- Touhou elists who bash everything that isn't Touhou

- People who go around quoting random rap/pop songs that they just heard on the radio

I like to listen to a wide variety of music such as electronic/pop (my main genre) alternative (eh, I don't mind metal, but the loudness startles me, so I stick this), classical (its so calming and enjoyable), so it sometimes bothers me when people won't expand their horizons, but w/e

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  • 1 month later...

I get a bit annoyed when I am constantly badgered with metal bands I don't like (Slipknot, Lamb of God, ect.) just because I am a metalhead they automatically assume that I like these bands and when I say I don't I get a dirty look. >_>"



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Do you know who annoys me about music? All the people in this thread who seem to think that being a lover of Jazz and Classical makes you, I quote "holier than thou."


As a musician of eight years, I know how music works, and it is fascinating. I can tell you that high-quality metal has much in common with classical music, for example, due to its emphasis on excellent technique and blazing speed. Or, more accurately, with baroque, due to its simple, diatonic harmonies (this is not a bad thing, in fact, the best music often 'works' because of simple, diatonic harmonies) and intricate ornamentation. I am not a fan of metal music, but I understand it and therefore respect it. I can tell you that Chopin, and most romantic music (by romantic, I mean the style of classic music [there is a difference between 'classic' which is music from before 1900 and 'classical' which was an era in the 18th century home to composers like Mozart and Beethoven] that occurred from the 1820s to the 1910s) shares a lot of harmony with jazz in particular. Pop music takes most of its harmony from the baroque tradition, with simple diatonic chord sequences, although pop is such a general term that it encompasses anything from epic progressive music to bubblegum pop and dubstep. Jazz (and I say this as a composer, lover and player of jazz) is essentially all the same - it follows the same basic, diatonic chord sequences of pop music but with secondary dominant harmony (also known as a 2-5-1 sequence) and a use of dissonance and chromaticism that one would find similar to romanticism or modernism.


In conclusion, just listen to what you like. And don't get to the level where you end up analyzing stuff like I do, it makes things fun, then boring.

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