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Drakenguard [ OOC / Started / Not Accepting ]


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Yeah, I know, my RPs aren't exactly the easiest to get into. Whether you end up posting an app or not, I'm at least glad to see you have an interest in it.


Well it's not just that, but it's also because I never see a finished RP anymore. In perspective, I'm really iffy about joining RPs at all anymore, unless they're really interesting.


I seem to have gotten the plot down, so I have a (few) quick question(s).


Can I be one of the dragons?

Can I be the Wallguard in question?

Do I have to be either, or are they the only current options for applying?


These questions will probably be already answered by the time I'm down to the application part, but a reassuring answer is always nice if I don't get it the first time.


Nevermind, expect an app from me.

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SSD: First of, nice to see you bro! So I see your app is done. I'll do a quick review of it and go over some issues with you if there are any. However, there is already a pressing issue. Read the rules and figure it out xP And yes, there is a ranking system in the Wallguard. EDIT: You need at least 3 lines for personality dude :o

Damn, it's three on my computer >.> *goes to edit*

Oh I see, I read too fast and missed that. 

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Enrise, that's true and, unfortunately, I'm very much guilty of that so hopefully I can keep this RP on track. Although I do have one other RP that, although it's currently in hiatus, it's very much on the path of completion. But anyways, back to this RP, I'm assuming that all of your questions have been answered so I look forward to seeing your app.

SSD, damn you ninja! Anyways, thanks for fixing it man. I won't be able to tell you if you're accepted or not until all other apps are completed though so just be patient with me lol

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"The first time you pick up a sword, you become a target. And the moment you kill...everything changes. Everything."

Personal Information
Username: Carbonado
Name: Zena (Ustengraf)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: February 13th
Hobby(s): Drills, Cleaning Weapons and Practice with them, Reading, Fighting
A 6' (1.83 m) tall warrior whom boasts a hardy figure for a woman, slightly tanned from the time spent in the sun, often being described as an amazon or some sort. However, her strong physique is not to discredit her beauty. With her long brunette hair with a dull gleam, her eyes are an ice blue to show off her more exotic and ferocious side. She'll normally don a leather armor that skirts down to her knees a pair steel breastplates covering the front and outside areas of the breasts (cause... they're vulnerable. And valuable.). She holds her chakram on her right hip and Ulfberht on her left, while the dagger is hidden behind her back.
A rugged woman with a hardy personality, she's quite the quick witted and swift sarcastic one, who enjoys the thrill of combat and melee confrontation. However, she also has a small soft spot for her allies, and tries to protect them while fighting along their sides, and she also will help out the less fortunate and poor with things they need: food, water, money, and other items they could possibly need. She'll try to help others in battle, while trying to leave her opponents away with only scratches and bruises, instead of killing them. However, upon developing a close friendship with someone, she Zena see anything happen to them, notably a death, she will throw herself into a fit of rage against first against the killer; when the killer has been dealt with, she will cry in sadness for the one she lost. Upon learning about the battle strategies she could use while in combat, she learned about the dragon-human relationship they had many years ago. Reading about the Crimson Night and the Draken-Hume War, she felt that while it may be true that a few dragons could have caused the Crimson Night, humans could also be at fault; perhaps dragons were not as bad as people made them out to be, and that there could have been a different outcome.
Born originally into a higher middle class family of Ustengraf, Zena's family held the belief of pacifism in their household. She was a child of course, and didn't understand the meaning behind the belief, and didn't think it was necessary. As she grew older, she began to realize the importance of this belief, which was to maintain the harmony of human life. However, around the age of 16, she dishonored the sacred belief of the Ustengraf family, when she used a kitchen knife to protect herself from a trespasser (whose intentions were unknown to her). When the incident was resolved and blood was spilled, her place within the family was severed. Not knowing a place to go, her only possible choice was to sign up for the military, more or less the Wallguard. While she thinks it's her only option, it's possibly her best option. She feels that - since her near death experience - she can help others within the kingdom, and that the kingdom, let alone the world.

Combat Information
Primary Division: Ground Troops
Secondary Division: N/A

  • Ulfberht - A unique type of sword that is blacksmithed well beyond the normal conditions of standard swords. The Ulfberht is made with a higher quality of steel, with more carbon and is also made with very little amounts of slag, making it more flexible, and useful. Because the balance of the weapon is closer to the hand, strikes with it can be made a lot more easily and swiftly.
  • Chakram - A circular weapon that Zena uses for close combat and ranged, and always returns to her. It can be ricocheted off of surfaces, enabling her to take out several foes in one hit.
  • Dagger - Hidden behind her back. It's an approximate 8" overall (4" blade), made with standard steel quality that soldiers use. This is usually a last resort, and usually never used compared to her hand-to-hand combative abilities.


  • First Aid - She began reading up on First Aid and other Herbal Remedies that can be used to treat soldiers while in combat, and believes it will help her in her goal.
  • Pressure points - Significantly crucial for her grounded fights, albeit rarely uses these techniques since her enemies usually end up getting killed. She uses them when she wants someone to talk about a specific piece of information.
  • Adept Combatant - Training rigorously during her years of being a Wallguard has made her significantly useful in hand-to-hand combat and swordplay.


  • Chakram Tornado - The Chakram ring is thrown so hard at a certain angle that it spins around Zena for a few seconds, acting as a barrier. She throws the chakram like a frisbee, which is thrown toward her left inside; when thrown, it moves up and down after each circumference around her.


Other Information

  • Zena is a deliberate misspelling of Xena, the Warrior Princess, whom I felt befitting for the role. Pretty much, she's based on Xena, because I've been watching a lot of Xena recently.
  • The quote is an actual quote from Xena from the episode Dreamworker.
  • The Ulfberht is an actual type of sword, with a documentary on their creations. I can try and provide a link about them if needed. They're pretty much swords with the best quality of steel seen till the Industrial Revolution.
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"I have big what I need to have big! I really do!"


Personal Information
Username: [acronym='No seriously, a dragon with all seven colours of the rainbow in its skin would actually be interesting to see.']RAINBOW!![/acronym]
Name: Alayna Alumgrinder
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: October 15
Hobby(s): Knocking back a few drinks, Shopping for cool stuff, Hunting
[spoiler=Appearance:]Alayna has some serious goodies on her body that there's no denying of, which has a BWH ratio of 40-30-39. Unfortunately, such an impressive set of T&A comes at the cost of stunted growth. Alayna only stands at 4' 10", or if one is foolish enough to include the horn on her hair band in their measurements, 5' 1". Either way, even most other women vastly out-heighten Alayna, not to mention others that are shorter than the average human of their gender, such as Shiki in his human form.
[spoiler=Personality:]Under many circumstances, Alayna's personality is totally different from that of all the other girls. About the only common trait is that Alayna likes to shop, and can be a little reckless with her money; but even, she doesn't shop for clothes, but for cool weapons and things instead. Aside from that, Alayna's all tomboy, in that she likes to do manly things like going hunting or knocking back a few drinks with others, especially some mugs of her favourite beverage in nice cold ale. Unlike other women, Alayna is also very gluttonous around food, especially the more appetizing gourmet foodstuffs, and she's even willing to sacrifice her figure if it means managing to stomach the last thing she has her beady eyes on. Interestingly though, she still gets to keep it for the most part, and any weight she does gain goes straight to her breasts and buttocks. The one thing that Alayna hates most though is sexist comments out of anyone's mouth, especially those directed at her specifically, or those mentioning her stunted growth in an insulting manner. They make her blood curl so much that she'll trudge straight for the person that said them and give him or her a piece of her mind... and someone of Alayna's strength is not to be messed with! Alayna is a noble warrior though, so thankfully this sheer strength is on the right side of the conflict.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Biography:]The Alumgrinders were always plagued with stunted growth, and Alayna was certainly no exception. She was always picked on and taken advantage of because of her size. This lasted for several years until she decided she had enough and set off, figuring she'd be better off surviving in the wilds than within the walls of Atland. Well, she was half right. She had learned to adapt quickly, foraging and hunting for her own food, constructing her own shelter and making her own fires. Alayna had also found the old battlegrounds of The Extinction War, and began looting around until she found the axes known Amyneddgar's Children, named after the legendary warrior Amyneddgar Alumgrinder who had killed scores of dragons before finally succumbing to his wounds. However, Alayna was unaware that she had been eyed upon as a target the moment she collected them; by a magically-inclined female assassin who had been murdering her family across several generations.


Alayna, however, managed to hold her own against this vile woman and close the distance covered by her spells, before beheading the assassin with one of the very weapons she sought to claim as her own. It was then that Alayna decided to give the citizens of Atland a second chance of giving her a little respect, thinking herself strong enough to have earned it a long time ago. Upon her return, she immediately began the process of becoming a Wallguard. At first her recruiter was sceptical; with her having come from the wilds, he wasn't 100% sure if it was even worth the effort of training Alayna, let alone seriously recommending a reserve of position for her. That was until she presented the head of the assassin that tried to kill her. Recognizing the assassin and her terrible deeds, the recruiter urged Alayna to collect on her bounty of 3,000 jewels, exactly enough to pay for the 5 year pledge, and then return to him immediately so she can pay that money. [/spoiler]

Combat Information
Primary Division: Ground Troops
Secondary Division: Magic Brigade
[spoiler=Weapons:]Amyneddgar's Children: A set of two double-bladed axes that Alayna wields expertly, both of which normally require two hands to wield. Amyneddgar's Children also serve as the medium for Alayna's spells, since her training in the arts of magic is limited. These axes are named after the legendary Amyneddgar Alumgrinder, who served during The Extinction War. Amyneddgar has looked after these axes as he would his own children, hence their name, and enchanted them with a curse for protection against thieves. Should they ever be handled by anyone other than Amyneddgar's descendants, or those that have Amyneddgar's blessing, the bodies of the handlers in question will deteriorate from the inside, transforming into nothing more than rot and blood. As the sole survivor of Amyneddgar's descendants, Alayna alone has full immunity to this curse, whereas Amyneddgar must grant the immunity to everyone else through his blessing. This can be done by praying at his grave.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Abilities:]Superhuman Strength: Exactly as it says on the tin. Alayna can easily throw heavy objects, even those whose weight is normally measured in tons, and overthrow even the stockiest of men in an arm wrestle. She can even behead physically weaker beings such as goblins with her bare hands, with the right technique and the right amount of brute force. Alayna's strength also allows her to wield in one hand weapons that normally require two to keep steady.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Spells:]Hurricane Slash: Spinning around and around allows Alayna to channel Wind magic, allowing her slashes to damage on par with a hurricane, hence the name. Alayna cannot initially change direction without losing the channel of magic, but perhaps with training and if she can change suddenly enough, the channel can still be held upon one, two or even several counter-helices. Alayna can only rely on her own momentum to maintain the channel of magic, though.

Rock Wall: Alayna slams both her axes into the ground, in between them of which a wall of solid rock will arise, protecting her from attacks not made by seige weapons. The wall almost always has a maximum width equivalent to Alayna's arm span, and initially only reaches a paltry height of 7 feet standing straight up. However, with training and a little ingenuity, Alayna can create walls that arise in a slant, extend from the corners and/or are taller and less destructible. She may even be able to have walls arise from ones she already created, and between all this possibility and her climbing ability, Alayna can yet have the potential to reach new heights... quite literally in some cases. Rock walls created by Alayna automatically collapse after 1 minute, but they can also be taken down by enemy siege weapons.

Seismic Slam: With a mighty swing, Alayna slams an axe on the ground, and a shock-wave emanates, damaging enemies as it travels down range. Thanks entirely to Alayna's limited training in magic though, this spell's bark is worse than its bite. But devastating results can later be achieved with more training and practice; one shock-wave will become multiple, and the initial slam will create an earthquake that can even deal more damage than siege weapons can manage.[/spoiler]


Other Information
In case you couldn't tell already, Alayna Alumgrinder is a dwarf inspired character. Most of her qualities are as true to the typical dwarf as I can think of; short, muscular, gluttonous and fond of her ale. Dwarves are meant to be stout too for the most part, but Safebooru is notorious for refusing to hand out [acronym='Well... they do plump, but not even that many IIRC']properly obese women[/acronym]. So I had to do the next best thing; type in the words "wide_hips" in the search bar and [acronym='Wide hips signify either a big ass or a flat one, which is still a key sign cause any fat that a woman takes on goes straight to the ass first. Of course, you need big tits to counteract your big ass, cause WITHOUT any big tits, your big ass will attract all the attention from everyone else, especially the more perverted people, and may or may not make you look ridiculous. Finally, since this takes place in the Iron Age, the clothes need to be made of... well, cloth. And there you have it. A dwarf inspired female character with big tits and a big ass... and a loincloth... which may or may not be appropriate.']work from there.[/acronym]

The name was acquired from here. I'm sure Alayna means something and Alumgrinder means something else but I'll have to look it up.

Amyneddgar sounds similar to Armageddon, so it was only natural that I have Amyneddgar as the name of the legendary warrior who's supposed to be Alayna's ancestor. I might make him her great great great great great grandfather, as 7 generations is appropriate over the span of 300 years, when the Extinction War took place. 

Alayna's Theme Song

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Nice, glad to see we're getting a couple more female characters; each with their own unique qualities... *shifty eyes*

Torm, alright, I'll be waiting for the finish product then. I'm interested to see what sub-divisions you're going for so put that up soon lol

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[spoiler="Faen Noctyle"]19bd6f9c-30cd-4422-87b7-5d79681eb1fc_zps
"Have you ever tried donning on the mask of someone else and seeing the world through their eyes?"

[hr]Personal Information
[hr]Username: Masquerade
Name: Faen Noctyle (Fay-in Nock-tile)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: April 30
Hobby(s): Painting, roleplaying (as in pretending to be someone else), reading, seeing and learning new things, watching plays and theatre.

[spoiler=Appearance]Faen looks as is in the picture. He is considered quite cute and looks younger than he actually as. Faen is short for his age at 5'4" in height and is quite thin and unathletic, weighing 115 lbs. From his refined clothing, it is evident to others that he is nobility.
[spoiler=Personality]The wisdom and aloof expression is partially just an act that conceals and holds back a rather childish interior. He acts calm and collected, frequently giving advice to others and pointing out both their personal and technical flaws, kindly though, with an ever so poised and maybe a bit quirky tone despite being younger than most whom he speaks to, though he is in fact very easily surprised or amazed as well as very inexperienced with life itself.
Faen grew up on fairy tales and legends of dragons and mighty heroes, and like any other boy, he wished to be a great warrior himself, a defender of justice who would win fame and glory and perhaps even the hand of a princess, but it was nigh an impossible dream for him, simply too ridiculous and implausible for someone of his fragile constitution. Faen was born with a very weak heart and weak muscles, so he had been bedridden for most of his childhood in his family estate far to the north, the mildest exercise was too much for him and his only companions were the countless books in the family library and his personal tutor, a hired mage also responsible for channelling magical energy to maintain Faen's heart and give strength to his muscles. However, this was nowhere enough for any sort of physical exertion. Reluctantly giving up on this dream, Faen then looked to every hero's guide or companion, the wise and mysterious wizard with great powers to manipulate the forces of nature. Yes, he could become that, this was something that a frail boy like him could accomplish. Having read thousands upon thousands of books from every field in his boredom as well as a noble's education, he held with him knowledge and wisdom far beyond his tender years. Surprised was his tutor and family when the lovable little boy he had once been turned into a quiet and reserved young man overnight determined to set out and become a mage.
Almost all of Faen's knowledge and wisdom comes from books, however, drawing upon his knowledge of a vast variety of subjects including historical accounts and field journals, Faen can provide good insight on a great many things. His incredible memory comes close to a photographic level and he is able to recite words directly from the books. But, simply having read about such things can be little preparation for actually seeing it. As he was constrained to his quarters in a Gothic castle in the north lands, he was able to see very, very little of the world and thus he becomes excited when he discovers something new in real life, excited enough that his inner self breaks through his serene demeanor to show on his face the expression of an awestruck gaze belonging to a boy brimming with curiosity.
Faen is very interested in seeing and learning about new things, he is quite curious on his own and he also has the goal in mind to gain greater wisdom so to fit better into the position of a great wizard. Because of this goal, he especially seeks personally find out more about humanity's enemies, such as dragons and even goblins, as he knows a lot of what he has read suffers from bias. Learning to see things through the perspective of many to him is another step in the path to enlightenment and helps in settling conflicts and reaching agreements and compromises.
He seeks to be more understanding, but Faen is already a relatively compassionate person who can read others' emotions and see when others are troubled or hurt. He takes others' problems as his own and helps whenever at all possible, thinking it his duty as someone with a certain degree of knowledge and wisdom and he always tries his best to reach a peaceful resolution first, but the immature side within him does not mind some action if it truly comes to it. As part of his dream, he wishes to do something that will help the world and one thing he deems possible would be to settle this conflict between goblins and humans once and for all in a way that would not bring great harm to either side.

While he is able to keep his calm, Faen is able to think things through clearly, he proves to be quite resourceful and has a very sound judgement. Coming up with plans and seeing through his enemy's weakness is his forte and he makes good use of his wide magical arsenal to strike where the enemy is most vulnerable in the most effective fashion. Despite knowing that pride is often a flaw and can get the best of you, Faen cannot help but be proud of his magical talents. Winning excites him to the point where he can lose his composure, forgetting himself and going overboard or becoming reckless in combat. Being unused to any sort of danger as he was holed up all his life, Faen can get scared easily. He freezes up a bit if he is under real threat and panics, all the while trying to stop himself from doing so.

Faen can come off as eccentric, he has a great love for reading, which extends to theatre and plays, and painting, to the point where he may shirk off his duties slightly for his hobbies. He frequently paints new things he has seen or done because his good memory extends only to words and text rather than images and experiences (that doesn't mean he has bad memory in those, simply average) and he also does face-painting on himself, often making himself into beings of other races which he seeks to understand. While it sometimes is for fun, it can also help him in getting him into another's mindset and pretend that he is something else so he can try to see things their way. After painting himself, he'll act like whoever he styled himself to be, often for an entire day. It's almost like a sort of ritual for him.

Beyond speaking to others to give advice and despite being able to very well read emotions, Faen is socially inept. As a noble, he was raised above the commoners, unable to interact with them as a person, and his brothers disliked him for his bodily weakness and for being doted upon by their father, so he never had any friends. He is unable to properly respond to love and friendship and doesn't know how to properly express his personal feelings to others. Faen becomes especially nervous around girls close to his age, and it becomes troublesome because he can easily become the object of their affections due to his cute outer appearance.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Biography]Faen was born the youngest son of the Noctyle family, a very old noble family that governs a moderate-sized but very harsh and poor land in the north. He was born very sickly and weak thus spent most of his childhood in bed with only his books and his tutor, an emotionless middle-aged man who really wished to be gone from the cold north. Because of the Noctyle lands' poverty, they lived very modestly for people of nobility, ancient nobility no less.
Faen's mother died giving birth to him and Faen's father, who loved her dearly, secretly resented him for this, however, he relented as Faen grew. Of the four children, all sons, of the Noctyles, only Faen bore any resemblance to his mother and a striking resemblance he did have. The resentment turned to doting, and Faen's father spent almost all the very little free time he had with his youngest son, mostly neglecting his other children. The stress of governing a poverty-stricken land and the grief and loneliness of having lost his soul mate fell heavily on him, he looked at Faen to recall the happy memories of his wife. This created an unintentional rivalry between Faen and his brothers, they would call him names, hide his things, put things to obstruct his path, though they didn't dare do anything serious, fearing the fierce wrath of their father. However, these minor hindrances were still harsh on a boy who was exerted by even walking down the halls.
Deciding that he was no material to become a warrior like his brothers went off to become, Faen stood up to take the role of a mage. At the age of ten, he left home to the academy in Atland where his tutor was educated, refusing the funds his father offered, knowing that the Noctyle hold would need it more, deciding to pledge half a decade on the Wall instead (pardon the interruption here, but only now do I realize that it sounds a bit like Game of Thrones just cuz "the Wall" and having to pledge to it, anyway, moving on...). His earnest desire to learn allowed him to earn scholarships to go into post-graduate education and delve into various branches of magic as well as delay the day which he would have to take up a position on the Wall (and he was a bit young anyway). His success alienated him from some of the other students, despite his efforts to approach them and help them, though he was busy with his studies anyway.
At the age of sixteen, he finally completed his education and began to serve his time on the Wall.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Combat Info][hr]Primary Division: Magic Brigade
Secondary Division: N/A
[spoiler=Equipment]Flying Broomstick: It's a Firebolt broom specially made so to be able to channel magic through it, appearance as shown in the picture. When he channels magic through it, it gives him the power of flight. This gives him a lot of reprieve from walking and so he uses it wherever he goes.
Wand: An actually very powerful artefact used to greatly reduce the stress on his own body that magic makes.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Abilities]Excellent Memory: Faen is able to commit almost anything text-wise to memory if he really focuses. This gave him a serious edge in his magical studies. It also allows him to carry a massive repository of knowledge in his head from reading the books in his family's library.
Water Mastery: Faen's primary elemental mastery is water due to the fact that it did not require a great deal of energy to generate but mostly involved the manipulation of pre-existing water. He is now able to condense the water vapors in the air in quite a large radius if a water source is not nearby as well as manipulate large volumes of water to the point of being able to create minor waterfalls. His power extends to careful manipulations as well, he is able to use thin sheets of water to refract light and disguise his exact position up to thirty feet away and create periscopes that extend up to two hundred feet. Better described in the Spells section.
Fire Mastery: This simply involves igniting the air with magic and controlling its path. Useful in setting siege weapons on fire.
Lightning Mastery: Converting magical energy into lightning can be very tiring, but he uses it for its power or for stunning enemies. He has a very hard time controlling the path of lightning and so instead, he uses salt water as a conductor if he needs a very precise flow of electricity.
Wind Mastery: The control over air currents. While it is possible to blow a man off his feet, it is more effective to use water for such purposes.
Teleportation: He can teleport at a moment's notice up to 20 feet away, farther takes preparation time and overall it has a cooldown of one second.

Magic Channelling Mastery: He is able to redirect the flow of magical energy with a high degree of efficiency as well as convert it to energy into himself. This gives him a very good handle over magical artefacts and also allows him to use more advanced magics. He is very physically weak, requiring him to use magical energy even in his daily functions and maintaining his heart. Even walking is physically exerting for him. Also, the use of magic also takes a serious load on him to the point where half of the magic which he draws actually goes to maintaining his own body. Should he stop all magic used in maintaining his health, Faen would be more than twice as powerful as he already is.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Spells]Torrent: Simply directing the flow of water, mostly used to impede incoming troops and pushing them back by creating a controlled flood and softening the ground beneath their feet, he cannot create a large enough flow to impede movement or anything by simply condensing water vapor, he needs an actual water source.
Water Pulse: Creating a small, orb-shaped bit of highly pressurized water, used as a bullet, it's power is roughly equivalent to a very strong punch. He is able to create these at the rate of three per second on an ordinary day by condensing water vapors and reusing the water of previous. With a consistent water source, he can create ten per second.
Water Cage: Engulfs his opponent in water, this slows movement and suffocates them. He can have up to seven engulfed at a time, though if they move out of his direct range of sight, it stops.
Refract: Using water he can refract the light to mislead enemies and conceal traps.
Flames: Simply a stream of regular fire, quite useful in setting enemies and war machines alight. He is able to raise the intensity and heat of the fire on specific parts, but this consumes a lot of energy, however, he can raise it to deadly temperatures.
Lightning: Simply an arc of lightning, highly powerful, deadly even, but highly inaccurate. Consumes a lot of energy and Faen prefers not to use it.
Wind Redirect: By using the wind, he can bend arrows' and other projectiles' trajectories to miss him.
Aqua-electric Chain: By using a thin stream of salt water as a conductor, he can very accurately direct the flow of electricity to apply deadly shocks.
Healing Magic: He is able to heal minor scrapes and cuts and stop the bleeding of bigger wounds.
Magic Missile: Perhaps the most basic of all offensive magics, it is simply the modification of magical energy to be explosive and launching it or directing it (so it can home on targets). Highly versatile, it can be created at any size. It creates a purely shockwave explosion and in greater amounts can kill. Faen's pure missiles are blue and purple. At higher levels of mastery (which Faen has attained), they can be combined with elemental magic like fire or lightning to create a shock or burn as an aftereffect to the explosion.
Weather Control: This was one of the things Faen went into extra study for. It takes tremendous energy and utterly exhausts Faen out, but he is able to adjust atmospheric conditions to completely change the weather.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Other Info]Faen's readings include healing techniques and medicine.[/spoiler]

I'm done. Sorry, I don't know the meaning of quality over quantity. Might make changes later, especially to combat, but anyway, anything I need to fix?
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Quickly glancing over it, there doesn't appear to be any problems although is masquerade a color? I'm not sure but I'll take your word for it.

Oh it's not. Wait, was it supposed to be a color? Oh wait... oh... I skimmed over the rules because I was in your last RP. Sorry.

I wrote it randomly when I started on the app.
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