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Enrise, you can pick your own wyvern if you want but you won't actually get the wyvern until after the recruitment procedures which will take place in the RP.


Eh. I'm still considering on making her more along the lines of pure Ground Troops than Wyvern Corps.

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SSD - You asked for a second opinion, you've got one.

1 - Personal Info: All your grounds pre-Appearance satisfy the needs of the role-play for acceptance. The appearance is nothing particularly special. It's your generic Anime Bishonen with a dark attitude. The clothing that he wears does not really suit the setting in which he is in. He is wearing quite a contemporary blazer, in any way you look at it. I'd consider finding a better substitute like Neph. His height is quite peculiar, I wouldn't understand why he is so tall, but I suppose it can be overlooked. His personality is one I find quite hazardous - you've created a character whom is seemingly a terrible team-player, yet would not want to lose someone close to him. The issue I see is that, well, who could get close to him? He seems incredibly unlikeable, and in a Military Environment, there's no doubt his erratic behaviour would see strict discipline. His biography seems pretty interesting, and contains a lot of things you could insert into his personality. From what I read, he is clearly ambitious, and is very perseverance.

2 - Combat Info: All your grounds pre-Weapon(s) satisfy the needs of the role-play for acceptance. From what I gather, he seems to be an assassin-styled character, but I feel all those weapons would hinder his movement as well as make a racket when moving. However, it most definitely means he has more options should he be disarmed. His darts are okay, but I am intrigued as to how he could actually acquire these poisons. That may be something you could put into your Biography or something. His abilities seem fine, further enforcing the assassin guise. You need to apply a limit to your Mark - Teleportation ability, because as it stands he can just drag his hand across the floor all his life, and thus be able to teleport infinitely anywhere he has been before. Consider a limit on numbers of marks, or stricter teleportation clauses. The Shadow Sight and Eye techniques seem confusing, as how could he see extended things through the Shadow Sight when he already perceives something else? Shadow Manipulation needs clarification, I do not understand what you do with it. Shadow Feint seems okay, considering how he'd need a mark behind the foe. Surprise, too.

3 - Other Info: n/a

Overall, I seems sketchy to me. Lots of spots are vague and thus can be perceived as overpowered. I think it wouldn't hurt having a once over on the application, give it a revision with the idea of providing weaknesses to mind. Giving characters weaknesses is never a bad thing, it gives an application a sense of humility, which I think your's needs.

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SSD - You asked for a second opinion, you've got one.

1 - Personal Info: All your grounds pre-Appearance satisfy the needs of the role-play for acceptance. The appearance is nothing particularly special. It's your generic Anime Bishonen with a dark attitude. The clothing that he wears does not really suit the setting in which he is in. He is wearing quite a contemporary blazer, in any way you look at it. I'd consider finding a better substitute like Neph. His height is quite peculiar, I wouldn't understand why he is so tall, but I suppose it can be overlooked. His personality is one I find quite hazardous - you've created a character whom is seemingly a terrible team-player, yet would not want to lose someone close to him. The issue I see is that, well, who could get close to him? He seems incredibly unlikeable, and in a Military Environment, there's no doubt his erratic behaviour would see strict discipline. His biography seems pretty interesting, and contains a lot of things you could insert into his personality. From what I read, he is clearly ambitious, and is very perseverance.

2 - Combat Info: All your grounds pre-Weapon(s) satisfy the needs of the role-play for acceptance. From what I gather, he seems to be an assassin-styled character, but I feel all those weapons would hinder his movement as well as make a racket when moving. However, it most definitely means he has more options should he be disarmed. His darts are okay, but I am intrigued as to how he could actually acquire these poisons. That may be something you could put into your Biography or something. His abilities seem fine, further enforcing the assassin guise. You need to apply a limit to your Mark - Teleportation ability, because as it stands he can just drag his hand across the floor all his life, and thus be able to teleport infinitely anywhere he has been before. Consider a limit on numbers of marks, or stricter teleportation clauses. The Shadow Sight and Eye techniques seem confusing, as how could he see extended things through the Shadow Sight when he already perceives something else? Shadow Manipulation needs clarification, I do not understand what you do with it. Shadow Feint seems okay, considering how he'd need a mark behind the foe. Surprise, too.

3 - Other Info: n/a

Overall, I seems sketchy to me. Lots of spots are vague and thus can be perceived as overpowered. I think it wouldn't hurt having a once over on the application, give it a revision with the idea of providing weaknesses to mind. Giving characters weaknesses is never a bad thing, it gives an application a sense of humility, which I think your's needs.

1 - Hm, I might just scratch the picture and write the appearance myself, and that was the kind of character I was going for. If someone were to put up with him, then all's good. I'll patch it up, though. As for the height, I'm 15 and about 6'1", so I may just be used to tall people since there are people my age and taller than me where I used to live.


2 - Yeah, I was aiming for assassin-style, and I think the only weapons that would hinder his movements would be the ones on his arms, I'll move those. I think I'll limit the mark to only one per surface, like four inside a square room. I'll fix Shadow Sight and Shadow Eye, too. Shadow Manipulation basically makes his shadow an extension of his own body. As for Shadow Feint, you're wrong. He has a ten feet teleportation limit without marks.


Thanks, I needed that. I'll get on it.

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"Everyone has good in them. You just have to look past the flesh and into the heart."


Personal Information
Username: Purple
Name: Vivien Arkon (Ark-en)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: July 9th
Hobby(s): Reading about Dragons, socializing, free running, card games (mostly cheating)
[spoiler=Appearance:] 1604to5.jpg

Vivien stands at a sold 5'5 and a weight of around a certain number that a woman never discloses. When it comes to clothes Vivien likes to keep it simple. It's pretty much what's shown in [url=http://i.imgur.com/Pzan812.png]this picture[/url] along with some thigh high boots that are the same color green as the top. While these clothes don't look to have much protection they are enhanced clothing that don't tear easily, has the durability somewhere between leather and light weight armor, and as an added bonus it is machine washable. [/spoiler]


[spoiler=Personality:] A passionate young girl, who charges forward boldly and confidently into anything and everything that she does. A rather hot-blooded youth, with a penchant for trouble but a heart for peace. She believes that everyone has good in them, and that people deserve second chances. Due to this Vivien is known to rush in and help other people without a second thought. However, Viven isn't nearly naive enough to get swept away in some type of nefarious plot and will more than gladly deliver some good old justice towards the evil doer. On the contrary she is very intuitive about another person and can usually discern whether a person as good intentions or not.


Because of her nature she can find herself in very dangerous, troublesome, or even comical situations but Viven has never regretted her actions, believing that everything happens for a reason even if the reason isn't clear. Probably her most problematic trait is she tries to help and make everyone happy, often taking on many responsibilities and trying to help everyone with their problems. However, when is comes to her own problems she is hesitant to ask for help as to not get other people hurt if she happens to get herself into trouble.


Contrary to her head strong behavior, Vivien is frighteningly observant when it comes to battle. She is quick on her feet which saves her skin countless times. A natural born warrior, and she isn't afraid to flaunt it in battle. However, this cocky attitude is quick to boil over which causes her to make mistakes. Luckily her innate battle instincts kick in to save her, and she is just as quick to calm back down into her more serious and calm mode.


For all of the bravado Vivien displays, she has one great fear that she doesn't like talking about it because it is embarrassing. Viven doesn't like the dark. As long as she has a light she's fine but if it goes out she becomes frozen in fear. Her fears runs so deep that just being outside during night time makes her feel uncomfortable, but she doesn't feel as suffocated as when in pitch darkness.


The main thing that sets her apart from most people is her interested, and passion for dragons. While that alone may not be strange, but she is very open with her thoughts. Vivian is perceived as a 'dragon lover' which at times puts her at odds with other people, most noticeably her twin sister Kusna(Koos-na) Arkon. Ever since her run in with a dragon when she was younger, she doesn't view them as vicious, blood thirsty beings. Instead she always wondered what it would be like if the humans and dragons lived together in peace like they once did. Talking and befriending one another. Vivien believes that dragons are no different than humans and shouldn't be treated any differently, because of this Viven is often standing up for dragons when someone bad mouths them.


 Kusna Arkon is Vivien's twin sister. Her interest in dragons has put her at odds with her sister, who believes that all dragons should be wiped from existence. This causes arguments between the two, and unintentionally created a rift of hatred. Though she would never wish harm on her family, the dis contempt has formed a blackness in her heart and feelings of disgust towards Kusna. Whenever they do meet Kusna never fails to bring out the anger and rage inside of Vivien, and on more than one occasion they have drawn weapons on one another. She regrets that this has happened and wishes they could return to the way they use to be. Somehow she knows that their conflicting views will one day be the death of them. Vivien doesn't like talking about her sister as it is a touchy subject for her. If it is brought up she will become angry and often lash out at the other person until they give up on the question. Get past all of that and Vivien is truly worried about her sister. She wants to try and show her that dragons aren't terrible beast and that they can live together in peace.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Biography:] Vivien Arkon, nicknamed Vivi, was born and raised by your everyday family. Her father Juin Arkon was and still is a wall guard, entrusted to the Archer Squadron. Her mother Nerisa Arkon, after fulfilling her contract chose to stay home in order to raise her children. Born as the younger twin to Kusna Arkon, she would find herself always chasing after her sister. Growing up she was always one step behind Kusna, whether it be first words, learning how to walk or studies. This never bothered Vivien. Instead this made her look up to Kusna. Whenever there was a problem with other kids Kusna was always there to protect her, and no matter what happened the two of them were always together. Nothing could separate them. Vivien loved her sister, and Kusna cared for Vivien. They even shared the same dream of one day joining the Wall Guard just like their parents.


Growing older is where the problem began. Being told the story of dragons and about the war Kusna looked at it with anger. Believing dragons to be bad and a danger to the humans. Vivien saw them in the same light as well. Though these dragons were believed to be extinct Kusna wanted to be prepared just in case something happened and they appeared again. So the two of them began to read more about dragons, so when the become Wall Guards they would be ready to fight one if they every showed up again. Everything Vivien believed changed one one fateful night. Coming home one day from a friends house decided to take a short cut through th back ways of the houses.


It was starting to get dark so she knew she needed to get home quickly. Unfortunately she wasn't the only one occupying the back ways. A group of men were there harassing a young, beautiful woman. From the looks of it the men were part of the Wall Guard. She didn't look scared and said something to the men which made them angry. One took out a knife but the woman didn't see it. Vivien, though normally shy without her sister, shouted for the woman to look out. The woman dodged in time, but now the men knew she was there and grabbed her. Frozen and too scared to scream, Vivien closed her eyes trembling as she thought she would never get to see her family again. That's when the woman called to her and told her to not be afraid. Vivien opened her eyes and watched as the woman changed into something she only read in books; a Dragon, and it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Vivien forgotten, the men drew their weapons all slashing and attacking the dragon but for the most part the men were out classed. 


By chance the bowman's arrow was off course and was heading for her, but the dragon stretched out it's wing blocking the arrow. Unfortunately for the dragon there was now an arrow sticking out of it's chest. Right where the heart was. With a ferocious snarl the dragon snapped at the men who all at once turned tail and ran away no doubt going to tell everyone about the dragons that were supposed to be extinct in their city. Vivien turned to the dragon wondering what it would do next. The dragon looked at her with such deep affection and the sense that it was happy she wasn't hurt before flying off. Ever since that day Vivien's entire view on dragon's changed. They were alive! And all of them weren't vicious monsters like she believed. When Vivien told this to her sister, who didn't believe her story, Kusna was angry accusing her of siding with the evil dragons who killed many people. It was during that day that the two sisters began to drift apart, their views on dragons being at the center of it all.


Years later, now 17, Vivien has finally made the step to become a Wall Guard new recruit. As always Kusna was one step a head of her, having made the ranks of Wall Guard one year earlier. With her dreams of one day finding peace with the dragons and thanking the woman who saved her when she was younger, Vivien starts her journey.[/spoiler]


Combat Information

Primary Division: Ground Troop
Secondary Division: Magic Brigade


Makhairashi, A blade imbued with special magical abilities when special gems are placed in the hilt. For weapons of this kind there are four different gem types; Gravity, Fire, Lightening, and Light. Without these gems the sword has no magical abilities. However, it is still very much powerful on it's own with superb craftsmanship and durability. The main weakness to her weapon is that when switching out the orbs, it takes time thus leaving her open for attack. As this is a magical-type weapon it's best to be a part of the Magic Brigade.


[Spoiler= Gravity Gem]


A gem\ that when active grants the user the power over Gravity. In Vivien's case she can control the gravity only around her. So she can decrease the gravity on her to increase her speed, or many to slow her descent to the ground. The Gravity stone uses up her magic, and is probably the most difficult to use as it requires more skill than the other stones. In order to use this ability on others she must be making contact with the other person either through direct touch, or indirect touch (ie. her sword), which she can then control the gravity around that person. Once the contact is broken the effects will remain for 30 sec to 1 full minute. [/spoiler][/spoiler]


Swordsman Ship: While she is no expert, Vivien is skilled and proficient when it comes to swordsman ship. She can pick up any sword and get used to it with relative easy.


Indomitable Spirit: Her will, and spirit in battle and everyday life ensures that she never gives up, always determined to succeed at anything she puts her mind too.


Battle Instincts: When ever she is in battle her surprising intelligence and skill can only be chopped up to her innate instincts, which allows her to see clearly and react effectively when ever her life is on the line.


Acrobatics: Extremely limber, and has a wide range of acrobatic ability. Possibly due to how often she free runs around the city.


Magic Novice: Possibly not an wanted ability, Vivien isn't very good at channeling her magic. When she tries to use a large amount it ends up back firing and she can't control it. Which is why she uses the weapon she has, which can safely channel her magic through the orbs and into the sword. However, when she does use her own magic, and not the orbs, she seems to favor Nature type magic.[/spoiler]




Gravity Sphere: Megaton Crush - A condense ball of pure gravitational pressure is formed in her hand, which she uses to crush her opponent(Similar to Rasengan). Only works when her sword is active.


Gravity Sphere: Heaven Strike - Hits her opponent with an upward strike, and at the same time decreases the opponents gravitational pull in order to launch the opponent higher in the air than normal.


Gravity Sphere: Meteor Smash - Usually as a follow up to her heaven strike, she slams the flat part of her sword into her opponent while increasing the opponent's gravitational pull to slam them harder into the ground.


Gravity Sphere: Vanish Strike - Decreasing the gravity around her in order to increase her speed, she rushes past the opponent twice with two horizontal strikes. Lastly she jumps into the air for a downward strike, while reverting her gravitational pull to normal. The final blow is sometimes substituted with her Megaton Crush attack.


Spirit - An ability that Vivian can use as a last resort. Giving out a war cry, she taps into her reserves and is given another 10 minutes of battle. During this time Vivien can fight just as she did in the beginning. However, this can only be used when certain conditions are met, and after the time limit is up she will instantly fall asleep, and staying that way for at least a day.


Healing Hand - A healing ability that lets Vivien heal woulds. The more severe the wound the longer the process.


Nature Trail - An ability that leaves a sort of magic mark behind that allows other people or yourself to retrace the steps. This mark is often hard to see, and unless you know what to look for it is easily over looked.[/spoiler]


Other Information
- Vivien's food looks like gourmet cuisines but taste terrible
- Vivien free runs in her spare time
- Vivien knows a few card magic tricks
- Viven always has a deck of cards with her
- Viven's sword is a combination of the Japanese word Shi meaning 'Four', and Makhaira a Greek word that scholars use to refer to any ancient magical sword.
- Vivien's favorite season is Autumn

- Vivien is left handed


Completed, finally.

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Aix, I don't have an exact height yet but I would estimate the wall as being approximately 60-80 feet. I'll decide on the exact height later.

I see nothing wrong with your app from a quick once over, Hotaru. Although, if you want, you could ask Kyng for a second opinion.

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Alright, here's my app with the changes I decided to make to it.  I'd like to have your opinions on it, notably Kyng's, and I'd also like a little information.  Are we going with the DnD Black Dragons that have an acidic breath weapon or are we going with the WoW Black Dragons that have fiery breath weapons?


"It doesn't really matter if I want to do this or not...sir."

Personal Information
Username: Orange
Name: Alexander Von Blackmoore
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: June 22
Hobby(s): N/A I don't find that hobbies tend to play a big role in characters, and also I can't really think up any for him.

At first glance, it is easy to tell that Alexander is of noble birth.  A strong jaw, fair skin, and almost golden blonde locks lend to him the traditional appearance of a knight.  A decently strong build attests to his upbringing, and a glint of intelligence in those emerald eyes of his lends him the appearance of knowing what he is talking about.  As is fitting for his status as a noble, he stands significantly taller than average for his age and is projected to stand even taller still when he finally finishes growing.  Much to his annoyance, he's already started growing a mustache and beard but not quite enough of either for it to be proper.  This being the case, he keeps his face cleanly shaven at all times to avoid dealing with the stubble.  For his equipment and by that I mean his clothing, the young Blackmoore chooses a configuration known as half-plate.  His chest and shoulders, elbows, knees, and feet are covered over by solid plates of a metal known as black steel, while the rest of his arms and legs are protected by scale mail of the same metal and his hands are clad in leather gauntlets which themselves are covered by segmented plating.  The end result is that he is decently protected while maintaining mobility.  Normally he would wear a helmet of some sort, but for now it is unavailable to him. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Personality:]  Alexander is the sort of person to let his actions speak for him rather than to actually use his voice to speak.  Well, aside from responding to orders from his superiors.  This being the case, he is often rather quiet and typically only speaks when he cannot easily express his meaning through actions.  For example, if he were asked "how hard can you punch" he would throw a punch at a nearby inanimate object to demonstrate its force.


He is open to making friends, but does not actively seek them out and rather chooses to form friendships with those he winds up serving with in the Wallguard.  He believes that the bonds they will end up forging on the field of battle will be far stronger than any they could hope to build if they were not serving together.


As with his own behavior, he holds himself to very high standards.  He is always polite and respectful to those he meets, even if they should happen to be below him in social class.  If he offends someone unintentionally, he apologizes.  If he is offended by someone, he will challenge them to defend whatever they are doing that has offended him.  This young man is also rather generous; often giving decent sums of coin to those beggars he passes on the street, and not hesitating to help any who should ask him.


 His loyalty to humanity is absolute, and he would rather suffer the most painful death imaginable than betray his people.  Of course, whether or not this holds when push comes to shove remains to be seen as he has yet to experience any serious challenges to that loyalty.


 Concerning dragons, he sees them as little more than relics of the past in which one's interest ought to not be more than academic.  However, he harbors that same disgust for dragons as a species that most humans do.  In fact, he is not entirely certain of the accepted belief that dragons have been wiped off the face of the world and himself believes that they ought to prepare, as a people, to finish what they started.


When in combat, he utilizes both his close combat techniques and magical abilities, though he relies far more heavily on his physical weaponry to deal damage.  This applies to when he needs to fight unarmed as well, in which case hands and feet are used with supplementary spells being cast.


 Finally, he does not often make suggestions as to how he thinks something should be done due to not believing he has any say in the matter.  Of course this does not mean that he does not have his own opinions on matters at hand, merely that he keeps silent about them for the most part.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Biography:]  Alexander is the eldest son of the Lord and Lady Von Blackmoore, and his family traces its history all the way back to the Extinction War.  Legend has it that the first  Von Blackmoore was a simple woodsman living on the edge of a swamp, and when the war was started he was drafted into the human army.  This man displayed a great deal of skill in warfare, and ultimately slew an elder black dragon in single combat and took it's as a trophy.  For his exemplary military service, and for single handedly slaying such a powerful beast, the man was awarded lordship over the whole of the lands from whence he came which was known as the Black Moor, or swamp.  This might have meant little, were it not for the presence of a unique sort of ore in this swamp which the first Lord Von Blackmoore, as he came to be called, was able to provide to skilled blacksmiths who then transformed it into the remarkably durable Black Steel (named for the region from whence it comes, not its color).  It was the wealth from the trade in this ore and the steel refined from it that lead to the wealth of the Von Blackmoores, and the legend of their ancestor's combat prowess that lead to their tradition of military service.  


It is into this family that young Alexander was born, and he was raised accordingly.  It was always expected that he would serve in the wallguard or some other branch of military service, as there have been more than a few Grand Marshals to come out of the Von Blackmoore clan.  He often had little choice in what he would do while at home in Castle Von Blackmoore, due to his tutors being quite demanding that he do things a certain way.  Still, the training he received there would prove to be helpful in what was to come.  He was taught, among other things, how to appropriately fight with a glaive and also given insight into a school of magic popular in his family, Telekinesis.  


When the time came for him to choose which branch of the military he would serve in, he elected to join the Wallguard much to his parents' delight.  When the time came for him to choose a specific corps, he submitted himself to serve purely in the ground troops due to his preference in wielding his telekinetic abilities as aids for his close-combat style.[/spoiler]

Combat Information
Primary Division: Ground Troops
Secondary Division: N/A

Glaive:  A simple glaive forged of Black Steel.  Its only remarkable trait is the great durability displayed by all black steel weaponry.


Dagger:  In addition to his glaive, Alexander carries a dagger which is also forged of black steel.  As with his glaive it has no astounding properties aside from its own durability.  That and he can attack rather quickly with it.



Belt of Knives:  Finally, along with all of his hand weaponry Alexander wears a belt with several slots in it which are filled with knives measuring six inches long apiece.  Interestingly, these knives lack handles and in their place the blade tapers down to a second point.  As such, they would be rather dangerous to attempt to wield in one's hands under normal conditions.[/spoiler]


Trained Agility:  Part of his training before joining the Wallguard involved being extensively drilled to be quick on his feet.  As such, he is quite agile and has even gained the capability of doing backflips in his half-plate armor.  Not that such things make much sense on the field of battle, it is merely a measure of ability.


Impressive Strength:  In addition to his agility training, Alexander was exercised rigorously so that he could actually handle the weight of both his weapons and armor.  As such he is quite strong, and able to wield his glaive (Or any similarly sized or smaller weapon for that matter) with ease.


Profound Endurance:  Perhaps as a byproduct of his other physical training, Alexander developed an incredible degree of stamina, allowing him to fight for quite a while without tiring.  This also means that he can withstand blows that others might not be able to.


Practiced Mind:  Being a noble, Alexander was also brought up in the company of academic tutors.  This being the case, he has had a fair bit of practice in most of the entry-level scholastic fields, and is fairly knowledgeable.  Not that it's ever done him any more good than passing tests.


Precision Telekinesis:  Alexander is well versed in telekinesis, and is capable of moving objects through the air with his mind as easily as if he were to do so with his hands.  However, he cannot quite match the strength of his arms with this ability.  That is to say, certain objects such as his glaive would be too heavy to move about precisely with his mind.




[spoiler=Techniques and Spells]

Dagger Throw:  Alexander can throw his dagger accurately, such that its blade can strike a man in the center of his chest with enough force to punch through light armor and bone out to twenty meters.


Glaive Flurry: By quickly spinning about, Alexander brings the blade at the end of his glaive to bare upon all those foes immediately around him with significant force to cut through armor.


Aerial Strike:  By striking upward with his glaive, Alexander throws a single enemy into the air and then leaps up above them.  Once above them, he slams his weapon down to drive the blade into their chest and slam them into the ground thus likely skewering them.  The act of slamming back down involves using his telekinesis to essentially throw himself at the ground.


Telekinetic Push:  Usually proceeded by a hand or foot being thrust out in some direction or another, this spell produces a wave of force moving at just about the speed of sound.  At its normal level of power, this can push along objects of half Alexander's weight or less and move objects of his weight a few feet.  With greater effort, the force of this spell can be increased.


Telekinetic Pull:  As with T. Push, T. Pull is usually accompanied by a motion of the hands towards the user.  With this spell, Alexander grabs an object and pulls them in closer to himself with his mind.  The same restrictions apply to this spell as to it's twin.


Telekinetic Throw:  A sort of evolution of T Pull, this spell allows Alexander to grab an object and then rapidly hurl it in some direction or another.  This object need not be light, though heavier objects require greater effort.  This is a highly imprecise spell, and the most that can be achieved is chucking something in something else's general direction.


Rapid Vibration:  With the use of this spell, any object or a part of any object held by either Alexander's hands or held aloft with one of his telekinetic abilities.  This results in a great deal more energy being involved in the object.  In the case of blades, the rapid vibration allows them to pass more readily through armor and flesh alike.  Blunter objects though merely have the force behind them increased, meaning the impact is all the greater.


Other Information
As heir to the Von Blackmoore Lordship, Alexander is also in line to receive a family heirloom.  A glaive made from the immense fang of that black dragon his ancestor slew all those years ago, known as "Lanze Von Blackmoore."  Basicly let me know when in roleplay you'd like me to have him receive said weapon, if I'm accepted, and I can also run ideas for its abilities and such by you.

It is entirely possible that the name Von Blackmoore could carry some infamy among the dragons, due to the action for which the family's ancestor is renowned.

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Because this is fun and I like fun things~



Personal Information

Username: Pale Green

Name: Luciana Atland

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: May 4th

Hobby(s): Archeology, field research, history, and being in places she shouldn't be.







Luciana is a very energetic and curious young girl. She is constantly inquisitive to all facets of life and every person however is quick to judge those who deny her answers finding them boring. Her temper is quite quick to burst on those who insult or fight with her. However, her passion is just as fiery as her temper finding great interest in information and history. Having grown dependent on books for learning since she was little, she contantly desires a change with field experience and discovering new and exciting things. She is one of the few nobles to treat commonmen as equals and often regards the class discrimination as unfair. In regards to dragons, she sympathizes with them since she doesn't place such atrocities past people like her father and is curious about their culture.




Luciana was born in the slums of Atland, her mother a very kind and affectionate woman but the father never known. In order to feed themselves, she had to work as a prostitute in ghetto but was always attentive to her daughter. At a young age, Luciana's genius was recognized as she was able to read at a basic level by the time she was 4. As she aged, she salvaged books from garbage to read and asked questions about the city and outside world with no end to her enthusiasm. When she was 8, her mother came down with an illness which slowly eroded her body. Overcome by tragedy, Luciana never left her mother's bedside. Day after day, Luciana would entertain her mother with stories of things she's read and heard of far, away places and long ago times. However, the sickness overcame her, and he mother passed away. Luciana never left her bedside.


Friends of her mother, brought the traumatized Luciana enough food so she didn't starve as days passed over her mother's corpse and eventually just the bed she used to lay on. Rumors ran about the girl who refused to leave the memory of her mother, emotionally destroyed by the experience. One night, guards arrived in the slums with an unexpected visitor. Encountering a near-death Luciana clutching to the ragged blanket that used to comfort her mother, a noble man knelled down beside her and brushed his hand along the quilt. The man asked for her name, she answered. The man said she once knew her mother, she stayed quiet. The man admitted he was her father, she cried. She cried for the first time since her mother passed.


The man was a duke in the castle and a long-shot relative to the royal family. He later explained to Luciana that her mother used to be a maid for the castle and there he fell in love with her however a family feud at the time, caused chaos and in the confusion it was thought her mother died. Rumors of Luciana made way to the castle where he discovered that was false. Luciana was psycologically damaged for the first months at the castle refusing to speak and eating very little however soon adapted. The duke noticed her natural genius and intended to nurture it through the royal library. As an illegitimate child, Luciana was somewhat disliked by conservative nobles but to others liked, since she had no claim to the throne or influence in marriage.


Since age 13, Luciana convinced her father to allow her to exhibition to tourist ruins for her passion. These exhibitions started her interest in dragons since many artifacts existed of their presence. She approached her tutor and asked about advise to learn more since she wanted to travel farther and experience more. She was recommended to be able to defend herself but since she was female and illegitimate the castle wouldn't offer arms training. Finally, her genius had use and she entered into the magic-section of the royal library and began. Three years later, the duke was forced by family to make use of her daughter and give her an assignment. Luciana conforted her father that would be fine and recommended to enter the Magic Brigade.



Combat Information

Primary Division: Magic Brigade

Secondary Division: -



Hollow-Crest Dagger: A simple dagger that can take on 1 kg of any non-living substance to enchant with said absorbed elemental power until substance is used and needs new material.

Queen's Lighthouse: A levitating sphere that can separate into three, they allow the controller to use them as sources of light and vision over a range of 1/2 km. Used for tactical purposes and exploration; a gift to aid in her excavations but can be used in group combat and covering blind spots.




Tactical Training: Required class for regal family, essential leadership and basics of effectively commanding for effectiveness.

Simple Swordplay: Can fight off a robber, not much but helpful.

Natural genius: Given short amounts of time, she can mimic magic abilities and learn new ones easily.





Arcane Pistol: A simple single-shot blast of magical energy from her fingertip equal up to 300 N of force. Can be used frequently.

Arcane Cannon: A blast of magical energy from her palm equal to a 1000 N of force. Can be used infrequently.

Arcane Starfire: Signature* A long-range artillery attack using her entire arm that can strike from up to a km away, learned from the forbidden archive of the library. She uses it in combination with a team or her lighthouse to accurately predict enemies and strike before they are in range. Produces a force of 3000 N of force over an area of 10 m^2. Can be used 5 times a day at the moment.

Wings of Icarus: A support spell that increases the ground speed of those enchanted by decreasing the amount of friction between users and the ground enabling gliding down hills and strafing to aid in ground attacks against fast targets.

Moderate Regeneration Magic: Ability to heal wounds below Near-Fatal level over the course of hours.



Other Information


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Wonderful, everything looks fine on your app, Keto.

Hey there, Raine! Nice to see you posting an app and although you have the correct content, there are a few mistakes in your app that'll need to be fix:
1. You should go read the "General Statement" in the "Rules" spoiler. You'll find the most important thing you need to fix on the app.
2. The image isn't working for your appearance unfortunately.
3. You need to put your "Weapon(s)" and "Ability(s)" in spoilers.
After fixing those things, your app should be fine :3

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Alright, I edited it to the best I can think of; I edited the personality so she has more vivid personality for when certain events that may or may not occur.


Well, you can pretty much see what I edited. More importantly, I was more specific about the breastplate. Y'know. Cause it's one of the more important parts of the character.



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