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I'm Thar, crackfic extraordinaire AMA


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When are you finishing CrabxPika?

Not promising anything. I have a good idea on what to open the second part with, but other than that, I'm not sure.


What's your next pairing gonna be?

Currently choosing between ToyoxAin and BritishxCloset.


Shut up Thar.

That's not a question.


Shut up Thar?

That's better.

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Where did the inspiration for Thar's Pairings come from?


It all started when Lunar posted a status about a crack pairing of Charlie Eppes and Bear in the Big Blue House. I was interested, so I started reading whatever I could find under that category that caught my interest. In that moment, I became inspired to write one and posted a status about it. Soon after, Caeda replied telling me to ship Broken with Jake. So after some motivation from more crackfics, I began brainstorming and writing what I thought was the funniest sh*t I've ever read. So I posted it, only wanting Broken and Jake to respond with their disturbed thoughts, which later became a flood of positive feedback that ended up with me writing more.


Do you base your characters one how they actually act on the forum, on other people in your life, or are they just random quirks?


The character's personality is derived from the way they act on the forum combined with the most stereotypical version of said personality, but to avoid making them act TOO out of character, I water it down a bit so that people can imagine them how they want.


Thar what was your favorite one to write so far and why?


Night x Yin. I laughed so hard while writing the vibrating panties scene that I had to actually walk away from the computer and eat something. Striker with a board nailed to his head comes to a close second.

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How do you find the motivation to start, continue and end a story?


The motivation comes from the idea of the pairing. If stuff starts stringing together easily, it's much easier to write. If the idea's sort of eh, I hesitate.


Is there any fic that you've written that you general disliked? One that you thought to yourself "Meh, I could do better"?


MaxxionxFinalfan. I wrote it in like 2 hours, and pretty much only to flame Maxxion for being a crybaby. The haste on my part took away a lot of the quality, and it got the topic locked as well as several members warned up the butthole.


Do you see an end to the Pairing Fics any time soon?


I thought it was gonna end at MaxxionxFinalfan because of what happened, but I kept going for the heck of it and the feedback was still positive.

When you wrote the first crackfic (Broken-x-Jake) did you think that at some point, they'd get as popular as they are atm?


Nope. In fact, I expected it to be sh*t.

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I'm kinda curious if you've had any pairing ideas that you haven't disclosed to everyone. If you're planning to write it, that's not what I mean, just like, random ideas that popped into your head that you dismissed before actually posting the idea.


also what's your favorite color :'o

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It's funny... Your favorite colors are purple and teal, and you are YCM's resident shipper.
So given that information, your favorite Pokemon are:
Is this correct?


They used to be, but now I'm a sucker for Quagsire.

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What other projects are you working on, besides Crackfics?


Crackfics are the only word-related projects I'm working on. Everything else is either artisan design ideas or drawings.



....I'll take that as a yes.


In all seriousness, DD used to be a duck, and I'm his pet, so... yeah?

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How is life, brah?


Boring. Basically all I do during the day is eat, sleep, work, sit in class, and sit in my room with both my computer, TV, and PS3 turned on. Also, in the not-so-rare occasion that mom's gone, I have to stay out of my room and watch the dog, and as easy as it is to just leave him in his cage, he just happens to have diarrhea, so if I leave him in there long enough, he'll make a mess.

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Are you planning to ever re-visit certain pairings, or possibly have a second season of sorts that shows what happened after the end credits? 


Eh, it doesn't seem necessary. When I pair people, it's usually only a one-time deal.


Thor or Loki?


Loki. Superheroes are overrated.

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