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RWBY: From Dust [Not started/accepting/cohosted by TFF]

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[spoiler=Team GINX Member]

Name: Nano Ova
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Reference: FLCL
Team: GINX

[spoiler=Appearance:] M0jcziI.jpg?1 [/spoiler] 

Personality: A prodigious dust researcher, she is a genius in terms of studying dust and inventing new technology for it's use. When alone she often likes to talk to herself and speak in 3rd person, even talking to her inanimate objects. Preferring to testing and hands of work by herself rather than with a team. She is very reclusive by nature and isn't accustomed having a large number of people around her, so can become incredibly awkward and act out when put in social situations.  


When stuck into social scenarios she often tries to overcompensate for a lack of etiquette with outrageous personality shift and acting out. She adopts a "punk rock" personality and is prone to doing random riffs on her guitar to impress her peers. She is also prone to make bad jokes in attempt to "break the ice" with others. Nano has a soft spot for her teammates and tries to help them in hopes of attaining their affection and friendship.

History: That when she was younger she was in love with a much older person who volunteered to go out to war or fight grim depending on time gap, while he was away she began experimenting with dust and during her research creates her weapon the Rickenbacker Hacker, which utilizes her own special brand of dust driven tech. She creates a small lab in her village, which she spends time training her semblance abilities and advancing new dust technology of her own design hoping to rise to the top of the scientific community in dust research. One day she receives word of her loves death and wishes that she was there to protect them, shaken by the death of her loved one but not overcome she decides to enroll in the soon to be open School for hunters and huntresses and take part in the first class. Upgrading the Rickenbacker with a stylish guitar theme she grabs her things and leaves for the school vowing to become stronger and smarter and lead the world out of the darkness with her research, and whatever she can't solve with her mind, will be solved with her axe.
Weapon: The Rickenbacker Hacker MK. II: An Axe/Guitar that utilizes dust for various explosive capabilities and elemental attacks. While in Axe mode she can use the Rickenbacker as a simple heavy weapon with the option of adding dust to add extra power to her attacks. While being used as a guitar she does have the option to play her guitar and activate the dust generator creating a huge area of effect attack around her person. In projectile mode she can fire large concentrations of energized dust which act as rockets causing a large explosion upon impact with effects varying on the type of dust combination used for the rocket.

Semblance: Fortitude Weakening: Nano's semblance allows her to weaken the integrity and malleability of objects around her, making them more destructible. 
Other: [spoiler=Theme Song] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GItw1qZLdsU[/spoiler]




[spoiler=META Team Leader]


Name: Niko Wright
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Reference: Electricity
Team: META


Appearance: Okay, for this one, I would like either an image (with an optional paragraph of additional details), or a minimum of two paragraphs.
Personality: 2 paragraphs minimum
History: Optional
Weapon: An image is optional, but a detailed description would be completely adequate. Also make sure to include any and all funcitons of said weapon. Make sure that your weapon is not absurdly overpowered, as this could prevent your character from being approved.
Semblance: Describe the ability itself, as well as its capabilities.
Other: Here it is, the section that may as well be labeled "theme song".


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[spoiler=Aileen Lux]


"I'd love to chat but I've got better things to do then waste time with you."


Name: Aileen Lux
Gender: Female
Age: 17

Reference: Light I guess. Fights using lasers, first name means light, last name is the SI unit for illuminance.
Team: META






Aileen takes a business first approach to life. When she has something she needs to do she's focused on the job and makes that top priority. This isn't to say that she can't be nice or friendly but it's easy to mistake her as being very abrasive and uncaring at times. She's very devoted to orders she receives and attempts to carry them out as exactly as possible but not to the point of being unreasonable. Being focused on accomplishing things makes Aileen prone to frustration when things take longer than she'd hoped. She expects only her best effort on anything she does and as a result takes it hard when she fails at something.


When not working on an assigned task, which is hard since she likes to give herself things to do, Aileen can open up and be quite friendly with those she's spent time with. She wants to have fun and cheerful but feels those things get in the way of duty. She often keeps a lot of emotion pent up and will share these feelings only with those she feels truly close to. However she may try though she's not the best at hiding what she's feeling.


Despite her serious nature Aileen is naturally concerned about those around her. She follows a strong sense of what she feels to be right and wrong and tries to protect those she can even at risk to herself. Part of her determination is to help the people around her and the world in general. Every so often she tries to be spontaneously nice to people but often makes it more awkward than it needs to be.


[spoiler=History (Just some basics):]

-Born and raised in Mistral.

-Father studied dust and eventually fine tuned the balance used in Aileen's weapons.

-Aileen learned to love learning about sciences and things from her father's research.

-Aileen's mother was trained in hand to hand combat and taught this to her daughter. Aileen fights mainly with kicks as both hands are generally firing guns.

-Though not racist, Aileen is mildly distrusting of Faunas mainly because she hasn't interacted with many and has heard a whole host of different things about them.



Pulse Guns

Aileen carries two guns that fire lasers if that wasn't already clear. They are powered by cartridges filled with a very delicately fine tuned balance of fire and light dust. Normal shots are a very light blue and burn on contact. Red shots are slightly larger and can knock people back. There is a setting where you can see a red beam clearly from the gun to a point on the ground and for a few seconds as the point the light is focused at moves, small explosions trail behind it. By using a large amount of one of her gun's charges Aileen can fire and cause a strong circular magnetic field to appear on the ground that restricts movement or fire off a large sphere of similar energy that causes electrical current to flow through the target's body as it passes by.





As it might imply, Aileen has power to slightly alter matter. Nothing extreme of course. And she has to be in contact with something to change anything about it. Generally she'll use it to change small bursts of her guns into real bullets to try and conserve energy but get more damage out. She can also alter the behavior of her lasers such as speed or trajectory but loses the ability to maintain it as they move farther away. She's also able to alter her body fairly easily though she tends to only use it in this way to change superficial things like her hair color. In battle she's able to hit/kick harder by increasing the density of her fists/feet. It takes a bit of focus to make the alterations so she often can't use it defensively as that would require a quick response.


General/other guidelines for alterations:

-Larger objects take more time and energy to alter

-Not able to heal with this power. At most she can stop bleeding but not actually heal anything.

-Alterations aren't spammable. (AKA this is Andx promising not to god-mod with stuff)







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[spoiler: Trystan De Sol CMLT]

Name: Trystan De Sol
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Reference: Sir Tristan - Arthurian Legends
Team: CMLT


[spoiler: Appearance:]


Personality: There is nothing that Trystan likes more than not fighting. Odd considering his choice of work. Trystan is one of those landscape lovers who is in tune with nature. Scenery peace and tranquility are what drives him. The thought that after a fight he will get the perfect chance to rest and relax. Naturally this makes him come off a bit lazy and lackadaisical to others, but he knows when it is time to try hard. Class however is a more interesting subject. In class he has the borderline attention span of a five year old. Literally if there is a window with a view inside the class then it is more than likely that the teacher has lost Trystan to the universe. He does like people. In fact his love of people and friends is reflected in his abilities and fighting style. Finally, Trystan does not really have a clear definition of right and wrong. In fact, thanks to his gentle upbringing he has never had to make a very difficult moral choice before. Usually when faced with moral dilemmas he tries to take a go with the flow approach.

In combat Trystan takes his role as "shield" quite seriously. While he isn't on the front lines he is definitely more than capable of keeping everyone alive. Or at least he feels that way anyway. His fighting style involves a lot of movement and spinning so he tries to distance himself from his teammates so he doesn't catch them in his radius. I addition to that he tries to make all of his swings lethal so he doesn't tire himself out so quickly. When a situation gets dire he turns on his semblance ability to hopefully reduce the numbers of the opponents.  

[spoiler: Weapon:] 


The massive ring blade is actually two massive crescent blades that can join together. The blades are made up of a high tech dust infused system that allows them to make a green circular barrier when they form a the ring or a crescent wave of energy for when going on the defensive. [/spoiler]
Semblance: Sunlight: Trystan has the ability to focus sunlight. Mostly he uses the sun's light to strengthen his barriers when protecting his friends, but in an emergency he is able to throw his ring blade in the air and have the dust concentrate in the space in the center and act as a magnifying glass for sunlight. Meaning he literally cooks the enemy like little kids sometimes do with ants. Though it should be noted when he does this he only has some degree of control and his defensive capabilities are disabled. 
Other: Intro



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[spoiler=Morgana Fayne, CMLT] Name: Mogana Fayne
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Reference: Morgan le Fay
Team: CMLT

[spoiler=Appearance] 1140170137_killed.jpg

Morgana also carries several crystals and dust cannisters on a black belt around her waist, along with her dagger. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Personality] Morgana is aloof and detatched, confident about her own abilities and very antagonistic and argumentative to those around her. She's always been focussed around ensuring her own survival, one of the reasons she is generally a ranged fighter, preferring to pick her enemies off at a distance and escape if they close in. She can fight up close if required with her dagger, but she will back off at the first reasonable opportunity. This personal survival instinct also has her clashing with the idea of working in a team, where even though she has allies to protect her, she has trouble trusting anyone else enough to completely give responsibility over her safety to. This lack of trust also extends to teamwork in general, as Morgana has never been much of a team player, and she struggles to entrust responsibility for things to do with her to anyone else else. 


In spite of her flaws, Morgana is smart and skilled at what she does, and has a good heart underneath her harsh exterior. If she does manage to open up enough to trust people, she stops actively attempting to antagonise them and is willing and even eager to help them out, such as helping the others with classwork when needed. Overall, she is lonely, and as much as she tries to keep everyone at a distance, she can't help but get attached to those who she trusts. She's still afraid of letting anyone too far into her heart, but is slowly warming up to her team. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=History] Morgana grew up in a village established outside any of the main cities. The small village, called Avalon, was situated on an island near Mistral, and was a peaceful area for the most part. Unfortunately, when Morgana was 8, the town was wiped out by a group of young Nevermore decided to settle on the island, killing everyone they could find in the process. Morgana only survived because she was out on a different part of the island at the time, and hid from view after she realised what was going on. It was a couple of days later when a group of huntresses arrived, the main kingdom realising that communications had been cut off and sending a group to figure out what was going on. 


Morgana was brought back with the group as the only survivor, and left in an orphanage to live, only leaving a few years later as the war was still going on and she'd been found to have a talent for working with raw dust. Because of that, as the war was in it's final stages she was being trained and prepared as a special soldier to fight if needed, though thanks to the war's conclusion, she was never required to actually join the fighting. It was around the end of the war that she made her weapon too, Avalon, naming it after the village she'd once lived in. After the war's conclusion, she wandered around for a while, taking on jobs killing grim from anyone who would hire her to get funds, before making her way to Vale after hearing rumours of an academy for hunters and huntresses being built, and deciding to join it after she learned of what was going on. [/spoiler]


[spoiler=Weapon] MidsummerWizardsWand.png

Morgana's dagger, Avalon, has a slot in the bottom of the base for dust cannisters to be placed, and the blade is created from energy, taking on colour and the effects based on the cannister inserted. Morgana is capable of casting spells using the dust channelled through the dagger, but if she does the blade vanishes quickly as the powdered dust is consumed. Aside from her dagger, Morgana carries several crystals and cannisters of dust with her, to work powering her blade and her spells. The crystals and cannisters she uses regularly are Lighting Dust, Ice Dust and Heat Dust, of which the Lightning Dust allows her to wield a blade of lightning in her dagger, and throw bolts of lightning around through the crystal, all of which electrocute her enemy when they hit, though as the blade is made of lightning, it can't actually block other weapons or attacks. Heat dust creates a blade comprised of heat energy, that melts anything it hits rather than clashing like a blade, and using the crystal throws out beams of heat that can burn through solid objects. Finally, when using Ice dust, the dagger produces a solid blade made of ice, that can be extended to function as a narrow sword if needed, and use of the crystal allows her to form basic constructs made of ice as she fights, such as a simple barrier or a rough sword.[/spoiler]

Morgana's semblance allows her to enhance the effects of dust as she uses it, boosting the effects of her spells and her dagger's blade. In addition, she can cast magic through dust crystals without a medium and without the dust crystals being used up in the process. To do this, her semblance allows her channel her aura through the crystals, activating them, but then casting spells using her aura as energy to power them, rather than using the energy stored inside the crystals. [/spoiler]

Other: Morgana is one of the alternate versions of Morgan Le Fay's name. Avalon, the name of Morgana's village and her dagger, is also the Isle that Morgan Le Fay had a hand in transporting the fatally wounded Arthur to after his final battle.


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[spoiler=Norimoto Shigeharu, KTSN]

Name: Norimoto Shigeharu, but prefers to be called by her childhood name of Noriko or alternatively Shigeru.

Gender: F

Age: 18

Reference: "Dairokuten Maou" (Demon King) Nobunaga Oda

Team: KTSN



Around 173 cms tall. In combat, her kimono is often pulled down completely in one side, similar to Setsuka from Soul Calibur IV.



True to her reference, Shigeru is a somewhat twisted and evil young woman. A pragmatist to the highest degree, she won't hesitate to employ any tactic, even those that put her allies in danger, as long as it can guarantee victory. Not to mention, she has an aura of a liar and seems very untrustworthy, for the most part. Overall, her position in KTSN would be that evil teammate who would Starscream at the first possible moment. However, in a somewhat odd subversion, she's more than perfectly happy being number two in the team. She does what is asked of her responsibly and she does them well, even though the methods are more than questionable at best.


Having secured her position in the Academy by burning down her temple (who opposed her joining the academy, instead preferring her be a shrine maiden), she's not afraid to do the "dirty work", as she puts it. Whenever someone in her team won't do a task because of their moral code, she would step in and complete said task perfectly, and she would enjoy it. Everything she does is a merely a stepping stone to her grand scheme, she thought. Nothing more than that. In day-to-day life, Shigeru's still very eccentric. She has an oddly dark sense of humor, and is calm and composed. Correction, eerily calm. No matter the topic, she still has a neutral, or even somewhat cheery expression on her face.


For all her creepiness, she's still very much a sensible young woman. She has an interest in fashion, makeup and is a lover of arts, especially dance and music. She acts as the cool big sis of the team, and being a somewhat talented tactician, often steps in whenever Katherine's orders becomes unreasonable or ineffective. Still, having been raised on a temple of mostly shrine maidens and only one priest (who, not to mention, is already 70 by the time she was born), she has no experience with men. At all. She usually shoots down every guy who tries to speak to her, and would even stutter while doing so, leading to her gaining a reputation as a tsundere.



Shigeru's weapon is her trademark Japanese umbrella as seen in the picture. No, really. Her umbrella has a Iai sword in it, that serves as her main weapon, but it also functions as a shotgun. Also, the Iaito has a hook attachment, connected to a 30 meter long cable that serves as a grappling hook to negate her lack of mobility. Being a firm believer of her own combat skills and not Dust energy, the Iaito has no room for Dust canisters to enhance it, instead relying solely on Shigeru's swordsmanship in battle. Actually, it does have one single Dust canister: Wind dust. When it is used, each slash from the sword creates several invisible wind blades, creating an illusion of hyperspeed slashes. As for the shotgun form, it's only usable when the Iaito is in the umbrella itself. It functions like any other shotgun, really. When loaded with a standard Dust cartridge, it fires out a spread of metal shells. Load it with different cartridges, and you get different weapon effects. Again, she's not really fond of using Dust, and in fact, not fond of the shotgun at all. To fight long-ranged, she turns to the hook attachment on the bottom of the Iaito's grip. The hook is shaped like a rather oversized arrow tip, and is really good at piercing through stuff. Shigeru is somehow very adept with the hook weapon, often performing feats that seemingly defy physics. Having her launch the hook at such a trajectory that it would pierce through multiple foes and string them together isn't an uncommon occurrence.

[spoiler=Technical info]

The umbrella is 1.2 meters long from top to the bottom of the hidden sword's grip. The hook adds an extra 20 centimetres. The massively long long cable is wrapped neatly around the sword's grip.

The sword is very thin, and is rather different from a katana. It's more similar to a broadsword, with two edges. The weapon, including the grip, is 1 meter long. As a sidenote, Shigeru prefers to wield the sword with a reverse grip. Her combat is style is a weird mixture between Iaijutsu and reverse grip fencing. 




Her semblance is Devil's Mantle. When activated, her body is covered with thick purple-black aura that takes the form of a longcoat. Similar to Katherine, this aura sets ablaze everything it touches. The main difference is that it is much more controllable, but also less powerful in general. No power boosts, no speed boosts, just an aura that looks a bit cool. However, the purple flames are more of a distraction. It burns slowly, and can easily be put out with some water. A distraction for Devil Mantle's true ability: Time Lock. The aura doesn't just create a longcoat, it also envelopes her sword. Each slash from her Iaito with Devil's Mantle activated freezes all objects hit by it for 5 seconds. The sword doesn't even has to hit the target, as the aura adds several extra centimeters to the weapon's range. Of course, it has a weakness. The more enemies are slain by this ability, her mind slowly gets eaten away by this ability, turning her into an empty shell if she doesn't restrain herself. When the effects are halfway complete, one of her eyes glow a demonic red and her ability to reason diminishes with each passing kill.


Oddly, her weapon emits a low-pitched hum when Devil's Mantle is used, similar to a Lightsaber.





[spoiler=Other info]


Character song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3t-v2b2Ipo] 常世想兼神[/url] by Undead Corporation

Leitmotif: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EasT7i04Hc]Sad Spring[/url] by Draw The Emotional

-Shigeru is a talented musician and can play several Japanese instruments well. She's most familiar with a Shamisen and the traditional Japanese flute, though.

-Has an evil laugh of her own. It's similar to Norio Wakamoto's evil laugh, but higher pitched as she's a girl.



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[spoiler=Hecate, Team HRSM]Name: Hecate Thanos

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Reference: Death

Team: HRSM(Horseman, the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse)

[spoiler=Appearance]Hair: Long raven-colored hair that constantly gets in her face.

Eyes: Striking blue, like a sapphire.

Face: Sharp and angled.

Body type: Lithe and muscular.

Skin color: Pale. Like, insanely basically albino pale.

Height: 5'11



Casual Clothing: Simple dresses varying in color from deep blue to purple, occasionally wearing black. Constantly wearing a black hooded cloak.

Combat Clothing: Black leather armor that covers her entire body except her head. Still wears exact same black hooded cloak.

Fancy Clothing: A long black lace dress, only time she doesn't wear her cloak. She wears her hair in a bun for any 'special occasions'.

Pajamas: Deep purple nightgown.



[spoiler=Personality]Hecate is a woman of few words, but she has a powerful voice. She isn't soft-spoken, and has a loud, abrasive voice when she chooses to speak. But she tends to only speak when its actually important, has something to do with a mission or battle tactic, or when she's insulting someone. She rarely compliments anyone, and when she does she speaks gruffly.


She genuinely cares about her team, although she exudes an aura of prickliness. She's very strict with any rules she sets down, and expects any and all rules, orders, and requests to be followed. She isn't the type to intervene on a teammates behalf, but will back them up if necessary. However, most of the time she leaves them to fight their own battles, only getting involved at their request or when they really are in trouble.


When it comes to her enemies, she is fierce and nearly unstoppable, however she is not without mercy. She will not execute another human or Faunus without direct orders, and even then will judge on her own whether the person deserves execution. She is not above dealing enough pain to cause unconsciousness, however.[/spoiler]




[spoiler=Weapon]Weapon Name: Mortis

Weapon Type: HCSS

Physical Description: At face value, Mortis bears a striking resemblance to Crescent Rose in general shape and style. However, upon closer inspection, many differences are distinguishable.

Immediately telling is the color scheme. While Crescent Rose uses mostly red with hints of black and silver, Mortis is jet black with streaks of white on the blade and stock. Mortis's blade is also jagged and serrated at places instead of smooth. Mortis's stock is also slightly longer and the blade has a longer curve to it.


Fighting Style: While Hecate uses a similar weapon to Ruby's, her fighting style is the polar opposite. Ruby's fighting style relies on momentum, constant movement, and high speeds.

Hecate's fighting style focuses more on patience, timing, and counterattacking. She tends to stay in one spot and fight reactively, waiting for an opening in her opponents defenses before she strikes with a perfectly timed counterattack. She uses the opponents speed and momentum against them, using leverage and timed swings to fling her opponents across battlefields, and punishing openings with deadly accuracy and strength.


Special Functions: Mortis itself has no special functions outside of a typical HCSS. It's a sniper rifle and a scythe, what more do you need?[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Semblance] The Perfect Storm

Hecate's semblance, when activated, speeds up her reaction time to inhuman speeds. She anticipates and reacts to her opponents actions before they've even completed the thought themselves. This semblance is accurate to about five enemies at once.

The tell-tale sign of her semblance is her eyes. They turn from her normal blue color to a deep swirling purple, and her face becomes hardened and emotionless.

This enhanced reaction time is so quick it almost seems as if she can read minds. However, she cannot. She simply becomes completely in tune with her enemies body language, noticing every little twitch, glance, shift, and any other movement they take, and in the time they make that movement, she's already figured out the rest of their attack, letting her respond accordingly.


However, the more enemies she is targeting, the more of a drain it takes on her Aura. With just one enemy, she could keep her semblance up for around 30 minutes with a full tank. This time gets shorter with each additional enemy, reduced to around three minutes for the maximum five enemies. Any more and it overloads her system, causing seizures, migraines, and in severe cases, temporary to permanent memory loss.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Other] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHhh0O88vZo&feature=youtu.be[/spoiler][/spoiler]


[spoiler=Mars Ultor, Team HRSM]Name: Mars Ultor

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Reference: War

Team: HRSM

[spoiler=Appearance]Hair: Short brown hair. It tends to be very messy with cowlicks and places that stick up everywhere.

Eyes: Pale silver.

Face: Mars has a sunken look to his face, with a sharp jawline and striking cheekbones. He constantly looks tired.

Body Type: swole Mars is a big guy with a lot of muscle. He tends to move slowly, but is capable of going rather fast if he needs to.

Skin Color: Mars is Caucasian, but he always has a tan.

Height: 6'5



Casual Clothing: Simple tunics and trousers in various browns, blacks, and deep reds.

Combat Clothing: Heavy platemail armor with a scarred, faded look to it. It is obviously heavily used, but still in peak condition. Mars never polishes it, but keeps it rust-free and clean. The pauldrons on the suit are overlarge, which can restrict side to side movement of his arms at times.

Fancy Clothing: A simple tuxedo.

Pajamas: Boxer shorts. Literally just boxer shorts. [/spoiler]

[spoiler=Personality]Mars's attitude matches his looks, as he is larger than life and loves it. He's always willing to throw out a smile, a clap on the shoulder, a fist bump to a buddy. Even though his fist bumps tend to push people over backwards.

While fun to be around casually, Mars takes combat and training extremely seriously, to the point where many other things have simply been blotted out of his mind. He has studied war and combat ever since he was a child, and now the things that dominate his mind are things like combat styles, swordplay, tactics on both a small and large level, and strategy. He treats every situation as a potential combat scenario, deciding where to stand and where the most likely place is for enemies to emerge from.


To Mars, war, combat, and battle are not just events and things of conflict. They are a way of life. And he has chosen that way.


But that doesnt always get in the way of being the life of the party.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=History] As the son of a war general, Mars grew up in a household stocked of talk, books, and people of combat and war. He took a great interest in it as a child, to the dismay of his mother, and quickly became his father's son, a prodigy as a strategist and tactician.


During his teenage years, when the war was at it's peak, his father often valued his counsel and took his tactical and strategic suggestions to heart, many of which were implemented to great success. Mars eventually took up swordplay, which he quickly began to excel at, surpassing even his father's most prized men. Had the war gone on to his 18th birthday, Mars would have been enlisted in the army and fought under his father. But when the war ended, Mars felt lost until he heard of the opening of the Huntsman academies, and was one of the first to sign up. If he could not make an impact on the world as a soldier, he would make one as a Huntsman.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Weapon]Weapon Name: Redscar

Weapon Type: Gunblade (Greatsword)

Physical Description: Redscar is a massive two-handed sword that is a head taller than Mars himself. The blade is about six feet long and twelve inches wide, with the hilt being about a foot and a half long and five inches wide. The blade is blackened steel and rather thick, and it contains the ability to turn into a minigun that fires dust bullets, the chamber of which is located in the hilt, which can hold up to 3 dust canisters. A mechanism on the pommel allows him to switch between dust canisters, allowing him to choose different elemental attacks.


The weapon is insanely heavy, and takes a large amount of brute strength to even left, let alone swing. If Mars were to drop his sword, it would certainly leave a crack in the ground even just dropped from waist height. Redscar is stored in a special sheath that Mars wears on his back.


Fighting Style: Bash it. If it doesnt die, bash it again. Rinse and repeat. While Mars is an incredibly gifted strategist and tactician, even in one versus one combat, the unwieldy nature of Redscar means there isnt a lot of room for tactical fighting. He just bashes things until they give up. Unless he's fighting a ranged battle, then he's actually able to determine which enemy he needs to pick off first. But even then, he just fires bullets at it until it's dead. Mars's mind is much more suited to devising a strategy for groups instead of one for him to use. His crushing strength, combined with the sheer force Redscar can put behind its blows, a simple bash is quite often an extremely deadly blow.


Mars can fight defensively however, using Redscar's huge girth as an extremely effective kite shield, deflecting bullets, blades, and Grimm attacks alike. In a defensive stance, with Redscar used as a shield and with his armor, along with his natural tenacity and stamina, Mars is an immovable object that takes a lot of effort to push over.


Special Functions/Detriments: As mentioned, Redscar is extremely heavy. Even Mars, with his seemingly endless stamina and massive brute strength, tires after about thirty minutes of straight combat using it.


It's hilt can hold 3 Dust Canisters that power the minigun, and a mechanism on the pommel switches between them, allowing Mars to take advantage of multiple dust effects in one volley of bullets. Mars carries a belt on his armor that holds three more canisters, allowing him to reload when necessary. Each dust canister fuels about 90 seconds worth of bullets.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Semblance]One Man Army

Mars never stops. Ever. Even if he's been beaten, battered, and bruised, dragged to the depths of hell and back, Mars doesnt stop. To illustrate my point, think about fencing. Even someone who trains daily could only fence for maybe 15 minutes straight. The best in the world could maybe go for half an hour.


Mars could go 24 hours straight. After marching for days. It would take a lot out of him, he'd be intensely tired by the end of it, but he could do it. Mars just does not stop.


Mars's semblance grants him the following abilities:

Intensely Superhuman Stamina - See the fencing example.

Superhuman regeneration - Any nonlethal wound, given enough time, will heal. A simple paper cut would heal in a matter of minutes. A more severe cut would take about a week. Lost digits, fingers, toes, earlobes, etc, would take a few months. A hand or a foot would take about a year. An entire limb would take about three or four years. Even nerve tissue, like his eyes, will regenerate, given a decade or two.


Combine this with his natural strength and bulk, and you have quite a monster on your hands.[/spoiler]


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[spoiler=Remi Limos, HRSM]

Name: Remi Limos

Gender: M

Age: 16

Reference: Famine

Team: HRSM



Remi is an extremely effeminate-looking young man who stands at 169 cm. He looks feminine enough to pass as a girl, and his long blond hair certainly doesn't help the case.  Oddly, being mistaken for a girl doesn't tick him off, and he instead believes that being mistaken for a girl is a sign that he's simply more beautiful than everyone else. He dresses in somewhat formal clothes, usually a suit with long coat-tails and formal pants. Though he has worn frilly dresses like the one in the picture on occasion. An odd feature of his clothing are his metallic gauntlets. His suit seems to be torn from the elbow, revealing a pair of shiny gauntlets with sharpened finger tips. These gauntlets resemble those worn by medieval knights, and reach all the way to his elbow.



If there's one word to describe Remi, it would be: Unpleasant. A narcissist, egomaniacal bastard who constantly flaunts about how much better he is than everyone and how he can do no wrong. He believes he's better than everyone at everything. No, really, everything. Looks, skills, smarts, combat prowess, heck, he even states how much more glorious his hair is compared to yours. Granted, he may have a point as he is immensely talented and was even praised as a child genius when he's younger. At some point though, the praise got to him and he became an insufferable jerk.


He'll never blame himself for his own mistakes, ever. If there's anyone in the immediate vicinity, he will blame them even if they had nothing to do with it. It's like he believes he's some kind of god. Though, judging by the way he refers to himself as "Chosen one", it might not be too far off. Though, aside from his pompous arrogance, he's really not a bad person. He's polite and soft-spoken (As long as he's not boasting about himself, anyway), and he has a rather just sense of morals. Just... His galaxy-sized ego prevents him from ever connecting to anyone, as people are turned off by how many times he flaunts himself.


For all his flaws, he's still a very talented and capable human being. He's very smart in both of war strategies and his studies, and he's wise beyond his age. Still, he doesn't take well to having his plans criticized and thus frequently butts heads with her teammates.



Remi wields five swords in battle. No, really. His weapon is a full set of five unique blades that float behind him, attached to tethers. These five blades possess unique properties of their own, though the main advantage it has is being able to attack on all directions pretty much constantly. Each of these blades are of similar size, the standard 70 cm blade length of katanas. However, they're all differently shaped and fulfill different purposes. The properties of the blades are dictated by the tethers that connect them, as the tethers are actually Dust canisters. His fighting style is unique to him, as it really is just a constant battle against 5 swords attacking you from all directions.


The first blade is a European broadsword, exactly like the ones used by the Templars. The end of the blade that connects to the hilt is wrapped in bandages, and one can see several chinks and fractures once the bandages are off. In fact, the whole blade looks rather old and unkempt. Overall, it's the least spectacular-looking of his swords. This sword's tether is filled with Light-based Dust. As such, it is able to shoot beams of light, usually shaped like a crescent or a tube. These beams have similar properties to the beams fired from a pulse gun, though it has a much slower rate of fire compared to guns.  Remi's name for this sword is Claiomh Solais, which literally means Sword of Light.


After that comes an eerie-looking Katana with a pitch-black blade. As if the black blade isn't an indication already, the skull-shaped guard should give off the fact that this is a blade of evil. Well, it fires beams of black energy, thanks to colored Light Dust in its tethers. These beams are similar in shape and form the beams from Claiomh Solais, just black in color and instead of burning enemies, it cuts through them. Of course, it can really only cut clean through human skin and a weapon would be more than enough to block it. Muramasa is Remi's name for this weapon.


The third sword is a majestic looking straight sword, a bit longer than all of Remi's other swords. It has one sharpened edge, and looks similar to a katana, just not curved. The blade is hollowed in the middle bit all the way from the base to the edge. This hollowed center actually serves a purpose, as it is where its flames emanate from. Loaded with Flame Dust, this sword produces a torrent of flame that fills its center, and sometimes even engulf the entire blade. It's mainly used as a flamethrower, or sometimes by heating the blade up to temperatures that cleave cleanly through other objects. As its hilt is adorned by seven different colored gems, Remi has taken to naming it Seven-Star Sword.


The fourth is another broadsword, though this one has a much more sharpened edge than your usual broadsword. What's unique about this sword is that it has no guard, instead the hilt merges with blade in a spiraling pattern, hollow in the center. This one's special property is that it can fire lightning. Or rather, electric blasts. The whole blade is charged with electricity thanks to the Electric Dust in its tether. These blasts look like thunder bolts, and is fast enough to hurt someone not prepared to dodge it. Nicknamed Murakumo, because Remi isn't very creative.


As for the fifth, well, it's really just a floating hilt. An energy blade similar to the one used by Morgana. Except, this one only has one Dust to give its color and effect, and that is Ice. A blade of ice that can be extended or shaped to Remi's will. This is the newest blade in Remi's arsenal, replacing the last one, which is really just a gunsword. As such, he is not used with this weapon and doesn't even have a nickname for it yet.



Remi's semblance is Accelerator. An ability that projects a 10 or so meter wide spherical field around him that can accelerate objects. Of course, accelerate here can mean two things. Both physical velocity and the actual age of an object can be accelerated. Of course, Remi can only accelerate one of these properties at one time, and he can't individually manipulate which aspect of an object is to be accelerated, as it's all dictated by the sphere field around him.


When the field around him is showing faint hints of purple, that means the velocity of any object that enters it can be increased to Remi's will. Naturally, this is very useful with his swords as he can fire them at bullet-like speeds, making them even harder to dodge. This version of Accelerator uses up much less energy and is more suited for offensive purposes, as any object he throws within the field can be lethal.


When the purple dims to black, though, is when Remi gets serious. Accelerator now accelerates the aging process of an object within the field, capable of causing flowers and small animals to die and even disintegrate in the matter of seconds. Of course, there are limits. Without focusing the field to a specific object, this can really only harm biological matter. But when Remi focuses all the power on one object, he can cause even a speeding bullet to decay to nothingness before putting a hole in his head. There are limits, obviously. For one, this has no effect on humans or anything larger than humans. Sure he can maybe decay a car's engine, but he can't decay an entire car. Oddly, he can't just cause one part of a human to decay, which may be a blessing to whoever is unlucky to fight him. The decaying field uses much more energy to maintain and he has collapsed himself due to overusing it at times.




-Remi is a talented writer and has a stash of poems in his locker. Don't mention this hobby to him though, as he will blow up.



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[spoiler=Cinque Nada, Headmistress]
Name: Cinque Nada

Gender: Female

Age: 42

Reference: Cincinnatus/Math

Appearance: Cinque has a theme of metallic colors, with bronzed skin, silvery eyes, and long golden-blonde hair that flows down to her waist, with strands coming over her clothing like a cape, especially with a pair of circular hair clips that resemble the clasps of a cape. Her hair has a braid going behind her ears and around her head like a circlet, with various medals attached to it like a headband. Normally, she is draped in a silver robe with a gold edge that also forms a hood over her head, but she can shed these heavier robes to appear in a more formal-looking white suit with a business combat skirt. She carries an air of grace, order, and precision to her, and makes things seem orderly.

Personality: Cinque is a woman that prefers order over chaos, and the beauty that order brings to the world. However, she also understands that such order does require chaos to balance it, and thus, strives to make peace through the application of both the order she loves and the chaos she hates. While she does enjoy natural beauty, she is far from vain about beauty, and can always find positive aspects in those she observes.She is normally a very soft-spoken woman, choosing to remain stoic, calm, and collected when she can, but she does have an immense amount of passion inside of her, and prefers to express her emotions to those she trusts the most, usually other teachers.
Cinque also has a few nervous tics that might be symptoms of PTSD relating to The War and her work near the end of it, such as refusing to eat from certain producers, always takng public transit, never lying to people if she can help it, and not using any guns. She also has a great weight to her from her own guilt of almost ending many lives when she gambited with Fibonacci, especially since she blaims her inability to complete the device soon enough as the reason why so many of her family passed on, which spurs on her desire to make the Academy system work.

History: Cinque Nada was the fifth child of Miden and Neoni Nada, though she is the only surviving member of the Nada clan, out of nine children, to see the end of The War. All nine managed to contribute greatly to the war effort. Jeden Nada was a prominent field commander who won many battles until exposed to a toxic agent now banned under war crimes. Ori Nada became an excellent strategist, but a car bombing took her life. Toru Nada managed a munitions factory that had an unfortunate accident and blew up. Veer Nada worked in logistics, and helped to get many forces their supplies with record efficiency, right up until a bout of food poisoning to a grisly end. Alti Nada tried to commit espionage, and managed to recover some vital intel, but she was caught and forced to use her cyanide pill. Arwan Nada followed in his twin sister Alti’s footsteps, but was only marginally less successful, and was cornered right after he transmitted his intel, resulting in his long torture at the hands of his enemies. Sorse Nada decided to promote victory gardens and farms, but the same batch of food poisoning that took Veer’s life ended hers first. And no one knows what happened to Siva Nada.

However, Cinque spent her time during The War in a top-secret research facility, where she developed “Fibonacci”, a weapon that was so powerful that the mere threat of its usage was enough to convince the various factions to sit down and negotiate an end to the constant conflict. Cinque was thus labeled as a hero, and has since used her contacts to try and establish a series of Academies to resurrect the ancient order of Huntsmen and Huntresses to act as extralegal and extranational agents that fight against crime, tyranny, corruption, and, most importantly, Grimm.

Weapon: “Golden Ratio” is a special weapon designed by Cinque herself through the application of her Semblance. It consists of an extendable golden rod with two silvery glass spheres at either end, as well as eight floating golden right triangles with silvery bladed edges along the long side. Through the application of her Semblance, she can subtly shift the precise magnetic fields of her weapon into a number of configurations.

Semblance: Her Semblance can be triggered by her at any time, causing her eyes to glow gold to everyone else, but, to her, causing the world to slow down as mathematical diagrams and equations appear in thin air, floating around everything she can see in glowing golden letters, numbers, and shapes. By utilizing her keen intellect, she can figure out the equations and essentially read her opponents’ every move. However, the longer she uses it, the more her brain begins to have problems.

[spoiler=Xandria Blaudrache, GINX]
Name: Dame Alexandria "Xandria" Blaudrache, Lady of Hesperide

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Reference: Asuka Langley Sohryu/Satsuki Kiryuin/Rei Ayanami

Team: GINX

Appearance: Xandria, like many Atlesians, has very fair skn, almost pale, with sharp features, as well as long pitch-black hair styled so it comes neatly down her back to her waist, with bangs on either side of her face neatly framing her, as well as straight bangs in front of her forehead, though her tips fade from black to a bright powder-blue at the ends. Her bangs are held by a pair of white hairclips that attach to headphones Xandria wears in conjunction with the rest of her equipment. She has many sets of clothing, and loves to show off a variety of dresses, as well as her schol uniform, though she makes sure to buy combat skirts with all of her clothes for practical uses, even though she also has a pair of form-fitting white shorts with her.

However, most strikng is the customized EVA Mark.8 exoskeleton she wears, and intricate series of white and silver hydraulics and mechanical parts extending from a support pack on her back down her spine and to her limbs to keep her up. A pair of liquid crystal computer interfaces help Xandria manage her equipment and exoskeletal abilities, with a more personal assistant display on her left side, while the right has a helpful tactical display of the local map. Helping her is a special anti-abrasion suit made of a near-frictionless rubbery material to prevent her suit from rubbing or catching on her clothing while she uses it. The white, silver, and blue form-fitting suit also serves as an insulator and has microscopic tubules that can regulate her temperature and create sealant if she is injured. The backpack-like support pack, as well as the rest of the mechanisms, are powered by Dust crystals, and held on using a series of straps crisscrossing her form subtly and interlocking with the anti-abrasion suit she wears into combat. Without her EVA, Xandria would be unable to walk, let alone attempt to be a Huntress.

Personality: Prideful to say the least, Xandria is extremely intelligent, calculating, and unwavering, but also stubborn, reckless, and always trying to prove that she can do what she wants. Her somewhat abrasive personality from having to put up with abuse from the condescending children of the nobility of Atlas means that she finds it difficult to express her true feelings to others, and to be able to trust people to have her back, especially if they don't see something she does. She absolutely hates being looked down upon or told what to do as she wants to be viewed as someone who doesn't need a robotic exoskeleton built by her father to function like a regular human being. She is also very protective of her belongings and her body, hating to be touched by others, for fear that they might disable her exoskeleton and cripple her again. But, like it or not, she does need to learn to trust and work as a team.

History: Xandria's father, Lord Georg Blaudrache II the Second (an amusing yet confusing result of a typographical error when his name was recorded), managed to restore his house's fortune and work to fight a literally crippling hereditary disease his family had by establishing EVA, LLC., a manufacturer for special medical exoskeletons and prosthetics that could allow disabled people to walk and function normally. While he had extended family members that had contracted his clan's genetic imperfection of brittle bones and weak muscles that left many of them wheelchair-bound for life, or worse, the tragedy took a personal note when his only daughter, Alexandria, was born with multiple fractures in her limbs. If it were not for EVA, Alexandria would never have gotten the chance to walk.

The success of EVA resulted in Georg and his immediate family getting launched back up from being a Minor House to a Major House practically overnight, letting the Blaudraches have a greater stake in Atlas' politics and its future. Since Atlas has been known to be a military power, and, despite the relative lack of shortages and problems from the war, was still having a stable and booming war economy, Georg's new fellows suggested that the EVA line also be modified to accept special hardpoints so combat equipment can be added on, in conjunction with a modified limiter so sodier can perform superhuman feats. Georg reluctantly accepted, though his new creation worked to improve Atlesian effectiveness in the later parts of The War. When The War was over, the Blaudrache family was quite nearly on top of the world, save for Xandria, who had had the worst of it, not able to get along with the other children.

The children of the Atlesian Major Houses had picked on her and teased her for what she used to be, and what she currently was, instead of who her father was, but hypocritically used their own parents as a way for Xandria to be unable to retaliate. Their cruelty shut Xandria away, and drove her to pursue intellectual comforts, finding pre-War literature to have much more uplifting conversation. Now, Xandria wants to show off the EVA series and prove its true effectiveness, as well as prove to everyone that she is not a cripple, by joining the new Academy.

Weapon: Xandria's weapon is her Enhanced Variance and Ability, or "EVA" cybernetic exoskeleton, in conjunction with the new prototype Mark.8 chEVAlier System. In addition with her anti-abrasion suit, the Mark.8 has a series of concealed hardpoint for armor panels to affix themselves along her shoulders, upper arms, chest, pelvis, thighs, and legs. In addition, her headset band can flip foreward to cover her eyes in a visor that possesses four glowing green lights, two on each side. These work as part of a network of sensors to help her detect stealthed targets through untraviolets, infrared, sonar, and x-ray visions. When the armor is engaged, her limiter also ramps up, letting Xandria get stronger and faster, as well as perform various stunts in tandem with a sextet of minature Dust thrusters on the back of the armor additions, as well as magnetic boots and gloves.

Finally, most of her gear is attached to her armor, disguised as various pieces of armor. The pylon on her ight shoulder is the compacted form of "Zagel" (Tail), a high-powered, high-caliber anti-materiel rifle that can unfold to serve as her primary long-range armament. Her hips have compartments in the armor to withdraw "Atem" (Breath), a pair of Dust-based pistols that can be loaded with various vials for powerful elemental effects. On her lower back is "Kralle und Zahn" (Claw and Fang), a special claymore made up of "Kralle", a longsword with a hollow interior and "Zahn", a shortsword that fits inside of its partner. And, finally, her left shoulder pylon contains "Schuppe" (Scales), a smart flechette launcher that can send out a barrage of flechettes at a cluster of targets, aiming for weak points locked on by Xandria.

Semblance: Xandria's Semblance pertains to her very protective nature, creating fields of orange hexagonal plates around her that not only block energy and matter, but can also repel and bounce back attacks and attackers. Anyone or anything she perceives as a threat when she activates this ability will be repelled, and their momentum will be conserved, deflecting bullets and blows wildly, though, with some training, she could more easily control this power and use the deflection as a weapon in of itself. But, for now, this is her primary defense for her fragile form.

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[spoiler='Eira Lloyd , Team META']Name: Eira Lloyd

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Reference: Cooling

Team: META

[spoiler='Appearance']: EYCMt5r.png[/spoiler]

Personality: She is extremely always extremely tired all the time causing her to be inattentive at times as she drifts in and out of sleep. She is very kind to those she is friend s even though she does not take to becoming other people friends extremely easy. She can sometimes try to over think simple solution. She is not very confident in her skills at doing anything. She will try her hardest if someone was to trust her to do something that she sees as Important.

She can be lazy most of the time especially when it comes down to performing mundane Task. She will try to avoid doing extra work if it means she can try and get extra sleep. She will always try to avoid a confrontation instead of be in the middle of one. She enjoys the cold due to her low body temp. She also has a tendency to say things as bluntly as possible.

[spoiler='Weapon:'] She has a pair of Tonfas that are capable of combining into a very high powered Rifle when combined. The Tonfas have the ability to be loaded with different kinds of dust to be infused with their shots. Her Tonfas Named Nix and Stiria.
Semblance: Heat Absorption-She can absorb Heat out of object which can super cool them to almost freezing temperatures. She can release the heat she has absorbed to Increase her body’s t temperature above its normal cold temperatures adding heat to her attacks.

[spoiler='Other:'] [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7g6kA_XM_W0[/media]


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[spoiler=Shing Xie HRSM]

Name: Shing Xie

Gender: Male
Age: 17
Reference: Chinese name for victory, he is the persona of the horsemen of the apocalypse, Conquest, for as Victory he conquerors all.

Team: HRSM

Personality: As his name amply implies, he enjoys achieving victory. He likes to win so much that he is arrogant and thinks he can beat anything, anyone, or any challenge. Though he might be arrogant, he is still extremely smart, and can think quickly in face of any sort of situation. He prefers to destroy whatever is in his path, but can adapt to whatever is necessary to get the job done. Due to his arrogance at thinking he is the best at everything, he doesn’t take teaching very seriously, and prefers to rely on his instincts than orders. He doesn’t take well with other arrogant people, due to the fact that he feels that he is far superior to them, so it’s back and forth cycle of disaster till one of them dies. He also doesn’t take well to people being kind, due to the fact that he thinks it’s a weakness to be kind.

Towards others he can be quick to be offended, and once offended is nearly impossible to be willing to forgive whoever offended him. Due to his arrogance, he can be off putting most of the time towards others, but if he sees a strong person, is quickly willing to team up in order to win/ survive, though if they might prevent him from winning, he is just as quick to get rid of same allies. He doesn’t develop friends, but just thinks of everyone as either assets or enemies.  He also doesn’t care much about who someone is, faunist or human, just as long as they stay out of his way or fall beneath his might.
Dú Hài (Pestilence): His weapon is a fishing rod, that when cast out the swivel at the end of the line releases Dust according to the panel on the reel (much like Myrtenaster). This fishing rod can also transforms into a spear, which is meant for stabbing, not throwing (though if really stupidly necessary, it can be thrown).
Semblance: Aura, much like used to boost durability, is converted so that it boosts his strength to superhuman amounts (example, he can bench 300 kilos).

[spoiler=Character Theme]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3J6CyeFUds[/spoiler]


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Decided that I'd move on from this bullshit virus scare, since considering that it's the only thing we can really do.


[spoiler=Leonard Barrowcliffe, the Professor that Served on the Fateful War (WIP)]Name: Leonard Barrowcliffe
Gender: Male
Age: 77
Reference: WWII, I guess :/


Theme Song: Castle of Glass, by Linkin Park
Ideal Voice Actor: [/spoiler][spoiler=Yrjans Lone, the Relative Unknown (Oh hey, that actually rhymes. Sweeeeeet) (WIP)]Name: Yrjans Lone

Gender: Male
Age: 16
Reference: Gungir

Team: ENVY
Appearance: Yrjans only stands at 5' 5", which is vastly shorter than the average guy his age; it's not even uncommon for girls to out-heighten him. Although he always wears his glasses, he insists that he only really needs them for reading, and he only wears them anyway because they look sexy on him. Interestingly, Yrjans' eyelashes are permanently curved upwards, and combined with the thickness and richer color to them than normal, this seems to imply that he uses mascara on them. Then again, he heavily denies this and tends to blush when asked. Still, the contrasting appearance and personality make it difficult to tell what gender he really is.


Personality: All in all, Yrjans isn't really too confident in his abilities as a Huntsman, and most of that is due to his lack of combat experience. He doesn't seem to have unlocked his Semblance yet, and he doesn't know how exactly he can complement the other teammates since he doesn't even know what they're all capable of. Needless to say, he actually has a rather low self-esteem, and isn't good with girls in the slightest; least of all ENVY's team leader, Edda Skuld.



Theme Song: The Monster, by Eminem feat. Rihanna

Ideal Voice Actor: [/spoiler]

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[spoiler=ENVY Team Leader]

Name: Edda Skuld (She dislikes her first name though, and prefers to just be called Skuld)
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Reference: Skuld
Team: ENVY

[spoiler=Appearance] 370427-bigthumbnail.jpg

The above is Skuld's battle clothes, though the feathers in her hair are much smaller and point backwards, and the boots are made of metal and have the extra feature mentioned in weapons. Skuld is 170 centimetres tall, and her sword's sheath sits clipped onto her belt when not attached to the back of her shield. When not preparing for battle, Skuld usually wears a miniskirt with a belt and a tight shirt, along with her metal boots and the sword attached to the belt. [/spoiler]

[spoiler=Personality] Skuld is calm, confidant and friendly most of the time, easily willing to talk to just about anyone. She's also loyal and rather protective of anyone she trusts, in particular her team, and will go out of her way to help them if needed. She is rather strict with her team whenever they're in class or a proper combat situation, refusing to just allow them to good off, and does have a tendency to hit them when they do try to. When she's not in school or proper combat, she's a lot more relaxed and calm, willing to muck about and actually act her age. She doesn't have much in the way of modesty either, being willing to wear suggestive or skimpy clothing so long as the important parts are covered.


Skuld does have a slow temper, which takes a lot to set off, but will result in her ranting at the one who caused her to lose her temper, as well as anyone else in the area who has been annoying her around the time. Calling Skuld by her first name is the only exception to that, while she respects where her name came from, she dislikes it and prefers to be referred to by her last name. If someone persists in calling her by her first name after she's asked them not to, she will often start to hit them. In battle she's more of a front-line fighter than a strategist, always willing to charge in and use her sword and shield to protect the rest of her team.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=History] Skuld grew up with a single mother who had to work most of the time to make ends meet, living in one of the seedier parts of Vale. As such, the girl ended up running around and playing with all the other kids around the area, and generally interacting with some of the less desirable elements of the city. It was also around that time that she stopped using Edda as her name for anything other than official documents and when she was with her mother, after several of the kids she first met teased her for having such an old fashioned name. Once the war finally ended, and people could start to relax a bit more, she decided to train and learn to fight, convincing an old war veteran who'd settled in the area to teach her. A few years later, the old man gave her his old weapons, the sword and shield she primarily uses, while she created the boots with their enhancements by herself. While trying to figure out what she wanted to do next, news of an academy for training huntsmen and huntresses found it's way to her, and she made the decision to join it.[/spoiler]

The sword, named Urd, is 90 centimetres long, and is capable of channelling the wielder's aura through it, increasing the sharpness of the blade while it does. The shield is likewise made to have aura channelled through it, increasing the toughness of the shield and making it harder to shift in any direction the wielder doesn't want it to move. Her shield is named Verthrandi, and has a detachable sheath for her sword on the underside of the shield, which Skuld will sometimes detach to clip onto her belt instead. Her final weapon is contained in the boots she wears, each boot having an inbuilt gun located behind the heel that shoots high-impact rounds. Because of the difficulty in aiming those at range, Skuld mostly doesn't use them as a weapon at all, preferring to use the recoil to extend her jumps many times further than she could otherwise reach, and faster too. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Semblance] Skuld's semblance is foresight, granting her the ability to see what is about to happen 3 seconds before it occurs. This is most useful in combat, where she can identify the angle and speed of the next attack to come her way, making it easier to react and fight back. She can only see those three seconds ahead when she's actively using the semblance though, and it uses her aura to keep going. She can theoretically keep it on for an hour at a time, but every hit her aura blocks will decrease the time she can keep it constantly going by about a few minutes per hit. [/spoiler]
Other: Edda is a reference to the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda, both of which mention Skuld. Edda's last name, as well as the names of her weapons, are based on the three major Norns, Urd (Norn of the Past), Verthrandi (Norn of the Present) and Skuld (Norn of the Future). Skuld's semblance is also based off the Norn of the Future, and Skuld is the only one of the three major Norns who was also a Valkyrie in mythology, befitting her warrior aspect. [/spoiler]

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  • 4 weeks later...

[spoiler=Nathaniel Drasil]

Name: Nathaniel Drasil
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Reference: Yggdrasil 
Team: ENVY




Personality: Nathaniel, a.k.a Nate the Great, Drasil is an easy-going, semi-shy guy.  He doesn't like to make much noise and could care less what goes on around him.  However, this doesn't mean he's a cold guy at heart.  He's actually pretty warm once someone can crack through that emotionless barrier he has.  Eating and napping are his favorite past times.  He loves daydreaming of adventures and fun times that he has yet to share with people.  His true nature will appear once he gets close to those that matter to him.  
History: Nate grew up in a lonely house.  Having no father figure and being raised by a fairly protective mother really put a damper on his social skills.  Due to this, Nate doesn't really crawl out of his shell much.  He longed for friends but never sought them out, rather he waited for the friends to come to him...which they never did.  He thought he could change this loneliness by becoming a huntsmen.  Forming bonds between comrades is what he thought a man of his age should be doing.  So when he set off for school, his mother sent him off with a glove given to her by his father.  


Nate's glove can transform itself into a very large and powerful power arm.  Although it covers his whole arm and is a big bulkier than the one above.  The arm has rocket attachments for added power and speed (He can move the arm without rockets, its just for improved mobility).  In the fingers are tiny rockets, 5 rockets a finger, and reload automatically after a couple of minutes.  The whole hand can also turn into a laser cannon which can fire a large laser beam, after being charged for 20 seconds.  The arm is also nearly indestructible (Nate really doesn't want to test the limits).  It has the power to smash boulders and large, thick trees with one non-rocket powered punch.  He has yet to test a rocket punch.  



Nate's Semblance is gravity.  He can manipulate the gravity of a certain area or focused target for a limited amount of time, either allowing him to be light as a feather, or making his opponent heavier than a heavy thing!  Using this leaves on a target drains more of Vince's aura, but it can last for a while longer while he's not concentrating, while focusing on an area takes up most of his concentration.  


One week by the bare naked ladies



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