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Someone Explain Me the Meta and What Does What Shit

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I don't know this game, will probably forget what you tell me and will give up again in a few days.


what are the best decks and how do they function? also what 2 side against them?


what are the most significant banlist changes for all decks over the past 1-2 years?


does antimeta still exist?


something about extra deck monsters




why are you bothering yourself by thinking through this thread, go somewhere else

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The best deck is Nekroz, by a really long way. It has the strongest plays of any deck and doesn't really lose games based on power alone - they way to beat it is use some floodgate because they're really susceptible to them, being a deck that relies on banishing, spell cards, searching and special summoning, so all floodgates that restrict that are the best way to beat them. They're able to keep big advantage because all their ritual spells search other copies by banishing them from grave, and they have cards which search every monster and every ritual spell. The main threats of the deck are Nekroz of Trishula, which is Trishula but needs them to have a card in each place to banish from to resolve, and the Djinn Lock, which is summoning a big monsters (normally Clausolas, which has 2300 def and can be made using only the Djinn as a tribute), which basically means special summoning decks (and the mirror) need to have an out or lose. Playing round Trish is important and decks often need to play differently to leave them with an empty hand, field or grave.


Other than that there's a whole bunch of other decks which are about equally good. Shaddoll are a deck based off fusion summoning which has a load of cards that have different effects when flipped or sent to grave by a card effect, meaning they're all triggered when used for a fusion summon. They're nice and consistent, have a card that basically wins the game if they have an extra deck monster that doesn't stop you sending cards from deck to grave (Stellarknight Constellar Diamond) which means the opponent needs to play round that and not leave an extra deck monster out, and also have a fusion which stops ritual summoning. They're all dark and trigger in grave so they lose to Shadow Mirror and Macro.

Tellarknights are a deck of level 4 warriors that all trigger on any kind of summon. They have a stratos and a card that summons from grave, as well as one that summons from hand, so they basically churn out good 3-mat rank 4s, as well as having a solemn judgment which tributes a Tellarknight to negate anything and draw a card. They lose to MST since they rely heavily on Call of the Haunted, as well as having a hard time against Maxx C. They also make good use of anti-spell fragrance since they have a 3-mat rank 4 that bounces the entire field, so you can bounce Call and Anti-Spell fragrance which means you basically stop your opponent using spell cards.

Qliphort are a pendulum-based deck which are all high-level, go to level 4/1800 when normal or special summoned and the level 6s have effects on being tributed, the 7s and 8s have effects on being tribute summoned and the 5s are normal pendulum monsters with very good pendulum effects - one pays 800 to search any Qli card and the other draws cards in the end phase equal to the number of Qli monsters you tributed. They win by big pendulum summons, as well as cards like Skill Drain (incredible in here) and Lose 1 Turn. They lose to MST, Fairy Wind and general backrow hate, as well as Anti-Spell Fragrance because they can't put pendulum scales down.


There's a few other pretty good decks which I cba to explain.


The biggest banlist change is probably 1 Raigeki - for a while it was a bit meh but it's really good now and I personally feel it should be rebanned.

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Unlike Yosenju, Evilswarm suck though.

Ehh, maybe. I don't know TCG well enough to comment on how Verz is doing over there....but I can say Yosenju are notoriously easy to interrupt. HAT was a good example of AntiMeta. So was DinoRabbit. Anti meta in my books is a deck designed to combat the meta decks, but becomes so efficient that it can and does go toe to toe with said meta decks. Verz fit that profile for OCG. I don't see Yosenju doing so for TCG.


Actually that's not even true. Verz has been slowly dipping away in OCG too. I am of the opinion that Anti-Meta can no longer exist in this game. There is really no hodgepodge of anti-meta cards that can form a coherent deck anymore (looking @Rabbit and HAT)

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I wanna point out these guys for the OP, though not meta (at least not yet, pics link to cards):
This is ClownBlade. These guys have ridiculous floating synergy with one another, which can lead to OTKs or self-preservation.
Tricklown is one of 3 usable Main Deck Performages, as well as their boss, Performage Trapeze Magician.


Thousand Blades is in an archetype with Assault Halberd; a Lv. 4 CyDra with 1800 ATK, piercing, and searches for one of its archetype's cards when it deals damage.
2 Level 4 Spellcaster-Type monsters
You take no damage less than or equal to this card's ATK. Once per turn, during either player's Main Phase 1: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 other face-up Attack Position monster on the field; it can make a second attack during each Battle Phase, but destroy it at the end of the Battle Phase. These changes last until the end of this turn. If this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, or if this card in your possession is destroyed by an opponent's card effect and sent to your Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 "Performage" monster from your Deck.
This guy is an OTK machine and Dante, Traveller of the BA rolled into one.
These cards serve as an engine that works in a number of places. Currently, the deck is OCG only, but come August it's also TCG.
Gem-Clownblade and Empowered Clownblade are decks in the OCG, to my knowledge, but Tyrannus could tell you more variants that pop up. Gem-Clownblade can happen TCG side, but doesn't look to be quite as strong due to some differences in the list.
Clownblade also sees some usage in Lightsworn builds, due to their new Rank 4, but that's gonna be OCG only for a while.
Unless the banlist has some sort of impact on Star Seraphs pre-emptively, Star Seraph Clownblade looks like a stupidly good deck at what it does when they get to the TCG. A Star Seraph build did decently/well in the OCG, and their chair is limited.
This allows you some stupidly powerful 3-Mat R4s, be they Ptolemaeus (best for just Diamond fodder, being able to 3-mat it is a bonus), Delteros, Ouroboros, and, something that clowns allow them to abuse well, Amaterasu.


In my opinion, this is the pinnacle of Clownblade, considering that it makes Damajuggler better and it makes Hatricker a whole fuckton stronger. It even makes Trapeze easier to bring out, not that it was hard to do in the first place.
Then there's one other thing, that's a more generic point than anything.
1 Synchro or Xyz Monster + 1 Synchro or Xyz Monster
When this card is Special Summoned: You can target 1 Level 4 or lower monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it, but its effects are negated. When this card leaves the field, banish that target.
This prick's on the way. He is a generic power card, but he is scarily strong with Star Seraphs, and he is in no way shabby with Clowns.

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