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The attitude you give off is legitimately repulsive. You act condescending toward everyone, both exuding lack of self worth and a cringeworthy ego. You say things that people simply don't say, and act like the criticisms over it are compliments.

Seriously, just play nice. It really isn't that difficult.
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But seriously you're just devolving. When you started you seemed to understand what was wrong with the way you acted before, and even had a sense of humor about it. But the moment you got your old account merged you returned into being a prick, who not only acts like an overly dark child but you tried to force the idea that it's perfectly okay and how everyone should act.


Learn from me. I have many many many reasons to hate life and people and yet I go for optimism. Why? Because being dark and pessimistic gets you NO where and just brings you down. Where optimism can only bring you up if you stick to it.

I'm an emotional wreck and yet I can still manage to be considered (apparently) by people a really friendly and joy-bringing person. That's because I chose to try and keep those negative thoughts at bay with optimism.

Trust me, there's plenty of people who know how low I can get, so i know what both sides are like.

And the other side is much better. Optimism is the way to go because it just feels better. Even when things go badly. I can't always do it, sometimes life makes me want to give up and give in but I don't. Not for long enough to be swallowed by it at least.

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The fact you've never taken any of the shit I've told you to heart (The stuff about how you behave, not the stuff on your YGO opinions) still baffles me. I've said more than enough over the years


Like I've even told you before, that you do this, you say you've changed, and then you just act like this all over again. Commit yourself to change, turn the ego down a notch, stop acting like a edgy fuck (It's not cool or impressive, it's just insulting and quite often painful to read), tone down the language (There's nothing wrong with swearing, just not where every second word is a swear), and generally stop being LT, and try being a decent person. 


On the edgy thing - If you legitimately feel that way, that is fine (Well okay, it's not fine, but it's an opinion that's acceptable to have) but for the love of God, stop putting it into seemingly every third post. Everyone here has dealt with real life shit at some point or another, really serious stuff in a lot of cases, but you don't see us all acting like that all the time. It's just irritating to see, and is a fast way to get people to dislike you. 

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