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Level 1 deck

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So this is an idea i came up with, and it works out pretty well. Ive beaten a few good decks with it and i wanted some feedback.




Deck List:



Battle Fader x3

Big One Warrior x3

Cyber Valley x3

Mystic Piper x3

Kinka-byo x3

Jester Confit x3

Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beginning x1

Chaos Sorcerer x1



One for One x1 (haha)

Where Arf Thou x3

MST x3

Rageki x1

Book of Moon x1



Mirror Force x2

Magic Cylinder x2

Bottomless Trap Hole x1

Compulsory Evacuation Device x1

Fiendish Chain x2

Threatening Roar x2

Waboku x2



Number 54: Lion Heart x2

Number 31: Embodiment of Punishment x3

Number 13: Embodiment of Crime x3

Number 39: Utopia Roots x2



Feedback is appreciated

The goal of this deck is to have only rank 1 or level 1 monsters only besides the boss monster so im avoiding synchros

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  • Try using the [img ] [/img ]tags without the spaces (they make the picture show up in post, which is nice)
  • It's nice to put a deck list up so we don't have to look up every card by image.
  • With a lvl 1 deck you want to be able to make big plays such as Lion Heart or Utopia Roots. Special Summoning is needed (I use Jester Confit)
  • Kinka-Byo is a really good card as it can revive Piper every turn or any lvl 1 you might need for a quick xyz/ maybe synchro
  • Please don't play Firefly. it is sub-par and the burn is unfitting in a lvl 1 deck.
  • Ladybug is also really bad. LP gain is only really useful in Aromas, which this deck is not
  • Charcoal is a cute wall but is otherwise useless
  • Cat's Ear tribe is cute but loses/ ties more often than not. Yeah, no.
  • Toy soldier has 3 targets. Cute, but all of them have bad stats and would not last long, if at all.
  • Stinging is most likely not going to get it's eff off literally ever. Sorry, but no.
  • Maiden is sub-par and prone to effect removal. Do not recomend
  •  Seer is iffy at best. Sure it nets you a draw, but it's still a gamble.
  • Opti-camouflage is so bad in this because no lvl 1 has really good ATK in this deck. No.
  • Sheep's clothing is too slow, and you need to take damage to activate. nope.avi
  • Star Sparrow is probably the worst possible boss to have chosen.
  • All the xyz except Lion Heart and crime and punishment are terrible. No one should have to suffer playing them.
  • Needs more Raigeki
  • Also needs a wincoin besides star sparrow
  • Also try and cut the card count down. minimum 40 is great, a lil over is fine, but 50+ is a no-no
  • The extra deck is your friend. Fill it up
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You have quite a few LIGHTs and DARKs so you could use Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning and Chaos Sorcerer.


You could easily fit in some level 1 Tuners for access to low level Synchros. Glow-Up Bulb is nice as it can summon itself easily, and Effect Veiler is great as it can double up as negation if in your hand. It is also a LIGHT for BLS if you decide to use it. Formula Synchron is nice as it gets you an extra draw ans can be used as a tuner for higher level Synchs such as Mist Bird Clausolas.


You might want to cut down on your attack negation, as you have 10 cards for that job! I would personally remove the Negate Attacks, as they are pretty much outclassed by other cards such as Mirror Force. You may also want to cut down on Magic Cylinder a bit.


As for other bosses, you could always try Relinquished. If you summon it using the Djinns, it becomes quite powerful, equipping opponents monsters while being difficult to remove. If you do use Relinquished, Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands is useful for searching both it and the spell, and although it is a level 4 it could still be useful for making higher level Synchros or possibly a Rank 4 Xyz. Preperation of Rites is also an amazing card for setting up Ritual Summons. Djinn Disserere of Rituals is a level 1 and protects Relinquished from Traps. Depending on how much you want to deviate from the Level 1 theme of your deck, you could even add in other Djinns such as Releaser and Demolisher, which can be searched with Tour Guide from the Underworld for a neat Rank 3 Xyz.


I could add more but it is late now, I hope this helped!

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The two best Level 1 decks are Kuribohs and Dustons.  IDK anything about Dustons, but I can give you a decent Kuriboh deck if you want to go that route.  


As for this deck itself:


Swap the Cylinders for Fiendish Chains.  Effect negation is always a good thing.  Speaking of which, Effect Veiler can be played as both a hand trap and a Tuner with Kinka-Byo.  Formula Synchron comes to mind.


I'd also drop the Copycats and the Crystal Seers to cut it to 40.  Seer being a flip effect is too slow.  And Copycat does very little outside of being a beatstick that can be easily played around.  


Threatening Roar and Waboku are superior to Negate Attack as well, since unlike Negate Attack, they can be chained in response to something like MST.


And as mentioned before, drop the Espers for Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning and Chaos Sorcerer as your main bosses.  


Also a tip: That AZ next to the down arrow on the left?  That's the "Sort Deck" button.

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I used to run a level 1 chaos deck myself. It focused very heavily on piper/byo and rank 1s. A few cards that I found useful were:

Absolute King Back Jack: excellent discard fodder for big 1 warrior/1for1. It also is really good at reorganizing your top deck to get the most out of piper. The banish effect is just icing on the cake.

Ghostrick Dullahan/Angel of Mischief: decent rank 1 out to beating over anything less than 4000 ATK. This is usually my go-to XYZ monster when I don't have the materials for Lion Heart. Plus, 2 Dullahans make a loop.

Level 1 LIGHT options (Rainbow Kuriboh, Copycat, Arcana Force 0, Guiding Light): each of these has their own strengths and weaknesses. I used to run Copycat and Guiding Light. My brother runs Rainbow Kuriboh. In any case, each of these are viable and can be useful in their own way but you have to figure out which one suits your playstyle.

Other things:
To get the most out of piper, you'll want to maximize the amount of monsters in the deck, personally, I ran 26+, but I also used a lot of hand traps. You don't have to beef it up that much.

Since you're running 3s of both big 1 warrior and jester confit, you might as well run a third "where arf thou?" Since you should still have your Normal Summon.

Hope this helped!

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