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Post your thought process.


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Just, whatever comes to mind. I'm doing it a lot tonight, just go wild, be silly, whatevs. Think of something and just write how it goes, jump around to random tangents, try not to go R-rated, this is technically a kids site. But it's really late (at least for me, 3AM currently), maybe there's not a lot of kids on. But they might see this thread in the morning. Isnt there a rule about not starting sentences with the word, "But?" Eh, the English language has so many exceptions I don't really care. I am really good at English, though, always got 36s in the Reading and English sections of the ACT, but I decided to become an engineer anyways since I really admire Grant Imahara from the Mythbusters (formerly) since I grew up watching the show a lot. I could probably be an English major and have a much easier time of it, but then again I guess a lot of things would be easier than the #1 undergrad engineering school the whole US. Also, it's hella expensive, damn you out of state tuition. Like, $55k a year not including what gets payed for me by scholarship (which is like, what, $17k I think?). Lotta money, lotta money. Hold on, gotta stop typing for a sec and drink some water.





It's pretty late, I'm sort of hungry. Unfortunately my roommate likes to sleep on the couch in the living room area of our apartment dorm room, which is connected to the kitchen so I can't just go and microwave what I had left in the fridge since he's a really light sleeper. I'm glad I'm not a light sleeper, hell I'm the exact opposite. I sleep anywhere and anytime I want, I don't get sore from sleeping in weird positions anymore since I'm so used to it. It is kinda of annoying if I need to get up to an alarm, but my body is pretty good on getting up on its own when I need to be somewhere so I don't sleep in that often. Though if my friends want me for something and I'm asleep they always tell me it takes a few minutes of physically shaking me and calling my name before I get up, and sometimes it doesn't work anyways and I just go back to sleep. Maybe I should go to sleep now, I do have class in about 10 hours. But I slept in pretty late today, I think I'll just play more Hearthstone and try and climb the ranks with Patron Warrior (currently at 14).





Took another typing break, had to pause for a second when I lost my train of thought. I was gonna say something about sleep--Oh yeah--wait, it's gone again, give me a second................ Um, what was it................




Eh, I'll remember it later, guess I'll stop here.

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Gonna try and be less crazy now.


I don't necessarily mean your thought process if you're faced with a decision or anything, I mean just type out what you're thinking as you're thinking it. Like, if the phrase, "orange, monkey eagle" came into your head as you were talking about something normal you'd just interject it and continue with your previous train of thought, in text.

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I have no clue how to react to this but oh wells. You mentioned orange? Orange, banana, phone calls, 911, you see how my brain jumps from one subject to another. Btw, the phone was for the knock-knock joke. I have no clue why a knock-knock joke made me think of phones, but there you go. Mebbe I was also thinking of the bananaphone. Probably. But I was also thinking about the knock-knock joke, so yeah.


Let's stop it here, Sethera. -_-

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