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Mathematics of Life


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Declare an obscenely large number, and then gain that much.



This card lacks a finite number, so who's to stop you from gaining, what, a couple trillion LP.

Makes Saturn/Mars OTK that much more dumber (get Saturn/Mars + field out, play this, declare number and proceed to wipe floor); although yes, Magic Cylinder exists.


That, and it makes you that much harder to kill, outside of Deck out and alt. wins.


Of course, your opponent also gets an obscenely high LP if you guess under, so there's that also.



Still, set a FINITE amount you can declare and a definite OPT on it.

Although yeah, the design is still questionable.

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Hard OPT, both players say a number between 100-2000 (in increments of 100 only), call a coin side, flip, if they get it right, they gain that much, if not, they lose that much (lose, not damage).

And have it stop any sort of other effects from modifying it (so coin toss results cannot be changed/repeated/etc) possibly?


Or for a twist, have it be whoever calls the LOWER number gains that much (and maybe even whoever calls the higher number LOSES that much, as a penalty for being greedy)?

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Why would you declare Googolplex when you can declare Graham's number!^Graham's Number!


Anyway this card is cool because it makes Life Equaliser legitimately good for the game.

Graham's number=N1=O1​=P1​=Q1​=R1​=S1​=T1​ etc


N1^N1^.....{Namount}....N1^N= N2

N2^N2^.....{N2 amount}....N2^N2 = N3




NN1 = O2

NN2 = O3







And so on through the alphabet. However, we quite quickly run out of letters, so let's rename the "N" series to [symbol1] and the "O" series to [symbol2] such that


Graham's number=[symbol1]1=[symbol2]1 etc




[symbolN1][symbolN1]N=Snail's number. Sorry for that last part where it said N1 because I couldn't subscript any further. Anyway, I declare Snail's number. Fun fact: it is a multiple of 3.


Anyway, back on topic, I really like the idea behind this card, however it encourages the construction of rather obscene numbers such as Snail's number and some people would try to simply declare infinity, which is not a number. I think Accelerator's ideas are the best way to change an interesting idea into an interesting card. Sakura's idea of having a finite amount you can declare would not work, because both players would declare that number.

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Or for a twist, have it be whoever calls the LOWER number gains that much (and maybe even whoever calls the higher number LOSES that much, as a penalty for being greedy)?


The only problem I can see with the person that declared the higher number losing that much LP is that you could just say something like "7999" on the first turn and that would essentially do the same thing as Wall of Revealing Light, which is limited as it can get your LP right down for free, which is needed in some OTKs.

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