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[Serious Game] Introduce yourself to the above user

Bellringer Angel

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Title should explain it all.


(I'll introduce myself in 1 hour from now due to battery issues.)


sheet, I'm late.


I'm AsdfDuelist (definitely not my real name). I'm your typical male otaku who is apparently interested in Yu-Gi-Oh! and YCM. I don't play Yu-Gi-Oh! in real life, because Konami suck.


I was born in China, but I currently live in Thailand, so don't expect me to be able to speak/write Chinese. I'm much younger than anyone here, so don't expect me to be 100% correct on things. My grammar is also not that good either.


I'm normally described as a person with high temperance. I'm also quite perverted as well. Other than that, I'm also described as an awkward person.


My weakness in terms of creating CC is that I love to type like a madman until the card effects become longer than the Great Wall of China and etc.


Fun Fact: The first deck I've played is Full Power Nekroz.


That's it, I guess?

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I am Trebuchet MS, more commonly known as Gadjiltron. Custom Cards regular turned full-time moderator. I may appear to spend a lot of time here, but sometimes it's just I have this site open in another tab in the background, and I'm actually idle.


I say I have retired from Yugioh, but all that means is that I have stopped or greatly halted investment in the game. I still hold on to my Decks and give them a slight bump if I can obtain the cards for a low price. My personal favourites are still my Machina Gadget and Chain Burn Decks. This also hasn't stopped me from trying things out online via YGOpro.


My other hobbies include anime, Magic the Gathering, and various video games that I can pick up and put down on demand, usually those on the 3DS. Lately if I'm really bored I waste time on YouTube or edit TVTropes pages.


I'm born in Singapore, but currently studying Medicine in Perth.


I'm also not sure about how much I can introduce myself on, so I will leave it at that.

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Hello! I'm Dwarven King! Been here for quite some time off and on. The last time I was active, I frequented the RP section. Now, I kinda just browse through until I decide what I wanna do next.


As for a bit about me, I used to play Yugioh. Eventually sold everything. Now I play Pokemon and Force of Will. I also collect books, read manga, watch anime, and play video games. And if you haven't guessed yet, I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan!


...eh, I suck at these.

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Good day.


I am The Nyx Avatar. I usually frequent Miscellaneous and Games; though, I still create cards. Though, I rarely reach any mid ground when card making. Usually, they're either underwhelming or broken.


If I'm not on Yugioh Card Maker, I'm doing the usual daily tasks, playing video games, watching anime, or attending college/attending to college work. I also draw, mostly in anime/anime-eske style; mostly on paper and on Miiverse. I would on my tablet, but I'm waiting on this Semester to finish up. Apolergies if this seemed short. I'm not one to type or write.

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