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Wonder Guard


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I made this based on Shedinja's Ability in Pokemon. For those who don't know, Shedinja only has 1 HP, but Wonder Guard prevents attacks from non-super-effective types from hitting. Essentially, the Types I picked for the equipment are the closest available to Shedinja's Types, and the possible bypass Types are the closest thing to the ones that can hit through his ability. Insect = Bug, Zombie = Ghost, Fiend = Dark, Pyro = Fire, Winged-Beast = Flying, Rock = Rock. Similarly to the Ability, it doesn't prevent indirect destruction.

“Wonder Guard”

Equip Spell

Equip only to an Insect or Zombie monster with 1000 or less original ATK. The equipped monster’s ATK and DEF become 100. If the equipped monster battles an opponent’s monster that is not Pyro, Winged-Beast, Fiend, Zombie, or Rock, this monster cannot be destroyed by battle, and you take no damage from that battle. This card's effects cannot be negated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I understand and appreciate the flavor, but the card is lacking punch. It's barely any better than Mist Body, for example. Give it a float or punishing effect when it's removed from the field, and you may be onto something.

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