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[TCG] February 7th Banlist

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Archnemesis Protos
Simorgh, Bird of Sovereignty
Imperial Order

Fairy Tail - Snow
Lunalight Tiger
Lyrilusc Recital Starling
Monster Gate
Pot of Desires

A Hero Lives
Fusion Destiny
Nadir Servant
Salamangreat Circle

Danger! Nessie!
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
Performapal Skullcrobat Joker
Emergency Teleport
Skill Drain

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A couple of thoughts on the recent hits


Archnemesis Protos - Came more sooner than expected, probably would ve been safe from the ban if it wasnt a wyrm (ironically)
Eva - At 1 seemed to be fine, though I am not a Dryton player, I do think this wouldnt happen if benten had a hard OPT.
Simorgh, Bird of Sovereignty - Card seems to strong and supports many strategies outside of what is should be able to.
Imperial Order - The irony, of being errated and yet still getting the axe

Destrudo - about time, of all the halq tuner colateral damage, this one seemed the most odd to me.
Fairy Tail - Snow - Without grass and no Collosus, abuse of this seems very unlikely (but not impossible)
Astrograph - 1 Astropgraph is fine and hopefully it stays at 1, more copies of this is dangerous
Lunalight Tiger  - fine
Lyrilusc Recital Starling - Along with Simorgh, I expect the deck to lose a lot of power?
Monster Gate - Why? not complaining, just really curious
Pot of Desires - Very interesting hit, now would you play the 1 copy to hard draw it?

A Hero Lives - Deserved I guess?
Fusion Destiny - Not enough but seems all they can do for now.
Nadir Servant  - took them long enough
Salamangreat Circle - moving slowly
Scapegoat - Ok I guess?

Danger! Nessie! - Ok
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon - Ok
Performapal Skullcrobat Joker - Not sure on this one but go ahead and please prove me wrong
Emergency Teleport - Nice
Raigeki - This would be interesting, though I am sure no one would play it. Anti Raigeki new meta. STONKS
Skill Drain - This is the one card I dont agree, it is a flodgate and should not be at multiples, nobody likes to play against it. Will return to limited status

Overall a good list with an * due to skill drain

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Archnemesis Protos - Good riddance. Card is unfair and Swordsoul made is easy.
Eva - Meh. Drytron lost much of its power when Benten got Limited. Can take this one or leave it.
Simorgh, Bird of Sovereignty - Good. It made Lyrilusc Tri-Brigade boards too good.
Imperial Order - Card was a sacky 'draw it and you're almost guaranteed to win'. Think the ban is deserved.

Destrudo - This'll be interesting.
Fairy Tail - Snow - Could be troublesome and ripe for abuse. But We'll see.
Astrograph - Fine with Electrumite still banned.
Lunalight Tiger - We'll see.
Lyrilusc Recital Starling - Good hit.
Monster Gate - History repeats itself. Didn't really need the hit back then and it doesn't need it now. Unless I'm missing something.
Pot of Desires - Interesting hit but now it becomes sacky. Decks that need to use it don't really want to. I blame Swordsoul for this one.

A Hero Lives - Fine I guess. HERO decks get a small buff.
Fusion Destiny - Mostly pointless hit with Verte still legal, but it'll probably mean it won't be resolved as much as intended and might be resolved more through Verte.
Nadir Servant - Kind of pointless hit. Smaller Dogmatika engines might not want to run it at 3 anyway. If they wanted to hurt the Dogmatika engine they should've Limited it. Card is kind of Extra Foolish Burial minus the Solemn Judgment-like cost on top of being RotA and Warrior Returning Alive in one for the Dogmatika archetype and I suppose Fallen of Albaz too. That was a mouthful.
Salamangreat Circle - Might get Unlimited next list.
Scapegoat - Fine I suppose. It is kind of slow but it'll be interesting in multiple copies.

Danger! Nessie! - Saw it coming. It's fine as long as Jackalope stays Limited.
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon - Probably won't be used in high multiples anyway.
Performapal Skullcrobat Joker - Probably fine.
Emergency Teleport - Probably about time.
Raigeki - Never thought I'd see the day but it'll be interesting if it'll start seeing play again given it'll be able to be used at up to 3 copies or if Lightning Storm's versatility might still edge it out.
Skill Drain - Eldlich Skill Drain beatdown/stun best deck. On a more serious note, really not good with this Unlimited with Mystic Mine still legal and I'd rather have Skill Drain at 3.

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