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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Many organizations have cropped up in the past attempting to fight n00bs off. Only one of these wasn't locked on charges of Mini-Modding: the Dread Army. Yet on July 5, 2008, the Dread Army was disbanded.


However, its death is that of a phœnix. From its ashes is rising a new, greater unit. Its cause: to eradicate n00bs forever by turning n00bs into good members. Its methods are numerous. Its influence is great. Its goal is to make YCM a better place than it ever has before.


If you agree with the above paragraph, welcome to the Death Corps.



[spoiler=The Dread Army]

Dread Army: Don't think for a moment that the cause of the Dread Army is lost forever. Its successor even bears its name. The Dread Army wields the ultimate weapon against n00bs, one that may indeed prove to be more effective than banning. This weapon is public humiliation.


The Dread Army is the official n00b list of YCM. It compiles a list of the worst members, messages, cards, etc. to teach the beings responsible for them that such behavior will be the scorn of many for months. Obviously, no one wants to be an object of ridicule, so this weapon should teach them a lesson.


[spoiler=The Official YCM n00b List]



[spoiler=The Official YCM Worst Cards List]

kerezeme the dragon by tripletet



[spoiler=The Official YCM Worst Posts List]



[spoiler=The Official YCM Worst Tolerance List]



[spoiler=The Official YCM Worst Power Abuse List]



[spoiler=The Official YCM Worst Effort List]






[spoiler=The Phœnix Brigade]

Phœnix Brigade: YCM isn't dead yet. The Phœnix Brigade has only one objective: to prove it. It provides aspiration, a sort of challenge to make it onto the Champion's Plaque. Don't think for a second that it's easy to make it aboard. But at the very least, it provides some form of reward for being a good member.


While the Dread Army is the official worst of the forum, the Phœnix Brigade is the best. The objective of the Phœnix Brigade is to find the best members, messages, cards, etc. of the forum as a sort of reward.


[spoiler=The Official YCM Best Member List]



[spoiler=The Official YCM Best Cards List]



[spoiler=The Official YCM Best Posts List]



[spoiler=The Official YCM Best Tolerance List]



[spoiler=The Official YCM Best Use of Power List]



[spoiler=The Official YCM Best Effort List]






[spoiler=The Dragon Union]

Dragon Union: YCM is a fun place to be. The Dragon Union's job is to prove that statement right. The Dragon Union finds the areas of YCM that are most fun and puts them here. It's a kind of road map of YCM; it shows you where to be and where not to be.


The Dragon Union has several main tasks: to find the best places of YCM, the worst places of YCM, the most fun members, the members to avoid, and to create topics new and veteran members will enjoy visiting.


[spoiler=Best Topics & Sections On YCM]



[spoiler=Worst Topics & Sections On YCM]



[spoiler=Most Fun Members On YCM]



[spoiler=Fun-Squandering Members On YCM]



[spoiler=Active Dragon Union Topics]








[spoiler=Death Corps Ranks]

Grim Reaper: The Grim Reaper is the absolute leader of the Death Corps. His decisions cannot be overruled. He is also the overseer of the Dark Senate. Note that the Grim Reaper reserves the right to (ex)change ranks without warning.

It is impossible to become a Grim Reaper.

Existing Grim Reapers: Supreme Gamesmaster Yddisac


Death Junior: While the Grim Reaper is away, the Death Junior serves as the overseer of the Dark Senate. He/she participates in it as well. He or she keeps track of all reports from members of the Dark Senate until the return of the Reaper. The Death Junior cannot make appointments.

To become a Death Junior, you must be appointed by the Grim Reaper.

Existing Death Juniors: Mike2084


Appointer: An Appointer has the power to appoint others to positions in the Dread Army. The Appointer can make any promotion except the promotion to Death Junior or Appointer. Note that Appointers reserve the right to (ex)change any rank without warning.

Existing Appointers: 「tea.leaf」


Secretary of Recruitment: The Secretary of Recruitment participates in the Dark Senate. If you wish to join, post your request, or PM the Secretary, and the Secretary of Recruitment will decide whether or not you're a good enough member to join the Death Corps. If you are accepted, I will then appoint you. The Grim Reaper will field ensigns in the absence of the Secretary of Recruitment.

Existing Secretary of Recruitment: Death Dealer


Secretary of Expansion: If you have an idea of how the Death Corps could improve, the Secretary of Expansion will decide whether or not to give the suggestion to the Dark Senate.

Existing Secretary of Expansion:


Gauntletmaster: The Gauntletmaster organizes contests, RPs, etc. for members of the Death Corps, in addition to participating in the Dark Senate. The Gauntletmaster holds absolute authority over the Card Contests and Role Playing sections, second only to the Reaper himself.

Existing Gauntletmaster: oplo


Dark Senator: Dark Senators are simply members of the Death Corps that participate in the Dark Senate. They can only be created through appointment.

Existing Dark Senators: saintslashgeorge666


Notes on the Dark Senate: If a suggestion to improve the Death Corps or some other issue crops up, the Dark Senate will vote on the issue. If four or more members of the Dark Senate agree with the issue, the improvement will be instigated. This way, the Death Corps will stay the best it can be for the improvement of YCM.




[spoiler=Dread Army Ranks]

Dread Master: The Dread Master is the leader of the Dread Army, and the publisher of the n00b list. His or her decisions cannot be overruled except by the Grim Reaper. He or she participates in the Dark Senate, and oversees the Dread Senate.

To update the n00b list, the Dread Master must PM selected n00bs to me. No n00b reports will be accepted except those received directly from the Dread Master.

To become a Dread Master, you must be appointed by the Grim Reaper.

Badge: In Case Someone Needs Proof

Existing Dread Masters: Silencerleader


Vice Master: The Vice Master serves as the second-in-command of the Dread Army. He or she also serves as Dread Master in the absence of the true Dread Master.

To become a Vice Master, you must be appointed by the Dread Master.

Existing Vice Masters:


Dread Knight: Dread Knights compose the Dread Senate, which decides whether or not a n00b is actually worthy of that title. They also appoint Dread Lords to run a section.

To become a Dread Knight, at least 50% of the Dread Army and the Dread Master must agree with your promotion.

Badge: In Case Someone needs Proof

Existing Dread Knights: Cyber Lucifer


Dread Lord: Dread Lords are leaders of a section. They tell Dread Captains which section to look for n00bs in, and look for n00bs in that section themselves. They choose whether or not to relay n00bs from a section to the Dread Senate.

To become a Dread Lord, at least 33% of the Dread Army and the Dread Master must agree with your promotion.

Badge: In Case Someone Needs Proof

Existing Dread Lords: Kenpachi Zaraki


Dread Captain: Dread Captains are the mainstay of the Dread Army. Their task is to search for, warn, and nominate n00bs in a section they are appointed to by a Dread Lord. They are also responsible for training a Dread Private in the arts of n00b finding.

To become a Dread Captain, you must be approved by your trainer.

Badge: In Case Someone Needs Proof

Existing Dread Captains: FM6


Dread Private: Dread Privates are new to the Dread Army, and can't look for n00bs right away. They must be trained by a Dread Captain until proven ready to search for n00bs.

Official Logo

Existing Dread Privates:


Notes on the Dread Senate: When a Dread Captain believes he or she has found a n00b, he/she PMs a note to the Dread Lord in charge of the section. If he/she believes the n00b is worthy of official recognition, he/she forwards that note to the Dread Master. The Dread Master then PMs all Dread Knights that a n00b may have been found. The Dread Knights decide whether or not the n00b is worthy, and PM their decision back to the Dread Master. The Dread Master then posts that a n00b has been found, and the Grim Reaper updates this post.




[spoiler=Phœnix Brigade Ranks]

Flare Admiral: The Flare Admiral is the leader of the Phœnix Brigade, and the publisher of the Champion's Plaque. His or her decisions cannot be overruled except by the Grim Reaper. He or she participates in the Dark Senate, and oversees the House of Fire.

To update the Champion's Plaque, the Flare Admiral must post selected champions on this thread. No champion reports will be accepted except those received directly from the Flare Admiral.

To become a Flare Admiral, you must be appointed by the Grim Reaper.

Badge: In Case Someone Needs Proof

Existing Flare Admirals: Phantom Roxas


Vice Admiral: The Vice Admiral serves as the second-in-command of the Phœnix Brigade. He or she also serves as Flare Admiral in the absence of the true Flare Admiral.

To become a Vice Admiral, you must be appointed by the Flare Admiral.

Existing Vice Admirals: Silencerleader


Star Commander: Nova Commandos compose the House of Fire, which decides whether or not a n00b is actually worthy of that title. They also appoint Star Commodores to run a section.

To become a Star Commander, at least 50% of the Dread Army and the Phœnix Brigade must agree with your promotion.

Badge: In Case Someone needs Proof

Existing Star Commanders: Silencerleader


Star Commodore: Star Commodores are leaders of a section. They tell Fire Officers which section to look for champions in, and look for champions in that section themselves. They choose whether or not to relay champions from a section to the House of Fire.

To become a Star Commodore, at least 33% of the Phœnix Brigade and the Flare Admiral must agree with your promotion.

Badge: In Case Someone Needs Proof

Existing Star Commodores: Sliferdude


Fire Officer: Fire Officers are the mainstay of the Phœnix Brigade. Their task is to search for, alert, and nominate champions in a section they are appointed to by a Star Commodore. They are also responsible for training a Petty Officer in the arts of champion finding.

To become a Fire Officer, you must be approved by your trainer.

Badge: In Case Someone Needs Proof

Existing Fire Officers:


Petty Officer: Petty Officers are new to the Phœnix Brigade, and can't look for champions right away. They must be trained by a Dread Captain until proven ready to search for champions.

Official Logo

Existing Petty Officers: Cody-is-goin'-to-win


Notes on the House of Fire: When a Fire Officer believes he or she has found a champion, he/she PMs a note to the Star Commodore in charge of the section. If he/she believes the champion is worthy of official recognition, he/she forwards that note to the Flare Admiral. The Flare Admiral then PMs all Star Commanders that a champion may have been found. The Star Commanders decide whether or not the champion is worthy, and PM their decision back to the Flare Admiral. The Flare Admiral then posts that a champion has been found, and the Grim Reaper updates this post.




[spoiler=Dragon's Union Ranks]

Dragon Emperor/Empress: The Dragon Emperor/Empress leads the Dragon Union. He or she participates in the Dark Senate, and is the only one allowed to post a Least Fun member, thread, or section. He/she also appoints certain officers in the Dragon's Union.

To become a Dragon Emperor or Empress, you must be appointed by the Grim Reaper.

Badge: In Case Someone Needs Proof

Existing Dragon Emperors and Empresses: Wombat


Dragon Prince(ss): The Dragon Prince(ss) is to the Dragon Emperor/Empress as the Vice Admiral is to the Flare Admiral, or the Vice Master is to the Dread Master.

To become a Dragon Prince(ss), you must be appointed by the Dragon Emperor/Empress.

Badge: In Case Someone Needs Proof

Existing Dragons Prince(sse)s:


Dragon Soldier: Dragon Soldiers are the mainstay of the Dragon Union. They find fun and mean members, posts, etc. and post them.

Badge: In Case Someone Needs proof

Existing Dragon Soldiers:






De-n00b-ifier 2800





IMPORTANT NOTE: If you wish to join the Death Corps, PM a request to the Secretary of Recruitment. I don't handle recruitment except in special cases.


Baro mundus est terminus. Nos ero excellens. Qui reluctor nostrum pontentias mos intereo quod fio excellens. Nos es novus universitas!

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Welcome. Which position would you like; Sec. Recruitment, Sec. Expansion, Dread Master, Dragon Master, or Flare Admiral?

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Which position would you like; Sec. Recruitment, Sec. Expansion, Dread Master, Dragon Master, or Flare Admiral?

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

@Above Two: Which position would you like; Sec. Recruitment, Sec. Expansion, Dragon Emperor, or Flare Admiral?

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Greetings, admiral. Your fleet... er, actually, it doesn't await. But you can spread the word; hopefully you can get a fleet!

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Hm... Well, you seem to have improved. You can be a Dread Knight, but you'll have to ask Davok about being a Vice Master.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

You have been accepted as a Star Commander. ShadowRoxas may choose to promote you to Vice Admiral if he wishes.

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