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Season 3 of Dubbed GX

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BEST.... SEASON.... EVER! It introduces so so many cool things! I really like Jesse Anderson with his Southern accent (He looks a lot like Jaden as well) And the whole season seems to have got a MUCH darker tone. With things like Yubel. I'm about half way through and i'm hooked!

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A Southern Accent on someone who comes from the North Academy (Located in the Arctic...) dumbass dubbers.


It is their best season ever (appart from parts of Season 4). Send to the stars is 132+ a really silly disguise for Death. Glad you're enjoying the season =D

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Other than the whole 'dying' part of it, yes in that dimension if you lose you die.....well that was the picture Jim and O'Brien got from Kozaky in 138. Having not watched the dub I can't really tell you what you've missed, (You will probably be missing the whole doom and gloom vibe of 147/148 when the cast accept Ryo may die during the duel (or not make it out of the duel alive)) but this is 4Kids so expect the best bits cut out. The fight was nothing really.

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156 isn't really much just alot of reminiscing, Manjoume finding out that Judai nearly won the duel with him in 2 (after asking Asuka to try and give him support....which failed obviously) and Judai returning. Oh yea and them having declared Misawa, Ryo and Judai missing, and them placing the pictures in the abandoned dorm, where all missing students (or Ry's case ex-students) have been placed. Basically bitter Manjoume, everyone else sad. That's more or less the ep.

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I just heard it..... Sent to the Stars!? What the Fudgecake!?

[spoiler=First Taste of STTS]Tania: Jaden be careful! If you lose here you lose more then the Duel!

Jaden: What?

Tania: When your Life Points reach 0 you will be sent away! Sent to the Stars!


Man..... I was really enjoying GX as well....

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