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Synchronized last won the day on February 4 2012

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About Synchronized

  • Birthday 03/13/1993

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    New England

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  1. Crazy to think I joined this site in 2007, over 11 years ago. (Previously known as Star.) Was actually the second only Super Moderator. Things have changed quite a bit. Did anyone ever figure out where YCMaker went off to?

    1. Nathanael D. Striker

      Nathanael D. Striker

      To ScrewYCM City, probably?

    2. Mr. Best Male 2008

      Mr. Best Male 2008

      Damn you seem familiar. You remember a KA Flame/Krow?

    3. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      you might remind him as salamander

  2. Just hit my 9-year anniversary on this site. I mean, I'm hardly active anymore, but holy sheet.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Black D'Sceptyr

      Black D'Sceptyr

      Sweet! 7th year for me. Keep it up!

    3. Synchronized


      It's insane haha

    4. Nathanael D. Striker

      Nathanael D. Striker

      Remember me, partner? And yea, 7 years as of May.

  3. Could anyone help me with a rough Superheavy Samurai Deck List that's TCG legal? I really have no idea where to start.

    1. King K. Azo

      King K. Azo

      Start with two pendulums, two of every tuner, 3 Soulfires, 3 Scales, and 3 Soulpiercers.


      Everything in Samurais is legal and at 3. The rest is up to you.

    2. King K. Azo

      King K. Azo

      Forgot about Gigagloves. I'm a monster.

    3. Synchronized


      Thanks guys! Still toying with the idea of playing a Galaxy Cyclone for S/T removal especially because it can banish itself, but other than that, I wasn't planning on playing any! Appreciate the feedback! Also, I feel like Soulfire Suit is a bit much at 3, but I'm not sure.

  4. Finally got around to watching Arc-V (first 24 episodes, at least). Show is fantastic for a YGO anime. Easily second best, if not a strong 1.5 just because of how good GX Season 3 was.

    1. Blake


      It mostly gets better, but Synchro suuuuucks. So many bastards.


      It's still easily the best.

    2. Synchronized


      I'm just surprised bc I thought Zexal was absolutely awful. GX has always been my favorite literally since I was a kid, but Arc-V is certainly on its way up. I love how it's just darker in general and the characters are well written. Surprisingly tolerable English dub, too. Couldn't say the same about Zexal.

    3. Blake


      The thing about it is that... Yuya is a very normal, very realistic character in an insane world, and it works well. He's forced into being extraordinary, but he's still just a kid that wants his dad back/to make others smile since he lost his.


      There are underlying themes of loss throughout, in addition to the general YGO themes.

  5. Any TCG peeps that might be able to help me come up with a rough draft Performage Deck Profile?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Synchronized


      Moreso interested in trying a pure-ish version

    3. Blake


      no point to pure, it's just a gimmicky burn deck with stilts

    4. Synchronized


      I was kinda looking at something like:


      3x Trickclown

      3x Damage Juggler

      2x Flame Eater

      2x Summoner Monk

      2x Veiler

      2x Assault Halberd


      Unless you have a better line-up? (It's meant to be IRL and I can't afford GOSR or anything like that.)

  6. Okay yeah, Wavering Eyes is dumb.

  7. So I have decided I am in fact, going to start writing the sequel series to my original [Accel] story. After re-reading all 100 chapters, I think I'm ready to go and I'm pretty excited.

  8. The ARG list looks like they went through Pojo and just took the majority of cards people were complaining about and put them onto one list.

    1. Blake


      the thing is, a lot of the hits make sense


      but arg is a business that thinks it's worth more than it is.


      it also used questionable or terrible logic and lacked a proofreader for an official statement.

    2. Synchronized


      I'm not a big fan of ARG in general, particularly the way they conduct business and favor their own guys. Buddy of mine placed 1st in an ARG event last year and they didn't even give him any coverage on their website once it came down to him beating whichever one of their guys he played against (the name escapes me).


      The list isn't horrible but there are a few questionable hits and a few things I think should have been hit. I don't see the point in making their ow...

  9. Not sure how it happened, but I randomly stumbled upon the 100+ chapter Fic that I actually finished a few years ago on this site. I've got a strong urge to write a sequel series now after re-reading the whole thing.

    1. Mutant Monster RAEG-HAPYP

      Mutant Monster RAEG-HAPYP

      100+ chapter fic? That's pretty impressive.

    2. Agro


      hi star how's it hangin

    3. Synchronized


      Didn't even know you were still around pal, long time no see. And yeah, it was about a year's worth of writing! Of course, the CW section was a bit more active back then, but I might pick it back up regardless.

  10. Am I the only one that feels like Ptolemaios is the problem here, not Infinity?

    1. Expelsword


      Noden is a problem.

  11. Can someone check out my P/Pal Deck and let me know what I should do differently? :)

  12. Friend of mine is getting back into the game. Does anyone have a decent [TCG] Red-Eyes Deck list? Any one I find online is like pre-April 2015 banlist, and he's got no idea what he should be looking to pick up in preparation for CORE.

  13. Been gone for a bit, but wow it looks like some people take the whole "no comments in Creative Writing" thing a little too seriously.

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