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Modern Magic <Started but still accepting!> Chaptor 1 Part 2 - Many Mistakes


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Story: The time is here and now. There are Elders... and then there are Dark Elders. There are also imortals who got imortality from either a Elder/Dark Elder, whom they serve or they used the pholsifor stone. There are also auroras from wich they say that they powers magnify off of. Now the Dark Elders are being awakened, and they whant to controlol the universe. You must stop them or... help them.


Type of Class:

Warrior - A balanced warrior class wich uses 1 handed wepons.

Ninja - A warrior class wich bousts of speed and stealth and uses 2 handed weopons and single handed weopens as well as ranged ones.

Elementalist - A magicion wich uses the powers of the elements (Wind, Fire, Water, Thunder, and Earth only 1!).

Necromancer - A magision who uses dark arts and summons the undead.

Magision - A class wich uses balanced magic such as energy bolts.

Plz tell me any more you think of :D!

Priest - A magision wich uses light and healing powers.

Custum Class - Anything fair and useable


Aurora Color

Gold - The rarest and most potentiolfull. It magnifys many power and is said to gain power from the moon.

Silver - The 2nd rarest and also very powerfull. It is said to gain power from the moon.

Wight - A very powerfull and potentiol aurora wich mainly maginfys a priests power.

Black - A equily poerfull aurora to wight but it mainly magingfys a necromancsers power.

Red - A balanced aurora wich help equil powers.

Blue/Green - A aurora for humans with no powers whatsoever.



Name -

Age -

Bio -

Apearence (Pic or discription) -

Elder, Dark Elder, Imortal or Human -

Class -

Aurora Color -

Side -

Serves and Elder or a Dark Elder -


My Aplication:

Name - Zeke Tranis

Age - 13

Bio - He became an immortal at a very young age by making a philosifor storm then loosing it. He is very strong at magic. He usses 2 whips and enchansis them with magic and sice hes very fasst hes very hard.

Apearence (Pic or discription) - anime.jpg

Elder, Dark Elder, Imortal or Human - Immortal

Class - Custom - Whipman (Lightning Speed and a sort of lightning enchansmint to his whips.)

Aurora Color - Gold

Side - Good

Does he/she serve and Elder of a Dark Elder? - He serves no one but helps the Elders by training potentiolfull humans to attain there powers.

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Name -Dusk

Age -24

Bio -Even though he has the Aurora color of a normal Human he is still very strong and Fast, in his early youth he was very active in sports and learning he has became very strong and smart over the years and has become some one you should definitely watch out for when fighting him.

Appearance (Pic or description) -grayfox.jpg

Elder, Dark Elder, Immortal or Human -Immortal

Class -Custom Assassin-(very fast and Silent but low on weaponry, he only uses Small knifes and a palm sized Crossbow)

Aurora Color -Blue

Serves and Elder or a Dark Elder -Nether

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Name - Nova Zone

Age - 17

Bio - Nova was raise by his master "Yao-Yoa". Yao-Yoa taunt nova all he know about swordsmanship. Nova think of Yao-Yoa as his father and best friend. On Nova's 15th birthday Yao-Yoa was Killed by a Dark Elder. He left his master place and started a journey around the world to find the Dark Elder who killed Yao-Yoa. He skills with the swords are impressive and he became known as Phantom for his skills with his sword and because his speed.

Apearence (Pic or discription) -phantom.jpg

Elder, Dark Elder, Imortal or Human - Human

Class - Swordsman(really fast,and skill with his sword)

Aurora Color -Blue

Serves and Elder or a Dark Elder - N/A, He a loner

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Name - Shade

Age - 29(has stopped aging)

Bio - Shade was only a boy when he began his training in the dark arts, as he grew his powers became stronger than he had ever imagined. He was skilled as a necromancer. His hatred for the living grew as he lived so he himself found a way to escape the being human and became something dark and demonic. His only wishes are to kill and destroy anything living

Apearence (Pic or discription) -



Elder, Dark Elder, Imortal or Human -

Class - Necromancer

Aurora Color- black

Side: fights only for himself

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Name - Saruto Desa

Age - 24

Bio - later, the ownly thing I can say is that because he was shock by lightning

Apearence (Pic or discription) - 7d0c530.png

Elder, Dark Elder, Imortal or Human - Immortal

Class -Lightning Ninja- Lightning Speed and can attack with lightning

Aurora Color - Red

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Name - Teraki Idesoka

Age - (unspecified-teenager)

Bio - (unspecified, due to serious amnesia) (male!)

Apearence - priest.jpg

Elder, Dark Elder, Imortal or Human - imortal

Class - Custom- Seeker (like priests, but can read peoples auras and sense thoughts, moods, etc.)

Aurora Color - silver

side: none

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Name - Schiver

Age - 28

Bio - Schiver was born into a moderate family, his father made good money and his mother cared and tended for him. Except he never actually felt he belonged with them or in the sanctity of their quiet village. Hence, at the age of thirteen he set off on his own adventure to foreign lands. It was in these foreign places that he learned of the elders and dark elders and what was to happen to the world. He decided to buckle down and train everyday until the day would arise where he'd have to fight in this war effort.



Elder, Dark Elder, Imortal or Human - Seemingly Human

Side- Neutral, he's a mercenary that can be in the service of any of the war-mongers.

Class - Specialist>Carries one or two weapons max, has moderate speed, and can know only two magical abilities and they usually weapon enhancements. Specialists focus on usually one area of combat and can only have one sub area.

Aurora Color - Null, none could ever tell him why he himself didn't possess in Aurora of his own.

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Your all acepted and yes, you for this one acception can have no aurora. BTW I will reviel who the Elders and Dark Elders are, atleast the stopts for them wich didnt get taken. Also, ime adding "Side: and If he/she serves an elder or a Dark Elder" So please update and then we may start :D

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Name - Dominic Kiryu

Age - Unknown

Bio - The first Necromancer that ever existed, he granted himself immortality through a failed summoning.

Apearence (Pic or discription) - Tall, with black hair that covers his eyes. Tan skin, with bones sticking out of his back like wings.

Elder, Dark Elder, Imortal or Human - Immortal

Class - Necromancer

Aurora Color - Black

Side - Neutral

Serves and Elder or a Dark Elder - None, he's neutral.

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Ahh isn't that great...An RP that looks like it's exactly for The Alchemyst or The Magician-The secrets of the Immmortal Nicholas Flamel.....I'll post an app soon....


[spoiler=Character 1]

Name - Alex Hunters

Age - 19

Bio - From the age of 8 he's been raised by a Dark Elder, Getting the power of Immortal, having Great power...Alex wields a Longsword, painted Black.

Apearence (Pic or discription) - 1199186522_otAnimeGuy.jpg

Elder, Dark Elder, Imortal or Human - Immortal

Class - Warrior

Aurora Color - Silver

Side - Evil

Serves and Elder or a Dark Elder -Dark Elder


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