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Modern Magic <Started but still accepting!> Chaptor 1 Part 2 - Many Mistakes


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OoC:I still see that the Gold aura thing in the first post is wrong...Silver gets it's power from the moon, Gold get's it's power fom the Sun..not the moon...



Alex sidestepped, as Zeke ran right past him. "I'm not playing anymore!!!!" he shouted, Grabbing his Sword, then running into Zeke.

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Name - Apocalypse (apoc. for short)

Age - 65 million years

Bio - only thing i can say something made him who he is today

Apearence (Pic or discription) - 6byn0wj.jpg

Elder, Dark Elder, Imortal or Human - imortal mutant

Class - custom class- mutant he can make his hands any weopon and superstreanght

Aurora Color - red

Side - none

Serves and Elder or a Dark Elder - N/A him self

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The man soon came to a strange forest and looked about it for at least five or ten minutes. "Odd, why does a forest itself have an aurora?" This man could not sense aurora's at all, but the forest itself was producing subtle little energy crystal of aurora that could be seen floating in the air daintily. "What a strange happenstance that I would find this incredible place." Suddenly and slightly surprising to the man he heard a voice saying something he could hear, but barely. "What a strange happenstance it is for a someone to EVER find this place." The voice was gruff and choppy, but when the man turned around to see who he was talking to he was surprised to what he found. "Your a tree? How can that be, where could you have come from that you would be a talking tree?" The man questioned the talking plant life and really wanted to know more of this place.



"Ah, young boy, please don't be 'fraid for we are Ent's and we are the trees of this fare forest." The man looked in disbelief and yet he was still interested as well. "Tell me, why has no one found you out but me?" The Ent chuckled a bit. "There have been others but we have yet to obtain more then one person a year to visit. This forest is in the mythical plain my boy, meaning you just chanced by getting here." The man made a face like he was understanding better but couldn't tell just by the two questions answered. "This place is amazing, but I'm confused how are Ent's to be created." The Ent frowned at the information he was about to share with the man. "Have you ever heard of The Forest of Knowledge?" The man nodded. "I have heard of it in story, it's a forest that is said to be able to answer any question for you. Wizards and Elders a like have been searching for centuries merely to come up empty."



The Ent smiled as if he was impressed by the boys subtle knowledge. "Well, this place is not only Ent Forest but The Forest of Knowledge as well." The man looked surprised and kind of happy at the same time, maybe he could find out where he truly belonged. "You see." The Ent continued. "We are spirits that have fallen in battle against evil, and the only reason that we can answer so many questions is that there are so many of us that have died..." The man frowned in disbelief and subtle shock. "I see..." The Ent sensed some disturbance in his emotions. "Are you, sad?" The man nodded. "Not so much as sad, maybe disappointed perhaps. I had a question for this forest, it came up right after you told me that this was The Forest of Knowledge." The Ent smiled. "Well, boy. I assure you there is no other place to ask better, then right there in your own soul." The man mad a subtle smile. "Thank you. But tell me, why is it you can't be found if people have looked for this forest for so long?" The Ent chuckled. "We cannot be found, by those who want to see..."

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