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Digimon: The Children from Mysidia [Epilogue is up] [PG-14]

The Warden

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[spoiler=Epilogue: Seven Years Later]


Seven years is a surprisingly long time in the Digital World, where to begin? The Crimson Huskarls for a start. The Leomon Richard created a small band of loyal followers to seek out remaining evil Digimon still allied to the Dark Council. He proved mostly successful in his attempts. His gallant efforts had altered his line slightly, as he now serves as Marsmon of the Olympus Twelve. Jean became a very successful lawyer for Demon Rights, his greatest case being the case of the Fractured Skull. He and Divorce learned how they were linked and live happily together. Divorce’s purity after her battle with Charlie and Vixen resulted in her evolving into Nyaromon, then Salamon, and currently Gatomon. She helps her uncle in his cases, and is surprisingly good at it. Black Hole eventually revealed his feelings to Silence (who had been reborn in the Dark Council’s fortress). She was flattered, but she and he knew her heart belonged to another. He actually accepted the fact is currently dating another Starmon. Freud became a full time military psychiatrist, his techniques, whilst slightly uncouth, are very successful. He also handles special cases, such as Swarm and Shirk. Sharky opened his own coliseum, where Digimon fight to the death. It had been assaulted by many different Digimon Rights officers, but it still stands strong, much to Dom’s delight. Swarm eventually became a TigerVespamon and now commands a new hive of FanBeemon. He is no longer slow thanks to a crack hypnotism session with Freud. Gemni, surprisingly was very balanced as a Lucemon Chaos Mode. He in turn adopted Shirk as his own, and thanks to several sessions with Freud, she is no longer introverted and enjoys her life with Gemni. She occasionally hangs out with Jason and Lydia. Saint Michael was a sadder case. He, like Richard, recruited a band of loyal Digimon to seek out a legendary artifact called ‘The Holy Braille’. Unfortunately, they have not returned from their endeavor.


The Raging Elementals in turn proved an amusing case. They attempted to take the Dark Council’s abandoned base as this own, however, the warp in physics got them lost in the place, until they met Silence, who helped them out of the base. They still intend to take over the world, but due to not possessing a base and being beaten by certain forces in the Digital World, this has yet to be achieved. The Royal Knights returned into hiding, figuring that the world was already in safe hands. Omnimon returned to the trials he had called home and the Dragon Corps were reformed, though there was slight jealousy from Cyber about the heritage of his comrades. Drakath XVI unfortunately passed away in the fourth year of peace, this occurred during a battle between several Dark Council supporters, and thus Blaze assumed the throne as Drakath XVII. Baba and her citizens rebuilt Hospital city from the ruins of the original one. It grew much larger than the original city, and no longer feels the need to defend itself with walls, which were outgrown. Queen Lila grew to become a strong and mature queen. She Digivolved not into Rosemon, but into the peaceful Lotosmon. She rules kindly in these peaceful times, much to Babayaga’s delight. Silence and Enigma rebuilt the Dark Council in its original vision, one of a peaceful image, which Silence claimed ‘It’s what Apocalypse would have wanted’. Jean is a predominate member of the Dark Council, his legal advice has truly helped the Dark Council grow. Andros and Bolt returned to their city and continued their tinkering. They eventually rebuilt the three Sky God Digimon, in which they programmed them with the back-up copies of the original set.


Steph retained the position of mayor of the Holy City, which was fine due to the peace that had settled into the Digital World. Gaomon serves as head of her security network and prime bodyguard. Steph and Kevin eventually did marry after a rather tearful farewell. Before they married, Kevin returned to the Soul Shrine where Magnet had been born. Despite Kevin’s resistance in destroying it, it was ultimately Magnet’s choice. With regret, the Shrine was destroyed and Magnet was reabsorbed in Kevin, making him complete again. After six years of peace, they eventually had a child, she was named Delia Abigail Stout. Charlie and Vixen stayed in the Holy City, they serve as the new medics in the Holy City after learning all they could from Steph. They make a very successful couple and team. They to have a child, not naturally of course. Shortly after peace was restored, the Holy City came across a lone DemiVeemon, to which they eagerly adopted. Vemy, as they call him, inherited the Digi-egg of Miracles from Blaze after he gained the throne of Dramonia. In the sixth year of peace, his curiosity to learn was so great that he traveled to the Islands of DEelevan. There he learned about the power of miracles and began to train as a Royal Knight. He sends postcards every month. Dom and Naomi share some form of relationship. They spend time together, but any spare time they could be spending is taken up by Dom training for his next match in Sharky’s coliseum. He still keeps Phasco with him as a sort of ‘good luck charm’. Sal on the other hand, realized her dark passion and rejoined the Dark Council. Naomi in turn did the same, not wanting to be away from her partner. Aban and Keras became philosophers on the Digital World, Keras even has his own line of fortune cookies, funnily enough, his most unpopular cookie is his Black Sabbath cookie, which inside reads ‘You are going to die’. Aban became a sort of novelist in his spare time. Drake and Beelze became bounty hunters after finding out that Reaper was a traitor. He spends a lot of time roaming the Digital World, but always manages to spare the time to see Steph. Alex, not content with life in the Flower Villa, joined Drake in his hunts, Shadow didn’t seem to mind either way. As a team, they managed to put down several rebellions and one uprising. Lydia and Jason started going out, after they were inducted into Baba’s medical school. They lived in Hospital Town about five years into the peacetime. Ko and Lop are generally their assistants, but they spend their time composing music, which was surprising.


Finally, the stone forms of Demi and BK remained where they were. A plate was placed at their feet, which reads ‘Here lies DemiWarlockmon and BKDemiWarlockmon, the Children from Mysidia and by far to of the bravest Digimon to ever live’. Barefaced flattery, but the truth is always revealed. In all, the Digital World has yet again reached the ideal state of peace.


The End


A pen ran over the ‘the end part’ and with satisfaction, Aban dropped his quill pen into its pot. He blew on the pages a couple of times and closed the large book. The cover was trimmed with gold in a decorative style. The image of the page depicted two staves that were crossed. The title read ‘The Children from Mysidia’. He rose from his desk and stretched, his spine cracking slightly. He was a little taller, but then, he was already tall. His hair was messy and unkempt, but this little goatee was well kept. There was a knock at the door. ‘Yes?’ he inquired. Keras entered, he looked the same, but his antennae were a little straighter. ‘Aren’t you ready yet?’ he inquired. Aban chuckled as he looked at the clock. ‘Sorry Keras, I was just too excited, it’s done’ he claimed. ‘It is’ Keras said with delight. Aban nodded as he picked up the book and handed it to Keras. He flipped through the pages, until he reached the end. ‘This is wonderful’ he remarked. Aban smiled as he received it back. ‘I know, I hope the others will like it’ he replied. ‘I’m sure they will, now get ready, it’s Delia’s first birthday, and the party is in an hour’ Keras explained and he left Aban alone in the room. ‘Aye’ Aban muttered as he left the study, book in hand.


Aban was done up in a nice suit. His hair had been done up and he had a small cane. Keras was wearing a little bow tie and was carrying a present. ‘It’ll be nice to see everyone again’ Aban mused. ‘Yes, it will be’ Keras replied as they walked up the steps to Demi and BK’s balcony. He nodded to them both as he entered Steph’s office. The furniture had been moved to make room for the party. Sitting on her desk was Steph and Kevin. Steph’s hair was done up in a tight bun, but she looked happy in her mayoral suit. Kev was a little more lax, he was wearing a nice shirt and long black pants. He was bouncing a small baby. Aban smiled as he approached them. ‘Hey Aban’ Kev said. ‘Hello you two’ Aban replied. ‘You look as if you have something to tell us’ Steph stated and took a swig from her glass. Aban chuckled as he revealed the book, which Steph accepted. She flicked through the pages. ‘You are remarkable’ Steph said. ‘But how did you get Demi and BK’s parts?’ she inquired. Aban scratched the back of his head. ‘You know, it was funny really. But you remember during that freak thunderstorm right? Well, I was sheltering with you guys in your office when a bolt struck their statues. Somehow, a bit of magic must’ve leaked out because I saw their memories as if they were my own’ Aban explained. Both of them raised their eyebrows, but Delia just giggled. ‘So who else is here?’ Aban inquired nonchalantly. ‘Well, Drake, Alex, Beelze and Shadow are going to arrive soon. Charlie, Vixen, Lydia, Jason, Lop and Ko are already here, Dom and Naomi are also coming, though much later on’ Steph explained. ‘It’ll be nice to see them again’ Aban remarked.


It was an hour in and the party was in full swing. Dom, Naomi, Sal and Phasco had arrived. Dom was slightly drunk already. He was much larger than before, needing to put on mass for the coliseum. There was a new scar on his face, but he seemed fine with it. Naomi was wearing a nice black dress, though the demon-wing bow was a slight put off. Vixen and Charlie looked happy. Vixen looked a little older and her fur was slightly lighter; Charlie looked more aged, for a twenty-five year old, but he was happy. Lydia and Jason were much older as well. Drake had much longer hair, which was done up in a ponytail. Alex’s hair was still short, apparently, he let Shadow have a go at haircutting and he proved oddly successful. In all they were happy. The presents on the present table piled high up. Unbeknownst to everyone else, two hooded figures had entered the room. Their outfits were long and brown, with hoods covering their faces. In their hands was a present each. One was a white box wrapped with a black ribbon, the other a black box wrapped with white ribbon. They silently moved across the floor, deposited their presents on the table, and turned to leave. Keras spotted them, but he rubbed his eyes and they were gone. ‘Must’ve been my imagination’ he remarked.


Present time came next, but Gaomon had been sniffing around the table. ‘Steph, these two presents here, they have no scent’ he remarked, pointing to the new additions. Steph pursed her lips as she looked at them. On the table was a pair of scissors, which she used to cut the ribbon on the white box. The box opened and inside was a small doll, shaped exactly like Demi. The same occurred with the other box, which contained a small BK doll. She held them up and they just lay there. Everyone grouped around her and looked at the dolls. ‘Odd’ Aban remarked. ‘Who gave those?’ Dom inquired. ‘I didn’t’ they all answered. ‘Wait’ Keras cried. They all looked at him. ‘I remember earlier, I saw these two hooded figures walking across the room, I thought it was the drink, because they vanished soon after’ he explained. ‘Could it have been?’ Vixen began. ‘Impossible, they’re set in stone’ Charlie countered. The whole group looked at the statues. Though impossible to see the expressions from here, the sad faces of the twins had changed to that of a warm smile.


Meanwhile, in Aban’s study, something was happening. There was a quick burst of light and on the desk was a small book. It was brown in colour and looked old and worn. On the sides of the front cover were sketches of the Legendary Warrior’s Symbols. The title of the book read ‘The Author’s Chronicles’. It shuddered slightly and the front cover moved, and the book opened to the first page. A small paragraph was etched there.


Day 1 in the Digital World.

I never knew what was really impossible, because I am usually accepting of many realities. But I never truly expected this, to be trapped in a reality I created. It is absolutely insane, this shouldn’t be right. This world only exists in y mind, or does it? I can’t honestly tell anymore, nor can I understand why my own friends are stuck in here or why we have the spirits of the Legendary Warriors. This is a right mess, but I know one thing. This started with Parralelmon, and I will make damned sure it end with him.



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