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Digimon: The Children from Mysidia [Epilogue is up] [PG-14]

The Warden

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*sings* Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.


[spoiler=Chapter 8: Circle Fun Time]


After given a day to rest up their partners, they were all playing games on a new game system that had been downloaded somehow. ‘I still don’t see why Jiji had to smash the first system. If he wanted our attention, why didn’t he just turn it off?’ Charlie asked. They shrugged non-commitedly as the mindlessly continued to play. ‘Oh yeah, Charlie, I think Vixen has taken a shine to Gaomon, could you tell her to back off before I rip her lustful eyes from their sockets’ Steph said. ‘Yeah sure, whatever’ Charlie said whilst he still playing. ‘SO glad that we sorted that problem’ she finished and then said nothing. ‘Where are the Digimon anyway?’ Aban asked. ‘The dark lord will feast on your bones and make a wind chime out of your genitals’ a voice in his head hissed. ‘I hate Phasco soooo much’ Aban whispered under his breath. ‘They’re in the dining hall playing a card game’ Steph said. ‘Oh, what game?’ Aban asked. ‘Poker I think’.


‘I’ll now evolve my Wartortle into Blastoise and I’ll attack your Charizard with Hydro Pump and take the last prize to win’ Gaomon said triumphantly. Opposite him was Phascomon, who had fallen asleep with his hand revealed. ‘The little sod has some of the best fire cards ever, and he cannot even stay awake long enough to use them’ Keras said and picked Phasco up. ‘Why don’t you take him up to his bed to sleep? I’m sure I can keep Gaoby, Demi and BK company’ Vixen said with a smile. ‘Stuff this; we’re going to see what the others are up to, have fun with Vixen Gaoby’ BK said and snickered. He and Demi left laughing. ‘Oh goodie’ Gaomon said uncomfortably. The door closed with a slam and Vixen walked over to stand behind Gaomon. She slowly lowered her head to his ear. ‘You know, we can get away with all sorts of naughty things whilst we’re alone, what do you think?’ she whispered. ‘I’m, I’m good, my heart only belongs to Miss Stephanie, I’m sorry to let you down this way’ he replied. Vixen turned the chair around and spread Gaomon’s legs. She slowly began to lower her head. ‘I didn’t say I wanted your heart Gaomon’ she said. Her head went lower until Gaomon pushed her off and ran out of the room screaming. She smiled a bit. ‘It’s all fun and games until somebody gets hurt’ she said, sounding offended. Keras entered the room again to see Vixen looking sad and a chair toppled over. ‘I’m not asking’ he said and left quickly, Vixen followed him out.


Jiji knocked on the door and no one answered, he let himself in and found the tamers mindlessly playing their games. He sighs and raises his staff to have four pairs of hands stop him. ‘What is it this time Jiji?’ Steph asked hurriedly. He shrugs them off and turns to them. ‘I’m here to take you to your next training exercise, which is nothing but a simple meeting to learn about each other to strengthen your bonds as a team. This is essence will increase your team capabilities and the ability to synchronize your attacks and strategies into total perfection’ Jiji explained with a flamboyant raise of his hands. ‘You know, why do I have the strangest feeling that this won’t be as simple as Jiji makes it out to be?’ Aban asked uncertainly. ‘Your death will be everlasting and pure agony’ the voice hissed again. Jiji just looked at Aban. ‘I am most offended that you would assume that I have ulterior motives in a simple exercise to learn things about ourselves. Don’t worry about it, this will be completely painless…to me’ Jiji said, only saying ‘to me’ under his breath. ‘This’ll be fun’ Dominic said and went to get Phasco.


‘You know, I had thought that this would seem simple enough, but Jiji, I must ask, why are we tied to the chairs and have these odd wires attached to our heads?’ Aban asked. All the tamers, their partners, Demi and BK were sitting on steel chairs in one of the meeting halls of the central tower. They were bound by ropes and had wires attached to their foreheads. ‘Simple, firstly, this means you cannot escape, and secondly, you have to answer honestly because if you don’t respond, you’ll receive an electric shock to your brain to jump start it’ Jiji explained, sitting at a table with a power board. Each button had a name next to it. ‘Okay, so, now let us begin our circle fun time with Demi and BK’ Jiji said with a smile and laughed. BK and Demi chuckled uncertainly.


After actively gathering their nerves and several electric shocks to the head, BK and Demi were ready to talk. ‘Well, for about two years we worked and lived at the Zoominwyre Rosvelt circus. The ringmaster was a man named Theodore Rosevelt, a nice man, and, he apparently knew about Digimon, since he actually had the weapons of a Digimon, a Piedmon apparently. I think he may have been partnered with one. From what we know, the only knowledge we have is that the name of the place we used to live was called Mysidia, only, we have no idea where it is’ Demi explained. BK just nodded hastily. Jiji stopped circling the button with their names. ‘Who’s next?’ he asks happily.


Aban and Keras volunteered after it was discovered that Dominic’s button was also wired to him. ‘Well, I am a philosopher of sorts. I am always thinking, such as the reason for the existence of worlds, and why the clouds are plotting to kill me’ he explained. Jiji immediately shocked him by pressing down the Aban and Dominic buttons. Aban screamed in agony as the volts went through him. ‘I’m serious; the clouds are trying to kill me. Now, my parents didn’t have much time for me, so, I spent my time thinking, that’s why I do it now. One day two months ago, I was thinking some deep thoughts, and I think I entered some sort of rift in time and space and ended up in this world. I was so in thought that I didn’t realize that I had entered the Digital World and that Keras was following me. After I had concluded that it was true that the clouds were trying to murder, I realized where I was, which was some random forest. I was then ambushed by some DoKunemon and that was when Keras saved me. We joined up together and then we met up with Charlie and Dominic. And here I am, any questions?’ Aban asked. Demi attempted to raise his hand. ‘Erm, I do, so Aban, are you mental, or just completely insane to believe that the clouds are attempting to murder you?’ Demi asked. Jiji pressed the switch and Demi suffered a shock. ‘Miss Stephanie, you’re up next’ he said.


‘Well, I’ve been in the world for seven years now. My brother and I had come to this world together after our parents were murdered by a Devidramon. I was too young too fully understand, but my brother Drake, was scarred with anger. He ran off to hunt the beast and met up with an ExVeemon and a WereGarurmon who were hunting it. He forced them both into his service and he had them slaughter the creature. I was alone until I met Gaomon as a Wanyamon. We were attacked by an Ogremon and Wanyamon managed to Digivolve to Gaomon then Gaogamon and he defended me by beating Ogremon. We were picked up by ElDradimon and Jijimon gave us a home here. Drake came after me thinking I was kidnapped and he began to slaughter many of the Digimon here in an attempt to find me. I managed to stop him but then he, Ex and War were captured and put into solitary confinement into the lower tiers of the city. He’s been there ever since, under the watchful eye of Reapermon. I lived here still feeling the guilt of what had happened, to those that had died and my brother. I have visited him here every month, but his hate his hate had continued to grow, I fear he will break free and continue his attacks, that is all’ Steph explained, a tear sliding down her face.


‘Okay Charlie, you are next’ Jiji said. Charlie sighed in exasperation and Jiji activates his button, which was also conveniently connected to Aban. ‘God damn it Jiji, why do you do this to me?’ he whimpered. ‘Sorry, it appears that Datamon didn’t quite connect the system properly. The poor guy, he had a change in his optical sensors and is still getting adjusted. Don’t worry, let me just rewire the system’ Jiji explained. He went under the desk and began fiddling with wires until everyone began to scream. He looked up and saw everyone was screaming from the shock. The whole system shut down and everyone was slowly smoking. ‘Okay, okay. We’ll stop the shock system, now, Charlie, it is your turn’. ‘My family was killed by frenzied Digimon that had come through a portal that appeared in the park during a family picnic. They were all murdered in front of me, my mother, my father, my sister and my newborn brother. I evaded them and fled through the portal. I kept running until I met up with Vixen. We’ve been together until we met up with Dominic and Aban’ Charlie said and was silent. Dominic sighed in annoyance. ‘Was anyone here not brought to this world by tragedy or their own stupidity?’ he asked. ‘What about you Dominic?’ Jiji asked. He just chucked coldly. ‘I searched around the world for all that the world offered. I ended up in the Digital World somehow. At first, I marveled how similar the worlds were. I then went to see what this world offered until I found Phasco. He seemed lazy, but I took him for reasons I can’t comprehend’ Dominic explained. ‘You felt pity for him?’ Jiji asked. ‘I guess so, anyways, I took him with me until I found Charlie and Vixen. It wasn’t too hard, I just followed the sounds of moaning, and that is that’ Dominic said. Jiji sighs in exasperation and moved from his table and he unties everyone. ‘Well, this has been a complete waste of time. I would shock you but the system was unhooked and you can run away. So go away before I attempt murder’ Jiji said. They all ran, very very fast.


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