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Digimon: The Children from Mysidia [Epilogue is up] [PG-14]

The Warden

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okay,i've decided to make aban and phasco the comic relief, because aban is mental and phasco is a dmeon teddy bear


[spoiler=Chapter 6: New Friends, Same Foes, No Plot]


Stephanie and Gaomon were walking through some heavily barred doors, each set being guarded by a pair of Knightmon. She finally enters an office like area with a Digimon sitting by a desk; its right hand was a large scythe. ‘Hey Reapermon, can you open the door?’ she asked. His skulled face turns to her. ‘Of course, your brother has been getting a bit touchy lately. I guess all the movement of the city excited him or something, just be careful’ he advised and activated a door. She nods and walks past each cell until the very end, where a human was sitting, he was chained to his seat. ‘Hey Drake, how are you?’ she asked. He just looks at her and glares. ‘Why’d you bring him with you?’ he asked, looking at Gaomon. ‘He wanted to come with me, now, how are you?’ she repeated. ‘I’ve been better, dear sister’ he said coldly. ‘I guess, is Reapermon treating you well? I asked him to, I just hope he is’ she said. Drake just humphed. ‘Yes, the creep’s been molly-codling like I was some petulant child. He thinks me some deranged psychopath’ he spat. Steph sighed. ‘Brother, you ARE a deranged psychopath, I just don’t want to admit it. How are Ex and War by the way?’ she asked. ‘What a charming way to think of your own brother. But, if you care about them so much, why don’t you ask them, they’re in the next cell’ he replied coldly. Steph and Gaomon walk over to the next cell to see an ExVeemon and a WereGarurumon in chains. ‘Hey guys, how are you?’ she asked them. They just looked at her sadly and then turn away. ‘Your visiting time is over now Miss McPhilleas’ Reapermon told her over a PA. She walks over to Drakes cell. ‘I guess I’ll se you again soon brother’ she told him and walked towards the exit, a small tear slowly dripped down her face, but she brushed it aside. Gaomon held her hand as they walked out.


Jiji was sitting at his new desk and was talking to their new guests. ‘So, how exactly did you get to the Digital World?’ he asked them. Aban walks forward, his Keramon follows him. ‘I’m not too sure, but, I think I’ve been in this world for 2 months now, you see, one day I was thinking about….stuff and I unintentionally entered this world. Then Keras here started stalking me and it took an hour for me to realize that I wasn’t on earth when some DoKunemon attacked me and Keras saved me. We’ve traveled as tamer and partner until we met up with Dominic and Charlie here and we traveled the Volanas Plains until you guys picked us up on AlexanDradimon. Sorry I can’t be more specific and…’ Aban explained and then just zoned out. Keras smiled and pulled Aban back. ‘Sorry about that, he has a philosophical mind; unfortunately it turns on at the wrong times. He’ll be back with us in a moment’ Keras said. They all watched him intently until he resumed breathing. ‘Do monkeys marry?’ he asked. Everyone but him did the anime drop. ‘What? How long was I out for?’ he asked. ‘About 2 hours’ Jijimon said irritably. Aban chuckled uncomfortably and hid behind Keras. Charlie just looked away as Jijimon looked at him. ‘Vixen, do you know how long you and Charlie have been here?’ he asked the Renamon. ‘Yes, we’ve been in the Digital World for a year. We were brought together by tragedy as our families had been brutally murdered by unknown Digimon. We don’t know why, but, we’ve been together for here for a year, and, I’m happy with him’ she told him. Jijimon nodded solemnly. ‘Not to mention he’s the best lay I’ve ever had’ she added. Everyone just felt uncomfortable with this, and didn’t ask. They all turned to Dominic, who was holding Phascomon like a teddy bear as it snoozed. ‘I’ve been here a while, that’s all I have to say’ he replied. Phascomon suddenly woke up and looked at Aban. ‘Your mother plays card games in hell’ he said demonically then fell asleep again. ‘Did…did any of you just here that?’ he asked. Everyone replied with ‘no’, leaving him creeped out. Steph walked in with Gaomon (Vixen winked at him) and walked over to Jiji. ‘Did our guests introduce themselves?’ she asked. ‘Yes, but, I think we learned a bit more than we should’ve’ he replied. Steph looked around then realized something. ‘Jiji, where is Demi and BK?’ she asked. Jiji jumped at this. ‘Ooops’ he said and bolted out the door. They all followed him out.


The group walked out on the balcony to see Demi and BK still in the same spot. Vixen poked them both. ‘Are they dead?’ she asked. ‘No, they’re in a power trance, their bodies shut down all but the most needed functions so as too devote their energies to AlexanDradimon’ Jijimon explained. ‘Can we wake them up?’ Keras asked. ‘Yes, AlexanDradimon is the one maintaining the power trance, someone just needs to tell him to stop’ Jiji added. Steph sighed and turned to Jiji. ‘Do you have a megaphone?’ she asked. Jijimon sticks a hand into his beard and after some struggle, a megaphone is pulled out. ‘What else you got in there?’ Dominic asked. Jijimon ignored this and handed it to Stephanie. She places it to her lips and points it at the main head. ‘AlexanDradimon, it is safe now, stop the power trance’ she called. The body leans down until he is almost level with them. It roars loudly and the auras surrounding Demi and BK slowly wither and shrink. The city glows again and begins to reconvert to its original form. Both Demi and BK collapse. ‘Brave little buggers’ Aban said. ‘Shut it noob’ Phascomon said. ‘Did you just hear him?’ Aban protested. Everyone again replied with ‘no’. Charlie and Vixen took Demi whilst Aban, Dominic and Gaomon took BK to the medical tent. Gaomon could’ve sworn he felt something pinch his bum.


They were all watching over the duo as they rested. ‘So, who’re these two? They don’t seem to be in any Digimon log I can think of’ Charlie asked. ‘They’re an unidentified species. They’re full names are DemiWarlockmon and BKDemiWarlockmon. They told us they had lived in the human world for as long as they could remember, where they used to live after that, they don’t even know’ Gaomon explained. ‘My…My….Mysidia, must, find Mysidia’ Demi moaned. ‘Deux Ex Machina anyone?’ Aban asked. ‘Your soul will be feasted on by the spawns of darkness’ Phascomon hissed. ‘What, or where is Mysidia?’ Dominic asked. Everyone shrugged. ‘I don’t know, but it sounds familiar somehow, I just can’t place it’ Charlie said. ‘Okay guys, I think you should go with Jiji so you can sort out housing arrangements, I need to take care of these two’ Steph said and ushered them out. Renamon winked it Gaomon as she left. He blushed a bit as he walked over to the twins. ‘I think Vixen took a fancy to you’ Steph said. Gaomon just hid under his band. ‘Don’t worry about it, I don’t mind if you see other women, but touch her and you’re F**KING DEAD! Understand?’ she snarled. Gaomon nodded quickly, trying not to anger the psycho lady.


Jijimon lead the boys to a large stone house. ‘What’s this place?’ Keras asked. ‘This is Miss Stephanie’s house. It has many rooms in it, you see, she’s our head healer, so she can care for patients here. I’m sure she would let you stay here, just don’t touch her artwork and you can continue enjoying life’ Jijimon added. They gulped. ‘The prettiest rose has the sharpest thorns’ Aban said. They all enter it and found a room that had six beds in it. ‘Erm, I don’t think I’m comfortable with Vixen being with all these guys, do, we’ll find a room with two beds’ Charlie said and left. ‘Great, leave me here with the weirdo, me and Phasco are gonna find our own rooms, so we don’t catch his insanity’ Dominic said and left. Aban and Keras were left there together. ‘Pillow fight?’ Aban suggested. Keras grabs two pillows. ‘You’re on, but don’t go crying when I whack you into next week’ Keras said, guarding as Aban grabs two pillows as well. They run at each other, pillows ready. Charlie and Vixen found an unoccupied room that had a double bed in it. ‘Jackpot’ he said and sat on the bed, Vixen followed him and they held hands. ‘It’s been a while since we’ve been together, because of Aban and Dominic. I just hope that this bed doesn’t rock about to much’ he said. She smiled and rubbed his right pec in a circling motion. ‘I know, but, I want the next time to be, wonderful. Maybe after Lord Argos is defeated’ she whispered and kissed him. ‘You’re on, remember, Jiji told us that those twins are really powerful, so, I think it’ll be soon’ he said. They both laid down on the bed and hugged. ‘Don’t ever change’ she whispered and they kissed again. Dominic and Phasco were peaking through the crack in the door. He immediately left and gagged. ‘Not cool, I mean, gross man’ he said and found a room with a single bed and a cot. ‘This’ll do’ he said and put his partner into the cot, he began to rock it gently. ‘You are perhaps one of the most useless Digimon ever’ he said. ‘More than you know’ Phasco replied. Dominic laughed and took his shoes off and laid down on his bed. He fell asleep quickly.


‘You let them stay at my house. Demi and BK are living there already, now I have to deal with them too?’ Steph complained. ‘Oh, did you tell them about my artwork’ she inquired. Jijimon nodded. ‘Yes, I told them not to touch it if they wish to keep on living’ Jiji sighed. ‘Good’ Steph said and cracked her knuckles. ‘You really aren’t all peaches and cream are you?’ Gaomon asked. Steph smiled warmly at him. ‘Of course I’m not, now come on, we need to take Demi and BK to our house’ Steph said. With the help of some PawnChessmon, they managed to get to the house and leave them in a room. Everyone got out of the way as Steph was on the warpath, except, everyone was asleep each time she went to a room. In the end she sighed and went to her workroom, many different pictures were on the wall, but the most defining was a painting of young Stephanie holding up Wanyamon. ‘Drake, you painted this for me, so long ago now, all the light you had, is it gone?’ she asked. Gaomon watched here from a crack in the door. ‘It is isn’t gone Stephanie, it has just moved aside to anger.’


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