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Naruto: Tales of a Shinobi RP (All Full)


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OOC: Just so you know, Byakuya has given control of Fenix to me until further notice. CC, if you wish to argue, be my guest



Aisu stared at Shikimaru as he rested. He was pondering whether he should accept or not; he couldn't stand up to Ricochi on their last mission, so could this be the learning experience he needs to advance his skills to the next level.


"I'm up for it if you both are" said Aisu while struggling to his feet.



Fenix was apprehensive about doing this, considering what Shikimaru said to Vain about the challenges they will be involved in; he was close to choosing not to enter the Chunin Exam this year. Then, Fenix stared at Aisu as he struggled up to his feet and saw the detemination and drive that Aisu had to improve.


"Alright, I'm in. Let's do this!" shouted Fenix as he punched his fist in the air.

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After Shikamaru's team had reported back to the Hokage, he also told her that all 3 of his Genin would be in the Chunin exams. Afterwards, Shikamaru got a message from Kiba that he wanted to speak to him. He arrived at the point where him and Kiba usually talk. "You wanted to see me Kiba?" Shikamaru said as he sat down. "Shikamaru, glad you came. I wanted to talk to you about the chunin exams."


OOC: From this point in my post to the end I will be typing differently.


Shikamaru: What's up?

Kiba: If any of your Genin fights Kashisan, tell them to surrender immediatly.

Shikamaru: Wha? Why?

Kiba: Kashisan will not beat his opponent if he does not have to. That's the only reason he lost against Fenix. He has the special jutsu called the "Psyche-Lock Jutsu" which prevents his opponent from doing anything at all. And if the person he locked was a clone, it automatically targets the real person. He then finishes it off with "Spirit Breaker Jutsu" which destroyes a person's spirit.

Shikamaru: That's one powerful jutsu.

Kiba: Indeed. The Soul Breaker Jutsu is a powerful jutsu, but it requires him to strike in an exact spot, that's what makes it so hard to use. But, Kashisan pulls off a different approach, locks his opponen't body, then ends the fight. Well, I guess I've wasted enough of your time. See ya at the exams Shikamaru!


Kiba walks off, leaving Shikamaru to ponder what Kiba said. "Man, what a drag. Vain and Fenix won't surrender." "Sorry if I'm interrupting something." said a voice Shikamaru had no heard. Shikamaru quickly stood up, "W-Who are you!" "My name's Shadow. I want your Genin's Kekkai-Genkai."


OOC: OK, steve, you can take it from here.

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OOC: CC has allowed me to control Shikimaru for the next fight with Shadow. I will not post as Aisu again until this fight is over. This is a one off thing and should be resolved in 3 posts at the most.


"So... you want my Genin's ability. Might I ask which one you are talking about?" asked Shikimaru as he and Shadow stared each other down. Shikimaru suddenly began to waiver. "*gasping* Huh? What's happening to me? Is this guy doing this to me?" thought Shikimaru as his mind started to weaken. Suddenly, Shikimaru opened his eyes sharply as the pressure subsided. He stared at Shadow again, to see him smiling sadistically.


"I'll ask more specifically... Where is Kagemaru Azai?" asked Shadow calmly. Shikimaru stared at Shadow, confused at who he was talking about. "I waiting for your answer. I know that he is one of your squad. So you must know his name" said Shadow, patronizing Shikimaru and his knowledge. Shikimaru gritted his teeth and launched a shadow at Shadow quickly. Shadow jumped away from the shadow swiftly and effortlessly. "Stop... You can't catch me with that. And even if you could, you can't control me with th..." said Shadow, as though being merciful to Shikimaru. Suddenly, he stopped speaking as Shikimaru caught him in the Possession Jutsu.


"Ha! So what were you saying about being uncatchable?" said Shikimaru smugly. Shikimaru moved his hands above his head. But Shadow's arms didn't move. "What... Impossible! He's not effected by my possession jutsu!" thought Shikimaru. Shikimaru looked shocked and Shadow looked smug and grinned.


"You now see my point. However, since you wouldn't take a hint and stop fighting me... " said Shadow as he stood in a fighting stance resembling Gentle Fist...

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hi guys i was wondering for the chuunin exams portion of your rp if i could enter as one of the "random" fighters and stuff maybe just for the chuunin exams or something similar to that? (yea i kno its my first post ever on these forums but thats cause i've usually just been using the card maker and realized there were forums and i've been searching through them and this one has really caught my attention.) (sry for interrupting your RP)

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Shikimaru stared at Shadow in Gentle Fist stance. He was perplexed at how Shadow could've learnt such a style, while never being a member of the Hyuga Clan. Shikimaru began to ponder how he could combat Shadow, knowing that Shadow would not succumb to the Shadow Possession Jutsu. He crouched and placed his hands in a box shape.


"Ninja Art: Shadow Ball" said Shadow as a dark purple orb appeared between his hands. The ball was launched at Shikimaru and before Shikimaru could think for a second, he had to dodge suddenly to avoid the orb. Shikimaru looked back at Shadow to see his arm in the air and a Shadow Ball in his hand.


"Hmm... not this attack again. Ok, now's my chance" said Shikimaru as he made the Shadow Possession hand-sign. His shadow shot across the floor aiming at Shadow. However, halfway there... Shikimaru got struck by a wave of dark energy. Shikimaru flew backwards and struck the floor hard.


"Well... if you are a Jonin, then this village is as weak as people say. I very disappointed in this village's progression. Maybe, Itachi Uchiha's departure from the village was the worst thing that could happen to you. Or, maybe the last generation of Genin were not the most talented group in history... If you were, God have mercy on you and this pathetic village" said Shadow. Shikimaru sat up, thinking what was Shadow talking about. As he did Shadow appeared in front of him, crouched down, head beside Shikimaru's.


"I can see in your eyes your wondering what I'm talking about. Well, I'll tell you; I just kicked your ass without breaking a sweat... And more importantly, I was never even taught how to be a Shinobi" he whispered and with that Shadow vanished, leaving Shikimaru there, stunned, amazed and all that could be heard is the laughter of Shadow echoing...



Aisu was walking down a street waiting for his opponent to be announced. He saw Versomae leaning against a wall with head down, arms folded. Suddenly, a Jonin Judge appeared.


"Aisu... Versomae. It is time for your fight. I am the Jonin who will oversee your fight. Prepare yourself" shouted the Jonin. Versomae stood in front of Aisu in Gentle Fist stance with Byasharingan activated, while Aisu stood in Snake fighting stance. "READY!!!!! FIGHT!!!!" shouted the Jonin Judge as he chopped up and jumped out of the way of the two Genin...

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Fenix was laying down on the roof of his house, staring at the sky, he tried to channel a sphere of ice in his hand, only to fail, "Will I ever get this jutsu right" he muttered as he tried again

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Fenix was still on the roof of the house when a ninja with red, furry gauntlets on his arms and red furry boots on. He looked wolf-like; there were whisker marks on his cheeks, and his eyes were red and steely like a wolf. Fenix look down at him and the wolf ninja looked up at him...


"Fenix... Fenrir. It is time for your fight. I am the Jonin who will oversee your fight. Prepare yourself" shouted a Jonin Judge as he appeared behind Fenix on the roof. Fenix jumped down onto the floor, opposite Fenrir. "READY!!!!! FIGHT!!!!" shouted the Jonin Judge as he chopped up...


Aisu and Versomae stood, staring each other down in a standoff. Versomae stared at Aisu with Byasharingan active. "Hmm... Don't think you can do anything to fight me Aisu. Whatever you try, my Byasharingan will read it and I will copy and use your style against you" thought Versomae. They just stood there, waiting for the other to move first.


"Earth Style: Fist Boulder Jutsu" said Aisu as he punched his hands into the floor. Then, he pulled them out and boulders were on his hands like gloves. Aisu then punched the boulders hurtling at Versomae, who just adjusted his body line to dodge the attack. Aisu appeared right in Versomae's face.


"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu" said Aisu as he fired cherry blossom flames at Versomae. Versomae jumped backwards and thrusted his palms forward, striking and dissipating each shot. Versomae looked back towards Aisu. Aisu had already made hand-signs to strike again. "Wind Style: Aero Tower Jutsu". Aisu punched the floor, and then a large column of air shot out of the ground around where Versomae was standing. However, Versomae noticed the attack and moved away from the tower target before contact...


"Water Style: Aqua Cannon Jutsu". Aisu drew in a large amount of water from the surrounding area and slapped either side of the bubble formed. By doing so, a large stream of water shot at Versomae with great force. Versomae twisted his body, and then swung his arms at the stream and somehow deflected the water skyward. All that water rained down soon after. "Thunder Style: Lightning Burst Jutsu". A bolt of lightning shot out from Aisu's hand and was drawn and powered up by the water soaking Versomae. Versomae breathed deep.


"Eight Trigrams - Heavenly Spin" shouted Versomae as he rotated with insane torque and reflected the lightning around him. Aisu looked at him unfazed. "See... I told you Aisu. You couldn't even touch me" said Versomae rather smuggly.


"Oh... just wait Versomae. I haven't even got started yet. I'll get you soon enough. Patience is a virtue after all" said Aisu equally as smug. The two Shinobi stared each other down, as though they had only just warmed up and were ready to fight for real from now on...

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Vain was in located near the town gates, pounding away at the trees outside. He was practicing his form, adjusting to the various forms of shadows around. The secrets of his jutsu's lay within his ability to use chakara to materialize and dematerialize atoms, simply put, a far more advanced way of the Shadow Possesion Jutsu of Shikimaru's that solidifies the users shadows to their bodies. he eagerly awaited his fight.

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Versomae charged at Aisu. As Versomae reached Aisu, he thrusted his palm at him with tremendous force. Aisu dodged sidewards, but he could still feel the rush of the air that was displaced by the palm thrust. Aisu acrobatically flipped away from Versomae, but Versomae was not far behind him in pursuit.


"I cannot win this in a long range battle. I need to get within striking distance" thought Versomae as he rushed tirelessly at Aisu. "I cannot win this in a short range battle. I need to put some distance between us" thought Aisu, in complete contradiction to Versomae's thought as he kept flipping away from his opponent.


Aisu flipped in midair and while upside down, Versomae saw a flash of light. The light of the sun blinded him momentarily as he put him arm up to try and block some of the glare. Aisu took this opportunity to an effective attack off against Versomae. He created two separately diffrent hand-signs on each hand (just like back during their mission to the Mist village).


"Earth Style: Mud Tomb, and Water Style: Water Shark Bomb Jutsu" shouted Aisu. Versomae began to sink into the ground but still couldn't see properly. He could hear rushing water coming his way. However, with his legs bound the way they are, he couldn't dodge that easily. As the stream of water got close, Versomae leaned back to dodge the attack, which he did.


However, as the water rushed by, he saw Aisu above him coming down, ready to strike him...

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"Ill let you have the first move, Fenfir" he said as he yawned, "If you wish" Fenfir said as he disappeared, a few seconds later he appeared right infront of Fenix and hits him hard with a powerful blow to the gut. "I hope that wasn't all you had" said Fenix as he made a hand sign, "Secret Art, Crystal Ice Mirrors" he said as mirrors of ice appeared all around Fenfir, soon in each mirror was a image of Fenix. "Ice, ha, don't you know that fire melts ice kid" said fenfir as he made some fast handsigns, "Fire Style, Fireball Jutsu" he chanted as he blasted one of the mirrors.


OOC: CC i have a idea, pm me when u read this

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Aisu was falling like a dart at a leaning Versomae. Versomae had no time to make a move, so he put up his arms in defence, but the block was not enough; Versomae's Defences were pierced by Aisu's foot and struck him in the chest was such a violent force that, upon impacting the floor with his back, Versomae had cratered the floor. He let out a violent scream as the pain he felt was excruciating. Aisu jumped off, yet refused to let up the pressure.


"Earth Style: Mud Geyser" shouted Aisu and he slammed his palms into the floor. A massive tower of mud shot Versomae into the air. The Jonin in attendance watched on as Versomae was flung into the sky like a rag doll. Then, as Versomae began to fall back to earth. "Flame Leaf Blitz". Aisu launched a burst of flame energy at the ground below Versomae. The flame struck the floor, sending a flaming pillar upward.


"I don't think so" Versomae thought as he opened his eyes sharply. The crossed his arms in front of his body "Eight Trigrams - Heavenly Cyclone". Versomae spun in midair violently, surrounding himself in a sphere of chakra. The sphere deflected all of flames away from him.


Suddenly, a tentacle of chakra shot out from the orb and struck Aisu, thowing him backwards. Then, Versomae hit the floor...

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Both men were laying on the floor; Versomae was breathing heavily after the heavy barrage of attacks he sustained, and Aisu down after taking a massive hit from Versomae. Versomae began to slowly stand up, yet when he looked over to where Aisu fell, Aisu wasn't there. Suddenly, he was engulfed in a shadow. He looked above him and saw Aisu diving at him. Versomae stood up quickly.


"No you don't... Fire Style: Heat Touch Jutsu" shouted Versomae. His hand erupted into flames and he jumped at Aisu, thrusting his palm forward at him. Upon impact, Aisu bursted. "Ah! Shadow Clone" thought Versomae. Versomae looked around, almost paranoid. Suddenly, he saw Aisu behind him, but before he could react, Aisu's fist struck Versomae in the sole of the back...


"Damn... Shadow Clone" thought Aisu as Versomae burst into smoke. Suddenly, Versomae appeared behind him. "Now it is time... for my greatest attack... Shadow of Infinity!" said Versomae. The Jonin in attendance stared intently.


"Here it comes Shikimaru. It's time for your boy to fall" said Kiba with a huge smile on his face. Shikimaru was not convinced. He stared at Aisu who had his eyes closed. "Just watch Kiba. Aisu may still have a few tricks up his sleeve" said Shikimaru, slightly smug. Then, Aisu opened his eyes.


"Sentojigan... Ok, Versomae. Show me what you got" said Aisu staring at Versomae intently...

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