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Yu-Gi-Oh for 21 year olds =D

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Yugioh the Drinking Game.


1. Advanced Format.


2. Every time you take 1000 Damage you must take a shot.


3. You do not take damage once your life points hit 0.


4. If you take more than 1000 you must take shots till equal.

Example: You take 2700 direct from Thought Ruler Archfiend. You must take 2 Shots.


5. If you take less than 1000 damage but it push your life points over the 1000 mark you do not take a shot.

Example: if Thought Ruler attacks Stardust and you take 200 damage and that makes your life points to go from 7100 to 6900, you do not to take a shot.


6. Cards that instantly win you the game, inflicts damage equal to the losing players current life points. You can not counter this with Damage reflectors/ Damage Reducers such as "Barrel Behind the Door".

Example: Exodia is Draw while you still have 5600 life points left. you must take 5 shots.


7. Paying life points doesn't inflect damage so no shot will to be taken.

Example: Solemn Judgment costs you 4000 Life points, you do not take 4 shots or any shots there of.


8. Each time there is a Ruling argument both players must take a shot.


9. If you lose to Deck out. Inflicts damage equal to the losing players current life points. You can not counter this with Damage reflectors/ Damage reducers such as "Barrel Behind the Door".


10. If you gain 1000 Life points eat a white castle slider (or Food/ Drink of your choice)


11. If you gain more than 1000 you must eat a white castle slider (or Food/ Drink of your choice) till equal.

Example: If Thought Ruler kills Stardust and you heal by 2500. Eat 2 White Castle Sliders (or Food/ Drink of your choice).


12. ????


13. Profit

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If you gain 1000 Life points eat a white castle slider (or Food/ Drink of your choice)


This gives you every reason to play.


The game in general i assume is for teh lulz but in any case it has to be fun if you want to drink and play YGO @ the same time. I assume that cards like "Draining Shield" are considered damage reflectors, but nonetheless that doesn't really matter as said before this game would be fun to play until your buddy pukes on your custom playmat and your DAD.

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This game is epic. But i'm only 16. So I guess we'll have to replace alchohol with Pepsi :P


But replacing it would kill all the fun! Pepsi wouldn't make you pass out and vomit (sometimes in that order) over playing a children's card game.


Milk might... Gallon challege ftw, though the passing out part would be skipped.

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This can turn into a torture game if you replace the alcohol with v8.

I think I'll pass on this game (even if I was 21). Dunno.....it just seems like a...BAD IDEA!?

This is the kind of idea that only comes up during a drinking game IMO.

And if you used milk instead, it would potentially killl Syncrow. :shock:

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