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It just annoyes me when people use this, Destorying the monster is 1000x better then this card i think (just me) but your best joke ever proves n00bs love the card they have to cheat for more :O


Did i mention that i got D.D Warrior Lady today, such an awesome card :)

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Don't say burn decks suck dude...just because everybody and their grandmothers aren't on their knees, bowing to it like they do to top tier decks doesn't mean they suck.

The card should go to two.

It is, imo, one of the biggest reasons people win close games, because of a well timed cylinder.

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Don't say burn decks suck dude...just because everybody and their grandmothers aren't on their knees' date=' bowing to it like they do to top tier decks doesn't mean they suck.

The card should go to two.

It is, imo, one of the biggest reasons people win close games, because of a well timed cylinder.



True, my friend got cocky, and got the calculator to 8000 attack points, i had no monsters but 1 face down, attacked me, magic cylinders, he lost with 1 card o_O.

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err, first, its tronta.

second, i hate this card. my problem is people who say this is better in burn decks than in other decks, because it doesnt make sense.


i think its a bad card for usage and for its inherent design. it rewards losing and punishes winning.

turning around a game with 1 card to the point where you should have lost but instead your opponent who did almost everything right loses. and you, who only managed to set one card and nothing else, won.


its trolly.



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err' date=' first, its tronta.

second, i hate this card. my problem is people who say this is better in burn decks than in other decks, because it doesnt make sense.


i think its a bad card for usage and for its inherent design. it rewards losing and punishes winning.

turning around a game with 1 card to the point where you should have lost but instead your opponent who did almost everything right loses. and you, who only managed to set one card and nothing else, won.


its trolly.




It punishes LOLATK. Never attack while there is a face-down Spell/Trap Card. It's rule #1 in any Beatstick's book.


If it can ravage you of wins that badly, then side Barrel Behind the Door.


This card should be at 3. Why? Because it's just the same as D.D. Warrior Lady, Raiza, and Chaos Sorcerer. They may be powerful, but they are needed. They punish bad play to begin with, and farm FUUUUUUUUUUUUU's out of players not expecting it.


If a card is a FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU' farmer, then it should be at least 2.

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Outside of burn, this card is terribly outclassed. Hell, I'd run Saku over this crap outside of burn. People say non-chainability is the reason this isn't run, when the truth is that's only half the reason. Negating 1 attack and inflicting lolburn where burn isn't the win condition makes absolutely no sense, especially since this can get blown away before being activated. It's runnable in burn because a good burn deck can easily win in another turn or so after a big hit to the opponent via this, Blast Sphere, etc. It also belongs at 3 on a good banlist.


tl;dr: Run it in burn. Don't run it outside of burn.

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I run a Jinzo deck on Wi-Fi, because of this card.


I start, do some radon moves

They go, set 1 monster, and 4 face-down spell/traps.

on my turn, I summon Jinzo


Opponent turns the game off.


Game, set, and match.


tl;dr: Run it in burn. Don't run it outside of burn.

Which is exactly the reason why this is still at 1.

Since everyone and there grandma would run this in 3s.

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I run a Jinzo deck on Wi-Fi' date=' because of this card.


I start, do some radon moves

They go, set 1 monster, and 4 face-down spell/traps.

on my turn, I summon Jinzo


Opponent turns the game off.


Game, set, and match.





It must be funny to pwn n00bs from all over the world.

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Activate one of the following effects:

- Negate the attack of one of your opponent's monsters and inflict damage to the opponent's Life Points equal to double the ATK of the attacking monster.

- Inflict 1000 damage to your opponent's Life Points. Your opponent cannot attack with the monster on their side of the field with the highest ATK.

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They go' date=' set 1 monster, and 4 face-down spell/traps.



Gonna stop you right there. Play better d00dz.

I run a Jinzo deck on Wi-Fi' date=' because of this card.



On Wi-Fi, you cant tell who you are up agenst.

Although, you can in-fact remember the name of someone who turned the game off, since Konami gave Wi-Fi a "Turn down request" feature, that lets you ignore duel requests from the same person. Oh, and Polaris... there are, in fact, good players on Wi-Fi. Its just that the ratio of good players to bad/nooby players is like 1:79


I run a Jinzo deck on Wi-Fi' date=' because of this card.


I start, do some radon moves

They go, set 1 monster, and 4 face-down spell/traps.

on my turn, I summon Jinzo


Opponent turns the game off.


Game, set, and match.




I lol'd, since thats the same scam they usually use


It must be funny to pwn n00bs from all over the world.

Not really, facing 402+ people with the same 60+ card E-Hero/Dark Magician deck gets old pretty fast


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err' date=' first, its tronta.

second, i hate this card. my problem is people who say this is better in burn decks than in other decks, because it doesnt make sense.


i think its a bad card for usage and for its inherent design. it rewards losing and punishes winning.

turning around a game with 1 card to the point where you should have lost but instead your opponent who did almost everything right loses. and you, who only managed to set one card and nothing else, won.


its trolly.




I'm still lol'ing

so the game should be

"Whoever gets ahead first deserves to win"


"should have lost" is a ygo concept that will ALWAYS make me lol uncontrollably when people say it.

JD, and DAD would like a word with you, they can turn the game around for "just playing a broken-ass monster derp derp"



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dont run it outside of chain burn, garden burn, or lava burn.


They go' date=' set 1 monster, and 4 face-down spell/traps.



Gonna stop you right there. Play better d00dz.


i got stop u there. 70% of chain burns openning hand is exactly that 3-5 set cards. mainly because u get 3 draw cards and 1 burn or search card. the other % is ether a bad hand or playing nurse right off the bat.

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I like Magic Cylinder...

Then again, I'm used to running little monsters, so the extra damage can help.

If I had more, I'd probably run it outside of my burn deck. But yeah, it doesn't get rid of the monster, so personally I think it's best in burn or in a stall deck.


Of course, if you use Dimension Wall also in a deck, it'll make your opponent think twice about attacking you directly. I think the game needs more turn-around cards, because not everyone can stand up against an "LOL I'S GOTS FOUR LIGHTLORDS I BLOWS THE FIELDS" Dragon and expect to win after that.

The game tends to get one-sided lately with all these stupid "broken" cards out, so I personally think we need more turn-around cards.


As for its place on the list, simply because burn DOES exist as a plausible deck type, I think it should stay at 1.

Yes, the opportunity to activate it sucks, and it doesn't reduce your opponent's field advantage, but it can do a LOT of burn damage...

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ITT : good players = trolls

So true


dont run it outside of chain burn' date=' garden burn, or lava burn.


They go' date=' set 1 monster, and 4 face-down spell/traps.



Gonna stop you right there. Play better d00dz.


i got stop u there. 70% of chain burns openning hand is exactly that 3-5 set cards.


To be honest Wolf, I usually get Heavy Storm right away, and there set cards are usually crap like Spellbinidng Circle, Negate Attack, Trap Hole, and some times Security Orb or Statue of the Wicked(Yes, they run it...)

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itt: my arguments are mostly ignored.


@darkest hour, if all it took to stop an opponent from attacking permanently was to set 1 st a turn, this game would be hella stupid. you can attack while your opponent has set cards, you just have to realistically think of the worst case scenario before you do so. in this meta though, the worst thing youll likely run into is a roar. though occasionally a mirror force. my point is, if you pussy out every time your opponent sets something and you dont have mst or heavy or the 20 generic and st destroyers common atm, then you just.. well, suck. sometimes you dont have the luxury of the right card at the right time, and that requires you to stay flexible. the best duelists dont follow a set script, they adapt. the only rule #1 is dont forget to draw.

rule #2 is dont forget to mill :P


i also fail to see how raiza, dd warrior lady, and chaos sorcerer punish bad play. or why you think any of those should be at 3. (why is raiza at 3 again?) raiza does what? punish the opponent for allowing him to special summon a monster before normalling? or for not stopping the treeborn in his grave from reviving itself? and what? chaos punishes you for not... playing soul release?

bad argument is bad.



explain to me how burn damage, once inflicted, is different from normal damage. does 4k burn + 4k direct not = game? i get the idea of one big push can be easily followed up in an average burn deck, but at the same time one big push can usually be followed up in any sort of deck that relies on attacking or inflicting damage, unless youre playing it wrong. especially ls, given honest. and blackwings given blackwing honest. and gbs and monarchs given their general destruction capabilities.


@ polaris

i set 4-15 cards a turn. flip trolls holmes. a lot of them are normal spell cards that i then activate, but numbers do not imply a poor play. obviously you mean that its bad to overextend, which it is, but if theyre all chainable immediately, and youre prepared for them to get heavyd (or even plan on it), then it isnt necessarily a bad play.


@dark neos

explain why its better.

also, its not underrated in this meta, its bad in this meta. the most youre going to do is 3k (judgment) and its more likely to get nuked. the biggest lolatkers in this meta have built in protection against trolls like cylinder.


@des crow

first, you seem to imply that i dont have a problem with jd and dad. theyre broken, yes, but: those both have conditions that have to be achieved. you cant just splash either into any deck. for jd, the entire deck's strategy has to focus around him. dad is splashable in primarily dark decks though, but hes becoming less popular.

second, me admitting that i should have lost is funny? err, why? if my deck and dueling ability were inferior to my opponents, (except in the case of lucksackzodia), shouldnt i deserve to lose? is the premise of this game not that skill and strategy in deck construction and play are the determinants of who will win? or is it all random chance to you? do you believe that there is no skill involved, no one who deserved, not just should have, but deserved to lose?

youre pretty funking stupid holmes.


@father wolf

why better in those specific burns?


@shadow ferret

i wish you had the eloquence to phrase that idea better. youre right, of course, but you make it sound like youre wrong. the game is about overpowered general destruction cards, and instead of limiting or banning them, konami is releasing more to compete with them, pushing out old or fun deck types in favor of a small set of elitest ones. theyre also trying to push the synchro agenda to correspond with the show. i just wish theyd push the earthbound agenda too. those look fun. too bad theyre terribad.



stop trolling.




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