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Reshef can be awesome can't he? :(

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Decent; though you wouldn't expect a monster that absorbed all three Egyptian gods to be so weak in effect and ATK. He'd be better if were more of a beatstick, other than that he's got it made with all that ritual support. Though, discarding a spell sorta sucks; they probably have spells that can be useful when discarded; dear god, *facepalm* Ojama Reshef would be an awesome build. Now to the Deck section.

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Its not as bad as it looks' date=' I mean, it costs 1 spell but it can target face-downs and [b'] it can be done as many times as you want in the same turn. [/b]



Check the last sentence. <.<


LOL I'm pretty sure I had noticed that a few years ago when I read the card for the first time, I can't believe I didn't see it this time xD


EDITED!!! :3

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I swear I was sure that by now I would have heard someone say that Relinquished might outclass this card, xD


Anyways, Level 7 or lower Rituals have awesome new support, Level 8 Rituals can still depend on Advanced Ritual Art, Trade-In, and old Ritual Support.

I just noticed that I've never seen a Level 9+ Ritual Monster...

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if he would have been level 7' date=' then he would have been good with the new support coming out, but being a level 8 screws his chances. but im sure he'll still see play no doubt.



You could always use this card with Trade-In and Advanced Draw for te lulz =P


I swear I was sure that by now I would have heard someone say that Relinquished might outclass this card' date=' xD


Anyways, Level 7 or lower Rituals have awesome new support, Level 8 Rituals can still depend on Advanced Ritual Art, Trade-In, and old Ritual Support.

I just noticed that I've never seen a Level 9+ Ritual Monster...



Relinquished is better >=P

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