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.:Supernatural Hunters:. [PG-16][Part 2!][Not Accepting][Started]


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OOC:Joey miles is back baby!

IC:As joey walked out into the blazing sun he knew imidataly that if jecht alyssa and dante went out into without dantes special sun block that there would be trouble. "damn this is gonna make me so tired for doing this." he mumbled as he closed his eyes and strom clouds started to roll in blocking out the sun thunder crashing as if it was going to let loose any second.

once he was done he looked down into the hole and smiled weakly. "hey guys you can come out now the sun isnt bright enough to do any major damage." joey said as he sat down next to ab for a second to catch his breath. "so ab you think we should split up the group and go after diffrent demons? if we do then we can send jecht alyssa and dante on diffrent groups so that they would be able to communcate with each other and keep everyone updated on the others status. i would say lets use cell phones but after what i did to new york it will be awhile before cell phones will work properly agian."

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(YAY! Joey Bringed Teh Medickz)


"If cell phones are a 'no' then what about radios?" Shancus said with a very bored look on his face, "and who's pairing up with who? Those should be are biggest concerns at the moment, how and who, not why or when, why is obvious, and when is after we're done solving how and who." He stood up and brushed himself off, before pacing around, thinking of logical hunting groups, before saying, "Joey, where are we?"

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"give me a second and i'll give you an accreat reading." joey said as he put his hands on the ground feeling for the vibrations of the earth. "we're about 70 miles west of LA. and from the looks of it." but before joey could finish his sentence a figure came out of the shadows that made joey loose his ability to speak.


"The warrior of sunday oh how far you have fallen." the figure said in a sweat and very mature womens voice. as the figure got closer it revelead a beautiful women with long red hair no older then 25 dressed in a tight red top and skinny jeans holding an art palet. "you know i find it decracful that you one of the week of creations strongest would do this!"

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Baleaze looked at the group and then at Eliseal. "Well me and Eliseal will have to stay together, for she is a child with no powers, but you could count as one "unit". I think..." Baleaze noticed the look on Joey's face and then saw the woman wearing the red top with a skinnier variety of jeans on, and holding an art pallet. "I see, judging by your face she's not exactly an ally, or once was and isn't now." Baleaze said, and then surrounded his body and blade with energy...

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Ab stood up and popped his back, the sound a bit louder than he had wanted it too be, "Radios will not work either. Sammael is not the kind of person who would let communication between us go unnoticed to him. No he is probably already blocking the signals being transmitted or he will soon enough."


Taking a step into the filtered sunlight from the thunder clouds he looked around and got his bearings. Joey had said they were west of LA and from the surrounding environment he was right. That would mean they would have to split up to ensure they got to most of the demon gods. Facing Joey he spoke, "We will split into three teams and give each person those you suggested. I don't want us to suddenly lose contact with each other when we're so far apart. From there we'll all head out to different locations, understood?"

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"So am I the only one who sees the red haired person who just appeared or am I hallucinating?" Shancus said incredously, then he looked at Beleaze and Joey's expression, "no, I guess I'm not the only one who sees her." He then drew his sword, or what was left of it, he looked at the shards potruding from tip of the hilt and whispered multiple profanities under his breath before throwing his sword onto the ground, and returned to his normal attitude, albeit in a hand to hand combat position. "so Joey who is she, the way she talks implies that she knows you," Shancus said in a nervous, worried voice. A voice used when he's around too many people for his liking which, due to the addition of the mysterious woman, made the 'too many for my liking' mark.

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"She's the warrior of Saturday AKA the warrior of perfection." joey said his face white while kimi hid behind ab scared. both of them knew what the women could do and how powerfull she was and nether of them wanted to fight her.

"So tell me joey why are you being a bad boy and disobaying the week of creations orders to stay away from vampires. you even let one taint your mind agian." saturday said as she walked closer. as she did you could clearly see the air around her warp and bend with her power.

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Ab had heard of this woman, the week of creation warrior known as Saturday; supposedly the one person stronger than Sammael. But that vwas in the past, there was no telling how large the gap in their power had become nor if she knew that. Seeing her step towards Joey and speaking down to him made his blood boil, though he had long realized she was unaware of the situation, and stepped in front of Joey with his face hardened, "Not another step forward Ms. Saturday."


What he had done possibly could end him, if he didn't play his cards right, because after all he was talking to a supposed superior and had also allied himself with such 'flith' as these supernaturals. Yet he knew once everything had been explained Saturday would see the reasoning behind their decisions to work along side them and possibly accompany them.




"Hmmm . . . so how much longer until we wake up old grumpy pants?" Lure asked one of her hypnotized henchmen as he mindlessly clacked away at the keyboard in front of him. Despite having entered the compound without so much as a sweat Sammael and lure found that, though the demon god warrior was being stored here, the passcode to unlocking the vault door was off site.


"We are recieveing data at 28% efficentcy my lady . . . passocde retrieval at 12.0012% and slowly rising," the guard mumbled through the trance with the sound of others shuffeling around behind them. Lure shook her head and looked over to Sammael, who had taken this oppertunity to re-read his holy text for the umptenth time, "I don't wee why we have to do this the slow way my dear . . . with your strength we could easily just blow open that door and walk out of here in ten minutes."


"Aye she devil," Sammael replied bluntly, making Lure frown at the name he addressed her by, and stood up, "But we know not where behind that door lies our commrade. If I were to wrench that door off it's hinges the chances of slaying our commrade would be too great a risk."


"So we're stuck here," Lure said eyeing a henchman who trotted past her and Sammael in a daze without stopping, "Waiting on these idiots to crack an eighteen digit passcode so we wont kill whom ever you want to wake up . . . great . . ."

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As ab steped infront of joey saturday smiled as the air began to warp even faurther. "so tell me what does a low level creep from the hunters think he's doing standing in my way." saturday said with a wicked smile as she raised her hand infront of her sending a wave of energy out that blasted ab away from joey. "now my little elemental warrior you are going to come with me and we are going to stop sammuel and when thats over i will punish you." she said with a sinister voice as she ran one finger under joeys chin making him squirm and fall backwards.

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It had been so sudden, Ab had thought he'd at least see some of it, but it was all too fast. He had heard her talk and the next thing he felt a violent gust of wind blowing through his hair. When his eyes opened back up he was on the ground bleeding and could make out the muffled sounds of Saturday speaking to someone; he knew it probably wasn't him. Getting back up he gasped for air and looked through the blood back at Saturday, "You . . . you think you can just walk up to . . . Sammael and kill him as if . . . he was some thug?"


Loosing his balance, thanks to his ears ringing he had no sense of it what so ever, Ab toppled over and felt his ribs send wave after wave of pain through hius body. Despite being injured he started to laugh, making the pain even worse, and couldn stop, "Ms. Saturday you have . . . NO idea what you are getting yours~elf . . . into!"


Finally struggeling to his feet Ab wipped away some of the blood and spat even more to the ground, "Sammael is not alone . . . he has already revived one of the demon god warriors, possibly more . . ."

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Saturday quickly turned to ab her firey red hair and green eyes making her look like a demon as she walked up to the boy with a wicked smile. "No i know sammuel and i know he is no common thug and i know about his help but thats why i want the boy." she said as she pointed to joey her smile wicked agian. "I will awaken the elemental beast that has been lying dorment in him and i will use it to dostroy sammuel." she said but before she could contuine on she noticed that joey was slowly incasing himself in a layer of earth as if it would protect him from her words. "The boy is a monster and he is more powerfull then any force on earth unfortually the only issue i have is that he needs to fall in love with his soul mate before he can truely awaken and i dont know who that is." she said sound like a little girl. "But if you would like i help me i wont kill you." she said to ab.

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Ab was begining to grow tired of this person despite who she was. Having regained most of his strength he stood up and glared at her with eyes equal in malice to her own, "And while you waist your time looking for someone who I personally believe is already dead Sammael not only grows stronger . . . but gains an invincible army as well!"


He didn't want to say it outright, but Ab's hunch was that Joey's soul mate was . . . or had been . . . Valeria. And everyone knows what happened to her- for those who don't know Sammael had tortured her and killed her while they watched mentally. Had Sammael known about this beforehand or was it some cosmic coincidence that he might have possibly sealed away the only thing linking Joey to his full potential. Pushing past Saturday Ab walked up to Joey, "Even if you managed to awaken his full power . . . I doubt it'd still be enough. Sammael survived a blast from Joey at point blank rank that destoryed all of New York . . . and I'm not just talking about down town New York or Central Park . . . ALL of it . . . that man . . . he's a monster."

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"You do have a good point but let me ask you can you immigian the boys power of what it was in new york 1000fold. he has to power he's just missing that one crucial part and let me point out his soul mate isnt dead not yet anyway." she said with a smile as she walked over to joey picked him out of his earth sheild easy. "his soul mate has one requirment that no other women on earth has." saturday said as she put one hand on her hip the other extended towords ab. "Tell you what you help me find this girl and i'll help you steal thes demon war gods from sammuel." she said with a smirk. "you have the info and i have the power together you and i would make a very good combo."

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Ab looked down at Saturday's hand and could hear his thoughts cursing every obcene word possible in every language he knew. He hadn't known her for more than a couple minutes and he was already willing to see her off to the grave once all of this was over, but he knew that an alliance would be the only thing keeping Sammael from completely killing off the entire worlds population of . . . well . . . everything. Taking her hand in his he grinned as a bit of his energy recovered and he popped his back to stand his full height; which suprisingly was about three inches taller than Saturday herself. Once he let go he turned to Joey and gave him a stern look, trying to convey the message he wanted to talk to him in private once they had the chance, and continued walking, "Well if we're going to head for one of the demon god warriors we better leave now."

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"Fine by me" saturday said as she picked joey up by his shirt coller and started walking dragging the trembling boy aglong behind her. she stoped for a second and looked at the vampires and threw them a small device. "This will allow you to find us when the sun goes down as much as i hate to admit it i do need your help." she said as she kept walking leaving the others behind her. "so tell me ab why is it that these demon gods are being let loose now i mean if sammy wanted to he could easly destroy the world without them."

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Shancus absorbed the situation with a sane expression when 'Saturday', Ab, and Joey went off to wherever the hell they were going, and turned off what would have been his mental breakdown. He piped up and said, "I...umm...err...well I'm...I'm gonna leave now, I'll see you guys later. Or never, let's hope it isn't the latter," and walked away in the opposite direction from Saturday and Co. then he pivoted on his heel and followed Joey, Saturday, and Ab. She shouldn't be able to kill me anyway, so what's the risk? Shancus thought, walking in broad daylight, not really giving a crap if they saw him or not.

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"That is the thing," Ab said following Saturday and making her let Joey go so he could walk on his own, he wasn't going to run now anyways, and continued, "Our intelligence states that he isn't trying to destory the world. Mor elike cleanse it of what he sees as 'evil'."


That was the entire suituation in a nutshell. Sammael was out freeing demon god warriors to cleanse the world in holy fire from his precieved evil threats and to Sammael . . . everyone who did not adhere to the holy manuscripts to a point was an open sinner and deserved to die. Which meant that in the present day and age he was seeking genocide of each and every mortal, vampire, and living sentient being on the planet. As he explained this to Saturday he finished with, "And despite Sammael's immense strength . . . he cannot kill all of the populations on Earth without a proper army. That is why he is awakening the demon god warriors."

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Baleaze powered his energy down and then shrugged he had followed up with the shrug by sighing and draping his blade back over his right shoulder. "Let's go..." He said coldly to Eliseal and then started walking with the rest of the group. "I don't know what you guys plan to do but if we're going to fight Sammael I guess we'll join you..." Baleaze said, Eliseal making her way to walk with Shancus, wanting to make sure he wasn't still upset about his sword.

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"Why are you following me? I never asked either you to come with me," Shancus said turning around to look at Eliseal and Beleaze while also keeping track of Saturday's group's movements. He turned away from them and said, "I don't care anyway, not anymore, but there's something that's been eating at me," not that I would tell anyone what's eating at me, he thought with a malicious smirk growing on his face. "Beleaze can you contact every Hunter storehouse around the world, and if one doesn't answer, my best bet is that Sammael is there," Shancus said before walking in front of Saturday's group and just standing there, doing nothing, just standing there.

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Eliseal was walking with Shancus and stopped with him and then noticed his face. "Are you ok Shancus, you don't look well..." Eliseal said to Shancus and the waited for Baleaze to start searching. Baleaze smirked, and than removed the ear piece communicator that he had and flipped it in to pull up the electronic map of the world. "There's twenty one hunter bases all over the world, there's only twenty in communication range so if all twenty respond we'll just need to search one regardless." Baleaze said, and sent signals to all the bases, all of them responding accept for the one they were just at and the one furthest to the east. "There's one to the far east that hasn't responded, so that's probably the best possible place to find him." Baleaze explained and then put the map into communicator mode and placed back on his ear.

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