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the pokemon splicer club


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Lol. He started it! (Now I'm just joking around)


We're all acting like a bunch of kindergarteners!


Hey everybody, I created a new splice! I dont have a name for him yet, but it's a mix between mewtwo, articuno, and palkia! This time I blended the pokemon as well


[spoiler=here it is!]33bixs0.png



It's a little blurry cuz I zoomed in a little so you could see it better. It has articuno's wings, palkia's body, and mewtwo's tail.

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jumpking' date='tyler your in but keep getting in to fights or won't last long


promotheusMFD:stop it this is gonna lead to a fight i've seen this happen hundreds of times over some dumb reason then if they got a rule against fighting then it starts out like this then they go somewhere else and start ranting on each other then they come back here and do it twice as bade as they did before.then they get banned from wherever that was so they start sending each other pms still ranting on them then it goes to a few lousy negs which erupts into a neg war then they both get banned from this site.so stop it

jumpking,tyler:same goes for you i don't want to get anyone banned over what splices would look better and whos smarter then everyone else.


winternights:don't add on to it do you want to end up like them if they keep fighting and get banned


please stop i don't want to see 3 friends fight nevertheless get banned


i'll give you all a warning system even the kindess rant against either of you and you get a warning you've got 3 warnings you've all got one so drop the subject and enjoy making splices and being in this club GOOD DAY

wow thats fun to say good day...goooood daaayyy.good.....day..G...O...O...D..D..A..Y what does that spell oh crap this things still on ~click~ ok GOOOOOODDDD DAY yeah oh crap does the green button mean its on uh secretary.you know it wouldn't hurt if you said my name oh sorry rhonda.the names jill you can find out how it works on your own time pal.uh theres so many buttons lets click them all oh crap whats happening is that thing transforming into a robot oh crap its got a BIG gun what kind of button was that ahhhhh~static~


well that was some entertaining spam


make a 5 pokemon splice must include at least 3 legendarys



pokemon spliced together:

finished splice:


Whoever said promo was my friend? Also winter, I mispelled it becuz I was in a hurry since I had a life to get back to. Whatever, I agree with michael. Quarreling will get us nowhere. Now, I might try the challenge. Is there a prize Michael?

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jumpking:nice splice

tyler:l was saying you jumpking and promo were all my friends and i don't want to see you all fight.and after the challenge is over and we got a winner i pick a random prize uasualy something like a rep and 5 points or your splice in the great splices spoiler (thats fun to say).

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Did you splice one of Jappio's splices? (#6)


No i didn't.


Mind not stealing and using my splices?




You can't just take my sprite and use it without my permission and claim it as your own. You can't even claim they look similar by coincidence, the pattern is far to random to claim they were the same by chance. Why would you have a whale for the background of a Sentret too?


You are reported for sprite theft and I so hope you are banned.


Sorry for the intrusion in your club, but I needed to confront this F***face.

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Done. I could only use 4 pokemon since I couldn't really think of anywhere else that I could add anything, but I did use three legendaries. If you want me to add one more I can...

Pokemon spliced together: Deoxys, Raquaza, Ho-oh, Magmortar, and if you like, one more...

[spoiler=Finished Splice]ib9uzl.png

Probably the best work I have ever done, though it still could be much better. Oh well, I am still a novice, and practice is the key to becoming better. That was hard, but it was still fun, and it was worth it.

I can see you haven't posted yours yet promo. Are you not doing this one, or are you just taking your time?

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Saroku:nice splice contestants gonna have some compatition

winternights:nice splice but for some reason i don't really like the beak but thats just me

jappio:its cool i understand

tyler:i'd like to see another legendary added to that maybe replace raquazia.and please don't zoom in on your splices i know its to help see better but we can see it perfectly fine and it makes it look a whole lot better cuz you can't see every little flaw.


and trixter:you will be banned from this club for however long the members of this club choose.


all members of this club or asked to take a vote on how long to ban trixter from this club


don't ban/0 votes

1 week/0 votes

1 month/0 votes

forever/0 votes

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Ok I'm just going to join this club. Can't promise I'll be the most useful or active since clubs have never been my thing, but I'd like to be able to post here when I want.


Username: Jappio

Splicer Example: Examples.png

How good a splicer would you rate yourself: I'm above average I would say. This is based on a realistic scale people. There are professional spriters out there, people like Arkeis and others too.


As for my vote for how long Trixter should be banned, I of course say forever. I mean theft is after all the biggest crime when it comes to spriting and art. This isn't even a case of posting without permission. This is an all out taking of my work and claiming it as his own, and then lying when first accused. I recall clubs of the past have had a 0 tolerance policy on theft, they'd always kick the accuser out for good. I hope the guy is banned from the site itself for at least a few months (Personally I'd like to see him banned forever from the site, but I know YCM is more lax than that on art theft generally).

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saroku:vote added

jappio:your in.

PrometheusMFD:nice the horn redo makes it look a whole lot better

trixter:since i'm nice i'm giving you one more post here until we find out how long your banned


trixter banning vote(this will stay here until monday when we decide on what to do)

don't ban/0 votes

1 week/1 vote

1 month/0 votes

forever/2 votes


EDIT:club store has been updated and new ranks will be given out tommorow.

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I'm gonna do the challenge! Like I always say, I'm a quick learner. I go from horrible splicer, to not so bad with in less than a day. Just like I went from horrible tag maker, to great / amazing tag creator in just a few days. If you want proof, just check out some of my 1 on 1 tag contests such as the one that was me vs black star. I won like 10 - 2 or somin like that. Chaster even voted for me and said I was a pro.


here it is!

[spoiler=Dialga Mastermind!]

Pokemon used for splice: Zapdos for the wings, Dialga for the head, Garchomp for the body and legs, Articuno for the tail, Dusknoir for the arms / hands.




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Prometheus, you missed like the biggest error, unless you were hoping I'd point it out since you know I HATE this issue with some sprites.


Recolor your Borders: Around the edges of the splice you have an issue I find very annoying. You have a border color that does not match what it surrounds. For example, a dark blue color does not work as a border for something that is orange. Chances are you most likely didn't change the old color. You have to make sure you change things like borders. A full recolor is required for the proper effect.


You have this issue specifically with the wings. Yellow/brown on blue is very unappealing.


You also seem to have some weird distortions near the stomach I can't explain actually. .jpeg'y red colored pixel near the neck, and a bit of weird stuff near the left border there. I don't know how that happened. I want to say you accidentally clicked some form of blur tool or something. Be careful of problems like that, they can wreck a sprites quality.


Also you'll hear this a lot, but you're not suppose to just copy and flip pieces. You took a wing and flipped it around. Sure it seems like a useful trick, but two things are messed up when you do this. One thing is the shading. Shading comes at a specific angle. Just like if you flip text in the a mirror, its reflection won't make sense. Same things happens with the shading. You also have the issue that when you flip and don't alter anything, the two parts look the same. This messes with the angle of your sprite. You have a guy who is looking off to the side a bit, but his wings that should be aligned with his back are instead facing towards us.


Concept-wise I'd say it's too cluttered.


I believe you 'can' be good just as anyone else can, but you'll have to watch out for the amateurish mistakes like these. Spriting as with most skills aren't just something you can pick up and be great at in a day.

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Just... Think about it. Instead of looking closely and pointing out every graphical issue you see, just look at the overview. What does it look like to you when you first see it? I think that's what most people should say to theirselves before pointing out the obvious. Some mistakes are unfixable, such as the wings. If I moved either of the wings to any other spot, it would look even worse than it does right now. Also, with the dusknoir arms, it was the same thing. If I moved it even one pixel different than it is now, it looks even worse. Why do you think michael91 doesnt want us to zoom in so much? It's not just because it looks LQ when you zoom in, it's also because it makes it to easy to point out mistakes. Again, please give your honest opinion. How good does it look when you look at it overall?

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Sprites are about things on a pixel level, it's why people call it pixel art. The small details matter. Sprites are an artform about specifics and limitations. Every pixel counts, and how they are positioned matters, how they are colored matters, and being able to pick out these errors is part of the whole deal.


The wings are fixable. Either you find an alternative to flipping them, or you alter them. You make the shading work, or you change the angle of a wing manually so that it appears different. These are tricks that plenty of splicers use to get around problems like this. Far from unfixable.


If you can't find a way to fix something like the Dusknoir arms, don't use them like that. If you want to use Dusknoir, use a different part in a different way. Find a different sprite of him. All Pokemon sprites have at the minimum of 2 official sprites thanks to frame two. Lots of options are given because of that alone. If you can't deal with a Pokemon at all, then use something else.


Michael may be the leader of the club, but he isn't always right. The reason you don't increase the size of a sprite like that is because it doesn't look good in general. Pixels are blocky, but it's the job of a spriter to avoid that look. If you increase the size though, it's hard to hide something like that. The increasing of sprite size should only be done to help the viewer look at details if your trying to get help and you don't want to have people waste their time copying and zooming in.


I'm a spriter and splicer. I can glance at it and tell it's too cluttered, that the arms look back, that the wings have a weird colored borders, and that it doesn't look that good. You have to learn to drop the ego, and accept that you have mistakes and you have to learn to let them not happening.

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Thanks for the advice, even though I knew most of that already. Just BTW, it's called pixel art because if it's as big as most pics, THEN IT IS pixel art. It's only pixel art if you zoom in a lot. How it is right now, you can't see each without zooming in. Also, again with the overview thing. Looking at it right off the bat! Do you think most people who order splices in shops will actually try to look so carefully that their eyes almost pop out, or zoom in so far that it starts to hurt their vision, just so they can find minor mistakes? No, they wont. If you order an item, then you look at the overview, you think, "this is awesome!!!" If you're judging it, than you say each minor issue. I think you shouldnt point out each minor issue for multiple reasons. It annoys the creator, when overall it might very well be one of the best splices you'll ever see even though it has some MINOR issues. There's no such thing as anything that's perfect. Everything and everyone makes and has mistakes. This has very few minor mistakes. Instead of acting like it can be so much better, try to accept the fact that nothing is perfect. If you think about it, this may very well be the coolest splice you've ever seen. If I tried to fix the wings, and I got them better, then another part in a completely different place will look bad for multiple causes. It could be because I move the wing, and on the new part of the wing that's right next to the body, has the same color of pixel as the body. Then it would look like the wing is part of the body. If you fix that, then that will make another mistake. I'll say both of these one more time. One, nothing is perfect, and two, look at the overview. It doesnt matter if it's pixel art or not. Have you ever gotten an awesome present, and then looked so closely to it just to make sure there are no scratches, or dents, or any marks of some sort? No, you havnt. It's the same thing with everything else. Even splices. Have you ever in your life once seen something that didnt have any problems with it what so ever? No, you havnt. I'll tell you why. Everything has minor problems, even if there are only one or two. Just like my splice, there are only two or three minor mistakes in the whole thing. Instead of listening about what everyone else on YCM has to say about "Pixel Art" and other graphical things, think for yourself. Think about everything you have ever seen and if you have ever seen anything so much better than it that you wanna fall back in your chair laughing. If you have, that's how you know whether or not it's a "Good" splice. If you ever get a car, or a house, it's never gonna be perfect. After going threw several factories to get the supplies to make them, every little block of wood, or metal, always has at least one minor issue as small as the ones on my splice. Trust me. What's the point in pointing out minor mistakes in a splice, when every splice in the world has at least two or three minor issues? Even yours. You act like you know all about splicing, when your just as good, if not worse than I am. And I'm not just talking about the splice making itself, I'm talking about the advice and critisism. Make sure that your splices dont have even more problems than mine do before critisizing.


Now I'm done talking about this. How about you michael, what's ur honest opinion on my splice?

Just BTW, I think he does deserve a second chance.

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